Add T7x banner asset and dedi server configs
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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
# T7 Server Config
Config for T7 Dedicated Servers for use with the T7x Client.
# How to use
1. Download the BO3 Unranked Dedicated Server via Steam (It's located in the "Tools" section in your steam library.)
2. Open the Unranked Server folder in windows explorer (if you own BO3 on Steam and have it installed it will be in your BO3 Game Folder)
3. Add t7x.exe to the UnrankedServer Folder
4. Download this repository and extract startup batch files as well as the t7x and zone folder to the UnrankedServer Folder
5. Edit the config(s) in /zone to your liking.
6. (Optional) Edit your game rules under boiii/gamesettings/mp.
6. Port forward UDP 27017.
7. Start the Server using BOIII_MP_Server.bat or T7x_ZM_Server.bat
# Additional Steps required for hosting Zombies Dedicated Servers
As of right now you need to take additional Steps to host Zombies Servers.
For Zombie Dedis to work they need to have the Zombies Maps and common FastFiles, these do not come with the UnrankedServer Files. This means you need to copy those over from your installed BO3 game folder.
Copy common fastfiles that is needed for zombies.
Now for the map. Shadows of Evil is zm_zod.
from your BO3 Game folder into the UnrankedServer's ```zone``` Folder. Do the same with the FastFiles of the Maps you want to host on the Server, you do not need to copy the .xpak files, those hold Textures and Sounds which the Server doesn't need. You can use the zm_server.cfg as a short name references if you want to grab the others.
You are now ready to start the Server using T7x_ZM_Server.bat. If the server still instantly closes while opening the T7x_ZM_Server.bat or T7x_CP_Server.bat. Check the console_mp.log from identities\dedicatedpc\ folder. Scroll down until you see "Could not find zone: xxxx".
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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
@echo off
::/// T7x Dedicated Server Configuration start-up file ///
::// //
::// Your Game Server Port. //
::// Make sure you Port Forward both UDP & TCP //
set GamePort=27017
::// Below edits are optional unless you run multiable servers or mods.//
::// Load a mod on your server //
::// Example: ModfolderName=mods/bots //
::// //
::// UNLOAD a mod on your server //
::// Example: ModfolderName= //
set ModFolderName=
::// Your edited server.cfg in the "zone" folder goes here... //
::// This is were you edit your hostname, rcon, inactivity, etc //
::// (Optional) //
set ServerFilename=server_cp.cfg
:://DONE!! WARNING! Don't mess with anything below this line. SEROUSLY!//
start t7x.exe -dedicated +set fs_game "%ModFolderName%" +set net_port "%GamePort%" +set logfile 2 +exec %ServerFilename%
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
@echo off
::/// T7x Dedicated Server Configuration start-up file ///
::// //
::// Your Game Server Port. //
::// Make sure you Port Forward both UDP & TCP //
set GamePort=27017
::// Below edits are optional unless you run multiable servers or mods.//
::// Load a mod on your server //
::// Example: ModfolderName=mods/bots //
::// //
::// UNLOAD a mod on your server //
::// Example: ModfolderName= //
set ModFolderName=
::// Your edited server.cfg in the "zone" folder goes here... //
::// This is were you edit your hostname, rcon, inactivity, etc //
::// (Optional) //
set ServerFilename=server.cfg
:://DONE!! WARNING! Don't mess with anything below this line. SEROUSLY!//
start t7x.exe -dedicated +set fs_game "%ModFolderName%" +set net_port "%GamePort%" +set logfile 2 +exec %ServerFilename%
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
@echo off
::/// T7x Dedicated Server Configuration start-up file ///
::// //
::// Your Game Server Port. //
::// Make sure you Port Forward both UDP & TCP //
set GamePort=27017
::// Below edits are optional unless you run multiable servers or mods.//
::// Load a mod on your server //
::// Example: ModfolderName=mods/bots //
::// //
::// UNLOAD a mod on your server //
::// Example: ModfolderName= //
set ModFolderName=
::// Your edited server.cfg in the "zone" folder goes here... //
::// This is were you edit your hostname, rcon, inactivity, etc //
::// (Optional) //
set ServerFilename=server_zm.cfg
:://DONE!! WARNING! Don't mess with anything below this line. SEROUSLY!//
start t7x.exe -dedicated +set fs_game "%ModFolderName%" +set net_port "%GamePort%" +set logfile 2 +exec %ServerFilename%
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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
gametype_setting scorelimit 7500
gametype_setting timelimit 10
gametype_setting prematchperiod 0
gametype_setting roundlimit 1
gametype_setting playerNumlives 0
gametype_setting playerrespawndelay 0
gametype_setting waverespawndelay 0
gametype_setting disableweapondrop 1
gametype_setting allowAnnouncer 0
gametype_setting startRound 1
gametype_setting magic 1
gametype_setting headshotsonly 0
gametype_setting allowdogs 0
gametype_setting disableClassSelection 0
gametype_setting disableCompass 1
gametype_setting characterCustomization 0
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
gametype_setting scorelimit 7500
gametype_setting timelimit 10
gametype_setting prematchperiod 0
gametype_setting roundlimit 1
gametype_setting playerNumlives 0
gametype_setting playerrespawndelay 0
gametype_setting waverespawndelay 0
gametype_setting disableweapondrop 1
gametype_setting allowAnnouncer 0
gametype_setting startRound 1
gametype_setting magic 1
gametype_setting headshotsonly 0
gametype_setting allowdogs 0
gametype_setting disableClassSelection 1
gametype_setting disableCompass 1
gametype_setting characterCustomization 0
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
gametype_setting allowAnnouncer 1
gametype_setting allowBattleChatter 1
gametype_setting allowFinalKillcam 1
gametype_setting allowHitMarkers 2
gametype_setting allowInGameTeamChange 0
gametype_setting allowKillcam 1
gametype_setting allowSpectating 0
gametype_setting autoDestroyTime 0
gametype_setting autoTeamBalance 0
gametype_setting bombTimer 0
gametype_setting bulletDamageScalar 1.0
gametype_setting captureTime 10
gametype_setting crateCaptureTime 3
gametype_setting cumulativeRoundScores 0
gametype_setting deathPointLoss 0
gametype_setting defuseTime 0
gametype_setting delayPlayer 0
gametype_setting destroyTime 0
gametype_setting disableAmbientFx 0
gametype_setting disableAttachments 0
gametype_setting disableCAC 0
gametype_setting disableContracts 0
gametype_setting disableTacInsert 0
gametype_setting disableweapondrop 1
gametype_setting disallowaimslowdown 0
gametype_setting disallowprone 0
gametype_setting enemyCarrierVisible 0
gametype_setting extraTime 0
gametype_setting flagCaptureGracePeriod 0
gametype_setting flagDecayTime 0
gametype_setting flagRespawnTime 0
gametype_setting forceRadar 0
gametype_setting friendlyfiretype 0
gametype_setting hardcoremode 0
gametype_setting hotPotato 0
gametype_setting idleFlagDecay 0
gametype_setting idleFlagResetTime 0
gametype_setting inactivityKick 0
gametype_setting kothMode 0
gametype_setting leaderBonus 0
gametype_setting loadoutKillstreaksEnabled 0
gametype_setting maxAllocation 10
gametype_setting maxObjectiveEventsPerMinute 0
gametype_setting maxPlayerDefensive 0
gametype_setting maxPlayerEventsPerMinute 0
gametype_setting maxPlayerOffensive 0
gametype_setting multiBomb 0
gametype_setting objectivePingTime 6
gametype_setting objectiveSpawnTime 0
gametype_setting onlyHeadshots 0
gametype_setting perksEnabled 0
gametype_setting plantTime 0
gametype_setting playerForceRespawn 1
gametype_setting playerHealthRegenTime 5
gametype_setting playerKillsMax 0
gametype_setting playerMaxHealth 100
gametype_setting playerNumlives 0
gametype_setting playerObjectiveHeldRespawnDelay 0
gametype_setting playerQueuedRespawn 0
gametype_setting playerRespawnDelay 0
gametype_setting playerSprintTime 4
gametype_setting pregameAlwaysShowCACEdit 1
gametype_setting pregameAlwaysShowStreakEdit 1
gametype_setting pregameCACModifyTime 0
gametype_setting pregameDraftEnabled 0
gametype_setting pregameDraftRoundTime 0
gametype_setting pregameItemMaxVotes 0
gametype_setting pregameItemVoteEnabled 0
gametype_setting pregameItemVoteRoundTime 0
gametype_setting pregamePositionShuffleMethod 0
gametype_setting pregamePositionSortType 0
gametype_setting pregamePostRoundTime 0
gametype_setting pregamePostStageTime 0
gametype_setting pregamePreStageTime 0
gametype_setting pregameScorestreakModifyTime 0
gametype_setting randomObjectiveLocations 0
gametype_setting roundlimit 1
gametype_setting roundStartExplosiveDelay 5
gametype_setting roundStartKillstreakDelay 0
gametype_setting roundswitch 1 // rounds between switching teams
gametype_setting roundwinlimit 0
gametype_setting scoreHeroPowerGainFactor 1.0
gametype_setting scoreHeroPowerTimeFactor 1.0
gametype_setting scorelimit 100
gametype_setting spectateType 1
gametype_setting teamCount 1
gametype_setting teamKillPenalty 2
gametype_setting teamKillPointLoss 0
gametype_setting teamKillPunishCount 3
gametype_setting teamKillReducedPenalty 0.25
gametype_setting teamKillScore 4
gametype_setting teamKillSpawnDelay 20
gametype_setting timelimit 10
gametype_setting totalKillsMax 0
gametype_setting vehiclesEnabled 1
gametype_setting vehiclesTimed 1
gametype_setting voipDeadChatWithDead 0
gametype_setting voipDeadChatWithTeam 1
gametype_setting voipDeadHearAllLiving 0
gametype_setting voipDeadHearKiller 0
gametype_setting voipDeadHearTeamLiving 1
gametype_setting voipEveryoneHearsEveryone 0
gametype_setting voipKillersHearVictim 1
gametype_setting waverespawndelay 0
gametype_setting zmDifficulty 1
// player movement
gametype_setting trm_maxHeight 144.0
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
gametype_setting disableClassSelection 1
gametype_setting disableCompass 1
gametype_setting characterCustomization 1
gametype_setting spectateType 0
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
//Don't touch the first 2 lines below here.
exec "gamedata/gamesettings/mp/gamesettings_default.cfg"
exec "gamedata/configs/common/default_xboxlive.cfg"
// Below this line you may uncomment the " // " commands and edit to your liking.
// If you unsure the default command. you can always " // " them back for later custom gameplay.
gts prematchrequirement "0" // (0-10) Number of players on each team or the total number of players before the pre-match countdown will start.
gts prematchrequirementtime "0" // (0-60) The amount of time before the match will start.
gts prematchperiod "15" // The amount of time before the game starts.
gts preroundperiod "5" // The amount of time before a round starts.
gts inactivityKick "120" // Kick players that's AFK
gts allowSpectating "1" // Allow players to spectate other players or CODcasting.
gts spectateType "1" // 0 disabled, 1 team only, 2 freelook, 3 team only spectate splitscreen players only
gts allowInGameTeamChange "1" // Allow players to switch teams?
gts autoTeamBalance "1" // Automatically assign players to teams
gts allowFinalKillcam "1" // Controls whether the final killcam is played.
gts timelimit "5" // Time limit of the game.
gts roundScoreLimit "10" // Round score limit reach
gts scorelimit "0" // Score limit.
gts roundlimit "2" // The number of rounds that will be played before the game ends.
gts ballCount "1" // How many balls you can handle?
gts carryScore "2"
gts throwScore "1"
gts carrierArmor "100"
gts idleFlagResetTime "15" // The time before a ball is automatically returned to base. (0-60 seconds)
//gts loadoutKillstreaksEnabled "1" // Disable Killstreaks by setting this to 0
//gts perksEnabled "1" // Disable Perks by setting this to 0
//gts disableVehicleSpawners "0" // This should disable robots from the DLC map Rupture by setting this to 1
//gts disableweapondrop "0" // No weapons on the ground.
