2023-02-20 20:03:28 +01:00
if Engine.GetCurrentMap ( ) ~= " core_frontend " then
2023-02-19 18:03:53 +01:00
2023-02-02 23:28:48 +01:00
DataSources.MPStatsSettings = DataSourceHelpers.ListSetup ( " MPStatsSettings " , function ( controller )
local optionsTable = { }
2023-03-10 23:58:57 +01:00
local updateDvar = function ( f1_arg0 , f1_arg1 , f1_arg2 , dvarName , f1_arg4 )
local oldValue = Engine.DvarInt ( nil , dvarName )
local newValue = f1_arg1.value
UpdateInfoModels ( f1_arg1 )
if oldValue == newValue then
Engine.SetDvar ( dvarName , f1_arg1.value )
if dvarName == " cg_unlockall_loot " then
Engine.SetDvar ( " ui_enableAllHeroes " , f1_arg1.value )
2023-03-13 09:33:36 +01:00
2023-03-10 23:58:57 +01:00
2023-03-13 09:33:36 +01:00
table.insert ( optionsTable , CoD.OptionsUtility . CreateDvarSettings ( controller , " Unlock All Loot " , " Whether loot should be locked based on the player's stats or always unlocked. " , " MPStatsSettings_unlock_loot " , " cg_unlockall_loot " , {
2023-02-02 23:28:48 +01:00
option = " MENU_DISABLED " ,
value = 0 ,
default = true
} ,
option = " MENU_ENABLED " ,
value = 1
} ,
2023-03-10 23:58:57 +01:00
} , nil , updateDvar ) )
if Engine.CurrentSessionMode ( ) == Enum.eModes . MODE_MULTIPLAYER then
table.insert ( optionsTable , CoD.OptionsUtility . CreateDvarSettings ( controller , " Unlock All Purchases " , " All items that need to be purchased with unlock tokens are unlocked. " , " MPStatsSettings_purchase_all " , " cg_unlockall_purchases " , {
option = " MENU_DISABLED " ,
value = 0 ,
default = true
} ,
option = " MENU_ENABLED " ,
value = 1
} ,
} , nil , updateDvar ) )
2023-03-13 09:33:36 +01:00
table.insert ( optionsTable , CoD.OptionsUtility . CreateDvarSettings ( controller , " Unlock All Attachments " , " All attachments on weapons are unlocked. " , " MPStatsSettings_unlockall_attachments " , " cg_unlockall_attachments " , {
2023-03-10 23:58:57 +01:00
option = " MENU_DISABLED " ,
value = 0 ,
default = true
} ,
option = " MENU_ENABLED " ,
value = 1
} ,
} , nil , updateDvar ) )
2023-03-14 22:49:54 -04:00
table.insert ( optionsTable , CoD.OptionsUtility . CreateDvarSettings ( controller , " Unlock all Camos and Reticles " , " All camos and reticles on weapons are unlocked. " , " MPStatsSettings_unlockall_camos_and_reticles " , " cg_unlockall_camos_and_reticles " , {
2023-03-10 23:58:57 +01:00
option = " MENU_DISABLED " ,
value = 0 ,
default = true
} ,
option = " MENU_ENABLED " ,
value = 1
} ,
2023-03-14 22:49:54 -04:00
} , nil , updateDvar ) )
table.insert ( optionsTable , CoD.OptionsUtility . CreateDvarSettings ( controller , " Unlock all Emblems and Backings " , " All emblems and backings are unlocked. " , " MPStatsSettings_unlockall_emblems_and_backings " , " cg_unlockall_emblems_and_backings " , {
option = " MENU_DISABLED " ,
value = 0 ,
default = true
} ,
option = " MENU_ENABLED " ,
value = 1
} ,
} , nil , updateDvar ) )
2023-03-10 23:58:57 +01:00
local rankLevels = { }
if Engine.CurrentSessionMode ( ) == Enum.eModes . MODE_MULTIPLAYER then
rankLevels = { 1 , 10 , 20 , 30 , 40 , 50 , 55 }
elseif Engine.CurrentSessionMode ( ) == Enum.eModes . MODE_ZOMBIES then
rankLevels = { 1 , 10 , 20 , 30 , 35 }
