This commit is contained in:
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ namespace Components
Register(new Threading());
Register(new Toast());
Register(new UIFeeder());
Register(new Updater());
//Register(new Updater());
Register(new VisionFile());
Register(new Voice());
Register(new Vote());
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ namespace Components
#pragma optimize( "", off )
void AssetHandler::ModifyAsset(Game::XAssetType type, Game::XAssetHeader asset, const std::string& name)
#ifdef DEBUG
@ -236,6 +236,483 @@ namespace Components
if (name == "body_urban_civ_female_a"s)
//if (name == "mp_body_tf141_lmg"s)
class QuatInt16
static uint16_t ToInt16(const float quat)
return static_cast<uint16_t>(quat * INT16_MAX);
static float ToFloat(const uint16_t quat)
return static_cast<float>(quat) / static_cast<float>(INT16_MAX);
struct BoneEnsemble
uint16_t name;
Game::DObjAnimMat mat;
Game::XBoneInfo info;
int16_t quat[4];
float trans[3];
BoneEnsemble() {};
BoneEnsemble(Game::XModel* model, int index)
name = model->boneNames[index];
mat = model->baseMat[index];
info = model->boneInfo[index];
std::memcpy(quat, &model->quats[(index - 1) * 4], 4 * sizeof(uint16_t));
std::memcpy(trans, &model->trans[(index - 1) * 3], 3 * sizeof(float));
const auto equals = [](const BoneEnsemble& a, const BoneEnsemble& b)
if ( ==
if (b.mat.transWeight != a.mat.transWeight)
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (b.mat.quat[i] != a.mat.quat[i])
return false;
if (b.quat[i] != a.quat[i])
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (b.mat.trans[i] != a.mat.trans[i])
return false;
if (b.trans[i] != a.trans[i])
return false;
if ([i] !=[i])
return false;
if ([i] !=[i])
return false;
if ( !=
return false;
return true;
return false;
const auto model = asset.model;
static std::vector<std::string> names{};
for (auto i = 0; i < model->numBones; i++)
const auto bone = model->boneNames[i];
const auto name = Game::SL_ConvertToString(bone);
const auto getIndexOfBone = [&](std::string name)
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < model->numBones; i++)
const auto bone = model->boneNames[i];
const auto boneName = Game::SL_ConvertToString(bone);
if (name == boneName)
return i;
return static_cast<uint8_t>(UCHAR_MAX);
const auto getParentIndexOfBone = [&](uint8_t index)
const auto parentIndex = index - model->parentList[index - model->numRootBones];
return parentIndex;
const auto setParentIndexOfBone = [&](uint8_t boneIndex, uint8_t parentIndex)
if (boneIndex == SCHAR_MAX)
model->parentList[boneIndex - model->numRootBones] = boneIndex - parentIndex;
const auto getParentOfBone = [&](int index)
const auto parentIndex = getParentIndexOfBone(index);
const auto boneName = Game::SL_ConvertToString(model->boneNames[parentIndex]);
return boneName;
const auto insertBone = [&](const std::string& boneName, uint8_t parentIndex)
uint8_t newBoneCount = model->numBones + 1;
uint8_t newBoneCountMinusRoot = newBoneCount - model->numRootBones;
int atPosition = model->numBones;
// Find best position to insert it
for (int index = model->numRootBones; index < model->numBones; index++)