//gts disallowprone "0" // Don't allow players to lay down.
//Hardcore Mode
//gts hardcoreMode "1" // Enable hardcore mode.
//gts friendlyfiretype "1" // Enable or Disable Friendly Fire. 1 on, 2 reflect, 3 shared.
//gts playerHealthRegenTime "0" // Time it takes you to recover damage.
//gts playerMaxHealth "30" // Percent of Health players will have on Respawn.
//gts onlyHeadshots "0" // Headshots only
//gts allowKillcam "0" // Allow Killcam.
//gts allowbattlechatter "0" // Shut the fucking player dialogues up.
//gts teamKillPointLoss "1" // Points per Kill - The number of points for each kill. (0-25)
//gts teamKillPunishCount "3" // Kick constant Team killers out of your server.
gts scoreHeroPowerGainFactor "0.684" //Score earned towards Hero Weapons and Abilities are multiplied by this factor in BALL
gts scoreHeroPowerTimeFactor "0.684"
gts enemyCarrierVisible "2" // delayed can see person with ball on map
gts captureTime "0" // Pickup Time. The amount of time it takes to pickup the ball.
gts defuseTime "0" // Return Time. How long it takes to return ball. (-1 = off. 0 = Instant. (Default) 10 = limit of seconds.)
gts spawntraptriggertime "10"
gts gameAdvertisementRuleTimeLeft "4"
gts gameAdvertisementRuleRound "3"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
//Don't touch the first 2 lines below here.
exec "gamedata/gamesettings/mp/gamesettings_default.cfg"
exec "gamedata/configs/common/default_xboxlive.cfg"
// Below this line you may uncomment the " // " commands and edit to your liking.
// If you unsure the default command. you can always " // " them back for later custom gameplay.
gts prematchrequirement "0" // (0-10) Number of players on each team or the total number of players before the pre-match countdown will start.
gts prematchrequirementtime "0" // (0-60) The amount of time before the match will start.
gts prematchperiod "15" // The amount of time before the game starts.
gts preroundperiod "5" // The amount of time before a round starts.
gts inactivityKick "120" // Kick players that's AFK
gts allowSpectating "1" // Allow players to spectate other players or CODcasting.
gts spectateType "1" // 0 disabled, 1 team only, 2 freelook, 3 team only spectate splitscreen players only
gts allowInGameTeamChange "1" // Allow players to switch teams?
gts autoTeamBalance "1" // Automatically assign players to teams
gts allowFinalKillcam "1" // Controls whether the final killcam is played.
gts timelimit "10" // Time limit of the game.
gts scorelimit "60" // Score limit reach to end the game.
gts teamCount "2"
gts teamScorePerKill "0"
gts teamScorePerCleanDeposit "1" // Points awarded to the team when depositing a fragment.
gts cleanDepositOfflineTime "0"
gts cleanDepositOnlineTime "60" // The amount of team each fracture site is active.
gts cleanDepositRotation "1"
gts scoreHeroPowerGainFactor "0.646" // Score earned towards Hero Weapons and Abilities are multiplied by this factor
gts scoreHeroPowerTimeFactor "0.646"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
//Don't touch the first 2 lines below here.
exec "gamedata/gamesettings/mp/gamesettings_default.cfg"
exec "gamedata/configs/common/default_xboxlive.cfg"
// Below this line you may uncomment the " // " commands and edit to your liking.
// If you unsure the default command. you can always " // " them back for later custom gameplay.
gts prematchrequirement "0" // (0-10) Number of players on each team or the total number of players before the pre-match countdown will start.
gts prematchrequirementtime "0" // (0-60) The amount of time before the match will start.
gts prematchperiod "15" // The amount of time before the game starts.
gts preroundperiod "5" // The amount of time before a round starts.
gts inactivityKick "120" // Kick players that's AFK
gts spectateType "1" // 0 disabled, 1 team only, 2 freelook, 3 team only spectate splitscreen players only
gts allowInGameTeamChange "1" // Allow players to switch teams?
gts allowFinalKillcam "1" // Controls whether the final killcam is played.
gts timelimit "10" // Time limit of the game.
gts scorelimit "100" // Score limit reach to end the game.
gts teamCount "2" // Set this higher if you want Multi-Team Deathmatch that was cut from playlist. (2-6)
//gts roundLimit "1" // The number of rounds that will be played before the game ends.
gts teamScorePerKill "0" // Points per Kill - The number of points for each kill. (0-25)
//gts teamScorePerKillConfirmed "1" // Points per Kills Confirmed. - The number of points for each kill confirmed. (0-25)
//gts teamScorePerKillDenied "0" // Points per Kill Denied - The number of points for each kill denied. (0-25)
//gts teamScorePerHeadshot "0" // Headshot Bonus Points - Extra points awarded if the kill is a headshot in addition to the points per kill. (0-25)
//gts playerNumLives "0" // Number of Lives - The number of times each player can die before they are no longer allowed to respawn. (0-25)
gts antiBoostDistance "100"
//gts loadoutKillstreaksEnabled "1" // Disable Killstreaks by setting this to 0
//gts perksEnabled "1" // Disable Perks by setting this to 0
//gts disableVehicleSpawners "0" // This should disable robots from the DLC map Rupture by setting this to 1
//gts disableweapondrop "0" // No weapons on the ground.
//gts disallowprone "0" // Don't allow players to lay down.
//gts allowHitMarkers "2" // Rather or not to show hitmakers?
//gts allowAnnouncer "1" // Annouce enemy team actions
//Hardcore Mode
//gts hardcoreMode "1" // Enable hardcore mode.
//gts friendlyfiretype "1" // Enable or Disable Friendly Fire. 1 on, 2 reflect, 3 shared.
//gts playerHealthRegenTime "0" // Time it takes you to recover damage.
//gts playerMaxHealth "30" // Percent of Health players will have on Respawn.
//gts onlyHeadshots "0" // Headshots only
//gts allowKillcam "0" // Allow Killcam.
//gts allowbattlechatter "0" // Shut the fucking player dialogues up.
//gts teamKillPointLoss "1" // Points per Kill - The number of points for each kill. (0-25)
//gts teamKillPunishCount "3" // Kick constant Team killers out of your server.
gts scoreHeroPowerGainFactor "0.646" //Score earned towards Hero Weapons and Abilities are multiplied by this factor
gts scoreHeroPowerTimeFactor "0.646"
gts gameAdvertisementRuleScorePercent "15"
gts gameAdvertisementRuleTimeLeft "2"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
//Don't touch the first 2 lines below here.
exec "gamedata/gamesettings/mp/gamesettings_default.cfg"
exec "gamedata/configs/common/default_xboxlive.cfg"
// Below this line you may uncomment the " // " commands and edit to your liking.
// If you unsure the default command. you can always " // " them back for later custom gameplay.
gts prematchrequirement "0" // (0-10) Number of players on each team or the total number of players before the pre-match countdown will start.
gts prematchrequirementtime "0" // (0-60) The amount of time before the match will start.
gts prematchperiod "15" // The amount of time before the game starts.
gts preroundperiod "5" // The amount of time before the round start.
gts allowSpectating "1" // Allow players to spectate other players or CODcasting.
gts spectateType "1" // 0 disabled, 1 team only, 2 freelook, 3 team only spectate splitscreen players only
gts inactivityKick "120" // Kick players that's AFK
gts allowInGameTeamChange "1" // Allow players to switch teams?
gts allowFinalKillcam "1" // Controls whether the final killcam is played
gts timelimit "5" // Time limit of the game.
gts scorelimit "3" // The number of flags needed to win the round.
gts roundLimit "2" // The number of rounds that will be played before the game ends.
gts roundwinlimit "2" // Round Win Limit. The number of rounds a team needs to win before the game ends.
gts enemyCarrierVisible "2" // Enemy Carrier. How and if the enemy appears on the minimap. (0 = No. 1 = Yes. 2 = Delayed)
gts idleFlagResetTime "30" // The time before a flag is automatically returned to base. (0-60 seconds)
gts captureTime "0" // Pickup Time. The amount of time it takes to pickup the enemy flag.
gts defuseTime "0" // Return Time. How long it takes to return a flag. (-1 = off. 0 = Instant. (Default) 10 = limit of seconds.)
gts playerRespawnDelay "5" // The amount of time a player has to wait before respawning.
//gts loadoutKillstreaksEnabled "1" // Disable Killstreaks by setting this to 0
//gts perksEnabled "1" // Disable Perks by setting this to 0
//gts disableVehicleSpawners "0" // This should disable robots from the DLC map Rupture by setting this to 1
//gts disableweapondrop "0" // No weapons on the ground.
//gts disallowprone "0" // Don't allow players to lay down.
//gts allowHitMarkers "2" // Rather or not to show hitmakers?
//gts allowAnnouncer "1" // Annouce enemy team actions
//Hardcore Mode
//gts hardcoreMode "1" // Enable hardcore mode.
//gts friendlyfiretype "1" // Enable or Disable Friendly Fire. 1 on, 2 reflect, 3 shared.
//gts playerHealthRegenTime "0" // Time it takes you to recover damage.
//gts playerMaxHealth "30" // Percent of Health players will have on Respawn.
//gts onlyHeadshots "0" // Headshots only
//gts allowKillcam "0" // Allow Killcam.
//gts allowbattlechatter "0" // Shut the fucking player dialogues up.
//gts teamKillPointLoss "1" // Points per Kill - The number of points for each kill. (0-25)
//gts teamKillPunishCount "3" // Kick constant Team killers out of your server.