local rankObjs = { }
local hasDefault = false
local currentRank = CoD.BlackMarketUtility . GetCurrentRank ( controller ) + 1
for index , value in ipairs ( rankLevels ) do
table.insert ( rankObjs , {
name = value ,
value = value - 1 ,
default = value == currentRank ,
title = " Rank Level " ,
desc = " "
} )
if not hasDefault then
hasDefault = value == currentRank
if not hasDefault then
table.insert ( rankObjs , {
name = currentRank ,
value = currentRank - 1 ,
default = true ,
title = " Rank Level " ,
desc = " "
} )
local prestigeTable = { }
for i = 0 , 10 do
table.insert ( prestigeTable , {
name = i == 0 and " None " or i ,
value = i ,
default = i == CoD.PrestigeUtility . GetCurrentPLevel ( controller ) ,
title = " Prestige " ,
desc = " "
} )
local createSettingsDatasource = function ( controller , datasourceName , optionsTable , currentValue , loopEdges , action )
if currentValue == nil then
currentValue = 0
DataSources [ datasourceName ] = DataSourceHelpers.ListSetup ( datasourceName , function ( f47_arg0 )
local f47_local0 = { }
for f47_local4 , f47_local5 in ipairs ( optionsTable ) do
table.insert ( f47_local0 , {
models = {
text = optionsTable [ f47_local4 ] . name
} ,
properties = {
title = optionsTable [ f47_local4 ] . title ,
desc = optionsTable [ f47_local4 ] . desc ,
image = optionsTable [ f47_local4 ] . image ,
value = optionsTable [ f47_local4 ] . value ,
default = optionsTable [ f47_local4 ] . default ,
action = action ,
selectIndex = optionsTable [ f47_local4 ] . value == currentValue ,
loopEdges = loopEdges ,
showChangeIndicator = function ( f48_arg0 , f48_arg1 , f48_arg2 )
return f48_arg0.default ~= true
} )
f47_local0 [ 1 ] . properties.first = true
f47_local0 [ # optionsTable ] . properties.last = true
return f47_local0
end , nil , nil , nil )
return datasourceName
table.insert ( optionsTable , {
models = {
name = " Rank Level " ,
desc = " " ,
image = nil ,
optionsDatasource = createSettingsDatasource ( controller , " MPStatsSettings_rank_level " , rankObjs , CoD.BlackMarketUtility . GetCurrentRank ( controller ) , false , function ( f1_arg0 , f1_arg1 , f1_arg2 , dvarName , f1_arg4 )
UpdateInfoModels ( f1_arg1 )
local rankTable = nil
if Engine.CurrentSessionMode ( ) == Enum.eModes . MODE_MULTIPLAYER then
rankTable = " gamedata/tables/mp/mp_ranktable.csv "
elseif Engine.CurrentSessionMode ( ) == Enum.eModes . MODE_ZOMBIES then
rankTable = " gamedata/tables/zm/zm_ranktable.csv "
local skipLines = Engine.CurrentSessionMode ( ) == Enum.eModes . MODE_MULTIPLAYER and 3 or 2
local maxXp = tonumber ( Engine.TableLookupGetColumnValueForRow ( rankTable , f1_arg1.value + skipLines , 7 ) )
if maxXp == nil then
maxXp = 9999999999
Engine.ExecNow ( f1_arg0 , " statsetbyname rankxp " .. maxXp - 1 )
Engine.ExecNow ( f1_arg0 , " statsetbyname rank " .. f1_arg1.value )
Engine.Exec ( f1_arg0 , " uploadstats " .. tostring ( Engine.CurrentSessionMode ( ) ) )
end )
} ,
properties = {
revert = function ( f50_arg0 ) end
} )
table.insert ( optionsTable , {
models = {
name = " Prestige " ,
desc = " " ,
image = nil ,
