
158 lines
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2016-06-24 08:49:46 -04:00
#include "STDInclude.hpp"
namespace Components
std::queue<Toast::UIToast> Toast::Queue;
std::mutex Toast::Mutex;
void Toast::Show(const char* image, const char* title, const char* description, int length)
Toast::Queue.push({ image, title, description, length, 0 });
void Toast::Draw(UIToast* toast)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4244)
if (!toast) return;
int width = Renderer::Width();
int height = Renderer::Height();
int slideTime = 100;
int duration = toast->Length;
int startTime = toast->Start;
int aCorners = 0; // Adjust the corners. They seem to have a 1px border
int cornerSize = 15;
int bHeight = 74;
int bWidth = 200;
int imgDim = 60;
Game::Material* circle = Game::DB_FindXAssetHeader(Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_MATERIAL, "circle").material;
Game::Material* white = Game::DB_FindXAssetHeader(Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_MATERIAL, "white").material;
Game::Material* image = Game::DB_FindXAssetHeader(Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_MATERIAL, toast->Image.data()).material;
Game::Font* font = Game::DB_FindXAssetHeader(Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_FONT, "fonts/normalFont").font;
Game::vec4_t color = { 0, 0, 0, 0.7f };
Game::vec4_t wColor = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
if (Game::Com_Milliseconds() < startTime || (startTime + duration) < Game::Com_Milliseconds()) return;
// Fadein stuff
else if (Game::Com_Milliseconds() - startTime < slideTime)
height /= 5;
height *= 4;
int diffH = Renderer::Height() / 5;
int diff = Game::Com_Milliseconds() - startTime;
double scale = 1.0 - ((1.0 * diff) / (1.0 * slideTime));
diffH *= scale;
height += diffH;
// Fadeout stuff
else if (Game::Com_Milliseconds() - startTime > (duration - slideTime))
height /= 5;
height *= 4;
int diffH = Renderer::Height() / 5;
int diff = (startTime + duration) - Game::Com_Milliseconds();
double scale = 1.0 - ((1.0 * diff) / (1.0 * slideTime));
diffH *= scale;
height += diffH;
height /= 5;
height *= 4;
height += bHeight / 2 + aCorners - cornerSize;
// Calculate width data
int iOffset = (bHeight - imgDim) / 2 + aCorners;
int iOffsetLeft = iOffset * 2;
int titleSize = Game::R_TextWidth(toast->Title.data(), 0x7FFFFFFF, font);
int descrSize = Game::R_TextWidth(toast->Desc.data(), 0x7FFFFFFF, font);
bWidth = iOffsetLeft * 3 + imgDim + std::max(titleSize, descrSize);
// Make stuff divisible by 2
// Otherwise there are overlapping images
// and I'm too lazy to figure out the actual problem :P
bWidth += (bWidth % 2);
bHeight += (bHeight % 2);
// Corners
Game::R_AddCmdDrawStretchPic(width / 2 - bWidth / 2, height - bHeight / 2, cornerSize, cornerSize, 0, 0, 0.5f, 0.5f, color, circle); // Top-Left
Game::R_AddCmdDrawStretchPic(width / 2 + bWidth / 2 - cornerSize, height - bHeight / 2, cornerSize, cornerSize, 0.5f, 0, 0, 0.5f, color, circle); // Top-Right
Game::R_AddCmdDrawStretchPic(width / 2 - bWidth / 2, height + bHeight / 2 - cornerSize, cornerSize, cornerSize, 0, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0, color, circle); // Bottom-Left
Game::R_AddCmdDrawStretchPic(width / 2 + bWidth / 2 - cornerSize, height + bHeight / 2 - cornerSize, cornerSize, cornerSize, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0, 0, color, circle); // Bottom-Right
// Border
Game::R_AddCmdDrawStretchPic(width / 2 - bWidth / 2 + cornerSize, height - bHeight / 2 + aCorners, bWidth - cornerSize * 2, cornerSize - aCorners, 0, 0, 1.0f, 1.0f, color, white); // Top
Game::R_AddCmdDrawStretchPic(width / 2 - bWidth / 2 + cornerSize, height + bHeight / 2 - cornerSize, bWidth - cornerSize * 2, cornerSize - aCorners, 0, 0, 1.0f, 1.0f, color, white); // Bottom
Game::R_AddCmdDrawStretchPic(width / 2 - bWidth / 2 + aCorners, height - bHeight / 2 + cornerSize, cornerSize - aCorners, bHeight - cornerSize * 2, 0, 0, 1.0f, 1.0f, color, white); // Left
Game::R_AddCmdDrawStretchPic(width / 2 + bWidth / 2 - cornerSize, height - bHeight / 2 + cornerSize, cornerSize - aCorners, bHeight - cornerSize * 2, 0, 0, 1.0f, 1.0f, color, white); // Right
// Center
Game::R_AddCmdDrawStretchPic(width / 2 - (bWidth - cornerSize * 2) / 2, height - (bHeight - cornerSize * 2) / 2, bWidth - cornerSize * 2, bHeight - cornerSize * 2, 0, 0, 1.0f, 1.0f, color, white);
// Image
Game::R_AddCmdDrawStretchPic(width / 2 - bWidth / 2 + iOffsetLeft, height - bHeight / 2 + iOffset, imgDim, imgDim, 0, 0, 1.0f, 1.0f, wColor, image);
// Text
int leftText = width / 2 - bWidth / 2 - cornerSize + iOffsetLeft * 2 + imgDim;
int rightText = width / 2 + bWidth / 2 - cornerSize - aCorners - iOffsetLeft;
Game::R_AddCmdDrawText(toast->Title.data(), 0x7FFFFFFF, font, leftText + (rightText - leftText) / 2 - titleSize / 2 + cornerSize, height - bHeight / 2 + cornerSize * 2 + 7, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0, wColor, 0); // Title
Game::R_AddCmdDrawText(toast->Desc.data(), 0x7FFFFFFF, font, leftText + (rightText - leftText) / 2 - descrSize / 2 + cornerSize, height - bHeight / 2 + cornerSize * 2 + 33, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0, wColor, 0); // Description
#pragma warning(pop)
void Toast::Handler()
if (Toast::Queue.empty()) return;
Toast::UIToast* toast = &Toast::Queue.front();
// Set start time
if (!toast->Start)
toast->Start = Game::Com_Milliseconds();
if ((toast->Start + toast->Length) < Game::Com_Milliseconds())
Command::Add("testtoast", [] (Command::Params)
Toast::Show("specialty_nuke", "Test", "This is a test toast", 3000);
Toast::Queue = std::queue<Toast::UIToast>();