cleanup inconsistent whitespace
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,33 +10,33 @@ settings
// setdvar cl_thunderhead_prefix t7_tu1_
//Disable paintshop optimizations
setdvar cg_paintshopEnableCompression 1 // Assists with Paintshop streaming
setdvar cg_paintshopReadDiskCache 1 // Assists with Paintshop streaming
setdvar cg_paintshopWriteDiskCache 1 // Assists with Paintshop streaming
setdvar cg_paintshopEnableCompression 1 // Assists with Paintshop streaming
setdvar cg_paintshopReadDiskCache 1 // Assists with Paintshop streaming
setdvar cg_paintshopWriteDiskCache 1 // Assists with Paintshop streaming
setdvar r_forcedModelLodsMP 4 // helps with offloading some memory from the streamer, per N. Nikaido.
setdvar r_streamWeaponsCache 1 // Frees up memory on the streamer by changing how weapon textures load. Per N. Nikaido.
setdvar r_forcedModelLodsMP 4 // helps with offloading some memory from the streamer, per N. Nikaido.
setdvar r_streamWeaponsCache 1 // Frees up memory on the streamer by changing how weapon textures load. Per N. Nikaido.
setdvar marketing_enabled 1 // enables CRM marketing coms
setdvar arena_defaultPlaylist 40 // sets the default Arena playlist
setdvar tu2_disableChallengesForLockedItemsInArena 1 // disables challenges for locked items in arenas
setdvar groupCountsVisible 0 // replaced player count with percentages
setdvar tu2_catchMissingRbEndFrame 1 // Enables changes from N Silvagni see DT 14111
setdvar fracture_enabled 1 // Enables Fracture game mode for MP
setdvar marketing_enabled 1 // enables CRM marketing coms
setdvar arena_defaultPlaylist 40 // sets the default Arena playlist
setdvar tu2_disableChallengesForLockedItemsInArena 1 // disables challenges for locked items in arenas
setdvar groupCountsVisible 0 // replaced player count with percentages
setdvar tu2_catchMissingRbEndFrame 1 // Enables changes from N Silvagni see DT 14111
setdvar fracture_enabled 1 // Enables Fracture game mode for MP
setdvar totalSampleRateBlackBox 0
setdvar tu9_noClipsWarning 1 // DT 163743
setdvar tu9_noClipsWarning 1 // DT 163743
// DLC search tuning
setdvar lobbySearchSkipDLCProbability 0.5 // For users that are about to search for a session of ( DLC1 | OriginalMaps ), turn off the DLC1 bit 50% of the time and just search for original maps sessions instead. This should help skill discrepency between DLC1 sessions and original maps sessions
setdvar lobbySearchSkipDLCProbability 0.5 // For users that are about to search for a session of ( DLC1 | OriginalMaps ), turn off the DLC1 bit 50% of the time and just search for original maps sessions instead. This should help skill discrepency between DLC1 sessions and original maps sessions
//Parking Tuning
setdvar lobbySearchForceUnparkLobbySize 1
setdvar lobbySearchSkipUnparkProbability 0
//setdvar lobbySearchBaseSkillRange 1.0
//setdvar lobbySearchSkillRangeMultiplier 1.0
setdvar tu16_lobbyMonitor 1 // Prevents broken lobbies, per S.Eldredge and T. Keegan
setdvar tu16_lobbyMonitor 1 // Prevents broken lobbies, per S.Eldredge and T. Keegan
//Theater Optimizations
setdvar demo_fileblockWriteRate 30
@ -66,20 +66,20 @@ setdvar probation_version 0
setdvar loot_enabled 1
setdvar tu4_burnDuplicates 1
setdvar loot_mpItemVersions "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18" //Enables black market items for DEV
setdvar loot_salePercentOff .5 //Makes loot 50% off (UI Only - need FFOTD and Backend Update to actually get 50% off)
setdvar lootxp_multiplier 2.0 //Doubles Cryptokey earn rate - delete for playlists going LIVE, unless needed (requires backend update as well)
setdvar scr_vialsAwardedScale 2.0 //Double Liquid Divinium Earn Rate - delete for playlits giong LIVE, unless needed (requires backend update and FFOTD if before TU9)
setdvar loot_mpItemVersions "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18" //Enables black market items for DEV
setdvar loot_salePercentOff .5 //Makes loot 50% off (UI Only - need FFOTD and Backend Update to actually get 50% off)
setdvar lootxp_multiplier 2.0 //Doubles Cryptokey earn rate - delete for playlists going LIVE, unless needed (requires backend update as well)
setdvar scr_vialsAwardedScale 2.0 //Double Liquid Divinium Earn Rate - delete for playlits giong LIVE, unless needed (requires backend update and FFOTD if before TU9)
setdvar tu4_enableCodPoints 0
setdvar loot_mpItemCurrentDropStringRef MENU_MONTHS_JUN //NEED TO UPDATE WITH EACH LOOT TU - sets a banner on the latest loot (as determined loot_mpItemVersions); banner's month is determined by this DVAR
setdvar loot_bundle_final_count 10 //Fixes post-event supply drops remaining number
setdvar loot_trifecta_breadcrumb_index 2 //Increment this to allow for Breadrumbs on new Special Contracts.