gts scoreHeroPowerGainFactor "0.835" //Score earned towards Hero Weapons and Abilities are multiplied by this factor in CTF
gts scoreHeroPowerTimeFactor "0.835"
gts gameAdvertisementRuleTimeLeft "4"
gts gameAdvertisementRuleRound "3"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
gametype_setting allowAnnouncer 1
gametype_setting allowBattleChatter 1
gametype_setting allowFinalKillcam 1
gametype_setting allowHitMarkers 2
gametype_setting allowInGameTeamChange 1
gametype_setting allowKillcam 1
gametype_setting allowMapScripting 1
gametype_setting allowSpectating 1
gametype_setting antiBoostDistance 100
gametype_setting autoDestroyTime 0
gametype_setting autoTeamBalance 0
gametype_setting ballCount 1
gametype_setting bombTimer 0
gametype_setting bootTime 5
gametype_setting bulletDamageScalar 1.0
gametype_setting captureTime 10
gametype_setting carryScore 0
gametype_setting carrierArmor 100
gametype_setting crateCaptureTime 3
gametype_setting cumulativeRoundScores 1
gametype_setting deathPointLoss 0
gametype_setting defuseTime 0
gametype_setting delayPlayer 0
gametype_setting destroyTime 0
gametype_setting disableAmbientFx 0
gametype_setting disableAttachments 0
gametype_setting disableCAC 0
gametype_setting disableClassSelection 0
gametype_setting disableContracts 0
gametype_setting disableTacInsert 0
gametype_setting disableThirdPersonSpectating 0
gametype_setting disableVehicleSpawners 0
gametype_setting disableweapondrop 0
gametype_setting disallowaimslowdown 0
gametype_setting disallowprone 0
gametype_setting droppedTagRespawn 0
gametype_setting enemyCarrierVisible 2
gametype_setting extraTime 0
gametype_setting flagCanBeNeutralized 0
gametype_setting flagCaptureCondition 1
gametype_setting flagCaptureGracePeriod 0
gametype_setting flagDecayTime 0
gametype_setting flagRespawnTime 0
gametype_setting forceRadar 0
gametype_setting friendlyfiretype 0
gametype_setting gameAdvertisementRuleScorePercent 0
gametype_setting gameAdvertisementRuleTimeLeft 0
gametype_setting gameAdvertisementRuleRound 0
gametype_setting gameAdvertisementRuleRoundsWon 0
gametype_setting gunSelection 0
gametype_setting hardcoremode 0
gametype_setting hotPotato 0
gametype_setting idleFlagDecay 0
gametype_setting idleFlagResetTime 0
gametype_setting inactivityKick 0
gametype_setting incrementalSpawnDelay 0
gametype_setting infectionMode 0
gametype_setting killEventScoreMultiplier 1
gametype_setting kothMode 0
gametype_setting leaderBonus 0
gametype_setting loadoutKillstreaksEnabled 1
gametype_setting killstreaksGiveGameScore 1
gametype_setting maxAllocation 10
gametype_setting maxObjectiveEventsPerMinute 0
gametype_setting maxPlayerDefensive 0
gametype_setting maxPlayerEventsPerMinute 0
gametype_setting maxPlayerOffensive 0
gametype_setting maxSuicidesBeforeKick 0
gametype_setting movePlayers 1
gametype_setting multiBomb 0
gametype_setting objectivePingTime 4
gametype_setting objectiveSpawnTime 0
gametype_setting oldschoolMode 0
gametype_setting classicMode 0
gametype_setting onlyHeadshots 0
gametype_setting OvertimetimeLimit 2
gametype_setting perksEnabled 1
gametype_setting plantTime 0
gametype_setting playerForceRespawn 1
gametype_setting playerHealthRegenTime 5
gametype_setting playerKillsMax 0
gametype_setting playerMaxHealth 100
gametype_setting playerNumlives 0
gametype_setting playerObjectiveHeldRespawnDelay 0
gametype_setting playerQueuedRespawn 0
gametype_setting playerRespawnDelay 0
gametype_setting playerSprintTime 4
gametype_setting pointsForSurvivalBonus 0
gametype_setting pointsPerMeleeKill 0
gametype_setting pointsPerPrimaryGrenadeKill 0
gametype_setting pointsPerPrimaryKill 0
gametype_setting pointsPerSecondaryKill 0
gametype_setting pointsPerWeaponKill 0
gametype_setting pregameAlwaysShowCACEdit 1
gametype_setting pregameAlwaysShowStreakEdit 1
gametype_setting pregameCACModifyTime 90
gametype_setting pregameDraftEnabled 0
gametype_setting pregameDraftRoundTime 30
gametype_setting pregameDraftType 0
gametype_setting pregameItemMaxVotes 1
gametype_setting pregameItemVoteEnabled 0
gametype_setting pregameItemVoteRoundTime 30
gametype_setting pregamePositionShuffleMethod 0
gametype_setting pregamePositionSortType 0
gametype_setting pregamePostRoundTime 3
gametype_setting pregamePostStageTime 3
gametype_setting pregamePreStageTime 5
gametype_setting pregameScorestreakModifyTime 30
gametype_setting prematchperiod 15
gametype_setting preroundperiod 5
gametype_setting prematchrequirement 0
gametype_setting prematchrequirementtime 0
gametype_setting randomObjectiveLocations 0
gametype_setting rebootPlayers 0
gametype_setting rebootTime 15
gametype_setting robotSpeed 1
gametype_setting robotShield 0
gametype_setting roundlimit 1
gametype_setting roundScoreLimit 0
gametype_setting roundStartExplosiveDelay 10
gametype_setting roundStartKillstreakDelay 15
gametype_setting roundswitch 1 // rounds between switching teams
gametype_setting roundwinlimit 0
gametype_setting scoreHeroPowerGainFactor 1.0
gametype_setting scoreHeroPowerTimeFactor 1.0
gametype_setting scoreThiefPowerGainFactor 1.0
gametype_setting scorelimit 100
gametype_setting scorePerPlayer 0
gametype_setting scoreResetOnDeath 1
gametype_setting setbacks 0
gametype_setting shutdownDamage 2
gametype_setting silentPlant 0
gametype_setting spawnprotectiontime 3
gametype_setting spawnsuicidepenalty 0
gametype_setting spawnteamkilledpenalty 0
gametype_setting spawntraptriggertime 5
gametype_setting spectateType 1
gametype_setting cleanDepositOnlineTime 60
gametype_setting cleanDepositRotation 1
gametype_setting teamAssignment 2
gametype_setting teamCount 2
gametype_setting teamKillPenalty 2
gametype_setting teamKillPointLoss 1
gametype_setting teamKillPunishCount 0
gametype_setting teamKillReducedPenalty 1
gametype_setting teamKillScore 4
gametype_setting teamKillSpawnDelay 20
gametype_setting teamNumLives 0
gametype_setting teamScorePerCleanDeposit 1
gametype_setting teamScorePerDeath 0
gametype_setting teamScorePerHeadshot 0
gametype_setting teamScorePerKill 1
gametype_setting teamScorePerKillConfirmed 1
gametype_setting teamScorePerKillDenied 0
gametype_setting throwScore 0
gametype_setting timelimit 10
gametype_setting timelimit 10
gametype_setting timePausesWhenInZone 0
gametype_setting useEmblemInsteadOfFactionIcon 0
gametype_setting vehiclesEnabled 1
gametype_setting vehiclesTimed 1
gametype_setting voipDeadChatWithDead 0
gametype_setting voipDeadChatWithTeam 1
gametype_setting voipDeadHearAllLiving 0
gametype_setting voipDeadHearKiller 0
gametype_setting voipDeadHearTeamLiving 1
gametype_setting voipEveryoneHearsEveryone 0
gametype_setting voipKillersHearVictim 1
gametype_setting waverespawndelay 0
gametype_setting weaponCount 0
gametype_setting weaponTimer 0
// player movement
gametype_setting trm_maxHeight 95.0
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
exec "gamedata/gamesettings/mp/gamesettings_default.cfg"
exec "gamedata/configs/common/default_xboxlive.cfg"
// Below this line you may uncomment the " // " commands and edit to your liking.
// If you unsure the default command. you can always " // " them back for later custom gameplay.
gts prematchrequirement "0" // (0-10) Number of players on each team or the total number of players before the pre-match countdown will start.
gts prematchrequirementtime "0" // (0-60) The amount of time before the match will start.
gts prematchperiod "15" // The amount of time before the game starts.
gts preroundperiod "5" // The amount of time before a round starts.
gts inactivityKick "120" // Kick players that's AFK
gts allowInGameTeamChange "1" // Allow players to switch teams?
gts allowFinalKillcam "1" // Controls whether the final killcam is played
gts timelimit "2.5" // Time limit of the game.
gts scorelimit "2" // Score limit reach to end the game.
gts roundlimit "0" // The number of rounds that will be played before the game ends.
gts bombTimer "45" // Bomb Timer. The amount of time before the bomb detonates. (2.5-150 seconds)
gts plantTime "5" // Plant Time. The amount of time it takes to plant the bomb. (1-10 seconds)
gts defuseTime "5" // Defuse Time. The amount of time it takes to defuse the bomb.(1-10 seconds)
gts extraTime "2" // Extra Time. The amount of time added on to the current time when a bomb site is destroyed.
gts OvertimetimeLimit "2" // Overtime. The amount of time the Overtime round will last before it ends.
gts silentPlant "0" // Silent Plant. Players can hear the bomb being planted.
gts roundStartExplosiveDelay "2" // Delay explosive weapon use at the start of the round.
gts roundStartKillstreakDelay "15" // Delay scorestreaks start of the round.
gts maxObjectiveEventsPerMinute "5" // Used to determine whether a player is scoreboosting.
gts maxPlayerDefensive "128" // Used to determine whether a player is scoreboosting.
gts maxPlayerEventsPerMinute "2.5" // Used to determine whether a player is scoreboosting.
gts spawntraptriggertime "10"
//gts loadoutKillstreaksEnabled "1" // Disable Killstreaks by setting this to 0
//gts perksEnabled "1" // Disable Perks by setting this to 0
//gts disableVehicleSpawners "0" // This should disable robots from the DLC map Rupture by setting this to 1
//gts disableweapondrop "0" // No weapons on the ground.
//gts disallowprone "0" // Don't allow players to lay down.
//gts allowHitMarkers "2" // Rather or not to show hitmakers?
//gts allowAnnouncer "1" // Annouce enemy team actions
//Hardcore Mode
//gts hardcoreMode "1" // Enable hardcore mode.
//gts friendlyfiretype "1" // Enable or Disable Friendly Fire. 1 on, 2 reflect, 3 shared.
//gts playerHealthRegenTime "0" // Time it takes you to recover damage.
//gts playerMaxHealth "30" // Percent of Health players will have on Respawn.
//gts allowKillcam "0" // Allow Killcam.
//gts allowbattlechatter "0" // Shut the fucking player dialogues up.
//gts teamKillPointLoss "1" // Points per Kill - The number of points for each kill. (0-25)
//gts teamKillPunishCount "3" // Kick constant Team killers out of your server.
gts scoreHeroPowerGainFactor "0.679" //Score earned towards Hero Weapons and Abilities are multiplied by this factor in Demolition
gts scoreHeroPowerTimeFactor "0.679"
gts gameAdvertisementRuleRound "3"
gts gameAdvertisementRuleTimeLeft "1"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
//Don't touch the first 2 lines below here.
exec "gamedata/gamesettings/mp/gamesettings_default.cfg"
exec "gamedata/configs/common/default_xboxlive.cfg"
// Below this line you may uncomment the " // " commands and edit to your liking.
// If you unsure the default command. you can always " // " them back for later custom gameplay.
gts prematchrequirement "0" // (0-10) Number of players on each team or the total number of players before the pre-match countdown will start.
gts prematchrequirementtime "0" // (0-60) The amount of time before the match will start.
gts prematchperiod "15" // The amount of time before the game starts.
gts preroundperiod "5" // The amount of time before a round starts.
gts inactivityKick "120" // Kick players that's AFK
gts spectateType "1" // 0 disabled, 1 team only, 2 freelook, 3 team only spectate splitscreen players only
gts allowInGameTeamChange "1" // Allow players to switch teams?
gts allowFinalKillcam "1" // Controls whether the final killcam is played.
gts timelimit "10" // Time limit of the game.
gts scorelimit "30" // Score limit reach to end the game.
gts disableTacInsert "1" // Disable Tactical Insertion. 3arc have this set 1 by default to keep players for boosting.
//gts roundLimit "1" // The number of rounds that will be played before the game ends.
//gts teamScorePerKill "1" // Points per Kill - The number of points for each kill. (0-25)
//gts teamScorePerDeath "0" // Points per Death - The number of points your team loses for each death. Points can never be lower than zero. (0-25)
//gts teamScorePerHeadshot "0" // Headshot Bonus Points - Extra points awarded if the kill is a headshot in addition to the points per kill. (0-25)
//gts playerNumLives "0" // Number of Lives - The number of times each player can die before they are no longer allowed to respawn. (0-25)
//gts roundStartExplosiveDelay "2" // Delay explosive weapon use at the start of the round.
//gts roundStartKillstreakDelay "0" // Delay killstreaks at the start of the round.
