{"cg_fovMin","The minimum possible field of view"},
{"cg_fovScale","Scale applied to the field of view"},
{"cg_friendlyNameFadeIn","Time in milliseconds to fade in friendly names"},
{"cg_friendlyNameFadeOut","Time in milliseconds to fade out friendly names"},
{"cg_gameBoldMessageWidth","The maximum character width of the bold game messages"},
{"cg_gameMessageWidth","The maximum character width of the game messages"},
{"cg_gun_x","Forward position of the viewmodel"},
{"cg_gun_y","Right position of the viewmodel"},
{"cg_gun_z","Up position of the viewmodel"},
{"cg_headIconMinScreenRadius","The minumum radius of a head icon on the screen"},
{"cg_hearKillerTime","Duration (in milliseconds) to hear the person you just killed"},
{"cg_hearVictimEnabled","If true, you can hear the person you just killed"},
{"cg_hearVictimTime","Duration (in milliseconds) to hear the person you just killed"},
{"cg_heliKillCamFov","Helicopter kill camera field of view."},
{"cg_heliKillCamFstop","Helicopter kill camera aperture. Lower f-stop yields a shallower depth of field. Typical values range from 1 to 22"},
{"cg_hintFadeTime","Time in milliseconds for the cursor hint to fade"},
{"cg_hudChatIntermissionPosition","Position of the HUD chat box during intermission"},
{"cg_hudChatPosition","Position of the HUD chat box"},
{"cg_hudDamageIconHeight","The height of the damage icon"},
{"cg_hudDamageIconInScope","Draw damage icons when aiming down the sight of a scoped weapon"},
{"cg_hudDamageIconOffset","The offset from the center of the damage icon"},
{"cg_hudDamageIconOverlayTime","The amount of time (in ms) for the overlay portion of the damage icon to stay on screen"},
{"cg_hudDamageIconStartFadeTime","The amount of time (in ms) before the damage icon begins to fade"},
{"cg_hudDamageIconTime","The amount of time for the damage icon to stay on screen after damage is taken"},
{"cg_hudDamageIconWidth","The width of the damage icon"},
{"cg_hudGrenadeIconEnabledFlash","Show the grenade indicator for flash grenades"},
{"cg_hudGrenadeIconHeight","The height of the grenade indicator icon"},
{"cg_hudGrenadeIconInScope","Show the grenade indicator when aiming down the sight of a scoped weapon"},
{"cg_hudGrenadeIconMaxRangeFlash","The minimum distance that a flashbang has to be from a player in order to be shown on the grenade indicator"},
{"cg_hudGrenadeIconMaxRangeFrag","The minimum distance that a grenade has to be from a player in order to be shown on the grenade indicator"},
{"cg_hudGrenadeIconOffset","The offset from the center of the screen for a grenade icon"},
{"cg_hudGrenadeIconWidth","The width of the grenade indicator icon"},
{"cg_hudGrenadePointerHeight","The height of the grenade indicator pointer"},
{"cg_hudGrenadePointerPivot","The pivot point of th grenade indicator pointer"},
{"cg_hudGrenadePointerPulseFreq","The number of times per second that the grenade indicator flashes in Hertz"},
{"cg_hudGrenadePointerPulseMax","The maximum alpha of the grenade indicator pulse. Values higher than 1 will cause the indicator to remain at full brightness for longer"},
{"cg_hudGrenadePointerPulseMin","The minimum alpha of the grenade indicator pulse. Values lower than 0 will cause the indicator to remain at full transparency for longer"},
{"cg_hudGrenadePointerWidth","The width of the grenade indicator pointer"},
{"cg_hudLegacySplitscreenScale","Screen scale for hud elements in splitscreen"},
{"cg_hudLighting_basic_additiveLumOffset","[basic] Offset applied to additive light color."},
{"cg_hudLighting_basic_additiveLumScale","[basic] Scale applied to additive light color."},
{"cg_hudLighting_basic_ambientLumOffset","[basic] Offset applied to ambient light color."},
{"cg_hudLighting_basic_ambientLumScale","[basic] Scale applied to ambient light color."},
{"cg_hudLighting_basic_diffuseLumOffset","[basic] Offset applied to diffuse light color."},
{"cg_hudLighting_basic_diffuseLumScale","[basic] Scale applied to diffuse light color."},
{"cg_hudLighting_basic_specExponent","[basic] Specular exponent. Higher values result in sharper highlights."},
