/dev/urandom 22dbae3b67
premake5: Automatic compiling of protobuf definition files.
- Added custom rules for *.proto files to iw4x
- Added a workaround for protoc output not being automatically included
- Disable precompiled headers for protobuf generated sources
- Moved inclusion of node.pb.h out of STDInclude.hpp to only where it's necessary (WTF @momo5502)
- Removed protobuf-generated code from "protobuf" external project
- Removed protogen.bat as it is no longer needed
2016-02-11 15:10:23 +01:00

332 lines
8.6 KiB

-- protoc tool
protocBinPath = path.translate(path.join(_MAIN_SCRIPT_DIR, "tools", "protoc.exe"))
-- Option to allow copying the DLL file to a custom folder after build
newoption {
trigger = "copy-to",
description = "Optional, copy the DLL to a custom folder after build, define the path here if wanted.",
value = "PATH"
newoption {
trigger = "no-new-structure",
description = "Do not use new virtual path structure (separating headers and source files)."
newaction {
trigger = "version",
description = "Returns the version string for the current commit of the source code.",
onWorkspace = function(wks)
-- get revision number via git
local proc = assert(io.popen("git rev-list --count HEAD", "r"))
local revNumber = assert(proc:read('*a')):gsub("%s+", "")
newaction {
trigger = "generate-buildinfo",
description = "Sets up build information file like version.h.",
onWorkspace = function(wks)
-- get revision number via git
local proc = assert(io.popen("git rev-list --count HEAD", "r"))
local revNumber = assert(proc:read('*a')):gsub("%s+", "")
-- get old version number from version.hpp if any
local oldRevNumber = "(none)"
local oldVersionHeader = io.open(wks.location .. "/src/version.hpp", "r")
if oldVersionHeader ~=nil then
local oldVersionHeaderContent = assert(oldVersionHeader:read('*a'))
oldRevNumber = string.match(oldVersionHeaderContent, "#define REVISION (%d+)")
if oldRevNumber == nil then
-- old version.hpp format?
oldRevNumber = "(none)"
-- generate version.hpp with a revision number if not equal
if oldRevNumber ~= revNumber then
print ("Update " .. oldRevNumber .. " -> " .. revNumber)
local versionHeader = assert(io.open(wks.location .. "/src/version.hpp", "w"))
versionHeader:write(" * Automatically generated by premake5.\n")
versionHeader:write(" * Do not touch, you fucking moron!\n")
versionHeader:write(" */\n")
versionHeader:write("#define REVISION " .. revNumber .. "\n")
workspace "iw4x"
location "./build"
objdir "%{wks.location}/obj"
targetdir "%{wks.location}/bin/%{cfg.buildcfg}"
configurations { "Debug", "DebugStatic", "Release", "ReleaseStatic" }
architecture "x32"
platforms "x86"
-- VS 2015 toolset only
toolset "msc-140"
configuration "windows"
defines { "_WINDOWS", "WIN32" }
configuration "Release*"
defines { "NDEBUG" }
flags { "MultiProcessorCompile", "Symbols", "LinkTimeOptimization", "No64BitChecks" }
optimize "Full"
configuration "Debug*"
defines { "DEBUG", "_DEBUG" }
flags { "MultiProcessorCompile", "Symbols", "No64BitChecks" }
optimize "Debug"
configuration "*Static"
flags { "StaticRuntime" }
project "iw4x"
kind "SharedLib"
language "C++"
files {
includedirs {
-- Pre-compiled header
pchheader "STDInclude.hpp" -- must be exactly same as used in #include directives
pchsource "src/STDInclude.cpp" -- real path
buildoptions { "/Zm100" }
filter "files:**.pb.*"
flags { "NoPCH" }
filter {}
-- Dependency on zlib, json11 and asio
links { "zlib", "json11", "pdcurses", "libtomcrypt", "libtommath", "protobuf" }
-- Virtual paths
if not _OPTIONS["no-new-structure"] then
vpaths {
["Headers/*"] = { "./src/**.hpp" },
["Sources/*"] = { "./src/**.cpp" },
["Proto/Definitions/*"] = { "./src/Proto/**.proto" },
["Proto/Generated/*"] = { "**.pb.*" }, -- meh.