//gts loadoutKillstreaksEnabled "1" // Disable Killstreaks by setting this to 0
//gts perksEnabled "1" // Disable Perks by setting this to 0
//gts disableVehicleSpawners "0" // This should disable robots from the DLC map Rupture by setting this to 1
//gts disableweapondrop "0" // No weapons on the ground.
//gts disallowprone "0" // Don't allow players to lay down.
//Hardcore Mode
//gts hardcoreMode "1" // Enable hardcore mode.
//gts friendlyfiretype "1" // Enable or Disable Friendly Fire. 1 on, 2 reflect, 3 shared.
//gts playerHealthRegenTime "0" // Time it takes you to recover damage.
//gts playerMaxHealth "30" // Percent of Health players will have on Respawn.
//gts onlyHeadshots "0" // Headshots only
//gts allowKillcam "0" // Allow Killcam.
//gts allowbattlechatter "0" // Shut the fucking player dialogues up.
//gts teamKillPointLoss "1" // Points per Kill - The number of points for each kill. (0-25)
//gts teamKillPunishCount "3" // Kick constant Team killers out of your server.
gts useEmblemInsteadOfFactionIcon "1" // Show player's art on scoreboard
gts voipEveryoneHearsEveryone "1" // Everyone on voice chat hear you.
gts gameAdvertisementRuleScorePercent 50
gts gameAdvertisementRuleTimeLeft 2
gts teamCount 1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
//Don't touch the first 2 lines below here.
exec "gamedata/gamesettings/mp/gamesettings_default.cfg"
exec "gamedata/configs/common/default_xboxlive.cfg"
// Below this line you may uncomment the " // " commands and edit to your liking.
// If you unsure the default command. you can always " // " them back for later custom gameplay.
gts prematchrequirement "0" // (0-10) Number of players on each team or the total number of players before the pre-match countdown will start.
gts prematchrequirementtime "0" // (0-60) The amount of time before the match will start.
gts prematchperiod "15" // The amount of time before the game starts.
gts preroundperiod "5" // The amount of time before a round starts.
gts inactivityKick "120" // Kick players that's AFK
gts allowSpectating "1" // Allow players to spectate other players or CODcasting.
gts spectateType "1" // 0 disabled, 1 team only, 2 freelook, 3 team only spectate splitscreen players only
gts allowInGameTeamChange "1" // Allow players to switch teams?
gts autoTeamBalance "1" // Automatically assign players to teams
gts allowFinalKillcam "1" // Controls whether the final killcam is played.
gts timelimit "10" // Time limit of the game.
gts scorelimit "100" // Score limit.
gts roundScoreLimit "100" // Round score limit reach
gts captureTime "10" // Capture Time. The amount of time it takes to capture an objective.
gts roundlimit "2" // The number of rounds that will be played before the game ends.
gts maxObjectiveEventsPerMinute "3"
gts maxPlayerDefensive "128"
gts maxPlayerOffensive "128"
gts maxPlayerEventsPerMinute "3"
gts flagCanBeNeutralized "0"
//gts loadoutKillstreaksEnabled "1" // Disable Killstreaks by setting this to 0
//gts perksEnabled "1" // Disable Perks by setting this to 0
//gts disableVehicleSpawners "0" // This should disable robots from the DLC map Rupture by setting this to 1
//gts disableweapondrop "0" // No weapons on the ground.
//gts disallowprone "0" // Don't allow players to lay down.
//gts allowHitMarkers "2" // Rather or not to show hitmakers?
//gts allowAnnouncer "1" // Annouce enemy team actions
gts scoreHeroPowerGainFactor "0.616" //Score earned towards Hero Weapons and Abilities are multiplied by this factor
gts scoreHeroPowerTimeFactor "0.616"
//Hardcore Mode
//gts hardcoreMode "1" // Enable hardcore mode.
//gts friendlyfiretype "1" // Enable or Disable Friendly Fire. 1 on, 2 reflect, 3 shared.
//gts playerHealthRegenTime "0" // Time it takes you to recover damage.
//gts playerMaxHealth "30" // Percent of Health players will have on Respawn.
//gts onlyHeadshots "0" // Headshots only
//gts allowKillcam "0" // Allow Killcam.
//gts allowbattlechatter "0" // Shut the fucking player dialogues up.
//gts teamKillPointLoss "1" // Points per Kill - The number of points for each kill. (0-25)
//gts teamKillPunishCount "3" // Kick constant Team killers out of your server.
gts gameAdvertisementRuleScorePercent 10
gts gameAdvertisementRuleRound 3
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
//Don't touch the first 2 lines below here.
exec "gamedata/gamesettings/mp/gamesettings_default.cfg"
exec "gamedata/configs/common/default_xboxlive.cfg"
// Below this line you may uncomment the " // " commands and edit to your liking.
// If you unsure the default command. you can always " // " them back for later custom gameplay.
gts prematchrequirement "0" // (0-10) Number of players on each team or the total number of players before the pre-match countdown will start.
gts prematchrequirementtime "0" // (0-60) The amount of time before the match will start.
gts prematchperiod "15" // The amount of time before the game starts.
gts preroundperiod "5" // The amount of time before a round starts.
gts inactivityKick "120" // Kick players that's AFK
gts allowSpectating "1" // Allow players to spectate other players or CODcasting.
gts spectateType "1" // 0 disabled, 1 team only, 2 freelook, 3 team only spectate splitscreen players only
gts allowInGameTeamChange "1" // Allow players to switch teams?
gts autoTeamBalance "1" // Automatically assign players to teams
gts allowFinalKillcam "1" // Controls whether the final killcam is played.
gts timelimit "5" // Time limit of the game.
gts scorelimit "0" // Score limit.
gts roundscorelimit "1" // Round score limit reach
gts roundwinlimit "2"
gts roundlimit "2" // The number of rounds that will be played before the game ends.
gts teamCount "2"
gts shutdownDamage "3"
gts bootTime "5"
gts rebootTime "15" // How long it takes the robot to reboot after being shut down
gts rebootPlayers "0"
gts movePlayers "1"
gts robotSpeed "1" // Movment speed of the robot
gts robotShield "0"
//gts teamScorePerDeath "0" // Points per Death - The number of points your team loses for each death. Points can never be lower than zero. (0-25)
//gts teamScorePerHeadshot "0" // Headshot Bonus Points - Extra points awarded if the kill is a headshot in addition to the points per kill. (0-25)
//gts playerNumLives "0" // Number of Lives - The number of times each player can die before they are no longer allowed to respawn. (0-25)
//gts loadoutKillstreaksEnabled "1" // Disable Killstreaks by setting this to 0
//gts perksEnabled "1" // Disable Perks by setting this to 0
gts disableVehicleSpawners "1" // This should disable robots from the DLC map Rupture by setting this to 1
//gts disableweapondrop "0" // No weapons on the ground.
//gts disallowprone "0" // Don't allow players to lay down.
//gts allowHitMarkers "2" // Rather or not to show hitmakers?
//gts allowAnnouncer "1" // Annouce enemy team actions
//Hardcore Mode
//gts hardcoreMode "1" // Enable hardcore mode.
//gts friendlyfiretype "1" // Enable or Disable Friendly Fire. 1 on, 2 reflect, 3 shared.
//gts playerHealthRegenTime "0" // Time it takes you to recover damage.
//gts playerMaxHealth "30" // Percent of Health players will have on Respawn.
//gts onlyHeadshots "0" // Headshots only
//gts allowKillcam "0" // Allow Killcam.
//gts allowbattlechatter "0" // Shut the fucking player dialogues up.
//gts teamKillPointLoss "1" // Points per Kill - The number of points for each kill. (0-25)
//gts teamKillPunishCount "3" // Kick constant Team killers out of your server.
gts scoreHeroPowerGainFactor "0.788" // Score earned towards Hero Weapons and Abilities are multiplied by this factor
gts scoreHeroPowerTimeFactor "0.788"
gts spawntraptriggertime "5"
gts gameAdvertisementRuleTimeLeft "3.5"
gts gameAdvertisementRuleRound "3"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
//Don't touch the first 2 lines below here.
exec "gamedata/gamesettings/mp/gamesettings_default.cfg"
exec "gamedata/configs/common/default_xboxlive.cfg"
// Below this line you may uncomment the " // " commands and edit to your liking.
// If you unsure the default command. you can always " // " them back for later custom gameplay.
gts prematchrequirement "0" // (0-10) Number of players on each team or the total number of players before the pre-match countdown will start.
gts prematchrequirementtime "0" // (0-60) The amount of time before the match will start.
gts prematchperiod "0" // The amount of time before the game starts.
gts preroundperiod "10" // The amount of time before a round starts.
gts inactivityKick "120" // Kick players that's AFK
gts allowSpectating "1" // Allow players to spectate other players or CODcasting. (Could be used as screen cheating)
//gts spectateType "1" // 0 disabled, 1 team only, 2 freelook, 3 team only spectate splitscreen players only
gts allowInGameTeamChange "0" // Allow players to switch teams?
gts autoTeamBalance "1" // Automatically assign players to teams
gts allowFinalKillcam "0" // Controls whether the final killcam is played.
gts disableCAC "0"
gts disableClassSelection "1"
gts loadoutKillstreaksEnabled "0" // Disable Killstreaks by setting this to 0
//gts perksEnabled "1" // Disable Perks by setting this to 0
//gts disableVehicleSpawners "0" // This should disable robots from the DLC map Rupture by setting this to 1
//gts disableweapondrop "0" // No weapons on the ground.
//gts disallowprone "0" // Don't allow players to lay down.
gts disableTacInsert "1" // Disable Tactical Insertion.
gts timelimit "15" // Time limit of the game.
gts scorelimit "0" // Score limit reach to end the game.
gts roundswitch "0"
gts teamCount "1"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
//Don't touch the first 3 lines below here.
exec "gamedata/gamesettings/mp/gamesettings_default.cfg"
exec "gamedata/configs/common/default_xboxlive.cfg"
gts wagermatchhud "1"
// Below this line you may uncomment the " // " commands and edit to your liking.
// If you unsure the default command. you can always " // " them back for later custom gameplay.
gts gunSelection 3 // Ladder. Determines which set of weapons the game uses (0 = Normal. 1 = Close Quarters. 2 = Marksman. 3 = Random.)
set black_market_gun_game "0" // Toggle 1 if you want Blackjack's GunGame. leave it 0 for regular. (This might conflect with gunselection set)
gts prematchrequirement "0" // (0-10) Number of players on each team or the total number of players before the pre-match countdown will start.
gts prematchrequirementtime "0" // (0-60) The amount of time before the match will start.
gts prematchperiod 20 // The amount of time before the game starts. (Give weak potato players a chance to load in and not spawn.)
gts preroundperiod "10" // The amount of time before a round starts.
gts disableClassSelection "1" // Disable CAC for GunGame.
gts allowSpectating "1" // Allow players to spectate other players or CODcasting.
gts spectateType "1" // 0 disabled, 1 team only, 2 freelook, 3 team only spectate splitscreen players only
gts timelimit "10" // Time limit of the game.
gts scorelimit "30" // Score limit reach to end the game.
gts setbacks 1 // Setbacks. How much weapon progression a player loses when knifed. (1-10)
gts forceRadar "1" // Enable UAV all the time
gts loadoutKillstreaksEnabled "0" // Disable Killstreaks for GunGame.
gts disableVehicleSpawners "1" // This should disable robots from the DLC map Rupture by setting this to 1
gts disableweapondrop "1" // No weapons on the ground for GunGame.
gts perksEnabled "0" // Disable Perks on GunGame
//gts disallowprone "0" // Don't allow players to lay down.
