2023-04-13 20:17:56 +02:00

177 lines
4.4 KiB

#include <std_include.hpp>
#include "loader/component_loader.hpp"
#include "workshop.hpp"
#include "game/game.hpp"
#include <utils/hook.hpp>
#include <utils/string.hpp>
#include <utils/io.hpp>
namespace workshop
utils::hook::detour setup_server_map_hook;
bool has_mod(const std::string& pub_id)
const auto total_mods = *reinterpret_cast<unsigned int*>(0x15678D170_g);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < total_mods; ++i)
const auto mod_data = reinterpret_cast<game::workshop_data*>(0x15678D178_g + (sizeof(game::workshop_data) * i));
if (mod_data->publisherId == pub_id)
return true;
return false;
void load_usermap_mod_if_needed(const std::string& publisher_id)
if (!game::isModLoaded() && !publisher_id.empty())
game::loadMod(0, "usermaps", true);
void setup_server_map_stub(int localClientNum, const char* mapname, const char* gametype)
const auto publisher_id = get_usermap_publisher_id(mapname);
setup_server_map_hook.invoke(localClientNum, mapname, gametype);
bool has_workshop_item_stub(int type, const char* mapname, int a3)
const auto publisher_id = get_usermap_publisher_id(mapname);
const auto name = publisher_id.empty() ? mapname : publisher_id.data();
return utils::hook::invoke<bool>(0x1420D6380_g, type, name, a3);
game::workshop_data* load_usermap_stub(const char* mapname)
const auto publisher_id = get_usermap_publisher_id(mapname);
const auto name = publisher_id.empty() ? mapname : publisher_id.data();
return utils::hook::invoke<game::workshop_data*>(0x1420D5700_g, name);
std::string get_mod_name(const std::string& mod_id)
if (mod_id == "usermaps" || !game::is_server())
return mod_id;
const utils::nt::library host{};
const auto base_path = host.get_folder().generic_string();
const auto path = utils::string::va("%s/mods/%s/zone/workshop.json", base_path.data(), mod_id.data());
const auto json_str = utils::io::read_file(path);
if (json_str.empty())
printf("[ Workshop ] workshop.json has not been found in mod folder: %s\n", mod_id.data());
return mod_id;
rapidjson::Document doc;
const rapidjson::ParseResult parse_result = doc.Parse(json_str);
if (parse_result.IsError() || !doc.IsObject())
printf("[ Workshop ] Unable to parse workshop.json\n");
return mod_id;
if (doc.HasMember("Title"))
std::string title = doc["Title"].GetString();
if (title.size() > 31)
return title;
printf("[ Workshop ] workshop.json has no \"Title\" member.\n");
return mod_id;
std::string get_usermap_publisher_id(const std::string& mapname)
const auto total_usermaps = *reinterpret_cast<unsigned int*>(0x1567B3580_g);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < total_usermaps; ++i)
const auto usermap_data = reinterpret_cast<game::workshop_data*>(0x1567B3588_g + (sizeof(game::workshop_data) * i));
if (usermap_data->folderName == mapname)
return usermap_data->publisherId;
return {};
bool check_valid_usermap_id(const std::string& mapname, const std::string& pub_id)
if (!game::DB_FileExists(mapname.data(), 0) && pub_id.empty())
game::UI_OpenErrorPopupWithMessage(0, 0x100,
utils::string::va("Can't find usermap: %s!\nMake sure you're subscribed to the workshop item.", mapname.data()));
return false;
return true;
bool check_valid_mod_id(const std::string& mod)
if (mod.empty() || mod == "usermaps")
return true;
if (!has_mod(mod))
game::UI_OpenErrorPopupWithMessage(0, 0x100,
utils::string::va("Can't find mod with publisher id: %s!\nMake sure you're subscribed to the workshop item.", mod.data()));
return false;
return true;
void load_mod_if_needed(const std::string& usermap, const std::string& mod)
if (!usermap.empty() || mod != "usermaps")
game::loadMod(0, mod.data(), true);
class component final : public client_component
void post_unpack() override
setup_server_map_hook.create(0x14135CD20_g, setup_server_map_stub);
// Allow client to switch maps if server sends zone name instead of publisher id
utils::hook::call(0x14135CD84_g, has_workshop_item_stub);
utils::hook::call(0x14135CE48_g, load_usermap_stub);