192 lines
5.8 KiB
192 lines
5.8 KiB
// This file is part of AsmJit project <https://asmjit.com>
// See asmjit.h or LICENSE.md for license and copyright information
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Zlib
#include <asmjit/core.h>
#if !defined(ASMJIT_NO_X86)
#include <asmjit/x86.h>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace asmjit;
namespace {
#if !defined(ASMJIT_NO_X86)
static char accessLetter(bool r, bool w) noexcept {
return r && w ? 'X' : r ? 'R' : w ? 'W' : '_';
static void printInfo(Arch arch, const BaseInst& inst, const Operand_* operands, size_t opCount) {
StringTmp<512> sb;
// Read & Write Information
// ------------------------
InstRWInfo rw;
InstAPI::queryRWInfo(arch, inst, operands, opCount, &rw);
Formatter::formatInstruction(sb, FormatFlags::kNone, nullptr, arch, inst, operands, opCount);
sb.append(" Operands:\n");
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < rw.opCount(); i++) {
const OpRWInfo& op = rw.operand(i);
sb.appendFormat(" [%u] Op=%c Read=%016llX Write=%016llX Extend=%016llX",
accessLetter(op.isRead(), op.isWrite()),
if (op.isMemBaseUsed()) {
sb.appendFormat(" Base=%c", accessLetter(op.isMemBaseRead(), op.isMemBaseWrite()));
if (op.isMemBasePreModify())
sb.appendFormat(" <PRE>");
if (op.isMemBasePostModify())
sb.appendFormat(" <POST>");
if (op.isMemIndexUsed()) {
sb.appendFormat(" Index=%c", accessLetter(op.isMemIndexRead(), op.isMemIndexWrite()));
// CPU Flags (Read/Write)
// ----------------------
if ((rw.readFlags() | rw.writeFlags()) != CpuRWFlags::kNone) {
sb.append(" Flags: \n");
struct FlagMap {
CpuRWFlags flag;
char name[4];
static const FlagMap flagMap[] = {
{ CpuRWFlags::kX86_CF, "CF" },
{ CpuRWFlags::kX86_OF, "OF" },
{ CpuRWFlags::kX86_SF, "SF" },
{ CpuRWFlags::kX86_ZF, "ZF" },
{ CpuRWFlags::kX86_AF, "AF" },
{ CpuRWFlags::kX86_PF, "PF" },
{ CpuRWFlags::kX86_DF, "DF" },
{ CpuRWFlags::kX86_IF, "IF" },
{ CpuRWFlags::kX86_AC, "AC" },
{ CpuRWFlags::kX86_C0, "C0" },
{ CpuRWFlags::kX86_C1, "C1" },
{ CpuRWFlags::kX86_C2, "C2" },
{ CpuRWFlags::kX86_C3, "C3" }
sb.append(" ");
for (uint32_t f = 0; f < 13; f++) {
char c = accessLetter((rw.readFlags() & flagMap[f].flag) != CpuRWFlags::kNone,
(rw.writeFlags() & flagMap[f].flag) != CpuRWFlags::kNone);
if (c != '_')
sb.appendFormat("%s=%c ", flagMap[f].name, c);
// CPU Features
// ------------
CpuFeatures features;
InstAPI::queryFeatures(arch, inst, operands, opCount, &features);
if (!features.empty()) {
sb.append(" Features:\n");
sb.append(" ");
bool first = true;
CpuFeatures::Iterator it(features.iterator());
while (it.hasNext()) {
uint32_t featureId = uint32_t(it.next());
if (!first)
sb.append(" & ");
Formatter::formatFeature(sb, arch, featureId);
first = false;
printf("%s\n", sb.data());
template<typename... Args>
static void printInfoSimple(Arch arch,InstId instId, InstOptions options, Args&&... args) {
BaseInst inst(instId);
Operand_ opArray[] = { std::forward<Args>(args)... };
printInfo(arch, inst, opArray, sizeof...(args));
template<typename... Args>
static void printInfoExtra(Arch arch, InstId instId, InstOptions options, const BaseReg& extraReg, Args&&... args) {
BaseInst inst(instId);
Operand_ opArray[] = { std::forward<Args>(args)... };
printInfo(arch, inst, opArray, sizeof...(args));
#endif // !ASMJIT_NO_X86
static void testX86Arch() {
#if !defined(ASMJIT_NO_X86)
using namespace x86;
Arch arch = Arch::kX64;
printInfoSimple(arch, Inst::kIdAdd, InstOptions::kNone, eax, ebx);
printInfoSimple(arch, Inst::kIdXor, InstOptions::kNone, eax, eax);
printInfoSimple(arch, Inst::kIdLods, InstOptions::kNone, eax, dword_ptr(rsi));
printInfoSimple(arch, Inst::kIdPshufd, InstOptions::kNone, xmm0, xmm1, imm(0));
printInfoSimple(arch, Inst::kIdPabsb, InstOptions::kNone, mm1, mm2);
printInfoSimple(arch, Inst::kIdPabsb, InstOptions::kNone, xmm1, xmm2);
printInfoSimple(arch, Inst::kIdPextrw, InstOptions::kNone, eax, mm1, imm(0));
printInfoSimple(arch, Inst::kIdPextrw, InstOptions::kNone, eax, xmm1, imm(0));
printInfoSimple(arch, Inst::kIdPextrw, InstOptions::kNone, ptr(rax), xmm1, imm(0));
printInfoSimple(arch, Inst::kIdVpdpbusd, InstOptions::kNone, xmm0, xmm1, xmm2);
printInfoSimple(arch, Inst::kIdVpdpbusd, InstOptions::kX86_Vex, xmm0, xmm1, xmm2);
printInfoSimple(arch, Inst::kIdVaddpd, InstOptions::kNone, ymm0, ymm1, ymm2);
printInfoSimple(arch, Inst::kIdVaddpd, InstOptions::kNone, ymm0, ymm30, ymm31);
printInfoSimple(arch, Inst::kIdVaddpd, InstOptions::kNone, zmm0, zmm1, zmm2);
printInfoSimple(arch, Inst::kIdVpternlogd, InstOptions::kNone, zmm0, zmm0, zmm0, imm(0xFF));
printInfoSimple(arch, Inst::kIdVpternlogq, InstOptions::kNone, zmm0, zmm1, zmm2, imm(0x33));
printInfoExtra(arch, Inst::kIdVaddpd, InstOptions::kNone, k1, zmm0, zmm1, zmm2);
printInfoExtra(arch, Inst::kIdVaddpd, InstOptions::kX86_ZMask, k1, zmm0, zmm1, zmm2);
#endif // !ASMJIT_NO_X86
} // {anonymous}
int main() {
printf("AsmJit Instruction Info Test-Suite v%u.%u.%u\n",
unsigned((ASMJIT_LIBRARY_VERSION >> 16) ),
unsigned((ASMJIT_LIBRARY_VERSION >> 8) & 0xFF),
unsigned((ASMJIT_LIBRARY_VERSION ) & 0xFF));
return 0;