{"cg_hudLighting_basic_specLumOffset","[basic] Offset applied to spec light luminance."},
{"cg_hudLighting_basic_specLumScale","[basic] Scale applied to spec light luminance."},
{"cg_hudLighting_blood_additiveLumOffset","[blood] Offset applied to additive light color."},
{"cg_hudLighting_blood_additiveLumScale","[blood] Scale applied to additive light color."},
{"cg_hudLighting_blood_ambientLumOffset","[blood] Offset applied to ambient light color."},
{"cg_hudLighting_blood_ambientLumScale","[blood] Scale applied to ambient light color."},
{"cg_hudLighting_blood_diffuseLumOffset","[blood] Offset applied to diffuse light color."},
{"cg_hudLighting_blood_diffuseLumScale","[blood] Scale applied to diffuse light color."},
{"cg_hudLighting_blood_specExponent","[blood] Specular exponent. Higher values result in sharper highlights."},
{"cg_hudLighting_blood_specLumOffset","[blood] Offset applied to spec light luminance."},
{"cg_hudLighting_blood_specLumScale","[blood] Scale applied to spec light luminance."},
{"cg_hudLighting_fadeSharpness","This controls how sharp the lines are when fading using the mask alpha. Higher values are sharper."},
{"cg_hudMapBorderWidth","The size of the full map's border, filled by the CG_PLAYER_FULLMAP_BORDER ownerdraw"},
{"cg_hudMapRadarLineThickness","Thickness, relative to the map width, of the radar texture that sweeps across the full screen map"},
{"cg_hudProneY","Virtual screen y coordinate of the prone blocked message"},
{"cg_hudSayPosition","Position of the HUD say box"},
{"cg_hudSplitscreenCompassElementScale","Scale value to apply to compass elements in splitscreen"},
{"cg_hudSplitscreenCompassScale","Scale value to apply to the compass in splitscreen"},
{"cg_hudSplitscreenStanceScale","Scale value to apply to the stance HUD element in splitscreen"},
{"cg_hudStanceFlash","The background color of the flash when the stance changes"},
{"cg_hudVotePosition","Position of the HUD vote box"},
{"cg_invalidCmdHintBlinkInterval","Blink rate of an invalid command hint"},
{"cg_invalidCmdHintDuration","Duration of an invalid command hint"},
{"cg_javelinKillCamCloseZDist","Javelin kill camera: closest distance above the target."},
{"cg_javelinKillCamDownDist","Javelin kill camera: distance to follow during ascent."},
{"cg_javelinKillCamLookLerpDist","Javelin kill camera: distance over which to lerp to look at player during descent. A value of zero means don't lerp at all."},
{"cg_javelinKillCamPassDist","Javelin kill camera: distance away when passing."},
{"cg_javelinKillCamPassTime","Javelin kill camera: time in seconds to pass javelin on the way up"},
{"cg_javelinKillCamUpDist","Javelin kill camera: distance to follow during ascent."},
{"cg_killCamDefaultLerpTime","Default time used to lerp between killcam entities."},
{"cg_killCamTurretLerpTime","Time used to lerp to a killcam entity of the TURRET type."},
{"cg_landingSounds","Play landing on surface sounds"},
{"cg_largeExplosiveKillCamBackDist","Large Explosive kill camera: distance of camera backwards from explosive."},
{"cg_largeExplosiveKillCamUpDist","Large Explosive kill camera: distance of camera backwards from explosive."},
{"cg_mapLocationSelectionCursorSpeed","Speed of the cursor when selecting a location on the map"},
{"cg_marks_ents_player_only","Marks on entities from players' bullets only."},
{"cg_minCullBulletDist","Don't cull bullet trajectories that are within this distance to you."},
{"cg_overheadIconSize","The maximum size to show overhead icons like 'rank'"},
{"cg_overheadNamesFarDist","The far distance at which name sizes are scaled by cg_overheadNamesFarScale"},
{"cg_overheadNamesFarScale","The amount to scale overhead name sizes at cg_overheadNamesFarDist"},
{"cg_overheadNamesFont","Font for overhead names ( see menudefinition.h )"},
{"cg_overheadNamesGlow","Glow color for overhead names"},
{"cg_overheadNamesMaxDist","The maximum distance for showing friendly player names"},
{"cg_overheadNamesNearDist","The near distance at which names are full size"},
{"cg_overheadNamesSize","The maximum size to show overhead names"},
{"cg_overheadRankSize","The size to show rank text"},