optionsDatasource = createSettingsDatasource ( controller , " MPStatsSettings_rank_prestige " , prestigeTable , CoD.PrestigeUtility . GetCurrentPLevel ( controller ) , false , function ( f1_arg0 , f1_arg1 , f1_arg2 , dvarName , f1_arg4 )
UpdateInfoModels ( f1_arg1 )
local newPrestige = f1_arg1.value
Engine.ExecNow ( f1_arg0 , " statsetbyname plevel " .. newPrestige )
Engine.ExecNow ( f1_arg0 , " statsetbyname hasprestiged " .. ( newPrestige > 0 and 1 or 0 ) )
Engine.Exec ( f1_arg0 , " uploadstats " .. tostring ( Engine.CurrentSessionMode ( ) ) )
end )
} ,
properties = {
revert = function ( f50_arg0 ) end
} )
2023-02-02 23:28:48 +01:00
2023-03-13 09:33:36 +01:00
return optionsTable
2023-02-02 23:28:48 +01:00
end )
2023-02-11 20:40:26 +01:00
if Dvar.cg_unlockall_loot : get ( ) == true then
Engine.SetDvar ( " ui_enableAllHeroes " , 1 )
2023-03-10 23:58:57 +01:00
LUI.createMenu . BoiiiStatsMenu = function ( controller )
local self = CoD.Menu . NewForUIEditor ( " BoiiiStatsMenu " )
2023-02-02 23:28:48 +01:00
if PreLoadFunc then
PreLoadFunc ( self , controller )
self.soundSet = " ChooseDecal "
self : setOwner ( controller )
self : setLeftRight ( true , true , 0 , 0 )
self : setTopBottom ( true , true , 0 , 0 )
self : playSound ( " menu_open " , controller )
2023-03-10 23:58:57 +01:00
self.buttonModel = Engine.CreateModel ( Engine.GetModelForController ( controller ) , " BoiiiStatsMenu.buttonPrompts " )
2023-02-02 23:28:48 +01:00
self.anyChildUsesUpdateState = true
2023-03-13 09:33:36 +01:00
local GameSettingsBackground = CoD.GameSettings_Background . new ( self , controller )
2023-02-02 23:28:48 +01:00
GameSettingsBackground : setLeftRight ( true , true , 0 , 0 )
GameSettingsBackground : setTopBottom ( true , true , 0 , 0 )
2023-03-10 23:58:57 +01:00
GameSettingsBackground.MenuFrame . titleLabel : setText ( Engine.Localize ( " STATS SETTINGS " ) )
2023-02-02 23:28:48 +01:00
GameSettingsBackground.MenuFrame . cac3dTitleIntermediary0.FE3dTitleContainer0 . MenuTitle.TextBox1 . Label0 : setText ( Engine.Localize ( " STATS SETTINGS " ) )
GameSettingsBackground.GameSettingsSelectedItemInfo . GameModeInfo : setAlpha ( 0 )
GameSettingsBackground.GameSettingsSelectedItemInfo . GameModeName : setAlpha ( 0 )
self : addElement ( GameSettingsBackground )
self.GameSettingsBackground = GameSettingsBackground
2023-03-13 09:33:36 +01:00
local Options = CoD.Competitive_SettingsList . new ( self , controller )
2023-02-02 23:28:48 +01:00
Options : setLeftRight ( true , false , 26 , 741 )
Options : setTopBottom ( true , false , 135 , 720 )
Options.Title . DescTitle : setText ( Engine.Localize ( " Stats " ) )
Options.ButtonList : setVerticalCount ( 15 )
Options.ButtonList : setDataSource ( " MPStatsSettings " )
self : addElement ( Options )
self.Options = Options
2023-03-13 09:33:36 +01:00
self : AddButtonCallbackFunction ( self , controller , Enum.LUIButton . LUI_KEY_XBB_PSCIRCLE , nil , function ( element , menu , controller , model )
2023-02-02 23:28:48 +01:00
GoBack ( self , controller )
SetPerControllerTableProperty ( controller , " disableGameSettingsOptions " , nil )
return true
end , function ( element , menu , controller )
CoD.Menu . SetButtonLabel ( menu , Enum.LUIButton . LUI_KEY_XBB_PSCIRCLE , " MENU_BACK " )
