
763 lines
20 KiB
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2023-12-06 17:43:39 -05:00
// This file is part of AsmJit project <https://asmjit.com>
// See asmjit.h or LICENSE.md for license and copyright information
2024-06-17 19:04:36 -04:00
// SPDX-License-Identifier: (Zlib or Unlicense)
2023-12-06 17:43:39 -05:00
(function($scope, $as) {
"use strict";
const hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
// Supported Operators
// -------------------
const kUnaryOperators = {
"-": {prec: 3, rtl : 1, emit: "-@1" },
"~": {prec: 3, rtl : 1, emit: "~@1" },
"!": {prec: 3, rtl : 1, emit: "!@1" }
const kBinaryOperators = {
"*" : { prec: 5, rtl : 0, emit: "@1 * @2" },
"/" : { prec: 5, rtl : 0, emit: "@1 / @2" },
"%" : { prec: 5, rtl : 0, emit: "@1 % @2" },
"+" : { prec: 6, rtl : 0, emit: "@1 + @2" },
"-" : { prec: 6, rtl : 0, emit: "@1 - @2" },
">>": { prec: 7, rtl : 0, emit: "@1 >> @2" },
"<<": { prec: 7, rtl : 0, emit: "@1 << @2" },
"<" : { prec: 9, rtl : 0, emit: "@1 < @2" },
">" : { prec: 9, rtl : 0, emit: "@1 > @2" },
"<=": { prec: 9, rtl : 0, emit: "@1 <= @2" },
">=": { prec: 9, rtl : 0, emit: "@1 >= @2" },
"==": { prec:10, rtl : 0, emit: "@1 == @2" },
"!=": { prec:10, rtl : 0, emit: "@1 != @2" },
"&" : { prec:11, rtl : 0, emit: "@1 & @2" },
"^" : { prec:12, rtl : 0, emit: "@1 ^ @2" },
"|" : { prec:13, rtl : 0, emit: "@1 | @2" },
"&&": { prec:14, rtl : 0, emit: "@1 && @2" },
"||": { prec:15, rtl : 0, emit: "@1 || @2" },
"?" : { prec:16, rtl : 0, emit: "@1 ? @2" },
":" : { prec:16, rtl : 0, emit: "@1 : @2" }
const kMaxOperatorLen = 4;
function rightAssociate(info, bPrec) {
return info.prec > bPrec || (info.prec === bPrec && info.rtl);
// Expression Error
// ----------------
// Contains `message` and `position` members. If the `position` is not `-1` then it is
// a zero-based index, which points to a first character of the token near the error.
class ExpressionError extends Error {
constructor(message, position) {
this.name = "ExpressionError";
this.message = message;
this.position = position != null ? position : -1;
function throwTokenizerError(token) {
throw new ExpressionError(`Unexpected token '${token.data}'`, token.position);
function throwExpressionError(message, position) {
throw new ExpressionError(message, position);
// Expression Tree
// ---------------
function mustEnclose(node) {
return node.isUnary() ? node.child.isOperator() : node.isBinary() ? true : false;
class ExpNode {
constructor(type) { this.type = type; }
isImm() { return this.type === "imm"; }
isVar() { return this.type === "var"; }
isCall() { return this.type === "call"; }
isUnary() { return this.type === "unary"; }
isBinary() { return this.type === "binary"; }
isOperator() { return this.type === "unary" || this.type === "binary"; }
info() { return null; }
clone() { throw new Error("ExpNode.clone() must be overridden"); }
2024-06-17 19:04:36 -04:00
evaluate(ctx) { throw new Error("ExpNode.evaluate() must be overridden"); }
2023-12-06 17:43:39 -05:00
toString(ctx) { throw new Error("ExpNode.toString() must be overridden"); }
class ImmNode extends ExpNode {
constructor(imm) {
this.imm = imm || 0;
clone() { return new ImmNode(this.imm); }
2024-06-17 19:04:36 -04:00
evaluate(ctx) { return this.imm; }
2023-12-06 17:43:39 -05:00
toString(ctx) { return ctx ? ctx.stringifyImmediate(this.imm) : String(this.imm); }
class VarNode extends ExpNode {
constructor(name) {
this.name = name || "";
2024-06-17 19:04:36 -04:00
clone() { return new VarNode(this.name); }
evaluate(ctx) { return ctx.variable(this.name); }
2023-12-06 17:43:39 -05:00
toString(ctx) { return ctx ? ctx.stringifyVariable(this.name) : String(this.name); }
class CallNode extends ExpNode {
constructor(name, args) {
this.name = name || "";
this.args = args || [];
2024-06-17 19:04:36 -04:00
clone() {
return new CallNode(this.name, this.args.map(function(arg) { return arg.clone(); }));
evaluate(ctx) {
const evaluatedArgs = this.args.map(function(arg) { return arg.evaluate(ctx); });
return ctx.function(this.name, evaluatedArgs);
2023-12-06 17:43:39 -05:00
toString(ctx) {
if (this.name === "$bit") {
return `((${this.args[0]} >> ${this.args[1]}) & 1)`;