setdvar loot_mpItemCurrentDropStringRef MENU_MONTHS_JUN //NEED TO UPDATE WITH EACH LOOT TU - sets a banner on the latest loot (as determined loot_mpItemVersions); banner's month is determined by this DVAR
setdvar loot_bundle_final_count 10 //Fixes post-event supply drops remaining number
setdvar loot_trifecta_breadcrumb_index 2 //Increment this to allow for Breadrumbs on new Special Contracts.
setdvar black_market_gun_game 0
setdvar rotatingPlaylistStartTime 1526058000
setdvar rare_bundle_10for5_cpCost 500 //Price for 10for5
setdvar rare__bundle_10for5_dwid 51 //DW ID for 10for5
setdvar rare_bundle_10for5_cpCost 500 //Price for 10for5
setdvar rare__bundle_10for5_dwid 51 //DW ID for 10for5
//These dvars will prevent noDupes and 100 Bundles from disappearing after the event ends. per V. Sharma
setdvar loot_noDupeRare20Bundle_dwid 15
@ -92,9 +92,9 @@ setdvar trifecta_cod_points_drop_id 99071
setdvar trifecta_cod_points_sku 99073
// Loot Unlock
setdvar loot_unlockUnreleasedLoot 1 //When set to 1, this will display any loot we wish to hide from the public in mpUnreleasedLoot.csv; Setting to 0 will hide the Loot in the UI across the game
setdvar loot_unlockUnreleasedLoot 1 //When set to 1, this will display any loot we wish to hide from the public in mpUnreleasedLoot.csv; Setting to 0 will hide the Loot in the UI across the game
//Bribes //Enables or Disables bribes
//Bribes //Enables or Disables bribes
setdvar loot_bribeCrate_dwid 0
setdvar loot_bribeCrate_cpCost 150
setdvar loot_bribeCrate_cryptoCost 30
@ -102,20 +102,20 @@ setdvar loot_bundleActive 1
// Liquid Divinium (UI Only - needs a backend update)
// setdvar loot_ld_salePercentOff .5 // This will set UI for original price (i.e., if a 50% off sale, then it will times the half-off CODPoint costs above by 2 and show that as the "original price") and controls whether or the promotional UI is visible or not
// setdvar loot_ld_x3_cpCost 100 // Original price 200
// setdvar loot_ld_x6_cpCost 200 // Original price 400
// setdvar loot_ld_x9_cpCost 300 // Original price 600
// setdvar loot_ld_saleEndDay 4 // int that represents which day of the week is displayed in the “sale ending” message in the popup; Sunday = 0; Thursday = 4, etc.
// setdvar loot_ld_discount 50 // the discount that is displayed in the "--% off!" strings
// setdvar zm_vials_20_id 99024 // Enables 20 pack of Liquid Divinium as a new purchasable
// setdvar loot_ld_x3_cpCost 100 // Original price 200
// setdvar loot_ld_x6_cpCost 200 // Original price 400
// setdvar loot_ld_x9_cpCost 300 // Original price 600
// setdvar loot_ld_saleEndDay 4 // int that represents which day of the week is displayed in the “sale ending” message in the popup; Sunday = 0; Thursday = 4, etc.
