[Exception] Remove debug minidump command

This commit is contained in:
momo5502 2019-01-12 17:53:33 +01:00
parent f75f121c27
commit b3ec628a33

View File

@ -232,53 +232,6 @@ namespace Components
Logger::Print("Old exception handler was 0x%010X.\n", oldHandler);
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4740) // flow in or out of inline asm code suppresses global optimization
Command::Add("debug_minidump", [](Command::Params*)
// The following code was taken from VC++ 8.0 CRT (invarg.c: line 104)
CONTEXT ContextRecord;
ZeroMemory(&ContextRecord, sizeof(CONTEXT));
mov [ContextRecord.Eax], eax
mov [ContextRecord.Ecx], ecx
mov [ContextRecord.Edx], edx
mov [ContextRecord.Ebx], ebx
mov [ContextRecord.Esi], esi
mov [ContextRecord.Edi], edi
mov word ptr [ContextRecord.SegSs], ss
mov word ptr [ContextRecord.SegCs], cs
mov word ptr [ContextRecord.SegDs], ds
mov word ptr [ContextRecord.SegEs], es
mov word ptr [ContextRecord.SegFs], fs
mov word ptr [ContextRecord.SegGs], gs
pop [ContextRecord.EFlags]
ContextRecord.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_CONTROL;
ContextRecord.Eip = reinterpret_cast<DWORD>(_ReturnAddress());
ContextRecord.Esp = reinterpret_cast<DWORD>(_AddressOfReturnAddress());
ContextRecord.Ebp = *reinterpret_cast<DWORD*>(_AddressOfReturnAddress()) - 1;
ZeroMemory(&ExceptionRecord, sizeof(EXCEPTION_RECORD));
ExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode = EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT;
ExceptionRecord.ExceptionAddress = _ReturnAddress();
eptr.ExceptionRecord = &ExceptionRecord;
eptr.ContextRecord = &ContextRecord;
#pragma warning(pop)
// Check if folder exists && crash-helper exists
if (Utils::IO::DirectoryExists("minidumps\\") && Utils::IO::FileExists("crash-helper.exe"))