1.5 KiB

IW4x: Client Discord

Commit message style

[Module] Imperative summary

- points or text

[ci skip]

[ci skip] is optional.

How to compile

  • Run premake5 vs2015 or use the delivered generate.bat.
  • Build via solution file in build\iw4x.sln. (You can use the build.bat script to do it quick and easy.)

Premake arguments

Argument Description
--copy-to=PATH Optional, copy the DLL to a custom folder after build, define the path here if wanted.
--copy-pdb Copy debug information for binaries as well to the path given via --copy-to.
--ac-disable Disable anticheat.
--ac-debug-detections Log anticheat detections.
--ac-debug-load-library Log libraries that get loaded.
--force-unit-tests Always compile unit tests.
--force-exception-handler Install custom unhandled exception handler even for Debug builds.
--force-minidump-upload Upload minidumps even for Debug builds.
--disable-bitmessage Disable use of BitMessage completely.
--disable-node-log Disable debugging messages for Nodes in Debug builds.
--disable-base128 Disable base128 encoding for minidumps.
--no-new-structure Do not use new virtual path structure (separating headers and source files).
--enable-dxsdk Enable DirectX SDK (required for GfxMap exporting).