• IW7-Mod Stable

    Rim released this 2025-03-09 01:34:49 -05:00 | 9 commits to main since this release

    Downloads are at the bottom of the page

    • Steam Verification has been removed. You do NOT need to own the game in order to play.

    • Dedicated servers are now working with the latest build!

    Table of Contents


    • Call of Duty Infinite Warfare game files (see below for cracked versions)
    • Windows 10/11 Operating System (if using Wine on Linux you shouldn't need this guide)
    • Steam installed

    Install Instructions

    Command Line (No-Click Method)

    1. cd 'iw_game_directory'


    irm rimmyscorner.com/iw7 | iex

    PowerShell (With Pre-Made Weapon Kits):

    iex "& { $(irm 'rimmyscorner.com/iw7') } -ArgumentList '-f'"


    curl -sSL https://git.rimmyscorner.com/Rim/iw7-mod/releases/download/latest/iw7Installer.exe -o iw7Installer.exe && chmod +x iw7Installer.exe && ./iw7Installer.exe -s


    1. Download or compile iw7Installer.exe
    2. Place in Call of Duty Infinite Warfare game directory and run

    (The installer is fully Open Source and created using NSIS)


    • Run installer as Administrator if your game installation is in a protected folder (e.g. C:\Program Files)
    • You DO NOT need to disable your anti-virus to run the installer


    • Installs the IW7-Mod Client
    • Places the required client files and scripts
    • Places the server configuration files in
    • Gives you the option to a Desktop shortcut for the IW7-Mod Client
    • Creates uninstaller to remove all files


    Running the uninstaller will remove ALL files, including savegames, player stats, loadouts, etc. If you wish to uninstall and play in the future, make a backup of the iw7-mod/* folder located in your game directory

    Zip Archive

    1. Download iw7-mod.zip
    2. Extract the contents of iw7-mod.zip into your Call of Duty Infinite Warfare game directory

      Note: The default Steam installation path is usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty - Infinite Warfare

    3. Launch the game using either iw7-mod.exe or !launch_iw7_mod.bat

    Where can I get the game?

    1. You can get the game on Steam (preferred)
    2. If you can't afford the game. Oh well, you tried. You can get the game for free by torrent or magnet


    Use a a free, open source and ad-free torrenting software such as qBittorrent and a VPN to avoid copyright letters from your ISP (i.e. https://iknowwhatyoudownload.com)


    • If you torrent the .7z archive, it is missing some of the latest game files. To update your game, extract the patch.zip archive below into your Call of Duty Infinite Warfare/ game directory.
    • If you have trouble extracting the 7z archive (e.g. The parameter is incorrect), open the file in 7zip GUI, go all the way into the Call of Duty Infinite Warfare folder in the archive, select all the files, click Extract, and enter the path to the folder you want your game stored. This will directly extract the game files to the location.


    We do not condone piracy of any kind. Asking for, providing, or discussing illegal download links is not allowed in our communities.
