2025-02-20 07:31:49 -05:00

1.5 KiB


  • Checked the developer manual
  • Checked that your issue isn't already filed: https://github.com/issues?utf8=✓&q=repo%3Alibtom%2Flibtomcrypt
  • Checked that your issue isn't due to the fact that you're using asymmetric cryptography and you forgot linking in and/or setting an MPI provider (usually this causes either random crashes or runtime errors like LTC_ARGCHK 'ltc_mp.name != NULL' failure ...). c.f. Ch. "Math Descriptors" of the developer manual.
  • Checked that your issue isn't related to TomsFastMath's limitation that PK operations can by default only be done with max. 2048bit keys


[Description of the issue]

Steps to Reproduce


You can get this information from the define SCRYPT in src/include/tomcrypt.h or your local git repository by running git describe --always --tags --dirty. Also, please include the compiler, the compiler version, the architecture and (if applicable) the MPI provider, the OS and what version of the OS you're experiencing the issue.

Additional Information

Any additional information, configuration or data that might be necessary to reproduce the issue.