vpaths {
["Docs/*"] = { "**.txt","**.md" },
-- Pre-build
prebuildcommands {
"premake5 generate-buildinfo"
-- Post-build
if _OPTIONS["copy-to"] then
saneCopyToPath = string.gsub(_OPTIONS["copy-to"] .. "\\", "\\\\", "\\")
postbuildcommands {
"copy /y \"$(TargetDir)*.dll\" \"" .. saneCopyToPath .. "\""
-- Specific configurations
flags { "UndefinedIdentifiers", "ExtraWarnings" }
configuration "Release*"
flags { "FatalCompileWarnings" }
configuration {}
-- Generate source code from protobuf definitions
rules { "ProtobufCompiler" }
-- Workaround: Consume protobuf generated source files
matches = os.matchfiles(path.join("src/Proto/**.proto"))
for i, srcPath in ipairs(matches) do
basename = path.getbasename(srcPath)
files {
string.format("%%{prj.location}/src/proto/%s.pb.h", basename),
string.format("%%{prj.location}/src/proto/%s.pb.cc", basename),
includedirs {
group "External dependencies"
-- zlib
project "zlib"
language "C"
-- not our code, ignore POSIX usage warnings for now
warnings "Off"
kind "SharedLib"
configuration "*Static"
kind "StaticLib"
removedefines { "ZLIB_DLL" }
-- json11
project "json11"
language "C++"
-- remove dropbox's testing code
removefiles { "./deps/json11/test.cpp" }
-- not our code, ignore POSIX usage warnings for now
warnings "Off"
-- always build as static lib, as json11 doesn't export anything
kind "StaticLib"
-- pdcurses
project "pdcurses"
language "C"
includedirs { "./deps/pdcurses/" }
-- not our code, ignore POSIX usage warnings for now
warnings "Off"
-- always build as static lib, as pdcurses doesn't export anything
kind "StaticLib"
-- libtomcrypt
project "libtomcrypt"
language "C"
links { "libtommath" }
includedirs { "./deps/libtomcrypt/src/headers" }
includedirs { "./deps/libtommath" }
files { "./deps/libtomcrypt/src/**.c" }
-- seems like tab stuff can be omitted
removefiles { "./deps/libtomcrypt/src/**/*tab.c" }
-- remove incorrect files
-- for some reason, they lack the necessary header files
-- i might have to open a pull request which includes them
-- not our code, ignore POSIX usage warnings for now
warnings "Off"
-- always build as static lib, as libtomcrypt doesn't export anything
kind "StaticLib"
-- libtommath
project "libtommath"
language "C"
defines { "_LIB" }
includedirs { "./deps/libtommath" }
files { "./deps/libtommath/*.c" }
-- not our code, ignore POSIX usage warnings for now
warnings "Off"
-- always build as static lib, as libtommath doesn't export anything
kind "StaticLib"
-- protobuf
project "protobuf"
language "C++"
links { "zlib" }
-- default protobuf sources
files { "./deps/protobuf/src/**.cc" }
-- remove unnecessary sources
-- not our code, ignore POSIX usage warnings for now
warnings "Off"
-- always build as static lib, as we include our custom classes and therefore can't perform shared linking
kind "StaticLib"
rule "ProtobufCompiler"
display "Protobuf compiler"
location "./build"
fileExtension ".proto"
buildmessage "Compiling %(Identity) with protoc..."
buildcommands {
'@echo off',
'path "$(SolutionDir)\\..\\tools"',
'if not exist "$(ProjectDir)\\src\\proto" mkdir "$(ProjectDir)\\src\\proto"',
'protoc --error_format=msvs -I=%(RootDir)%(Directory) "--cpp_out=$(ProjectDir)\\src\\proto" "%(FullPath)"',
buildoutputs {