return true
end , false )
2023-03-13 09:33:36 +01:00
GameSettingsBackground.MenuFrame : setModel ( self.buttonModel , controller )
Options.id = " Options "
2023-02-02 23:28:48 +01:00
2023-03-13 09:33:36 +01:00
self : processEvent ( {
2023-02-02 23:28:48 +01:00
name = " menu_loaded " ,
controller = controller
} )
self : processEvent ( {
name = " update_state " ,
menu = self
} )
2023-03-13 09:33:36 +01:00
if not self : restoreState ( ) then
2023-02-02 23:28:48 +01:00
self.Options : processEvent ( {
name = " gain_focus " ,
controller = controller
} )
2023-03-13 09:33:36 +01:00
LUI.OverrideFunction_CallOriginalSecond ( self , " close " , function ( element )
2023-02-02 23:28:48 +01:00
element.GameSettingsBackground : close ( )
element.Options : close ( )
2023-03-10 23:58:57 +01:00
Engine.UnsubscribeAndFreeModel ( Engine.GetModel ( Engine.GetModelForController ( controller ) , " BoiiiStatsMenu.buttonPrompts " ) )
2023-02-02 23:28:48 +01:00
end )
2023-03-13 09:33:36 +01:00
if PostLoadFunc then
2023-02-02 23:28:48 +01:00
PostLoadFunc ( self , controller )
2023-03-13 09:33:36 +01:00
return self
2023-02-02 23:28:48 +01:00
CoD.LobbyButtons . MP_STATS = {
stringRef = " STATS " ,
action = function ( self , element , controller , param , menu )
SetPerControllerTableProperty ( controller , " disableGameSettingsOptions " , true )
2023-03-10 23:58:57 +01:00
OpenPopup ( menu , " BoiiiStatsMenu " , controller )
2023-03-13 09:33:36 +01:00
end ,
2023-02-02 23:28:48 +01:00
customId = " btnMPStats "
2023-03-13 09:33:36 +01:00
CoD.LobbyButtons . MP_START_GAME = {
stringRef = " MENU_START_GAME_CAPS " ,
action = function ( self , element , controller , param , menu )
--Engine.SetDvar( "bot_difficulty", 3 )
Engine.SetDvar ( " party_minplayers " , 1 )
Engine.Exec ( nil , " launchgame " )
end ,
customId = " btnStartGame "
CoD.LobbyButtons . SETTING_UP_BOTS = {
stringRef = " MENU_SETUP_BOTS_CAPS " ,
action = function ( self , element , controller , param , menu )
SetPerControllerTableProperty ( controller , " disableGameSettingsOptions " , true )
OpenPopup ( menu , " GameSettings_Bots " , controller )
end ,
customId = " btnSettingUpBots "
CoD.LobbyButtons . MP_CUSTOM_SETUP_GAME = {
stringRef = " MPUI_SETUP_GAME_CAPS " ,
action = OpenSetupGameMP ,
customId = " btnSetupGame " ,
2023-02-02 23:28:48 +01:00
local IsGamescomDemo = function ( )
return Dvar.ui_execdemo_gamescom : get ( )
local IsBetaDemo = function ( )
return Dvar.ui_execdemo_beta : get ( )
local SetButtonState = function ( button , state )
if state == nil then
elseif state == CoD.LobbyButtons . DISABLED then
button.disabled = true
elseif state == CoD.LobbyButtons . HIDDEN then
button.hidden = true
local AddButton = function ( controller , options , button , isLargeButton )
button.disabled = false
button.hidden = false
button.selected = false
button.warning = false
if button.defaultState ~= nil then
if button.defaultState == CoD.LobbyButtons . DISABLED then
2023-03-13 09:33:36 +01:00
button.disabled = true
2023-02-02 23:28:48 +01:00
elseif button.defaultState == CoD.LobbyButtons . HIDDEN then
button.hidden = true
if button.disabledFunc ~= nil then
button.disabled = button.disabledFunc ( controller )