//gts allowHitMarkers "2" // Rather or not to show hitmakers?
gts playerNumLives "0" // Number of Lives - The number of times each player can die before they are no longer allowed to respawn. (0-25)
//gts playerMaxHealth "100" // Percent of Health players will have on Respawn.
//gts onlyHeadshots "0" // Headshots only
gts useEmblemInsteadOfFactionIcon "1" // Show player's art on scoreboard
gts voipEveryoneHearsEveryone "1" // Everyone on voice chat hear you.
teamCount 1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
//Don't touch the first 2 lines below here.
exec "gamedata/gamesettings/mp/gamesettings_default.cfg"
exec "gamedata/configs/common/default_xboxlive.cfg"
// Below this line you may uncomment the " // " commands and edit to your liking.
// If you unsure the default command. you can always " // " them back for later custom gameplay.
gts prematchrequirement "0" // (0-10) Number of players on each team or the total number of players before the pre-match countdown will start.
gts prematchrequirementtime "0" // (0-60) The amount of time before the match will start.
gts prematchperiod "15" // The amount of time before the game starts.
gts preroundperiod "10" // The amount of time before a round starts.
gts inactivityKick "120" // Kick players that's AFK
gts allowSpectating "1" // Allow players to spectate other players or CODcasting. (Could be used as screen cheating)
gts allowInGameTeamChange "1" // Allow players to switch teams?
gts autoTeamBalance "1" // Automatically assign players to teams
gts allowFinalKillcam "1" // Controls whether the final killcam is played.
gts timelimit "2" // Time limit of the game.
gts scorelimit "0" // Score limit reach to end the game.
gts teamCount "2"
gts loadoutKillstreaksEnabled "0" // Disable Killstreaks by setting this to 0.
gts disableVehicleSpawners "1" // This should disable robots from the DLC map Rupture by setting this to 1.
//gts disallowprone "0" // Don't allow players to lay down.
//gts disableTacInsert "1" // Disable Tactical Insertion. Now that would be a dick move for the infected players.
//gts allowHitMarkers "2" // Rather or not to show hitmakers?
//gts allowAnnouncer "1" // Annouce enemy team actions
gts gameAdvertisementRuleScorePercent "15"
gts gameAdvertisementRuleTimeLeft "2"
gts gameAdvertisementRuleRound "0"
gts gameAdvertisementRuleRoundsWon "0"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
//Don't touch the first 3 lines below here.
exec "gamedata/gamesettings/mp/gamesettings_default.cfg"
exec "gamedata/configs/common/default_xboxlive.cfg"
gts kothMode "1"
// Below this line you may uncomment the " // " commands and edit to your liking.
// If you unsure the default command. you can always " // " them back for later custom gameplay.
gts prematchrequirement "0" // (0-10) Number of players on each team or the total number of players before the pre-match countdown will start.
gts prematchrequirementtime "0" // (0-60) The amount of time before the match will start.
gts prematchperiod "15" // The amount of time before the game starts.
gts preroundperiod "5" // The amount of time before a round starts.
gts inactivityKick "120" // Kick players that's AFK
gts allowSpectating "1" // Allow players to spectate other players or CODcasting.
gts spectateType "1" // 0 disabled, 1 team only, 2 freelook, 3 team only spectate splitscreen players only
gts allowInGameTeamChange "1" // Allow players to switch teams?
gts autoTeamBalance "1" // Automatically assign players to teams
gts allowFinalKillcam "1" // Controls whether the final killcam is played.
gts timelimit "5" // Time limit of the game.
gts scorelimit "250" // Score limit reach to end the game.
gts teamCount "2"
//gts loadoutKillstreaksEnabled "1" // Disable Killstreaks by setting this to 0
//gts perksEnabled "1" // Disable Perks by setting this to 0
//gts disableVehicleSpawners "0" // This should disable robots from the DLC map Rupture by setting this to 1
//gts disableweapondrop "0" // No weapons on the ground.
//gts disallowprone "0" // Don't allow players to lay down.
gts maxPlayerEventsPerMinute "8"
gts autoDestroyTime "60" // Lifetime. The amount of time hardpoint is active.
gts captureTime "0" // Capture Time. The amount of time it takes to capture hardpoint.
gts objectiveSpawnTime "0" // Activation Delay Time. The amount of time before the next objective becomes active.
gts randomObjectiveLocations "0" // Hardpoint Locations. The order in which the hardpoint will appear. (0 = Liner 2 = Random After First)
gts scorePerPlayer "0" // Scoring. Determines if the team gets score at a constant rate or if more points are awarded when more players occupy the hardpoint.
gts timePausesWhenInZone "1" // timelimit pauses when you capture the hardpoint.
//Hardcore Mode
//gts hardcoreMode "1" // Enable hardcore mode.
//gts friendlyfiretype "1" // Enable or Disable Friendly Fire. 1 on, 2 reflect, 3 shared.
//gts playerHealthRegenTime "0" // Time it takes you to recover damage.
//gts playerMaxHealth "30" // Percent of Health players will have on Respawn.
//gts onlyHeadshots "0" // Headshots only
//gts allowKillcam "0" // Allow Killcam.
//gts allowbattlechatter "0" // Shut the fucking player dialogues up.
//gts teamKillPointLoss "1" // Points per Kill - The number of points for each kill. (0-25)
//gts teamKillPunishCount "3" // Kick constant Team killers out of your server.
gts scoreHeroPowerGainFactor "0.45" //Score earned towards Hero Weapons and Abilities are multiplied by this factor in Hardpoint
gts scoreHeroPowerTimeFactor "0.45"
gts gameAdvertisementRuleScorePercent "20"
gts gameAdvertisementRuleTimeLeft "1.5"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
//Don't touch the first 2 lines below here.
exec "gamedata/gamesettings/mp/gamesettings_default.cfg"
exec "gamedata/configs/common/default_xboxlive.cfg"
// Please note that only these maps support Prop Hunt //
// Make sure to change your sv_maprotation to only them! //
// //
// Aquarium - mp_biodome //
// Combine - mp_sector //
// Evac - mp_apartments //
// Exodus - mp_chinatown //
// Fringe - mp_veiled //
// Hunted - mp_ethiopia //
// Infection - mp_infection //
// Redwood - mp_redwood //
// Spire - mp_aerospace //
// //
// Below this line you may uncomment the " // " commands and edit to your liking.
// If you unsure the default command. you can always " // " them back for later custom gameplay.
gts prematchrequirement "0" // (0-10) Number of players on each team or the total number of players before the pre-match countdown will start.
gts prematchrequirementtime "0" // (0-60) The amount of time before the match will start.
gts prematchperiod "15" // The amount of time before the game starts.
gts preroundperiod "10" // The amount of time before a round starts.
gts inactivityKick "120" // Kick players that's AFK
gts allowFinalKillcam "1" // Controls whether the final killcam is played.
gts spectateType "3" // 0 disabled, 1 team only, 2 freelook, 3 team only spectate splitscreen players only
gts disableClassSelection "1" // Disable CAC for prop hunt.
gts allowInGameTeamChange "0" // Keep it 0
gts timelimit "4" // Time limit of the game.
gts scorelimit "0" // Score limit reach to end the game.
gts teamCount "2"
gts roundLimit "4" // The number of rounds that will be played before the game ends.
gts roundwinlimit "3"
gts roundSwitch "1"
gts playerNumLives "1" // Number of Lives - Keep it 1!
gts disableVehicleSpawners "1" // This should disable robots from the DLC map Rupture by setting this to 1 - keep it 1!
gts voipDeadChatWithDead "1"
gts voipDeadChatWithTeam "0"
gts voipDeadHearTeamLiving "0"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
//Don't touch the first 3 lines below here.
exec "gamedata/gamesettings/mp/gamesettings_default.cfg"
exec "gamedata/configs/common/default_xboxlive.cfg"
gts wagermatchhud "1"
// Below this line you may uncomment the " // " commands and edit to your liking.
// If you unsure the default command. you can always " // " them back for later custom gameplay.
gts gunSelection "1" // Setback Weapon. The weapon that will set players back in points. (0 = None 1 = Combat Axe 2 = Crossbow 3 = Ballistic Knife)
gts prematchrequirement "0" // (0-10) Number of players on each team or the total number of players before the pre-match countdown will start.
gts prematchrequirementtime "0" // (0-60) The amount of time before the match will start.
gts prematchperiod 20 // The amount of time before the game starts. (Give weak potato players a chance to load in and not spawn.)
gts preroundperiod "10" // The amount of time before a round starts.
gts inactivityKick "120" // Kick players that's AFK
gts allowInGameTeamChange "0" // Allow team change..not sure why this is on SAS
gts disableClassSelection "1" // Disable CAC for GunGame.
gts allowSpectating "1" // Allow players to spectate other players or CODcasting.
gts spectateType "1" // 0 disabled, 1 team only, 2 freelook, 3 team only spectate splitscreen players only
gts timelimit "5" // Time limit of the game.
gts scorelimit "0" // Score limit reach to end the game.
gts roundlimit "1"
gts forceRadar "1" // Enable UAV all the time
gts timecount "1"
gts loadoutKillstreaksEnabled "0" // Disable Killstreaks for SAS.
gts disableVehicleSpawners "1" // This should disable robots from the DLC map Rupture by setting this to 1
gts disableweapondrop "1" // No weapons on the ground for SAS.
gts perksEnabled "0" // Disable Perks on SAS
//gts disallowprone "0" // Don't allow players to lay down.
gts playerNumLives "0" // Number of Lives - The number of times each player can die before they are no longer allowed to respawn. (0-25)
//gts playerMaxHealth "100" // Percent of Health players will have on Respawn.
//gts onlyHeadshots "0" // Headshots only
gts useEmblemInsteadOfFactionIcon "1" // Show player's art on scoreboard
gts voipEveryoneHearsEveryone "1" // Everyone on voice chat hear you.
gts pointsPerPrimaryKill "10"
gts pointsPerSecondaryKill "10"
gts pointsPerPrimaryGrenadeKill "5"
gts pointsPerMeleeKill "5"
gts roundStartExplosiveDelay "0"
gts gameAdvertisementRuleScorePercent "35"
gts gameAdvertisementRuleTimeLeft "1.5"
teamCount 1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
//Don't touch the first 2 lines below here.
exec "gamedata/gamesettings/mp/gamesettings_default.cfg"
exec "gamedata/configs/common/default_xboxlive.cfg"
// Below this line you may uncomment the " // " commands and edit to your liking.
// If you unsure the default command. you can always " // " them back for later custom gameplay.
gts prematchrequirement "0" // (0-10) Number of players on each team or the total number of players before the pre-match countdown will start.
gts prematchrequirementtime "0" // (0-60) The amount of time before the match will start.
gts prematchperiod "15" // The amount of time before the game starts.
gts preroundperiod "3" // The amount of time before a round starts.
gts inactivityKick "120" // Kick players that's AFK
gts allowSpectating "1" // Allow players to spectate other players or CODcasting. (Could be used as screen cheating)
gts allowInGameTeamChange "1" // Allow players to switch teams?
gts autoTeamBalance "1" // Automatically assign players to teams
gts allowFinalKillcam "1" // Controls whether the final killcam is played.
gts spectateType "3" // 0 disabled, 1 team only, 2 freelook, 3 team only spectate splitscreen players only
gts timelimit "2 // Time limit of the game.
gts scorelimit "4" // Score limit reach to end the game.
gts bombTimer 45 // Bomb Timer. The amount of time before the bomb detonates.
gts plantTime 5 // Plant Time. The amount of time it takes to plant the bomb.
gts defuseTime 5 // Defuse Time. The amount of time it takes to defuse the bomb.
gts multiBomb 0 // Multi Bomb. Every attacking player gets a bomb.
gts roundswitch 1 // The number of rounds to play before teams switch sides.
gts roundlimit 0
//gts silentPlant 0 // Players can hear the bomb being planted.