// setdvar loot_ld_discount 50 // the discount that is displayed in the "--% off!" strings
// setdvar zm_vials_20_id 99024 // Enables 20 pack of Liquid Divinium as a new purchasable
//V.Sharma - No Ghost Lobby
setdvar tu3_lobby_dropRejoiningClients 1 // When a client leaves and re-joins the same game lobby, he will no longer be taken to a ghost lobby
setdvar tu3_lobby_dropRejoiningClients 1 // When a client leaves and re-joins the same game lobby, he will no longer be taken to a ghost lobby
//Dedicated Server
setdvar lobbySearchMinDediSearchTime 30 // Minimum time players will wait for dedicated server
setdvar lobbySearchMinDediSearchClientAdd 5 // Adds this amount of time per party member - i.e., 5 seconds per party member
setdvar qos_echo_chance 50 // Ping survey for Orbis Dev only, per E.Oughton and B.Stragnell
setdvar lobbySearchMinDediSearchTime 30 // Minimum time players will wait for dedicated server
setdvar lobbySearchMinDediSearchClientAdd 5 // Adds this amount of time per party member - i.e., 5 seconds per party member
setdvar qos_echo_chance 50 // Ping survey for Orbis Dev only, per E.Oughton and B.Stragnell
//Enables Full Feature Theater
setdvar demo_restrictedbasicmode 0
@ -126,51 +126,51 @@ setdvar arena_enableArenaChallenges 1
//DLC1 Free Weekend UI
//setdvar ui_freeDLC1 1
//setdvar ui_freeDLCPC 1 // Enables FREE DLC for all pc players.
//setdvar ui_freeDLCPC 1 // Enables FREE DLC for all pc players.
// Digital and Retail Incentive //This enables UI pop-up for when players purchase incentive
// Digital and Retail Incentive //This enables UI pop-up for when players purchase incentive
setdvar enable_digital_incentive 1
setdvar enable_retail_incentive 1
//Season Pass Incentive
setdvar enable_season_pass_incentive 1
//Contracts // Turns on UI for Contracts
setdvar show_contracts_button 1 // Turns on Contract Button
setdvar enable_weapon_contract 1 // Enable weapon contract
setdvar weapon_contract_target_value 75 // Setting to 5 for QA, but will turn to 75 for when we ship
//Contracts // Turns on UI for Contracts
setdvar show_contracts_button 1 // Turns on Contract Button
setdvar enable_weapon_contract 1 // Enable weapon contract
setdvar weapon_contract_target_value 75 // Setting to 5 for QA, but will turn to 75 for when we ship
setdvar contracts_enabled_mp 1
setdvar contracts_start_time 1460998800
setdvar daily_contract_cryptokey_reward_count 10 // Defines number of Cryptokeys to reward, default value for this dvar is 10
setdvar daily_contract_cryptokey_reward_count 10 // Defines number of Cryptokeys to reward, default value for this dvar is 10
//GobbleGum Features
setdvar scr_firstGumFree 1 // Enables promotion where First GobbleGum in each round is Free
setdvar tu18_enable_newtons_cookbook 1 // Enables Newton's Cookbook in the ZM main menu
setdvar loot_forceEnableZCGumsInFactory 1 // enables the dlc5 gobblegums in dr monty's factory even if dlc5 is not enabled by tu9_highestAvailableDLC
setdvar scr_firstGumFree 1 // Enables promotion where First GobbleGum in each round is Free
setdvar tu18_enable_newtons_cookbook 1 // Enables Newton's Cookbook in the ZM main menu
setdvar loot_forceEnableZCGumsInFactory 1 // enables the dlc5 gobblegums in dr monty's factory even if dlc5 is not enabled by tu9_highestAvailableDLC
//ZM Tracking Dvars
setdvar zm_dash_stats_enable_tracking 1
//setdvar zm_dash_stats_use_aggregated_comscore 1 // Leave this out unless the comscore event is causing problems.
//setdvar zm_dash_stats_use_aggregated_comscore 1 // Leave this out unless the comscore event is causing problems.