if button.visibleFunc ~= nil then
button.hidden = not button.visibleFunc ( controller )
if IsBetaDemo ( ) then
SetButtonState ( button , button.demo_beta )
elseif IsGamescomDemo ( ) then
SetButtonState ( button , button.demo_gamescom )
if button.hidden then
local lobbyNav = LobbyData.GetLobbyNav ( )
if button.selectedFunc ~= nil then
button.selected = button.selectedFunc ( button.selectedParam )
elseif CoD.LobbyMenus . History [ lobbyNav ] ~= nil then
button.selected = CoD.LobbyMenus . History [ lobbyNav ] == button.customId
if button.newBreadcrumbFunc then
local f8_local1 = button.newBreadcrumbFunc
if type ( f8_local1 ) == " string " then
f8_local1 = LUI.getTableFromPath ( f8_local1 )
if f8_local1 then
button.isBreadcrumbNew = f8_local1 ( controller )
if button.warningFunc ~= nil then
button.warning = button.warningFunc ( controller )
if button.starterPack == CoD.LobbyButtons . STARTERPACK_UPGRADE then
button.starterPackUpgrade = true
if IsStarterPack ( ) then
button.disabled = false
table.insert ( options , {
optionDisplay = button.stringRef ,
action = button.action ,
param = button.param ,
customId = button.customId ,
isLargeButton = isLargeButton ,
isLastButtonInGroup = false ,
disabled = button.disabled ,
selected = button.selected ,
isBreadcrumbNew = button.isBreadcrumbNew ,
warning = button.warning ,
requiredChunk = button.selectedParam ,
starterPackUpgrade = button.starterPackUpgrade ,
unloadMod = button.unloadMod
} )
local AddLargeButton = function ( controller , options , button )
AddButton ( controller , options , button , true )
local AddSmallButton = function ( controller , options , button )
AddButton ( controller , options , button , false )
local AddSpacer = function ( options )
if 0 < # options then
options [ # options ] . isLastButtonInGroup = true
2023-03-13 09:33:36 +01:00
local MapVote = 0
2023-02-02 23:28:48 +01:00
CoD.LobbyMenus . MPButtonsOnline = function ( f26_arg0 , f26_arg1 , f26_arg2 )
if f26_arg2 == 1 then
AddLargeButton ( f26_arg0 , f26_arg1 , CoD.LobbyButtons . MP_FIND_MATCH )
AddSpacer ( f26_arg1 )
AddLargeButton ( f26_arg0 , f26_arg1 , CoD.LobbyButtons . MP_CAC_NO_WARNING )
AddLargeButton ( f26_arg0 , f26_arg1 , CoD.LobbyButtons . MP_SPECIALISTS_NO_WARNING )
AddLargeButton ( f26_arg0 , f26_arg1 , CoD.LobbyButtons . MP_SCORESTREAKS )
if ( Dvar.ui_execdemo_beta : get ( ) or IsStarterPack ( ) ) and IsStoreAvailable ( ) then
if CoD.isPC then
AddLargeButton ( f26_arg0 , f26_arg1 , CoD.LobbyButtons . STEAM_STORE )
AddLargeButton ( f26_arg0 , f26_arg1 , CoD.LobbyButtons . STORE )
if Engine.DvarBool ( nil , " inventory_test_button_visible " ) then
AddLargeButton ( f26_arg0 , f26_arg1 , CoD.LobbyButtons . MP_INVENTORY_TEST )
AddSpacer ( f26_arg1 )
if not DisableBlackMarket ( ) then
AddSmallButton ( f26_arg0 , f26_arg1 , CoD.LobbyButtons . BLACK_MARKET )
2023-03-13 09:33:36 +01:00
AddSpacer ( f26_arg1 )
AddSmallButton ( f26_arg0 , f26_arg1 , CoD.LobbyButtons . MP_STATS )
MapVote = 1
CoD.LobbyMenus . MPButtonsOnlinePublic = function ( f27_arg0 , f27_arg1 , f27_arg2 )
if MapVote == 1 then
Engine.Exec ( nil , " LobbyStopDemo " ) -- Enable map vote at start lobby
MapVote = 0