//gts loadoutKillstreaksEnabled "1" // Disable Killstreaks by setting this to 0
//gts perksEnabled "1" // Disable Perks by setting this to 0
gts disableVehicleSpawners "1" // This should disable robots from the DLC map Rupture by setting this to 1
//gts disableweapondrop "0" // No weapons on the ground.
//gts disallowprone "0" // Don't allow players to lay down.
//gts allowHitMarkers "2" // Rather or not to show hitmakers?
//gts allowAnnouncer "1" // Annouce enemy team actions
gts playerLives "1"
gts playerNumLives "1" // Correct gts to configure amount of respawns
gts playerKillsMax "6"
gts totalKillsMax "11"
gts teamKillScore "4"
gts voipDeadChatWithDead "1"
gts voipDeadChatWithTeam "0"
gts voipDeadHearTeamLiving "0"
gts scoreHeroPowerGainFactor "0.8"
gts scoreHeroPowerTimeFactor "0.3"
//Hardcore Mode
//gts hardcoreMode "1" // Enable hardcore mode.
//gts friendlyfiretype "1" // Enable or Disable Friendly Fire. 1 on, 2 reflect, 3 shared.
//gts playerHealthRegenTime "0" // Time it takes you to recover damage.
//gts playerMaxHealth "30" // Percent of Health players will have on Respawn.
//gts onlyHeadshots "0" // Headshots only
//gts allowKillcam "0" // Allow Killcam.
//gts allowbattlechatter "0" // Shut the fucking player dialogues up.
//gts teamKillPointLoss "1" // Points per Kill - The number of points for each kill. (0-25)
//gts teamKillPunishCount "3" // Kick constant Team killers out of your server.
gts gameAdvertisementRuleRoundsWon 3
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
//Don't touch the first 2 lines below here.
exec "gamedata/gamesettings/mp/gamesettings_default.cfg"
exec "gamedata/configs/common/default_xboxlive.cfg"
// Below this line you may uncomment the " // " commands and edit to your liking.
// If you unsure the default command. you can always " // " them back for later custom gameplay
gts prematchrequirement "0" // (0-10) Number of players on each team or the total number of players before the pre-match countdown will start.
gts prematchrequirementtime "0" // (0-60) The amount of time before the match will start.
gts prematchperiod "15" // The amount of time before the game starts.
gts preroundperiod "5" // The amount of time before a round starts.
gts inactivityKick "120" // Kick players that's AFK
gts allowSpectating "1" // Allow players to spectate other players or CODcasting
gts spectateType "1" // 0 disabled, 1 team only, 2 freelook, 3 team only spectate splitscreen players only
gts allowInGameTeamChange "1" // Allow players to switch teams?
gts autoTeamBalance "1" // Automatically assign players to teams
gts allowFinalKillcam "1" // Controls whether the final killcam is played.
gts timelimit "10" // Time limit of the game.
gts scorelimit "75" // Score limit reach to end the game.
gts teamCount "2"
//gts teamScorePerDeath "0" // Points per Death - The number of points your team loses for each death. Points can never be lower than zero. (0-25)
//gts teamScorePerHeadshot "0" // Headshot Bonus Points - Extra points awarded if the kill is a headshot in addition to the points per kill. (0-25)
gts playerNumLives "0" // Number of Lives - The number of times each player can die before they are no longer allowed to respawn. (0-25)
gts loadoutKillstreaksEnabled "0" // Disable Killstreaks by setting this to 0
//gts perksEnabled "1" // Disable Perks by setting this to 0
gts disableVehicleSpawners "1" // This should disable robots from the DLC map Rupture by setting this to 1
//gts disableweapondrop "0" // No weapons on the ground.
//gts disallowprone "0" // Don't allow players to lay down.
//gts allowHitMarkers "2" // Rather or not to show hitmakers?
//gts allowAnnouncer "1" // Annouce enemy team actions
//Hardcore Mode
//gts hardcoreMode "1" // Enable hardcore mode.
//gts friendlyfiretype "1" // Enable or Disable Friendly Fire. 1 on, 2 reflect, 3 shared.
//gts playerHealthRegenTime "0" // Time it takes you to recover damage.
//gts playerMaxHealth "30" // Percent of Health players will have on Respawn.
//gts onlyHeadshots "0" // Headshots only
//gts allowKillcam "0" // Allow Killcam.
//gts allowbattlechatter "0" // Shut the fucking player dialogues up.
//gts teamKillPointLoss "1" // Points per Kill - The number of points for each kill. (0-25)
//gts teamKillPunishCount "3" // Kick constant Team killers out of your server.
gts gameAdvertisementRuleScorePercent "15"
gts gameAdvertisementRuleTimeLeft "2"
gts gameAdvertisementRuleRound "0"
gts gameAdvertisementRuleRoundsWon "0"
//Unsure about this. Maybe someone figure out what restricted items of each weapon is..Would be useful for other game modes..
//Please PR on Github if you have a list!
// Unknown items restrictions
gts restrictedItems 0 1
gts restrictedItems 4 1
gts restrictedItems 5 1
gts restrictedItems 6 1
gts restrictedItems 9 1
gts restrictedItems 49 1
gts restrictedItems 55 1
gts restrictedItems 60 1
gts restrictedItems 69 1
gts restrictedItems 73 1
gts restrictedItems 79 1
gts restrictedItems 93 1
gts restrictedItems 100 1
gts restrictedItems 101 1
gts restrictedItems 102 1
gts restrictedItems 104 1
gts restrictedItems 106 1
gts restrictedItems 107 1
gts restrictedItems 131 1
gts restrictedItems 132 1
gts restrictedItems 133 1
gts restrictedItems 134 1
gts restrictedItems 135 1
gts restrictedItems 136 1
gts restrictedItems 137 1
gts restrictedItems 138 1
gts restrictedItems 139 1
gts restrictedItems 140 1
gts restrictedItems 141 1
gts restrictedItems 142 1
gts restrictedItems 143 1
gts restrictedItems 144 1
gts restrictedItems 145 1
gts restrictedItems 146 1
// Submachine guns restrictions
gts restrictedItems 10 1 // kuda
gts restrictedItems 11 1 // pharo
gts restrictedItems 12 1 // vesper
gts restrictedItems 13 1 // razorback
gts restrictedItems 14 1 // vmp
gts restrictedItems 15 1 // weevil
gts restrictedItems 16 1 // AK-74u
gts restrictedItems 17 1 // HG40
gts restrictedItems 18 1 // HLX4
gts restrictedItems 19 1 // nail gun
gts restrictedItems 34 1 // xmc
gts restrictedItems 38 1 // ppsh
gts restrictedItems 110 1 // sten
// Assault rifles restrictions
gts restrictedItems 7 1 // Peacekeeper MK2
gts restrictedItems 20 1 // kn-44
gts restrictedItems 21 1 // icr-1
gts restrictedItems 22 1 // hvk-30
gts restrictedItems 23 1 // man-o-war
gts restrictedItems 24 1 // xr-2
gts restrictedItems 25 1 // M8A7
gts restrictedItems 26 1 // sheiva
gts restrictedItems 27 1 // kvk99m
gts restrictedItems 28 1 // MX Garand
gts restrictedItems 29 1 // FFAR
gts restrictedItems 37 1 // M16
gts restrictedItems 36 1 // LV8 Basilisk
gts restrictedItems 126 1 // Galil
gts restrictedItems 129 1 // M14
// Machine guns restrictions
gts restrictedItems 30 1 // Dingo
gts restrictedItems 31 1 // Dredge
gts restrictedItems 32 1 // BRM
gts restrictedItems 33 1 // Gorgon
gts restrictedItems 35 1 // R70-Ajax
gts restrictedItems 128 1 // RPK
// Shotguns restrictions
gts restrictedItems 44 1 // Olympia
gts restrictedItems 50 1 // Haymaker
gts restrictedItems 51 1 // Argus
gts restrictedItems 52 1 // KRM-262
gts restrictedItems 53 1 // Brecci
gts restrictedItems 56 1 // Banshii
// Melee weapons restrictions
gts restrictedItems 67 1 // fury's song
gts restrictedItems 68 1 // Skull splitter
gts restrictedItems 77 1 // Baseball bat
gts restrictedItems 83 1 // Carver
gts restrictedItems 84 1 // Malice
gts restrictedItems 85 1 // Iron jim
gts restrictedItems 94 1 // Slash N' Burn
gts restrictedItems 95 1 // Brass knuckles
gts restrictedItems 96 1 // Butterfly knife
gts restrictedItems 97 1 // Wrench
gts restrictedItems 99 1 // Combat nife
gts restrictedItems 103 1 // Nightbreaker
gts restrictedItems 105 1 // Buzzcut
gts restrictedItems 108 1 // Enforcer
gts restrictedItems 109 1 // Nunchucks
gts restrictedItems 120 1 // Prizefighters
gts restrictedItems 121 1 // Katana
gts restrictedItems 122 1 // Ace of spades
gts restrictedItems 124 1 // L3FT.E
gts restrictedItems 125 1 // Bushwhacker
gts restrictedItems 147 1 // Raven's eye
// Special weapons restrictions
gts restrictedItems 54 1 // NX-Shadowclaw
gts restrictedItems 127 1 // Ballistic knife
gts restrictedItems 123 1 // D13-Sector
// Launchers restrictions
gts restrictedItems 39 1 // Max-GL
gts restrictedItems 57 1 // L4-Siege
gts restrictedItems 58 1 // XM53
gts restrictedItems 59 1 // Blackcell
// Pistols restrictions
gts restrictedItems 1 1 // MR6
gts restrictedItems 2 1 // RK5
gts restrictedItems 3 1 // L-CAR 9
gts restrictedItems 8 1 // Marshall 16
gts restrictedItems 47 1 // Rift-E9
gts restrictedItems 48 1 // 1911
// Lethal specialists restrictions
gts restrictedItems 111 1 // Scythe
gts restrictedItems 112 1 // Tempest
gts restrictedItems 113 1 // Gravity spikes
gts restrictedItems 114 1 // Ripper
gts restrictedItems 115 1 // Annihilator
gts restrictedItems 116 1 // War machine
gts restrictedItems 117 1 // Sparrow
gts restrictedItems 118 1 // HIVE
gts restrictedItems 119 1 // Purifier
// Lethal grenades restrictions
gts restrictedItems 61 1 // frag
gts restrictedItems 62 1 // combat axe
gts restrictedItems 63 1 // semtex
gts restrictedItems 64 1 // c4
gts restrictedItems 65 1 // trip mine
gts restrictedItems 66 1 // thermite
// Tactical grenades restrictions
gts restrictedItems 70 1 // smoke screen
gts restrictedItems 71 1 // concussion
gts restrictedItems 72 1 // emp
gts restrictedItems 74 1 // flash bang
gts restrictedItems 75 1 // shock charge
gts restrictedItems 76 1 // black hat
gts restrictedItems 78 1 // trophy system
// Sniper scope restrictions
gts restrictedattachments 32 weaponindex 40 1 // Locus
gts restrictedattachments 32 weaponindex 41 1 // Drakon
gts restrictedattachments 32 weaponindex 42 1 // SVG-100
gts restrictedattachments 32 weaponindex 43 1 // P0-6
gts restrictedattachments 32 weaponindex 45 1 // Interdiction-RSA
gts restrictedattachments 22 weaponindex 46 1 // DBSR -> 22 unknown scope id
gts restrictedattachments 32 weaponindex 46 1 // DBSR no elo sight
gts restrictedattachments 33 weaponindex 46 1 // DBSR -> 33 unknown scope id
gts restrictedattachments 32 weaponindex 98 1 // XPR-50
gts restrictedattachments 32 weaponindex 130 1 // Dragoon
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
//Don't touch the first 2 lines below here.
exec "gamedata/gamesettings/mp/gamesettings_default.cfg"
exec "gamedata/configs/common/default_xboxlive.cfg"
// Below this line you may uncomment the " // " commands and edit to your liking.