//Enable Music Tracks
setdvar ui_enableMusicTracks 1 // Enables thea ability to change music tracks in-game; must turn off before we go LIVE if not working correctly
setdvar ui_enableMusicTracks 1 // Enables thea ability to change music tracks in-game; must turn off before we go LIVE if not working correctly
//Promotional Menu
setdvar ui_enablePromoMenu 0 // Enables Promo Menu
setdvar ui_promoThermometerPercent .25 // Sets percentage on "Thermometer"; .25 will make the themometer go up 25%
ssetdvar ui_enablePromoTracking 1 // Enables Headshot tracking for ZMHD Thermometer.
setdvar ui_enableZMHDFeaturedCard 1 // Enables Thermometer widget in ZM shell
setdvar ui_enablePromoMenu 0 // Enables Promo Menu
setdvar ui_promoThermometerPercent .25 // Sets percentage on "Thermometer"; .25 will make the themometer go up 25%
ssetdvar ui_enablePromoTracking 1 // Enables Headshot tracking for ZMHD Thermometer.
setdvar ui_enableZMHDFeaturedCard 1 // Enables Thermometer widget in ZM shell
setdvar survey_count 0
setdvar survey_chance .005
setdvar live_enablePolls 0 // Disables the polling system, per Amit
setdvar live_enablePolls 0 // Disables the polling system, per Amit
//DW Live Experiments
setdvar live_experimentsEnabled 0 // Leave on for LIVE per Martin
setdvar live_experimentsEnabled 0 // Leave on for LIVE per Martin
// Analytics
setdvar tu8_enableDurableProductsExchange 1 // Tracks Durable Products
setdvar tu8_enableDurableProductsExchange 1 // Tracks Durable Products
// setdvar skuOnlineOverride 1
// setdvar skuOnlineSceaEnFr 1
@ -183,13 +183,13 @@ setdvar tu8_enableDurableProductsExchange 1 // T
// setdvar skuOnlineSceeArEa 1
// setdvar skuOnlineScejFjJa 1
//setdvar cpProcessingJoinCheck 1 //Removed at T.Keegan's Request
//setdvar zmProcessingJoinCheck 1 //Removed at T.Keegan's Request
//setdvar cpProcessingJoinCheck 1 //Removed at T.Keegan's Request
//setdvar zmProcessingJoinCheck 1 //Removed at T.Keegan's Request
setdvar sv_mapSwitchPreloadFrontend 0 //Turns on and off preloading for the frontend
setdvar sv_mapSwitchPreloadFrontend 0 //Turns on and off preloading for the frontend
setdvar lobbySearchSkipUnparkProbability 0 // Turn on for LIVE
setdvar lobbySearchBaseSkillRange 0 // Turn on for LIVE - Disabled for PC
setdvar lobbySearchSkipUnparkProbability 0 // Turn on for LIVE
setdvar lobbySearchBaseSkillRange 0 // Turn on for LIVE - Disabled for PC
setdvar com_script_recordeventprobability_client 0.0001
setdvar com_script_recordeventprobability_server 0.0001
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ setdvar scr_prop_minigame 1
setdvar live_useRegulation 1
event default
@ -456,11 +456,11 @@ event sniperonly_display
rule playlist_show 109
gametype hs_ctf
@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ script sniperonly
rule gts inactivityKick 60
gametype hc_tdm
@ -639,7 +639,7 @@ rule gts teamKillPointLoss 1
rule gts inactivityKick 60
gametype hs_gun
@ -649,28 +649,28 @@ rule gts allowbattlechatter 1
rule gts inactivityKick 60
gametype arena_ctf_pro
script ctf
rule gts scorelimit 0 // Capture Limit: unlimited
rule gts playerRespawnDelay 7.5 // Respawn Delay: 7.5 Seconds
rule gts cumulativeRoundScores 1 // Win Condition
rule gts teamKillPunishCount 5 // Number of teamkills before kicking: 3
rule gts teamKillPointLoss 1 // Player will lose points for teamkills: true
rule gts scorelimit 0 // Capture Limit: unlimited
rule gts playerRespawnDelay 7.5 // Respawn Delay: 7.5 Seconds
rule gts cumulativeRoundScores 1 // Win Condition
rule gts teamKillPunishCount 5 // Number of teamkills before kicking: 3
rule gts teamKillPointLoss 1 // Player will lose points for teamkills: true
rule gts inactivityKick 60
gametype arena_sd_pro
script sd
rule gts timelimit 1.5 // Time Limit: 1.5 Minutes
rule gts defuseTime 7.5 // Defuse Time: 7.5 Seconds