{"cg_remoteMissileKillCamBackDist","Remote missile kill camera: distance of camera backwards from rocket."},
{"cg_remoteMissileKillCamUpDist","Remote missile kill camera: distance of camera backwards from rocket."},
{"cg_rocketKillCamBackDist","Rocket kill camera: distance of camera backwards from rocket."},
{"cg_rocketKillCamUpDist","Rocket kill camera: distance of camera backwards from rocket."},
{"cg_scriptIconSize","Size of Icons defined by script"},
{"cg_showmiss","Show prediction errors"},
{"cg_sprintMeterDisabledColor","The color of the sprint meter when the sprint meter is full"},
{"cg_sprintMeterEmptyColor","The color of the sprint meter when the sprint meter is full"},
{"cg_sprintMeterFullColor","The color of the sprint meter when the sprint meter is full"},
{"cg_subtitleMinTime","The minimum time that the subtitles are displayed on screen in seconds"},
{"cg_subtitleWidthStandard","The width of the subtitles on a non wide-screen"},
{"cg_subtitleWidthWidescreen","The width of the subtitle on a wide-screen"},
{"cg_teamChatsOnly","Allow chatting only on the same team"},
{"cg_TeamColor_Allies","Allies team color"},
{"cg_TeamColor_Axis","Axis team color"},
{"cg_TeamColor_EnemyTeam","Enemy team color"},
{"cg_TeamColor_Free","Free Team color"},
{"cg_TeamColor_MyParty","Player team color when in the same party"},
{"cg_TeamColor_MyTeam","Player team color"},
{"cg_TeamColor_Spectator","Spectator team color"},
{"cg_turretKillCamBackDist","Turret kill camera: distance of camera backwards from Turret."},
{"cg_turretKillCamFov","Turret kill camera field of view."},
{"cg_turretKillCamUpDist","Turret kill camera: distance of camera backwards from Turret."},
{"cg_turretRemoteKillCamBackDist","Remote Turret kill camera: distance of camera backwards from Turret."},
{"cg_turretRemoteKillCamFov","Remote Turret kill camera field of view."},
{"cg_turretRemoteKillCamUpDist","Remote Turret kill camera: distance of camera backwards from Turret."},
{"cg_vectorFieldsForceUniform","Forces all vector field assets to represent a single, uniform direction"},
{"cg_viewVehicleInfluence","The influence on the view angles from being in a vehicle"},
{"cg_viewZSmoothingMax","Threshhold for the maximum smoothing distance we'll do"},
{"cg_viewZSmoothingMin","Threshhold for the minimum smoothing distance it must move to smooth"},
{"cg_viewZSmoothingTime","Amount of time to spread the smoothing over"},
{"cg_voiceIconSize","Size of the 'voice' icon"},
{"cg_waterSheeting_distortionScaleFactor","Distortion uv scales (Default to 1)"},
{"dynEnt_playerWakeUpRadius","Determines threshold distance from player within which all dynents are woken up."},
{"dynEnt_playerWakeUpZOffset","Determines vertical distance from player's feet from which wake up sphere is centered."},
{"elite_clan_active","Are we allowed to show Elite Clans or not"},
{"elite_clan_cool_off_time","Cool off time between calls to fetch the elite clan"},
{"elite_clan_delay","Delay before the bdTeams calls start to Demonware. -1 means On-Demand and it will wait until the 'starteliteclan' menu call"},
{"elite_clan_division_icon_active","Are we allowed to show Elite Clan division icon or not"},
{"elite_clan_get_blob_profile_max_retry_time","Max time that the Elite Clan get private profile can retry"},
{"elite_clan_get_blob_profile_retry_step","Step in m/s for the Elite Clan get private profile retry"},
{"elite_clan_get_clan_max_retry_time","Max time that the Elite Clan get clan can retry"},
{"elite_clan_get_clan_retry_step","Step in m/s for the Elite Clan get clan retry"},
{"elite_clan_get_members_max_retry_time","Max time that the Elite Clan get members can retry"},
{"elite_clan_get_members_retry_step","Step in m/s for the Elite Clan get members retry"},
{"elite_clan_get_private_member_profile_max_retry_time","Max time that the Elite Clan get private profile can retry"},
{"elite_clan_get_private_member_profile_retry_step","Step in m/s for the Elite Clan get private profile retry"},
{"elite_clan_get_public_profile_max_retry_time","Max time that the Elite Clan get public profile can retry"},
{"elite_clan_get_public_profile_retry_step","Step in m/s for the Elite Clan get public profile retry"},
