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/// T7x Server Configuration //
// //
// ^1 Red //
// ^2 Green //
// ^3 Yellow //
// ^4 Blue //
// ^5 Cyan //
// ^6 Pink //
// ^7 White //
// ^8 Depends on the team colors playing. //
// ^9 Orange //
// ^0 Black //
// //
set live_steam_server_name "Default T7x Server" // Sets the server hostname.
set live_steam_server_description "My longest YEA T7x ever" // Sets a server description visible on the serverlist
set com_maxclients "18" // Max players in your server.
set rcon_password "" // Access to your server to change stuff remotely or ingame. (Empty = disabled)
set g_password "" // Password Protected Server. Leave blank if you want players to join or set password if you want to keep public out.
set sv_privateClients "0" // Maximum number of private clients allowed on the server (range 0-18 (clamped to sv_maxclients) )
set sv_timeout "30" // Timeout time period. You will timeout after (30) seconds when attempting to connect or if you are getting connection interruptions
set sv_reconnectlimit "3" // How many times you can try to reconnect
set sv_pure "0" // verifying cilent files
set sv_floodProtect "1" // Chat Spam Protection
set g_log "t7x/games_mp.log" // Gamelog filename. If you edit this, Make sure you change B3.xml if you have bigbrotherbot.
set sv_lobby_mode "mp" // Sets the lobby type to multiplayer.
set sv_skip_lobby "1" // Makes the server load the map immediately instead of waiting at the lobby. Turn this off if you want to use playlists instead(currently required for custom maps).
set sv_lanonly "0" // Keep your server from bordcasting to the public list and Local LAN only.
set bot_maxallies "0" // Amount of Bots on the Friendly Team
set bot_maxAxis "0" // Amount of Bots on the Enemy Team
set bot_maxFree "0" // Bots free-for-all based modes? Untested.
set bot_difficulty "1" // Bot Skill. (0 - Easy, 1 - Normal, 2 - Hard, 3 - Veteran)
// //
// dm - Free-for-all //
// tdm - Team Deathmatch //
// ball - Uplink //
// sd - Search and Destroy //
// sr - Search and Rescue //
// dom - Domination //
// dem - Demolition //
// conf - Kill Confirmed //
// ctf - Capture the Flag //
// shrp - Sharpshooter //
// gun - GunGame //
// sas - Sticks and Stones //
// koth - Hardpoint //
// escort - Safeguard //
// clean - Fracture //
// prop - Prop Hunt //
// infect - Infected //
// sniperonly - Snipers Only //
// //
exec "gamedata/gamesettings/mp/gamesettings_tdm.cfg" // Change this to the gametype config of the mode you want to run (e.g. ../gamesettings_conf.cfg, ../gamesettings_escort.cfg)
//set gametype "tdm" // Set the gametype in the map rotation for now
set scr_teambalance "1" // Enable or Disable auto balance.
set cg_thirdPerson "0" // third-person mode
set g_deadChat "0" // Dead Players' Chat Messages can be seen by everyone
// //
// * - Maps that support Prop Hunt //
// //
///////////Base Maps/////////////////////////////////
// //
// Aquarium* - mp_biodome //
// Breach - mp_spire //
// Combine* - mp_sector //
// Evac* - mp_apartments //
// Exodus* - mp_chinatown //
// Fringe* - mp_veiled //
// Havoc - mp_havoc //
// Hunted* - mp_ethiopia //
// Infection* - mp_infection //
// Metro - mp_metro //
// Redwood* - mp_redwood //
// Stronghold - mp_stronghold //
// Nuk3town* - mp_nuketown_x //
// //
///////////Awakening DLC/////////////////////////////
// //
// Gauntlet - mp_crucible //
// Rise - mp_rise //
// Skyjacked - mp_skyjacked //
// Splash - mp_waterpark //
// //
///////////Eclipse DLC///////////////////////////////
// //
// Knockout - mp_kung_fu //
// Rift - mp_conduit //
// Spire* - mp_aerospace //
// Verge - mp_banzai //
// //
///////////Descent DLC///////////////////////////////
// //
// Berserk - mp_shrine //
// Cryogen - mp_cryogen //
// Empire - mp_rome //
// Rumble - mp_arena //
// //
///////////Salvation DLC/////////////////////////////
// //
// Citadel - mp_ruins //
// Micro - mp_miniature //
// Outlaw - mp_western //
// Rupture - mp_city //
// //
///////////Bonus Maps////////////////////////////////
// //
// Fringe Night - mp_veiled_heyday //
// Redwood Snow - mp_redwood_ice //
// //
set sv_maprotation "gametype tdm map mp_biodome map mp_spire map mp_sector map mp_apartments map mp_chinatown map mp_veiled map mp_havoc map mp_ethiopia map mp_infection map mp_metro map mp_redwood map mp_stronghold map mp_nuketown_x map mp_shrine map mp_ruins map mp_cryogen map mp_rome map mp_crucible map mp_kung_fu map mp_miniature map mp_western map mp_conduit map mp_rise map mp_arena map mp_city map mp_skyjacked map mp_aerospace map mp_waterpark map mp_banzai map mp_veiled_heyday map mp_redwood_ice"