else {
let argsCode = this.args.map(function(arg) { return arg.toString(ctx); }).join(", ");
if (ctx)
return `${ctx.stringifyFunction(this.name)}(${argsCode})`;
return `${this.name}(${argsCode})`;
class UnaryNode extends ExpNode {
constructor(op, child) {
if (!hasOwn.call(kUnaryOperators, op))
throw new Error(`Invalid unary operator '${op}`);
this.op = op;
this.child = child || null;
2024-06-17 19:04:36 -04:00
info() {
return kUnaryOperators[this.op];
clone() {
return new UnaryNode(this.op, this.left ? this.left.clone() : null);
evaluate(ctx) {
const val = this.child.evaluate(ctx);
switch (this.op) {
case "-": return (-val);
case "~": return (~val);
case "!": return (val ? 0 : 1);
default : return ctx.unary(this.op, val);
2023-12-06 17:43:39 -05:00
toString(ctx) {
return this.info().emit.replace(/@1/g, () => {
const node = this.child;
const code = node.toString(ctx);
return mustEnclose(node) ? `(${code})` : code;
class BinaryNode extends ExpNode {
constructor(op, left, right) {
if (!hasOwn.call(kBinaryOperators, op))
throw new Error(`Invalid binary operator '${op}`);
this.op = op || "";
this.left = left || null;
this.right = right || null;
2024-06-17 19:04:36 -04:00
info() {
return kBinaryOperators[this.op];
clone() {
return new BinaryNode(this.op, this.left ? this.left.clone() : null, this.right ? this.right.clone() : null);
evaluate(ctx) {
const left = this.left.evaluate(ctx);
const right = this.right.evaluate(ctx);
switch (this.op) {
case "-" : return left - right;
case "+" : return left + right;
case "*" : return left * right;
case "/" : return (left / right)|0;
case "%" : return (left % right)|0;
case "&" : return left & right;
case "|" : return left | right;
case "^" : return left ^ right;
case "<<": return left << right;
case ">>": return left >> right;
case "==": return left == right ? 1 : 0;
case "!=": return left != right ? 1 : 0;
case "<" : return left < right ? 1 : 0;
case "<=": return left <= right ? 1 : 0;
case ">" : return left > right ? 1 : 0;
case ">=": return left >= right ? 1 : 0;
case "&&": return left && right ? 1 : 0;
case "||": return left || right ? 1 : 0;
default : return ctx.binary(this.op, left, right);
2023-12-06 17:43:39 -05:00
toString(ctx) {
return this.info().emit.replace(/@[1-2]/g, (p) => {
const node = p === "@1" ? this.left : this.right;
const code = node.toString(ctx);
return mustEnclose(node) ? `(${code})` : code;
function Imm(imm) { return new ImmNode(imm); }
function Var(name) { return new VarNode(name); }
function Call(name, args) { return new CallNode(name, args); }
function Unary(op, child) { return new UnaryNode(op, child); }
function Binary(op, left, right) { return new BinaryNode(op, left, right); }
function Negate(child) { return Unary("-", child); }
function BitNot(child) { return Unary("~", child); }
function Add(left, right) { return Binary("+", left, right); }
function Sub(left, right) { return Binary("-", left, right); }
function Mul(left, right) { return Binary("*", left, right); }
function Div(left, right) { return Binary("/", left, right); }
function Mod(left, right) { return Binary("%", left, right); }
function Shl(left, right) { return Binary("<<", left, right); }
function Shr(left, right) { return Binary(">>", left, right); }
function BitAnd(left, right) { return Binary("&", left, right); }
function BitOr(left, right) { return Binary("|", left, right); }
function BitXor(left, right) { return Binary("^", left, right); }
function Eq(left, right) { return Binary("==", left, right); }
function Ne(left, right) { return Binary("!=", left, right); }
function Lt(left, right) { return Binary("<", left, right); }
function Le(left, right) { return Binary("<=", left, right); }
function Gt(left, right) { return Binary(">", left, right); }
function Ge(left, right) { return Binary(">=", left, right); }
function And(left, right) { return Binary("&&", left, right); }
function Or(left, right) { return Binary("||", left, right); }
2024-06-17 19:04:36 -04:00
2023-12-06 17:43:39 -05:00
// Expression Tokenizer
// --------------------
const kCharNone = 0; // '_' - Character category - Invalid or <end>.