AddLargeButton ( f27_arg0 , f27_arg1 , CoD.LobbyButtons . MP_START_GAME ) --Launch match button
AddSpacer ( f27_arg1 )
AddLargeButton ( f27_arg0 , f27_arg1 , CoD.LobbyButtons . MP_CAC )
AddLargeButton ( f27_arg0 , f27_arg1 , CoD.LobbyButtons . MP_SPECIALISTS )
AddLargeButton ( f27_arg0 , f27_arg1 , CoD.LobbyButtons . MP_SCORESTREAKS )
if Engine.DvarBool ( nil , " inventory_test_button_visible " ) then
AddLargeButton ( f27_arg0 , f27_arg1 , CoD.LobbyButtons . MP_INVENTORY_TEST )
--[[local f27_local0 = Engine.GetPlaylistInfoByID( Engine.GetPlaylistID() )
if f27_local0 then
local f27_local1 = f27_local0.playlist . category
if f27_local1 == Engine.GetPlaylistCategoryIdByName ( " core " ) or f27_local1 == Engine.GetPlaylistCategoryIdByName ( " hardcore " ) then
AddSpacer ( f27_arg1 )
AddSmallButton ( f27_arg0 , f27_arg1 , CoD.LobbyButtons . MP_PUBLIC_LOBBY_LEADERBOARD )
] ] if not DisableBlackMarket ( ) then
AddSpacer ( f27_arg1 )
AddLargeButton ( f27_arg0 , f27_arg1 , CoD.LobbyButtons . BLACK_MARKET )
AddSpacer ( f27_arg1 )
AddSmallButton ( f27_arg0 , f27_arg1 , CoD.LobbyButtons . MP_CUSTOM_SETUP_GAME ) --Setup game in public lobby
CoD.LobbyMenus . MPButtonsArenaGame = function ( f31_arg0 , f31_arg1 , f31_arg2 )
AddLargeButton ( f31_arg0 , f31_arg1 , CoD.LobbyButtons . MP_START_GAME ) --Launch match button
AddSpacer ( f31_arg1 )
AddLargeButton ( f31_arg0 , f31_arg1 , CoD.LobbyButtons . MP_CAC )
AddLargeButton ( f31_arg0 , f31_arg1 , CoD.LobbyButtons . MP_SPECIALISTS )
AddLargeButton ( f31_arg0 , f31_arg1 , CoD.LobbyButtons . MP_SCORESTREAKS )
if not DisableBlackMarket ( ) then
AddSpacer ( f31_arg1 )
AddLargeButton ( f31_arg0 , f31_arg1 , CoD.LobbyButtons . BLACK_MARKET )
AddSpacer ( f31_arg1 )
AddSmallButton ( f31_arg0 , f31_arg1 , CoD.LobbyButtons . SETTING_UP_BOTS ) --Bot setting button in public lobby
2023-02-02 23:28:48 +01:00
2023-03-10 23:58:57 +01:00
CoD.LobbyMenus . ZMButtonsOnline = function ( f33_arg0 , f33_arg1 , f33_arg2 )
if IsStarterPack ( ) then
AddSmallButton ( f33_arg0 , f33_arg1 , CoD.LobbyButtons . QUIT )
elseif f33_arg2 == 1 then
AddLargeButton ( f33_arg0 , f33_arg1 , CoD.LobbyButtons . ZM_SOLO_GAME )
AddLargeButton ( f33_arg0 , f33_arg1 , CoD.LobbyButtons . ZM_FIND_MATCH )
AddLargeButton ( f33_arg0 , f33_arg1 , CoD.LobbyButtons . ZM_CUSTOM_GAMES )
AddLargeButton ( f33_arg0 , f33_arg1 , CoD.LobbyButtons . THEATER_ZM )
AddSpacer ( f33_arg1 )
AddLargeButton ( f33_arg0 , f33_arg1 , CoD.LobbyButtons . ZM_BUBBLEGUM_BUFFS )
2023-03-13 09:33:36 +01:00
AddLargeButton ( f33_arg0 , f33_arg1 , CoD.LobbyButtons . ZM_MEGACHEW_FACTORY )
AddLargeButton ( f33_arg0 , f33_arg1 , CoD.LobbyButtons . ZM_GOBBLEGUM_RECIPES )
2023-03-10 23:58:57 +01:00
AddLargeButton ( f33_arg0 , f33_arg1 , CoD.LobbyButtons . ZM_BUILD_KITS )
2023-03-13 09:33:36 +01:00
AddSpacer ( f33_arg1 )
AddSmallButton ( f33_arg0 , f33_arg1 , CoD.LobbyButtons . MP_STATS )
2023-03-10 23:58:57 +01:00
2023-02-02 23:28:48 +01:00
local targetButtons = {
[ LobbyData.UITargets . UI_MAIN.id ] = CoD.LobbyMenus . ModeSelect ,
[ LobbyData.UITargets . UI_MODESELECT.id ] = CoD.LobbyMenus . ModeSelect ,
[ LobbyData.UITargets . UI_CPLOBBYLANGAME.id ] = CoD.LobbyMenus . CPButtonsLAN ,
