2015-12-31 02:44:04 +01:00
-- Option to allow copying the DLL file to a custom folder after build
newoption {
trigger = "copy-to",
2015-12-31 03:58:16 +01:00
description = "Optional, copy the DLL to a custom folder after build, define the path here if wanted.",
value = "PATH"
2015-12-31 02:44:04 +01:00
2015-12-31 04:07:16 +01:00
newoption {
trigger = "no-new-structure",
description = "Do not use new virtual path structure (separating headers and source files)."
2015-12-31 03:59:33 +01:00
newaction {
trigger = "generate-buildinfo",
description = "Sets up build information file like version.h.",
onWorkspace = function(wks)
-- get revision number via git
local proc = assert(io.popen("git rev-list --count HEAD", "r"))
local revNumber = assert(proc:read('*a')):gsub("%s+", "")
-- get old version number from version.hpp if any
2015-12-31 04:18:04 +01:00
local oldRevNumber = "(none)"
2015-12-31 03:59:33 +01:00
local oldVersionHeader = io.open(wks.location .. "/version.hpp", "r")
if oldVersionHeader ~=nil then
local oldVersionHeaderContent = assert(oldVersionHeader:read('*a'))
oldRevNumber = string.match(oldVersionHeaderContent, "#define REVISION (%d+)")
2016-01-03 14:57:24 +01:00
if oldRevNumber == nil then
2016-01-03 14:54:35 +01:00
-- old version.hpp format?
oldRevNumber = "(none)"
2015-12-31 03:59:33 +01:00
-- generate version.hpp with a revision number if not equal
if oldRevNumber ~= revNumber then
print ("Update " .. oldRevNumber .. " -> " .. revNumber)
local versionHeader = assert(io.open(wks.location .. "/version.hpp", "w"))
versionHeader:write(" * Automatically generated by premake5.\n")
versionHeader:write(" * Do not touch, you fucking moron!\n")
versionHeader:write(" */\n")
versionHeader:write("#define REVISION " .. revNumber .. "\n")
2015-12-29 02:52:31 +01:00
solution "iw4x"
location ("./build")
configurations { "Normal" }
project "iw4x"
kind "SharedLib"
language "C++"
2015-12-29 14:46:17 +01:00
files { "./src/**.hpp", "./src/**.cpp" }
2015-12-31 03:59:33 +01:00
includedirs { "%{prj.location}" }
2015-12-31 02:44:51 +01:00
toolset "msc" -- only support Microsoft's compiler
2015-12-29 02:52:31 +01:00
configuration "Normal"
defines { "NDEBUG" }
flags { "Optimize", "MultiProcessorCompile", "Symbols" }
2015-12-31 02:44:04 +01:00
2015-12-31 04:07:16 +01:00
if not _OPTIONS["no-new-structure"] then
vpaths {
["Headers/*"] = "src/**.hpp",
["Sources/*"] = {"src/**.cpp"}
2015-12-31 03:58:43 +01:00
vpaths {
["Docs/*"] = {"**.txt","**.md"}
2015-12-31 03:59:33 +01:00
prebuildcommands {
"premake5 generate-buildinfo"
2015-12-31 02:44:04 +01:00
if _OPTIONS["copy-to"] then
saneCopyToPath = string.gsub(_OPTIONS["copy-to"] .. "\\", "\\\\", "\\")
postbuildcommands {
"copy /y \"$(TargetPath)\" \"" .. saneCopyToPath .. "\""