rule gts silentPlant 1 // Silent Plant: True
rule gts scoreLimit 6 // Round Win Limit: 6 Rounds
rule gts teamKillPunishCount 3 // Number of teamkills before kicking: 3
rule gts teamKillPointLoss 1 // Player will lose points for teamkills: true
rule gts timelimit 1.5 // Time Limit: 1.5 Minutes
rule gts defuseTime 7.5 // Defuse Time: 7.5 Seconds
rule gts silentPlant 1 // Silent Plant: True
rule gts scoreLimit 6 // Round Win Limit: 6 Rounds
rule gts teamKillPunishCount 3 // Number of teamkills before kicking: 3
rule gts teamKillPointLoss 1 // Player will lose points for teamkills: true
rule gts inactivityKick 60
gametype arena_sd
@ -686,18 +686,18 @@ rule gts inactivityKick 60
gametype arena_koth_pro
script koth
rule gts spawnsuicidepenalty 3 // Suicide Penalty in KOTH : 3 seconds
rule gts teamKillPunishCount 5 // Number of teamkills before kicking: 3
rule gts teamKillPointLoss 1 // Player will lose points for teamkills: true
rule gts spawnsuicidepenalty 3 // Suicide Penalty in KOTH : 3 seconds
rule gts teamKillPunishCount 5 // Number of teamkills before kicking: 3
rule gts teamKillPointLoss 1 // Player will lose points for teamkills: true
rule gts inactivityKick 60
gametype arena_ball_pro
script ball
rule gts playerRespawnDelay 5 // Respawn Delay: 5 Seconds
rule gts roundScoreLimit 0 // Round Score Limit: 0
rule gts teamKillPunishCount 5 // Number of teamkills before kicking: 3
rule gts teamKillPointLoss 1 // Player will lose points for teamkills: true
rule gts playerRespawnDelay 5 // Respawn Delay: 5 Seconds
rule gts roundScoreLimit 0 // Round Score Limit: 0
rule gts teamKillPunishCount 5 // Number of teamkills before kicking: 3
rule gts teamKillPointLoss 1 // Player will lose points for teamkills: true
rule gts inactivityKick 60
gametype arena_dom
@ -730,7 +730,7 @@ script conf
rule gts inactivityKick 60
gametype zclassic
@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ rule ui_zm_gamemodegroup zclassic
script zclassic
gametype cp_coop
@ -1390,7 +1390,7 @@ filter playermatch
unlockxp 0
maplist all
@ -1491,8 +1491,8 @@ mp_western
// CORE (MP)
// 1-19 is reserved for playlists in the Core category
// CORE (MP)
// 1-19 is reserved for playlists in the Core category
playlist 1
@ -1678,7 +1678,7 @@ rule scr_xpscalemp 2
rule gunxpgroups everyone
rule scr_gunxpscalemp 2
//rule liveDedicatedOnly 0
// rule partyChatDisallowed 1 // rule partyChatDisallowed 1 - this will kick any player who is currently in or joined a platform party chat
// rule partyChatDisallowed 1 // rule partyChatDisallowed 1 - this will kick any player who is currently in or joined a platform party chat
sortOrder 0.2
@ -1786,8 +1786,8 @@ dlc4,hs_clean,1
// playlist 12
// 20-29 is reserved for playlists in the Hardcore category
// 20-29 is reserved for playlists in the Hardcore category
playlist 20
@ -1947,7 +1947,7 @@ rule party_minplayers 1
rule party_maxplayers 12
rule party_matchedplayercount 1
//rule liveDedicatedOnly 0
// rule partyChatDisallowed 1 // rule partyChatDisallowed 1 - this will kick any player who is currently in or joined a platform party chat
// rule partyChatDisallowed 1 // rule partyChatDisallowed 1 - this will kick any player who is currently in or joined a platform party chat
rule xpGroups everyone
rule scr_xpscalemp 2
rule gunxpgroups everyone
@ -1982,8 +1982,8 @@ dlc3,hc_ctf,1
// 40-49 is reserved for playlists in Arenas
// 40-49 is reserved for playlists in Arenas
playlist 40
@ -2025,19 +2025,19 @@ parkingplaylist 9001
rule party_minplayers 1
rule party_maxplayers 8
rule party_matchedplayercount 1
rule gts pregamedraftenabled 1 // enable Specialist Selection
rule gts pregamedraftenabled 1 // enable Specialist Selection
rule gts pregameitemvoteenabled 1 // enable pick/ban
rule gts pregamescorestreakmodifytime 20 // Scorestreak Selection Timer in seconds