{"elite_clan_get_team_stats_max_retry_time","Max time that the Elite Clan get team stats can retry"},
{"elite_clan_get_team_stats_retry_step","Step in m/s for the Elite Clan get team stats retry"},
{"elite_clan_motd_throttle_time","Throttle time between motd update calls"},
{"elite_clan_remote_view_active","Are we allowed to view the clans for remote players"},
{"elite_clan_remote_view_max_retry_time","Max time that the Elite Clan remote viewing can retry"},
{"elite_clan_remote_view_retry_step","Step in m/s for the retry for viewing a remote Elite Clan"},
{"elite_clan_send_message_to_members_max_retry_time","Max time that the Elite Clan send message to members can retry"},
{"elite_clan_send_message_to_members_retry_step","Step in m/s for the Elite Clan send message to members retry"},
{"elite_clan_set_private_member_profile_max_retry_time","Max time that the Elite Clan set private member profile can retry"},
{"elite_clan_set_private_member_profile_retry_step","Step in m/s for the Elite Clan set private member profile retry"},
{"elite_clan_single_task_popup_text","String to be displayed on popup when a single task is being performed"},
{"elite_clan_using_title","Stores whether the Elite Clan title is in use by the user"},
{"emblems_active","Are we allowed to enable Emblems or not"},
{"enable_recordRecentActivity","records the timestamp of when the player was recently active to the tracker leaderboards"},
{"enableReportingRegisteredParties","If true then party membership data and host status will be reported in matchdata blob."},
{"entitlements_active","Are we allowed to show Entitlements or not"},
{"entitlements_config_file_max_retry_time","Max time that the Entitlements config file read can retry"},
{"entitlements_config_file_retry_step","Step in m/s for the Entitlements config file read retry"},
{"entitlements_cool_off_time","Cool off time between calls to fetch the elite clan"},
{"entitlements_delay","Delay before the entitlement calls start to Demonware. -1 means On-Demand and it will wait until the 'startentitlements' menu call"},
{"entitlements_key_archive_max_retry_time","Max time that the Entitlements key archive read can retry"},
{"entitlements_key_archive_retry_step","Step in m/s for the Entitlements key archive read retry"},
{"entitlementSystemOk","Set by the game to inform that the entitlement system is initialised"},
{"facebook_active","Are we allowed to show Facebook or not"},
{"facebook_delay","Delay before the Facebook calls start to Demonware. -1 means On-Demand and it will wait until the 'startfacebook' menu call"},
{"facebook_friends_active","Are we allowed to show Facebook Friends or not"},
{"facebook_friends_max_retry_time","Max time that the Facebook friends read can retry"},
{"facebook_friends_refresh_time","Time in seconds between Facebook friend refreshes"},
{"facebook_friends_retry_step","Step in m/s for the Facebook friends read retry"},
{"facebook_friends_showing_count","Contains how many facebook friends are being shown in the UI."},
{"facebook_friends_throttle_time","Throttle time between Facebook friend pages"},
{"facebook_max_retry_time","Max time that the Facebook authentication can retry"},
{"g_atmosFogExtinctionStrengthReadOnly","scale out scatter contribution of atmospheric fog"},
{"g_atmosFogHalfPlaneDistanceReadOnly","distance at which atmospheric fog contributes half the pixels color"},
{"g_atmosFogHazeSpreadReadOnly","directionality of haze (1ReadOnly = all forward scatter, 0ReadOnly = all back scatter)"},
{"g_atmosFogHazeStrengthReadOnly","portion of atmospheric fog density that is haze (0ReadOnly = all fog, 1ReadOnly = all haze)"},
{"g_atmosFogHeightFogBaseHeightReadOnly","height fog is full density at this world height and below"},
{"g_atmosFogHeightFogEnabledReadOnly","use height for atmospheric fog"},
{"g_atmosFogHeightFogHalfPlaneDistanceReadOnly","at this distance above g_atmosFogHeightFogBaseHeight, height fog density is half"},
{"g_atmosFogInScatterStrengthReadOnly","scale in scatter contribution of atmospheric fog"},