const kCharSpace = 1; // 'S' - Character category - Space.
const kCharAlpha = 2; // 'A' - Character category - Alpha [A-Za-z_].
const kCharDigit = 3; // 'D' - Character category - Digit [0-9].
const kCharPunct = 4; // '$' - Character category - Punctuation.
const Category = (function(_, S, A, D, $) {
const Table = [
_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,S,S,S,S,S,_,_, // 000-015 |......... ..|
_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_, // 016-031 |................|
S,$,$,$,$,$,$,$,$,$,$,$,$,$,$,$, // 032-047 | !"#$%&'()*+,-./|
D,D,D,D,D,D,D,D,D,D,$,$,$,$,$,$, // 048-063 |0123456789:;<=>?|
$,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A, // 064-079 |@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO|
A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,$,$,$,$,A, // 080-095 |PQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_|
$,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A, // 096-111 |`abcdefghijklmno|
A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,$,$,$,$,_, // 112-127 |pqrstuvwxyz{|}~ |
_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_, // 128-143 |................|
_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_ // 144-159 |................|
const kTableLength = Table.length;
return function(c) {
if (c < kTableLength)
return Table[c];
return kCharNone;
})(kCharNone, kCharSpace, kCharAlpha, kCharDigit, kCharPunct);
const kTokenNone = 0;
const kTokenPunct = 1;
const kTokenIdent = 2;
const kTokenValue = 3;
function newToken(type, position, data, value) {
return {
type : type, // Token type, see `kToken...`.
position: position, // Token position in expression's source.
data : data, // Token data (content) as string.
value : value // Token value (only if the token is a value).
const NoToken = newToken(kTokenNone, -1, "<end>", null);
// Must be reset before it can be used, use `RegExp.lastIndex`.
2024-06-17 19:04:36 -04:00
const reNumValue = /(?:(?:\d*\.\d+|\d+)(?:[E|e][+|-]?\d+)?)/g;
function parseHex(source, from) {
let i = from;
let number = 0;
while (i < source.length) {
let c = source.charCodeAt(i);
let n = 0;
if (c >= '0'.charCodeAt(0) && c <= '9'.charCodeAt(0)) {
n = c - '0'.charCodeAt(0);
else if (c >= 'a'.charCodeAt(0) && c <= 'f'.charCodeAt(0)) {
n = c - 'a'.charCodeAt(0) + 10;
else if (c >= 'A'.charCodeAt(0) && c <= 'F'.charCodeAt(0)) {
n = c - 'A'.charCodeAt(0) + 10;
else if (c >= 'g'.charCodeAt(0) && c <= 'z'.charCodeAt(0) || c >= 'g'.charCodeAt(0) && c <= 'Z'.charCodeAt(0)) {
throwExpressionError(`Invalid hex number 0x${source.substring(from, i + 1)}`);
else {
number = (number << 4) | n;
if (i === from)
throwExpressionError(`Invalid number starting with 0x`);
return {
number: number,
end: i
2023-12-06 17:43:39 -05:00
function tokenize(source) {
const len = source.length;
const tokens = [];
let i = 0, j = 0; // Current index in `source` and temporary.