int parent = getParentIndexOfBone(index);
if (parent >= parentIndex)
atPosition = index;
const auto newBoneIndex = atPosition;
const auto newBoneIndexMinusRoot = atPosition - model->numRootBones;
// Reallocate
const auto newBoneNames = (uint16_t*)Game::Z_Malloc(sizeof(uint16_t) * newBoneCount);
const auto newMats = (Game::DObjAnimMat*)Game::Z_Malloc(sizeof(Game::DObjAnimMat) * newBoneCount);
const auto newBoneInfo = (Game::XBoneInfo*)Game::Z_Malloc(sizeof(Game::XBoneInfo) * newBoneCount);
const auto newQuats = (int16_t*)Game::Z_Malloc(sizeof(uint16_t) * 4 * newBoneCountMinusRoot);
const auto newTrans = (float*)Game::Z_Malloc(sizeof(float) * 3 * newBoneCountMinusRoot);
const auto newParentList = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(Game::Z_Malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * newBoneCountMinusRoot));
int lengthOfFirstPart = atPosition;
int lengthOfSecondPart = model->numBones - atPosition;
int lengthOfFirstPartM1 = atPosition - model->numRootBones;
int lengthOfSecondPartM1 = model->numBones - model->numRootBones - (atPosition - model->numRootBones);
int atPositionM1 = atPosition - model->numRootBones;
// should be equal to model->numBones
int total = lengthOfFirstPart + lengthOfSecondPart;
assert(total = model->numBones);
// should be equal to model->numBones - model->numRootBones
int totalM1 = lengthOfFirstPartM1 + lengthOfSecondPartM1;
assert(totalM1 == model->numBones - model->numRootBones);
// Copy before
if (lengthOfFirstPart > 0)
std::memcpy(newBoneNames, model->boneNames, sizeof(uint16_t) * lengthOfFirstPart);
std::memcpy(newMats, model->baseMat, sizeof(Game::DObjAnimMat) * lengthOfFirstPart);
std::memcpy(newBoneInfo, model->boneInfo, sizeof(Game::XBoneInfo) * lengthOfFirstPart);
std::memcpy(newQuats, model->quats, sizeof(uint16_t) * 4 * lengthOfFirstPartM1);
std::memcpy(newTrans, model->trans, sizeof(float) * 3 * lengthOfFirstPartM1);
// Insert new bone
unsigned int name = Game::SL_GetString(, 0);
Game::XBoneInfo boneInfo{};
Game::DObjAnimMat mat{};
mat = model->baseMat[parentIndex];
boneInfo = model->boneInfo[parentIndex];
uint16_t quat[4]{};
std::memcpy(quat, &model->quats[(parentIndex - model->numRootBones) * sizeof(uint16_t)], ARRAYSIZE(quat) * sizeof(uint16_t));
float trans[3]{};
std::memcpy(trans, &model->trans[(parentIndex - model->numRootBones) * sizeof(float)], ARRAYSIZE(trans) * sizeof(float));
//mat.quat[3] = 1.0f;
//mat.trans[0] = -3.4;
//mat.trans[1] = -6;
//mat.trans[2] = 37;
//mat.transWeight = 2.0f;
uint8_t part = 5; // Unused ?
newMats[newBoneIndex] = mat;
newBoneInfo[newBoneIndex] = boneInfo;
newBoneNames[newBoneIndex] = name;
std::memcpy(&newQuats[newBoneIndexMinusRoot * 4], quat, ARRAYSIZE(quat) * sizeof(uint16_t));
std::memcpy(&newTrans[newBoneIndexMinusRoot * 3], trans, ARRAYSIZE(trans) * sizeof(float));
// Copy after
if (lengthOfSecondPart > 0)
std::memcpy(&newBoneNames[atPosition + 1], &model->boneNames[atPosition], sizeof(uint16_t) * lengthOfSecondPart);
std::memcpy(&newMats[atPosition + 1], &model->baseMat[atPosition], sizeof(Game::DObjAnimMat) * lengthOfSecondPart);
std::memcpy(&newBoneInfo[atPosition + 1], &model->boneInfo[atPosition], sizeof(Game::XBoneInfo) * lengthOfSecondPart);