// If you unsure the default command. you can always " // " them back for later custom gameplay.
gts prematchrequirement "0" // (0-10) Number of players on each team or the total number of players before the pre-match countdown will start.
gts prematchrequirementtime "0" // (0-60) The amount of time before the match will start.
gts prematchperiod "15" // The amount of time before the game starts.
gts preroundperiod "5" // The amount of time before a round starts.
gts inactivityKick "120" // Kick players that's AFK
gts allowSpectating "1" // Allow players to spectate other players or CODcasting.
gts spectateType "1" // 0 disabled, 1 team only, 2 freelook, 3 team only spectate splitscreen players only
gts allowInGameTeamChange "1" // Allow players to switch teams?
gts autoTeamBalance "1" // Automatically assign players to teams
gts allowFinalKillcam "1" // Controls whether the final killcam is played.
gts timelimit "10" // Time limit of the game.
gts scorelimit "100" // Score limit reach to end the game.
gts teamCount "2"
gts roundLimit "1" // The number of rounds that will be played before the game ends.
//gts teamScorePerDeath "0" // Points per Death - The number of points your team loses for each death. Points can never be lower than zero. (0-25)
//gts teamScorePerHeadshot "0" // Headshot Bonus Points - Extra points awarded if the kill is a headshot in addition to the points per kill. (0-25)
//gts playerNumLives "0" // Number of Lives - The number of times each player can die before they are no longer allowed to respawn. (0-25)
//gts loadoutKillstreaksEnabled "1" // Disable Killstreaks by setting this to 0
//gts perksEnabled "1" // Disable Perks by setting this to 0
//gts disableVehicleSpawners "0" // This should disable robots from the DLC map Rupture by setting this to 1
//gts disableweapondrop "0" // No weapons on the ground.
//gts disallowprone "0" // Don't allow players to lay down.
//gts allowHitMarkers "2" // Rather or not to show hitmakers?
//gts allowAnnouncer "1" // Annouce enemy team actions
//Hardcore Mode
//gts hardcoreMode "1" // Enable hardcore mode.
//gts friendlyfiretype "1" // Enable or Disable Friendly Fire. 1 on, 2 reflect, 3 shared.
//gts playerHealthRegenTime "0" // Time it takes you to recover damage.
//gts playerMaxHealth "30" // Percent of Health players will have on Respawn.
//gts onlyHeadshots "0" // Headshots only
//gts allowKillcam "0" // Allow Killcam.
//gts allowbattlechatter "0" // Shut the fucking player dialogues up.
//gts teamKillPointLoss "1" // Points per Kill - The number of points for each kill. (0-25)
//gts teamKillPunishCount "3" // Kick constant Team killers out of your server.
gts gameAdvertisementRuleScorePercent "15"
gts gameAdvertisementRuleTimeLeft "2"
gts gameAdvertisementRuleRound "0"
gts gameAdvertisementRuleRoundsWon "0"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
gametype_setting allowAnnouncer 1
gametype_setting allowBattleChatter 1
gametype_setting allowFinalKillcam 1
gametype_setting allowHitMarkers 2
gametype_setting allowInGameTeamChange 0
gametype_setting allowKillcam 1
gametype_setting allowSpectating 0
gametype_setting autoDestroyTime 0
gametype_setting autoTeamBalance 0
gametype_setting bombTimer 0
gametype_setting bulletDamageScalar 1.0
gametype_setting captureTime 10
gametype_setting crateCaptureTime 3
gametype_setting cumulativeRoundScores 0
gametype_setting deathPointLoss 0
gametype_setting defuseTime 0
gametype_setting delayPlayer 0
gametype_setting destroyTime 0
gametype_setting disableAmbientFx 0
gametype_setting disableAttachments 0
gametype_setting disableCAC 1
gametype_setting disableContracts 0
gametype_setting disableTacInsert 0
gametype_setting disableweapondrop 1
gametype_setting disallowaimslowdown 0
gametype_setting disallowprone 0
gametype_setting enemyCarrierVisible 0
gametype_setting extraTime 0
gametype_setting flagCaptureGracePeriod 0
gametype_setting flagDecayTime 0
gametype_setting flagRespawnTime 0
gametype_setting forceRadar 0
gametype_setting friendlyfiretype 0
gametype_setting hardcoremode 0
gametype_setting hotPotato 0
gametype_setting idleFlagDecay 0
gametype_setting idleFlagResetTime 0
gametype_setting inactivityKick 0
gametype_setting kothMode 0
gametype_setting leaderBonus 0
gametype_setting loadoutKillstreaksEnabled 1
gametype_setting maxObjectiveEventsPerMinute 0
gametype_setting maxPlayerDefensive 0
gametype_setting maxPlayerEventsPerMinute 0
gametype_setting maxPlayerOffensive 0
gametype_setting multiBomb 0
gametype_setting objectiveSpawnTime 0
gametype_setting onlyHeadshots 0
gametype_setting perksEnabled 0
gametype_setting plantTime 0
gametype_setting playerForceRespawn 1
gametype_setting playerHealthRegenTime 5
gametype_setting playerKillsMax 0
gametype_setting playerMaxHealth 100
gametype_setting playerNumlives 0
gametype_setting playerObjectiveHeldRespawnDelay 0
gametype_setting playerQueuedRespawn 0
gametype_setting playerRespawnDelay 0
gametype_setting playerSprintTime 4
gametype_setting pregameAlwaysShowCACEdit 1
gametype_setting pregameAlwaysShowStreakEdit 1
gametype_setting pregameCACModifyTime 0
gametype_setting pregameDraftEnabled 0
gametype_setting pregameDraftRoundTime 0
gametype_setting pregameItemMaxVotes 0
gametype_setting pregameItemVoteEnabled 0
gametype_setting pregameItemVoteRoundTime 0
gametype_setting pregamePositionShuffleMethod 0
gametype_setting pregamePositionSortType 0
gametype_setting pregamePostRoundTime 0
gametype_setting pregamePostStageTime 0
gametype_setting pregamePreStageTime 0
gametype_setting pregameScorestreakModifyTime 0
gametype_setting randomObjectiveLocations 0
gametype_setting roundlimit 1
gametype_setting roundStartExplosiveDelay 5
gametype_setting roundStartKillstreakDelay 0
gametype_setting roundswitch 1 // rounds between switching teams
gametype_setting roundwinlimit 0
gametype_setting scoreHeroPowerGainFactor 1.0
gametype_setting scoreHeroPowerTimeFactor 1.0
gametype_setting scorelimit 100
gametype_setting spectateType 1
gametype_setting teamCount 1
gametype_setting teamKillPenalty 2
gametype_setting teamKillPointLoss 0
gametype_setting teamKillPunishCount 3
gametype_setting teamKillReducedPenalty 0.25
gametype_setting teamKillScore 4
gametype_setting teamKillSpawnDelay 20
gametype_setting timelimit 10
gametype_setting totalKillsMax 0
gametype_setting vehiclesEnabled 1
gametype_setting vehiclesTimed 1
gametype_setting voipDeadChatWithDead 0
gametype_setting voipDeadChatWithTeam 1
gametype_setting voipDeadHearAllLiving 0
gametype_setting voipDeadHearKiller 0
gametype_setting voipDeadHearTeamLiving 1
gametype_setting voipEveryoneHearsEveryone 0
gametype_setting voipKillersHearVictim 1
gametype_setting waverespawndelay 0
gametype_setting zmDifficulty 1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
gametype_setting scorelimit 7500
gametype_setting timelimit 10
gametype_setting roundlimit 1
gametype_setting playerNumlives 0
gametype_setting playerrespawndelay 0
gametype_setting waverespawndelay 0
gametype_setting disableweapondrop 1
gametype_setting allowAnnouncer 0
gametype_setting startRound 1
gametype_setting magic 1
gametype_setting headshotsonly 0
gametype_setting allowdogs 1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
Lobby.Process.CreateDedicatedModsLobby = function (controller, toTarget)
local lobby_mode = Engine.DvarString( nil, "sv_lobby_mode" )
if lobby_mode ~= "" then
if lobby_mode == "zm" then
elseif lobby_mode == "cp" then
elseif lobby_mode == "cpzm" then
elseif lobby_mode == "fr" then
toTarget = LobbyData.UITargets.UI_FRLOBBYONLINEGAME
toTarget.maxClients = Engine.DvarInt( nil, "com_maxclients" )
elseif lobby_mode == "doa" then
toTarget = LobbyData.UITargets.UI_DOALOBBYONLINE
elseif lobby_mode == "mp" then
elseif lobby_mode == "arena" then
local playlistID = Dvar.sv_playlist
local lobbyInit = Lobby.Actions.ExecuteScript(function ()
Lobby.ProcessNavigate.SetupLobbyMapAndGameType(controller, toTarget)
local setNetworkMode = Lobby.Actions.SetNetworkMode(controller, Enum.LobbyNetworkMode.LOBBY_NETWORKMODE_LIVE)
local lobbySettings = Lobby.Actions.LobbySettings(controller, toTarget)
local updateUI = Lobby.Actions.UpdateUI(controller, toTarget)
local createGameHost = Lobby.Actions.LobbyHostStart(controller, toTarget.mainMode, toTarget.lobbyType, toTarget.lobbyMode, toTarget.maxClients)
local lobbyAdvertise = Lobby.Actions.AdvertiseLobby(true)
local hostingEvent = Lobby.Actions.ExecuteScript(function ()
Engine.QoSProbeListenerEnable(toTarget.lobbyType, true)
Engine.SetDvar("live_dedicatedReady", 1)
Lobby.Timer.HostingLobby({controller = controller, lobbyType = toTarget.lobbyType, mainMode = toTarget.mainMode, lobbyTimerType = toTarget.lobbyTimerType})
if Engine.DvarInt( nil, "sv_skip_lobby" ) == 1 then
-- Engine.ComError( Enum.errorCode.ERROR_SCRIPT, "Using sv_skip_lobby" )
local map_rotation_string = Engine.DvarString( nil, "sv_maprotation" )
if map_rotation_string ~= "" then
local map_rotation_tokens = split_string( map_rotation_string, " " )
if map_rotation_tokens[ 1 ] == "gametype" then
Engine.Exec(0, "lobby_setgametype " .. map_rotation_tokens[ 2 ] )
-- Engine.ComError( Enum.errorCode.ERROR_SCRIPT, "Set gametype to " .. map_rotation_tokens[ 2 ] .. " based on map rotation" )
if map_rotation_tokens[ 3 ] == "map" then
Engine.Exec(0, "lobby_setmap " .. map_rotation_tokens[ 4 ] )
-- Engine.ComError( Enum.errorCode.ERROR_SCRIPT, "Set map to " .. map_rotation_tokens[ 4 ] .. " based on map rotation" )
Engine.Exec(0, "launchgame")
Lobby.Process.AddActions(setNetworkMode, lobbySettings)
Lobby.Process.AddActions(lobbySettings, lobbyInit)
Lobby.Process.AddActions(lobbyInit, updateUI)
Lobby.Process.AddActions(updateUI, createGameHost)
Lobby.Process.AddActions(createGameHost, lobbyAdvertise)
Lobby.Process.AddActions(lobbyAdvertise, hostingEvent)
Lobby.Process.AddActions(hostingEvent, nil)
return {head = setNetworkMode, interrupt = Lobby.Interrupt.NONE, force = true, cancellable = true}
function split_string(str, delimiter)
local tokens = {}
local pattern = string.format("([^%s]+)", delimiter)
for token in string.gmatch(str, pattern) do
table.insert(tokens, token)
return tokens
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
/// T7x Server Configuration //
// //
// ^1 Red //
// ^2 Green //
// ^3 Yellow //
// ^4 Blue //
// ^5 Cyan //
// ^6 Pink //
// ^7 White //
// ^8 Depends on the team colors playing. //
// ^9 Orange //
// ^0 Black //
// //
set live_steam_server_name "Default T7x Server" // Sets the server hostname.