let start = 0; // Current token start position.
let data = ""; // Current token data (content) as string.
let c, cat; // Current character code and category.
while (i < len) {
2024-06-17 19:04:36 -04:00
c = source.charCodeAt(i);
cat = Category(c);
2023-12-06 17:43:39 -05:00
if (cat === kCharSpace) {
else if (cat === kCharDigit) {
const n = tokens.length - 1;
2024-06-17 19:04:36 -04:00
// Hex number.
if (c === '0'.charCodeAt(0) && i + 1 < len && source.charCodeAt(i + 1) === 'x'.charCodeAt(0)) {
const status = parseHex(source, i + 2);
tokens.push(newToken(kTokenValue, i, source.substring(i, status.end), status.number));
i = status.end;
2023-12-06 17:43:39 -05:00
2024-06-17 19:04:36 -04:00
else {
if (n >= 0 && tokens[n].data === "." && source[i - 1] === ".") {
tokens.length = n;
reNumValue.lastIndex = i;
data = reNumValue.exec(source)[0];
2023-12-06 17:43:39 -05:00
2024-06-17 19:04:36 -04:00
tokens.push(newToken(kTokenValue, i, data, parseFloat(data)));
i += data.length;
2023-12-06 17:43:39 -05:00
else if (cat === kCharAlpha) {
start = i;
while (++i < len && ((cat = Category(source.charCodeAt(i))) === kCharAlpha || cat === kCharDigit))
data = source.substring(start, i);
tokens.push(newToken(kTokenIdent, start, data, null));
else if (cat === kCharPunct) {
start = i;
while (++i < len && Category(source.charCodeAt(i)) === kCharPunct)
data = source.substring(start, i);
do {
for (j = Math.min(i - start, kMaxOperatorLen); j > 0; j--) {
const part = source.substr(start, j);
if (hasOwn.call(kUnaryOperators, part) || hasOwn.call(kBinaryOperators, part) || j === 1) {
tokens.push(newToken(kTokenPunct, start, part, null));
start += j;
} while (start < i);
else {
throwExpressionError(`Unrecognized character '0x${c.toString(16)}'`, i);
return tokens;
// Expression Parser
// -----------------
class Parser {
constructor(tokens) {
this.tokens = tokens;
this.tIndex = 0;
peek() { return this.tIndex < this.tokens.length ? this.tokens[this.tIndex ] : NoToken; }
next() { return this.tIndex < this.tokens.length ? this.tokens[this.tIndex++] : NoToken; }
skip() { this.tIndex++; return this; }
back(token) { this.tIndex -= +(token !== NoToken); return this; }
parse() {
// The root expression cannot be empty.
let token = this.peek();
if (token === NoToken)
throwExpressionError("Expression cannot be empty", 0);
const exp = this.parseExpression();
// The root expression must reach the end of the input.
token = this.peek();
if (token !== NoToken)
return exp;
parseExpression() {
const stack = [];
let value = null;
let token = null;
for (;;) {
// The only case of value not being `null` is after ternary-if. In that
// case the value was already parsed so we want to skip this section.
if (value === null) {
let unaryFirst = null;
let unaryLast = null;
token = this.next();
// Parse a possible unary operator(s).
if (token.type === kTokenPunct) {
do {
const opName = token.data;
const opInfo = kUnaryOperators[opName];
if (!opInfo)
const node = Unary(opName);
if (unaryLast)
unaryLast.child = node;
unaryFirst = node;
unaryLast = node;
token = this.next();
} while (token.type === kTokenPunct);
// Parse a value, variable, function call, or nested expression.
if (token.type === kTokenValue) {
value = Imm(token.value);
else if (token.type === kTokenIdent) {
const name = token.data;
const after = this.peek();
if (after.data === "(")
value = this.parseCall(token.data);
else if (after.data === "[")
value = this.parseBitAccess(token.data);
value = Var(name);
else if (token.data === "(") {
value = this.parseExpression();
token = this.next();
if (token.data !== ")")
else {
// Replace the value with the top-level unary operator, if parsed.