std::memcpy(&newQuats[(atPositionM1 + 1) * 4], &model->quats[atPositionM1 * 4], sizeof(uint16_t) * 4 * lengthOfSecondPartM1);
std::memcpy(&newTrans[(atPositionM1 + 1) * 3], &model->trans[atPositionM1 * 3], sizeof(float) * 3 * lengthOfSecondPartM1);
// Assign reallocated
model->baseMat = newMats;
model->boneInfo = newBoneInfo;
model->boneNames = newBoneNames;
model->quats = newQuats;
model->trans = newTrans;
model->parentList = newParentList;
// Update vertex weights
for (int i = 0; i < model->numLods; i++)
const auto lod = &model->lodInfo[i];
size_t weightOffset = 0u;
for (int surfIndex = 0; surfIndex < lod->modelSurfs->numsurfs; surfIndex++)
auto vertsBlendOffset = 0u;
const auto surface = &lod->modelSurfs->surfs[surfIndex];
const auto fixVertexBlendIndex = [&](unsigned int offset) {
int index = static_cast<int>(surface->vertInfo.vertsBlend[offset] / sizeof(Game::DObjSkelMat));
if (index >= atPosition)
if (index < 0 || index >= model->numBones - 1)
surface->vertInfo.vertsBlend[offset] = index * sizeof(Game::DObjSkelMat);
// Fix bone offsets
if (surface->vertList)
for (auto vertListIndex = 0u; vertListIndex < surface->vertListCount; vertListIndex++)
const auto vertList = &surface->vertList[vertListIndex];
auto index = vertList->boneOffset / sizeof(Game::DObjSkelMat);
if (index < 0 || index >= model->numBones - 1)
if (index >= atPosition)
vertList->boneOffset = index * sizeof(Game::DObjSkelMat);
// 1 bone weight
for (auto vertIndex = 0; vertIndex < surface->vertInfo.vertCount[0]; vertIndex++)
fixVertexBlendIndex(vertsBlendOffset + 0);
vertsBlendOffset += 1;
// 2 bone weights
for (auto vertIndex = 0; vertIndex < surface->vertInfo.vertCount[1]; vertIndex++)
fixVertexBlendIndex(vertsBlendOffset + 0);
fixVertexBlendIndex(vertsBlendOffset + 1);
vertsBlendOffset += 3;
// 3 bone weights
for (auto vertIndex = 0; vertIndex < surface->vertInfo.vertCount[2]; vertIndex++)
fixVertexBlendIndex(vertsBlendOffset + 0);
fixVertexBlendIndex(vertsBlendOffset + 1);
fixVertexBlendIndex(vertsBlendOffset + 3);
vertsBlendOffset += 5;
// 4 bone weights
for (auto vertIndex = 0; vertIndex < surface->vertInfo.vertCount[3]; vertIndex++)
fixVertexBlendIndex(vertsBlendOffset + 0);
fixVertexBlendIndex(vertsBlendOffset + 1);
fixVertexBlendIndex(vertsBlendOffset + 3);
fixVertexBlendIndex(vertsBlendOffset + 5);
vertsBlendOffset += 7;
// TODO free memory of original lists
return atPosition; // Bone index of added bone
auto indexOfSpine = getIndexOfBone("j_spinelower");
if (indexOfSpine < UCHAR_MAX)
const auto nameOfParent = getParentOfBone(indexOfSpine);
const auto stabilizer = getIndexOfBone("torso_stabilizer");
const auto otherIndex = stabilizer - model->numRootBones;
const auto root = getIndexOfBone("j_mainroot");
if (root < UCHAR_MAX) {
std::map<std::string, std::string> parentsBefore{};
std::map<std::string, BoneEnsemble> bonesBefore{};
for (int i = model->numRootBones; i < model->numBones; i++)
parentsBefore[Game::SL_ConvertToString(model->boneNames[i])] = getParentOfBone(i);
bonesBefore[Game::SL_ConvertToString(model->boneNames[i])] = BoneEnsemble(model, i);
#if 0
// Add pelvis