{"g_atmosFogSkyAngularFalloffEnabledReadOnly","use angular sky falloff for atmospheric fog"},
{"g_atmosFogSkyDistanceReadOnly","distance used for sky box when applying atmospheric fog"},
{"g_atmosFogSkyFalloffAngleRangeReadOnly","sky fog angular falloff angle range sky fog falls off over this range from the start angle"},
{"g_atmosFogSkyFalloffStartAngleReadOnly","sky fog angular falloff start angle (full strength fog at this angle)"},
{"g_atmosFogStartDistanceReadOnly","distance from camera at which fog contribution begins"},
{"g_atmosFogSunDirectionReadOnly","sun direction used when calculating atmospheric fog"},
{"g_banIPs","IP addresses to ban from playing"},
{"g_clonePlayerMaxVelocity","Maximum velocity in each axis of a cloned player\n(for death animations)"},
{"g_deadChat","Allow dead players to chat with living players"},
{"g_dropForwardSpeed","Forward speed of a dropped item"},
{"g_dropHorzSpeedRand","Random component of the initial horizontal speed of a dropped item"},
{"g_dropUpSpeedBase","Base component of the initial vertical speed of a dropped item"},
{"g_dropUpSpeedRand","Random component of the initial vertical speed of a dropped item"},
{"g_earthquakeEnable","Enable camera shake"},
{"g_fogColorIntensityReadOnly","HDR fog color intensity that was set in the most recent call to \"setexpfog\""},
{"g_fogColorReadOnly","Fog color that was set in the most recent call to \"setexpfog\""},
{"g_fogMaxOpacityReadOnly","Fog max opacity that was set in the most recent call to \"setexpfog\""},
{"g_friendlyfireDist","Maximum range for disabling fire at a friendly"},
{"g_friendlyNameDist","Maximum range for seeing a friendly's name"},
{"g_gametype","The current game mode"},
{"g_giveAll","Give all weapons"},
{"g_heightFogBaseHeightReadOnly","height fog is full density at this world height and below"},
{"g_heightFogEnabledReadOnly","use height for normal/sun fog, set in the most recent call to \"setexpfog\""},
{"g_heightFogHalfPlaneDistanceReadOnly","at this distance above g_heightFogBaseHeight, height fog density is half, set in the most recent call to \"setexpfog\""},
{"g_inactivity","Time delay before player is kicked for inactivity"},
{"g_keyboarduseholdtime","The time to hold down the 'use' button to activate a 'use' command on a keyboard"},
{"g_knockback","Maximum knockback"},
{"g_lagged_damage_threshold","Threshold (ms) beyond which we will report a damaged lagged client to the tracker leaderboards."},
{"g_listEntity","List the entities"},
{"g_mantleBlockTimeBuffer","Time that the client think is delayed after mantling"},
{"g_maxDroppedWeapons","Maximum number of dropped weapons"},
{"g_minGrenadeDamageSpeed","Minimum speed at which getting hit be a grenade will do damage (not the grenade explosion damage)"},
{"g_playerCollisionEjectSpeed","Speed at which to push intersecting players away from each other"},
{"g_ScoresColor_Allies","Allies team color on scoreboard"},
{"g_ScoresColor_Axis","Axis team color on scoreboard"},
{"g_ScoresColor_EnemyTeam","Enemy team color on scoreboard"},
{"g_ScoresColor_Free","Free Team color on scoreboard"},
{"g_ScoresColor_MyParty","Player team color on scoreboard when in the same party"},
{"g_ScoresColor_MyTeam","Player team color on scoreboard"},
{"g_ScoresColor_Spectator","Spectator team color on scoreboard"},
{"g_sunFogBeginFadeAngleReadOnly","Angle from the sun direction to start fade away from the sun fog color that was set in the most recent call to \"setexpfog\""},
{"g_sunFogColorIntensityReadOnly","HDR sun fog color intensity that was set in the most recent call to \"setexpfog\""},
{"g_sunFogColorReadOnly","Sun fog color that was set in the most recent call to \"setexpfog\""},
{"g_sunFogDirReadOnly","Sun fog direction that was set in the most recent call to \"setexpfog\""},
{"g_sunFogEnabledReadOnly","Sun fog was enabled in the most recent call to \"setexpfog\""},
{"g_sunFogEndFadeAngleReadOnly","Angle from the sun direction to end fade away from the sun fog color that was set in the most recent call to \"setexpfog\""},
{"g_sunFogScaleReadOnly","Distance scale in the sun fog direction that was set in the most recent call to \"setexpfog\""},