if (unaryFirst) {
unaryLast.child = value;
value = unaryFirst;
// Parse a possible binary operator - the loop must repeat, if present.
token = this.peek();
if (token.type === kTokenPunct && hasOwn.call(kBinaryOperators, token.data)) {
const opName = token.data;
if (opName === ":")
// Consume the token.
const bNode = Binary(opName, null, null);
if (!stack.length) {
bNode.left = value;
else {
let aNode = stack.pop();
let aPrec = aNode.info().prec;
let bPrec = bNode.info().prec;
if (aPrec > bPrec) {
aNode.right = bNode;
bNode.left = value;
stack.push(aNode, bNode);
else {
aNode.right = value;
// Advance to the top-most op that has less/equal precedence than `bPrec`.
while (stack.length) {
if (rightAssociate(aNode.info(), bPrec))
aNode = stack.pop();
if (!stack.length && !rightAssociate(aNode.info(), bPrec)) {
bNode.left = aNode;
else {
const tmp = aNode.right;
aNode.right = bNode;
bNode.left = tmp;
stack.push(aNode, bNode);
// Parse "<cond> {ternary-if} <taken> {ternary-else} <not-taken>".
if (opName === "?") {
const ternLeft = this.parseExpression();
const ternTok = this.next();
if (ternTok.data !== ":")
throwExpressionError(`Unterminated ternary if '${token.data}'`, token.position);
const ternRight = this.parseExpression();
value = Binary(opName, info, ternLeft, ternRight);
else {
value = null;
if (value === null)
throwExpressionError("Invalid expression");
if (stack.length !== 0) {
stack[stack.length - 1].right = value;
value = stack[0];
return value;
parseCall(name) {
const args = [];
let token = this.next();
if (token.data !== "(")
for (;;) {
token = this.peek();
if (token.data === ")")
if (args.length !== 0) {
if (token.data !== ",")
return Call(name, args);
parseBitAccess(name) {
let token = this.next();
if (token.data !== "[")
token = this.next();
if (token.type != kTokenValue)
const index = token.value;
token = this.next();
if (token.data !== "]")
return Call("$bit", [Var(name), index]);
function parse(source) {
const tokens = tokenize(source);
return new Parser(tokens).parse();
// Expression Visitors
// -------------------
class Visitor {
visit(node) {
switch (node.type) {
case "imm":
case "var": {
case "call": {
for (let arg of node.args)
case "unary": {
if (node.child)
case "binary": {
if (node.left)
if (node.right)
default: {
throw new Error(`Visitor.visit(): Unknown node type '${node.type}'`);
class Collector extends Visitor {
constructor(nodeType, dst) {
this.dict = dst || Object.create(null);
this.nodeType = nodeType;
visit(node) {
if (node.type === this.nodeType) {
if (hasOwn.call(this.dict, node.name))
this.dict[node.name] = 1;
function collectVars(node, dst) {
const collector = new Collector("var", dst);
return collector.dict;
function collectCalls(node, dst) {
const collector = new Collector("call", dst);
return collector.dict;
// Exports
// -------
$scope[$as] = {
Imm: Imm,
Var: Var,
Call: Call,
Unary: Unary,
Binary: Binary,
2024-06-17 19:04:36 -04:00
Negate: Negate,
BitNot: BitNot,
Add: Add,
Sub: Sub,
Mul: Mul,
Div: Div,
Mod: Mod,
Shl: Shl,
Shr: Shr,
BitAnd: BitAnd,
BitOr: BitOr,
BitXor: BitXor,
Eq: Eq,
Ne: Ne,
Lt: Lt,
Le: Le,
Gt: Gt,
Ge: Ge,
And: And,
Or: Or,
2023-12-06 17:43:39 -05:00
Visitor: Visitor,
ExpressionError: ExpressionError,
parse: parse,
collectVars: collectVars,
collectCalls: collectCalls
}).apply(this, typeof module === "object" && module && module.exports
? [module, "exports"] : [this.asmdb || (this.asmdb = {}), "exp"]);