rule gts pregamedraftroundtime 20 // Draft round timer in seconds
rule gts pregamecacmodifytime 90 // CAC Modify timer in seconds
rule gts pregameprestagetime 3 // Pre-game Stage Timer in seconds
rule gts pregameprestagetime 3 // Pre-game Stage Timer in seconds
rule gts pregameItemVoteRoundTime 30 // Protect/Ban timer in seconds
rule gts friendlyfiretype 1 // Friendly Fire: Enabled
rule gts friendlyfiretype 1 // Friendly Fire: Enabled
rule gts disableThirdPersonSpectating 1 // No 3rd person spectating
rule gts voipKillersHearVictim 0 // No VOIP to killer
rule gts allowBattleChatter 0 // No Battlechatter
rule gts allowMapScripting 0 // Map Interactivity set to No
rule gts roundStartExplosiveDelay 0 // Time to use grenades: 0
rule gts voipKillersHearVictim 0 // No VOIP to killer
rule gts allowBattleChatter 0 // No Battlechatter
rule gts allowMapScripting 0 // Map Interactivity set to No
rule gts roundStartExplosiveDelay 0 // Time to use grenades: 0
rule gts restricteditems 199 1 // Restrict UAV
rule gts restricteditems 202 1 // Restrict Care Package
rule gts restricteditems 213 1 // Restrict HATR
@ -2086,7 +2086,7 @@ rule gts restricteditems 129 1 // Restrict ar_m14
rule gts restrictedattachments 27 weaponindex 54 1 // Restrict LRx2
rule gts restrictedattachments 36 weaponindex 54 1 // Restrict Tri-Bolt
rule gts restrictedattachments 39 weaponindex 54 1 // Restrict Bayonet
rule gts loadoutKillstreaksEnabled 1 // Enable Scorestreaks
rule gts loadoutKillstreaksEnabled 1 // Enable Scorestreaks
@ -2131,14 +2131,14 @@ parkingplaylist 9001
rule party_minplayers 1
rule party_maxplayers 8
rule party_matchedplayercount 1
rule gts pregamedraftenabled 0 // Disable Specialist Selection
rule gts pregamedraftenabled 0 // Disable Specialist Selection
rule gts pregameitemvoteenabled 0 // disable pick/ban
rule gts friendlyfiretype 1 // Friendly Fire: Enabled
rule gts friendlyfiretype 1 // Friendly Fire: Enabled
rule gts disableThirdPersonSpectating 1 // No 3rd person spectating
rule gts voipKillersHearVictim 0 // No VOIP to killer
rule gts allowBattleChatter 0 // No Battlechatter
rule gts allowMapScripting 0 // Map Interactivity set to No
rule gts roundStartExplosiveDelay 0 // Time to use grenades: 0
rule gts voipKillersHearVictim 0 // No VOIP to killer
rule gts allowBattleChatter 0 // No Battlechatter
rule gts allowMapScripting 0 // Map Interactivity set to No
rule gts roundStartExplosiveDelay 0 // Time to use grenades: 0
rule gts restricteditems 199 1 // Restrict UAV
rule gts restricteditems 202 1 // Restrict Care Package
rule gts restricteditems 213 1 // Restrict HATR
@ -2187,15 +2187,15 @@ rule gts restricteditems 129 1 // Restrict ar_m14
rule gts restrictedattachments 27 weaponindex 54 1 // Restrict LRx2
rule gts restrictedattachments 36 weaponindex 54 1 // Restrict Tri-Bolt
rule gts restrictedattachments 39 weaponindex 54 1 // Restrict Bayonet
rule gts loadoutKillstreaksEnabled 1 // Enable Scorestreaks
rule gts loadoutKillstreaksEnabled 1 // Enable Scorestreaks
// 90-119 is reserved for playlists in the Featured Category. Contains other playlists from the old BONUS category - Nuk3town, Nukejacked, Gun Game.
// 90-119 is reserved for playlists in the Featured Category. Contains other playlists from the old BONUS category - Nuk3town, Nukejacked, Gun Game.
playlist 30
@ -2618,7 +2618,7 @@ rule party_minplayers 1
rule party_maxplayers 12
rule party_matchedplayercount 1
//rule liveDedicatedOnly 0
// rule partyChatDisallowed 1 // rule partyChatDisallowed 1 - this will kick any player who is currently in or joined a platform party chat
// rule partyChatDisallowed 1 // rule partyChatDisallowed 1 - this will kick any player who is currently in or joined a platform party chat
@ -3225,7 +3225,7 @@ all,hs_sd,1
Reference in New Issue
Block a user