Sai Teja Madha edited this page 2021-01-19 12:35:50 +05:30


Find Client Request

GET api/client/find

Parameter Method Description Type Validation Default
name Query Name of client to search for String Name or xuid required --
xuid Query Xuid of client to search for String Name or xuid required --
count Query Number of items to retrieve Integer Min — 1, Max — 100 100
offset Query Number of items to skip Integer Min — 0 0
direction Query Sort direction of results (by last connection) String ascending|descending descending

Find Client Response

Name Description Type
totalFoundClients Number of clients matching query Integer
clients Collection of client info Array

Client Info

Name Description Type
clientId IW4MAdmin client identifier Integer
xuid Network identifier String
name Client name String




Login Request

POST api/client/<clientId>/login

Parameter Method Description Type Validation Default
clientId URI/Route Client identifier Integer Required --
password POST Body Client password String Required --

Adds cookie with key .AspNetCore.Cookies to be used to authenticate subsequent requests

Logout Request

POST api/client/<clientId>/logout

Parameter Method Description Type Validation Default
clientId URI/Route Client identifier Integer Required --

Invalidates and removes cookie with key .AspNetCore.Cookies


Get Servers

GET api/server

Get Servers Response (Array)

Name Description Type
Id Unique Identifier for the server Long
Hostname Name of the server String
IP IP Address of the server String
Port Port of the server Short


        "id": 12700128960,
        "hostname": "IW4Host",
        "ip": "",
        "port": 28960

Get Server By ID

GET api/server/<serverId>


Parameter Method Description Type Validation Default
serverId Route/URI Server identifier Long Required, >0 --


Name Description Type
Id Unique Identifier for the server Long
Hostname Name of the server String
IP IP Address of the server String
Port Port of the server Short


        "id": 12700128960,
        "hostname": "IW4Host",
        "ip": "",
        "port": 28960

Execute Command For Server

POST api/server/<serverId>/execute


Parameter Method Description Type Validation Default
serverId Route/URI Server identifier Long Required, >0 --
Command Body Command to execute for the given server String Required --


Name Description Type
ExecutionTimeMs Time in milliseconds to execute command Integer
Output Messages generated by the execution of the command Array(String)


    "executionTimeMs": 73,
    "output": [
        "IW4MAdmin has been online for 3 minutes, 4 seconds, 215 milliseconds"


Get Client Stats Request

GET api/stats/{clientId}

Parameter Method Description Type Validation Default
clientid Query client identifier Integer Required, >0 --

Get Client Stats Response (Array)

Name Description Type
name Last used client name Integer
ranking Client ranking on the server Integer
kills Number of kills Integer
deaths Number of kills Integer
performance Performance level (elo rating + skill) / 2.0 Double
scorePerMinute Score per minute Double
lastPlayed When the client's rating was last calculated DateTime
totalSecondsPlayed The number of seconds the client has played Integer
serverName Name of the server String
serverGame Game the server is running String


      "name": "/dev/../",