auto indexOfPelvis = getIndexOfBone("pelvis");
if (indexOfPelvis == UCHAR_MAX)
indexOfPelvis = insertBone("pelvis", root);
parentsBefore["pelvis"] = "j_mainroot";
setParentIndexOfBone(indexOfPelvis, getIndexOfBone("j_mainroot"));
assert(root == getIndexOfBone("j_mainroot"));
parentsBefore["j_hip_le"] = "pelvis";
setParentIndexOfBone(getIndexOfBone("j_hip_le"), getIndexOfBone("pelvis"));
parentsBefore["j_hip_ri"] = "pelvis";
setParentIndexOfBone(getIndexOfBone("j_hip_ri"), getIndexOfBone("pelvis"));
parentsBefore["tag_stowed_hip_rear"] = "pelvis";
setParentIndexOfBone(getIndexOfBone("tag_stowed_hip_rear"), getIndexOfBone("pelvis"));
uint8_t torsoStabilizer = insertBone("torso_stabilizer", indexOfPelvis);
assert(indexOfPelvis == getIndexOfBone("pelvis"));
const auto parentIndex = 30;
uint8_t torsoStabilizer = insertBone("torso_stabilizer", parentIndex);
//setParentIndexOfBone(torsoStabilizer, parentIndex);
const auto newRoot = getIndexOfBone("j_mainroot");
assert(root == newRoot);
//parentsBefore["j_spinelower"] = "torso_stabilizer";
//setParentIndexOfBone(getIndexOfBone("j_spinelower"), torsoStabilizer);
//parentsBefore["torso_stabilizer"] = "pelvis";
//setParentIndexOfBone(torsoStabilizer, indexOfPelvis);
std::map<std::string, std::string> parentsAfter{};
std::map<std::string, BoneEnsemble> bonesAfter{};
for (int i = model->numRootBones; i < model->numBones; i++)
parentsAfter[Game::SL_ConvertToString(model->boneNames[i])] = getParentOfBone(i);
bonesAfter[Game::SL_ConvertToString(model->boneNames[i])] = BoneEnsemble(model, i);
for (const auto& kv : parentsBefore)
// Fix parents
const auto key = kv.first;
const auto beforeVal = kv.second;
const auto afterVal = parentsAfter[kv.first];
if (beforeVal != afterVal)
const auto parentIndex = getIndexOfBone(beforeVal);
const auto index = getIndexOfBone(key);
setParentIndexOfBone(index, parentIndex);
parentsAfter[Game::SL_ConvertToString(model->boneNames[index])] = getParentOfBone(index);
// check
for (const auto& kv : parentsBefore)
const auto key = kv.first;
const auto beforeVal = kv.second;
const auto afterVal = parentsAfter[key];
if (beforeVal != afterVal)
for (const auto& kv : bonesBefore)
const auto key = kv.first;
const auto beforeVal = kv.second;
const auto afterVal = bonesAfter[kv.first];
if (equals(beforeVal, afterVal))
// good
if (type == Game::ASSET_TYPE_MATERIAL && (name == "gfx_distortion_knife_trail" || name == "gfx_distortion_heat_far" || name == "gfx_distortion_ring_light" || name == "gfx_distortion_heat") && asset.material->info.sortKey >= 43)
if (Zones::Version() >= VERSION_ALPHA2)
@ -291,6 +768,7 @@ namespace Components
asset.gfxWorld->sortKeyDistortion = 43;
#pragma optimize( "", on )
bool AssetHandler::IsAssetEligible(Game::XAssetType type, Game::XAssetHeader *asset)
@ -1133,6 +1133,12 @@ namespace Game
unsigned __int16 triCount;
XSurfaceCollisionTree* collisionTree;
struct DObjSkelMat
float axis[3][4];
float origin[4];
struct XSurface
@ -276,6 +276,8 @@ namespace Steam
void Proxy::RunFrame()
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> _(Proxy::CallMutex);
if (Proxy::SteamUtils)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user