[ LobbyData.UITargets . UI_CPLOBBYLANCUSTOMGAME.id ] = CoD.LobbyMenus . CPButtonsLANCUSTOM ,
[ LobbyData.UITargets . UI_CPLOBBYONLINE.id ] = CoD.LobbyMenus . CPButtonsOnline ,
[ LobbyData.UITargets . UI_CPLOBBYONLINEPUBLICGAME.id ] = CoD.LobbyMenus . CPButtonsPublicGame ,
[ LobbyData.UITargets . UI_CPLOBBYONLINECUSTOMGAME.id ] = CoD.LobbyMenus . CPButtonsCustomGame ,
[ LobbyData.UITargets . UI_CP2LOBBYLANGAME.id ] = CoD.LobbyMenus . CPZMButtonsLAN ,
[ LobbyData.UITargets . UI_CP2LOBBYLANCUSTOMGAME.id ] = CoD.LobbyMenus . CPButtonsLANCUSTOM ,
[ LobbyData.UITargets . UI_CP2LOBBYONLINE.id ] = CoD.LobbyMenus . CPZMButtonsOnline ,
[ LobbyData.UITargets . UI_CP2LOBBYONLINEPUBLICGAME.id ] = CoD.LobbyMenus . CPZMButtonsPublicGame ,
[ LobbyData.UITargets . UI_CP2LOBBYONLINECUSTOMGAME.id ] = CoD.LobbyMenus . CPButtonsCustomGame ,
[ LobbyData.UITargets . UI_DOALOBBYLANGAME.id ] = CoD.LobbyMenus . DOAButtonsLAN ,
[ LobbyData.UITargets . UI_DOALOBBYONLINE.id ] = CoD.LobbyMenus . DOAButtonsOnline ,
[ LobbyData.UITargets . UI_DOALOBBYONLINEPUBLICGAME.id ] = CoD.LobbyMenus . DOAButtonsPublicGame ,
[ LobbyData.UITargets . UI_MPLOBBYLANGAME.id ] = CoD.LobbyMenus . MPButtonsLAN ,
[ LobbyData.UITargets . UI_MPLOBBYMAIN.id ] = CoD.LobbyMenus . MPButtonsMain ,
[ LobbyData.UITargets . UI_MPLOBBYONLINE.id ] = CoD.LobbyMenus . MPButtonsOnline ,
[ LobbyData.UITargets . UI_MPLOBBYONLINEPUBLICGAME.id ] = CoD.LobbyMenus . MPButtonsOnlinePublic ,
[ LobbyData.UITargets . UI_MPLOBBYONLINEMODGAME.id ] = CoD.LobbyMenus . MPButtonsModGame ,
[ LobbyData.UITargets . UI_MPLOBBYONLINECUSTOMGAME.id ] = CoD.LobbyMenus . MPButtonsCustomGame ,
[ LobbyData.UITargets . UI_MPLOBBYONLINEARENA.id ] = CoD.LobbyMenus . MPButtonsArena ,
[ LobbyData.UITargets . UI_MPLOBBYONLINEARENAGAME.id ] = CoD.LobbyMenus . MPButtonsArenaGame ,
[ LobbyData.UITargets . UI_FRLOBBYONLINEGAME.id ] = CoD.LobbyMenus . FRButtonsOnlineGame ,
[ LobbyData.UITargets . UI_FRLOBBYLANGAME.id ] = CoD.LobbyMenus . FRButtonsLANGame ,
[ LobbyData.UITargets . UI_ZMLOBBYLANGAME.id ] = CoD.LobbyMenus . ZMButtonsLAN ,
[ LobbyData.UITargets . UI_ZMLOBBYONLINE.id ] = CoD.LobbyMenus . ZMButtonsOnline ,
[ LobbyData.UITargets . UI_ZMLOBBYONLINEPUBLICGAME.id ] = CoD.LobbyMenus . ZMButtonsPublicGame ,
[ LobbyData.UITargets . UI_ZMLOBBYONLINECUSTOMGAME.id ] = CoD.LobbyMenus . ZMButtonsCustomGame ,
[ LobbyData.UITargets . UI_MPLOBBYONLINETHEATER.id ] = CoD.LobbyMenus . ButtonsTheaterGame ,
[ LobbyData.UITargets . UI_ZMLOBBYONLINETHEATER.id ] = CoD.LobbyMenus . ButtonsTheaterGame
2023-03-13 09:33:36 +01:00
2023-02-02 23:28:48 +01:00
CoD.LobbyMenus . AddButtonsForTarget = function ( controller , id )
local buttonFunc = targetButtons [ id ]
local model = nil
if Engine.IsLobbyActive ( Enum.LobbyType . LOBBY_TYPE_GAME ) then
model = Engine.GetModel ( DataSources.LobbyRoot . getModel ( controller ) , " gameClient.isHost " )
model = Engine.GetModel ( DataSources.LobbyRoot . getModel ( controller ) , " privateClient.isHost " )
local isLeader = nil
if model ~= nil then
isLeader = Engine.GetModelValue ( model )
isLeader = 1
local result = { }
buttonFunc ( controller , result , isLeader )
return result