set live_steam_server_description "My longest YEA T7x ever" // Sets a server description visible on the serverlist
set com_maxclients "18" // Max players in your server.
set rcon_password "" // Access to your server to change stuff remotely or ingame. (Empty = disabled)
set g_password "" // Password Protected Server. Leave blank if you want players to join or set password if you want to keep public out.
set sv_privateClients "0" // Maximum number of private clients allowed on the server (range 0-18 (clamped to sv_maxclients) )
set sv_timeout "30" // Timeout time period. You will timeout after (30) seconds when attempting to connect or if you are getting connection interruptions
set sv_reconnectlimit "3" // How many times you can try to reconnect
set sv_pure "0" // verifying cilent files
set sv_floodProtect "1" // Chat Spam Protection
set g_log "t7x/games_mp.log" // Gamelog filename. If you edit this, Make sure you change B3.xml if you have bigbrotherbot.
set sv_lobby_mode "mp" // Sets the lobby type to multiplayer.
set sv_skip_lobby "1" // Makes the server load the map immediately instead of waiting at the lobby. Turn this off if you want to use playlists instead(currently required for custom maps).
set sv_lanonly "0" // Keep your server from bordcasting to the public list and Local LAN only.
set bot_maxallies "0" // Amount of Bots on the Friendly Team
set bot_maxAxis "0" // Amount of Bots on the Enemy Team
set bot_maxFree "0" // Bots free-for-all based modes? Untested.
set bot_difficulty "1" // Bot Skill. (0 - Easy, 1 - Normal, 2 - Hard, 3 - Veteran)
// //
// dm - Free-for-all //
// tdm - Team Deathmatch //
// ball - Uplink //
// sd - Search and Destroy //
// sr - Search and Rescue //
// dom - Domination //
// dem - Demolition //
// conf - Kill Confirmed //
// ctf - Capture the Flag //
// shrp - Sharpshooter //
// gun - GunGame //
// sas - Sticks and Stones //
// koth - Hardpoint //
// escort - Safeguard //
// clean - Fracture //
// prop - Prop Hunt //
// infect - Infected //
// sniperonly - Snipers Only //
// //
exec "gamedata/gamesettings/mp/gamesettings_tdm.cfg" // Change this to the gametype config of the mode you want to run (e.g. ../gamesettings_conf.cfg, ../gamesettings_escort.cfg)
//set gametype "tdm" // Set the gametype in the map rotation for now
set scr_teambalance "1" // Enable or Disable auto balance.
set cg_thirdPerson "0" // third-person mode
set g_deadChat "0" // Dead Players' Chat Messages can be seen by everyone
// //
// * - Maps that support Prop Hunt //
// //
///////////Base Maps/////////////////////////////////
// //
// Aquarium* - mp_biodome //
// Breach - mp_spire //
// Combine* - mp_sector //
// Evac* - mp_apartments //
// Exodus* - mp_chinatown //
// Fringe* - mp_veiled //
// Havoc - mp_havoc //
// Hunted* - mp_ethiopia //
// Infection* - mp_infection //
// Metro - mp_metro //
// Redwood* - mp_redwood //
// Stronghold - mp_stronghold //
// Nuk3town* - mp_nuketown_x //
// //
///////////Awakening DLC/////////////////////////////
// //
// Gauntlet - mp_crucible //
// Rise - mp_rise //
// Skyjacked - mp_skyjacked //
// Splash - mp_waterpark //
// //
///////////Eclipse DLC///////////////////////////////
// //
// Knockout - mp_kung_fu //
// Rift - mp_conduit //
// Spire* - mp_aerospace //
// Verge - mp_banzai //
// //
///////////Descent DLC///////////////////////////////
// //
// Berserk - mp_shrine //
// Cryogen - mp_cryogen //
// Empire - mp_rome //
// Rumble - mp_arena //
// //
///////////Salvation DLC/////////////////////////////
// //
// Citadel - mp_ruins //
// Micro - mp_miniature //
// Outlaw - mp_western //
// Rupture - mp_city //
// //
///////////Bonus Maps////////////////////////////////
// //
// Fringe Night - mp_veiled_heyday //
// Redwood Snow - mp_redwood_ice //
// //
set sv_maprotation "gametype tdm map mp_biodome map mp_spire map mp_sector map mp_apartments map mp_chinatown map mp_veiled map mp_havoc map mp_ethiopia map mp_infection map mp_metro map mp_redwood map mp_stronghold map mp_nuketown_x map mp_shrine map mp_ruins map mp_cryogen map mp_rome map mp_crucible map mp_kung_fu map mp_miniature map mp_western map mp_conduit map mp_rise map mp_arena map mp_city map mp_skyjacked map mp_aerospace map mp_waterpark map mp_banzai map mp_veiled_heyday map mp_redwood_ice"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
/// T7x Server Configuration //
// //
// ^1 Red //
// ^2 Green //
// ^3 Yellow //
// ^4 Blue //
// ^5 Cyan //
// ^6 Pink //
// ^7 White //
// ^8 Depends on the team colors playing. //
// ^9 Orange //
// ^0 Black //
// //
set live_steam_server_name "Default T7x Campaign Server" // Sets the server hostname.
set live_steam_server_description "My longest YEA T7x CAMPAIGN ever" // Sets a server description visible on the serverlist
set com_maxclients "4" // Max players in your server.
set lobby_min_players "1" // Minimum amount of players for the Match to start.
set rcon_password "" // Access to your server to change stuff remotely or ingame. (Empty = disabled)
set g_password "" // Password Protected Server. Leave blank if you want players to join or set password if you want to keep public out.
set sv_privateClients "0" // Maximum number of private clients allowed on the server (range 0-18 (clamped to sv_maxclients) )
set sv_timeout "30" // Timeout time period. You will timeout after (30) seconds when attempting to connect or if you are getting connection interruptions
set sv_reconnectlimit "3" // How many times you can try to reconnect
set sv_pure "0" // verifying cilent files
set sv_floodProtect "1" // Chat Spam Protection
set g_log "t7x/games_cp.log" // Gamelog filename. If you edit this, Make sure you change B3.xml if you have bigbrotherbot.
set sv_lobby_mode "cp" // Sets the lobby type to camapaign
set sv_skip_lobby "1" // Makes the server load the map immediately instead of waiting at the lobby. Turn this off if you want to use playlists instead(currently required for custom maps).
set sv_lanonly "0" // Keep your server from bordcasting to the public list and Local LAN only.
exec "gamedata/gamesettings/cp/gamesettings_default.cfg" // Leave this as is
exec "gamedata/configs/common/default_xboxlive.cfg" // Leave this as is
exec "gamedata/gamesettings/cp/gamesettings_coop.cfg" // Leave this as is
set cg_thirdPerson "0" // third-person mode
set g_deadChat "0" // Dead Players' Chat Messages can be seen by everyone
// //
// //
// Mobile - cp_sh_mobile //
// Singapore - cp_sh_singapore //
// Cairo - cp_sh_cairo //
// //
// //
// Black Ops - cp_mi_eth_prologue //
// New World - cp_mi_zurich_newworld //
// In Darkness - cp_mi_sing_blackstation //
// Provocation - cp_mi_sing_biodomes //
// Hypocenter - cp_mi_sing_sgen //
// Vengeance - cp_mi_sing_vengeance //
// Rise & Fall - cp_mi_cairo_ramses //
// Demon Within - cp_mi_cairo_infection //
// Sand Castle - cp_mi_cairo_aquifer //
// Lotus Towers - cp_mi_cairo_lotus //
// Life - cp_mi_zurich_coalescence //
// //
set sv_maprotation "gametype coop map cp_mi_eth_prologue"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
/// T7x Server Configuration //
// //
// ^1 Red //
// ^2 Green //
// ^3 Yellow //
// ^4 Blue //
// ^5 Cyan //
// ^6 Pink //
// ^7 White //
// ^8 Depends on the team colors playing. //
// ^9 Orange //
// ^0 Black //
// //
set live_steam_server_name "Default T7x Zombies Server" // Sets the server hostname.
set live_steam_server_description "My longest YEA T7x ZOMBIES ever" // Sets a server description visible on the serverlist
set com_maxclients "4" // Max players in your server.
set lobby_min_players "1" // Minimum amount of players for the Match to start.
set rcon_password "" // Access to your server to change stuff remotely or ingame. (Empty = disabled)
set g_password "" // Password Protected Server. Leave blank if you want players to join or set password if you want to keep public out.
set sv_privateClients "0" // Maximum number of private clients allowed on the server (range 0-18 (clamped to sv_maxclients) )
set sv_timeout "30" // Timeout time period. You will timeout after (30) seconds when attempting to connect or if you are getting connection interruptions
set sv_reconnectlimit "3" // How many times you can try to reconnect
set sv_pure "0" // verifying cilent files
set sv_floodProtect "1" // Chat Spam Protection
set g_log "t7x/games_zm.log" // Gamelog filename. If you edit this, Make sure you change B3.xml if you have bigbrotherbot.
set sv_lobby_mode "zm" // Sets the lobby type to zombies
set sv_skip_lobby "1" // Makes the server load the map immediately instead of waiting at the lobby. Turn this off if you want to use playlists instead(currently required for custom maps).
set sv_lanonly "0" // Keep your server from bordcasting to the public list and Local LAN only.
exec "gamedata/gamesettings/zm/gamesettings_default.cfg" // Leave this as is
exec "gamedata/configs/common/default_xboxlive.cfg" // Leave this as is
exec "gamedata/gamesettings/zm/gamesettings_zclassic.cfg" // Leave this as is
set cg_thirdPerson "0" // third-person mode
set g_deadChat "0" // Dead Players' Chat Messages can be seen by everyone
set scr_firstGumFree "1" // Price of first Gobblegum (1 = free, 0 = 500)
// //
/////////Base Maps/////////////////////////////////
// //
// Shadows of Evil - zm_zod //
// //
/////////Awakening DLC/////////////////////////////
// //
// Der Eisendrache - zm_castle //
// //
/////////Eclipse DLC///////////////////////////////
// //
// Zetsubou No Shima - zm_island //
// //
/////////Descent DLC///////////////////////////////
// //
// Gorod Krovi - zm_stalingrad //
// //
/////////Salvation DLC/////////////////////////////
// //
// Revelations - zm_genesis //
// //
/////////Zombies Chronicles DLC////////////////////
// //
// Ascension - zm_cosmodrome //
// Kino der Toten - zm_theater //
// Moon - zm_moon //
// Nacht der Untoten - zm_prototype //
// Origins - zm_tomb //
// Shangri-La - zm_temple //
// Shi No Numa - zm_sumpf //
// The Giant - zm_factory //
// Verrückt - zm_asylum //
// //
set sv_maprotation "gametype zclassic map zm_tomb"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user