{"g_TeamIcon_Allies","Icon name for the allied scores banner"},
{"g_TeamIcon_Axis","Icon name for the axis scores banner"},
{"g_TeamIcon_EnemyAllies","Icon name for the allied scores banner"},
{"g_TeamIcon_EnemyAxis","Icon name for the axis scores banner when you're on axis."},
{"g_TeamIcon_Free","Icon name for the scores of players with no team"},
{"g_TeamIcon_MyAllies","Icon name for the allied scores banner"},
{"g_TeamIcon_MyAxis","Icon name for the axis scores banner when you're on axis."},
{"g_TeamIcon_Spectator","Icon name for the scores of players who are spectators"},
{"g_TeamName_Allies","Allied team name"},
{"g_TeamName_Axis","Axis team name"},
{"g_TeamTitleColor_EnemyTeam","Enemy team color for titles"},
{"g_TeamTitleColor_MyTeam","Player team color for titles"},
{"g_TeamTitleColor_Spectator","Spectator team color for titles"},
{"g_useholdspawndelay","Time in milliseconds that the player is unable to 'use' after spawning"},
{"g_useholdtime","Time to hold the 'use' button to activate use on a gamepad"},
{"g_voiceChatTalkingDuration","Time after the last talk packet was received that the player is considered by the\nserver to still be talking in milliseconds"},
{"gamedate","The date compiled"},
{"gamedvr_active","Are we allowed to enable GameDVR or not"},
{"gameMode","Current gameMode"},
{"gamename","The name of the game"},
{"glass_angular_vel","Sets the range of angular velocities used by new glass pieces"},
{"glass_beamDamage","The amount of damage beam attacks do to glass"},
{"glass_break","Toggle whether or not glass breaks when shot"},
{"glass_crack_pattern_scale","The scale applied to the radius used for the crack pattern"},
{"glass_damageToDestroy","The amount of damage a piece of glass must take to look damaged"},
{"glass_damageToWeaken","The amount of damage a piece of glass must take to look damaged"},
{"glass_edge_angle","Sets the range of angle deflections used by new glass pieces on a supported edge"},
{"glass_fall_delay","Sets how long a heavy piece supported by a single edge waits before falling, based on glass_fall_ratio"},
{"glass_fall_gravity","Gravity for falling pieces of glass"},
{"glass_fall_ratio","Ratio of piece area to supporting edge length squared. Below the min, the piece never falls."},
{"glass_fringe_maxcoverage","The maximum portion of the original piece of glass that is allowed to remain after the glass shatters"},
{"glass_fringe_maxsize","The maximum area for an edge piece of glass when shattering. Pieces larger than this will be broken into smaller ones"},
{"glass_fx_chance","Chance to play an effect on a small piece of glass when it hits the ground"},
{"glass_hinge_friction","Friction used by moving glass pieces when joined like a hinge to a frame"},
{"glass_linear_vel","Sets the range of linear velocities used by new glass pieces"},
{"glass_max_pieces_per_frame","Maximum number of pieces to create in one frame. This is a guideline and not a hard limit."},
{"glass_max_shatter_fx_per_frame","Maximum number of shatter effects to play in one frame This is a guideline and not a hard limit."},
{"glass_meleeDamage","The amount of damage melee attacks do to glass"},
{"glass_physics_chance","The chance for a given shard of glass to use physics"},
{"glass_physics_maxdist","The maximum distance of a glass piece from the player to do physics"},
{"glass_radiusDamageMultiplier","The amount to scale damage to glass from grenades and other explosions"},
{"glass_shard_maxsize","The maximum area for a flying piece of glass when shattering. Pieces larger than this will be broken into smaller ones"},
{"glass_shattered_scale","The scale of the shattered glass material"},
{"glass_trace_interval","The length of time, in milliseconds, between glass piece traces"},
{"gpad_button_deadzone","Game pad button deadzone threshhold"},
{"gpad_menu_scroll_delay_first","Menu scroll key-repeat delay, for the first repeat, in milliseconds"},
{"gpad_menu_scroll_delay_rest_accel","Menu scroll key-repeat delay acceleration from start to end, for repeats after the first, in milliseconds per repeat"},
{"gpad_menu_scroll_delay_rest_end","Menu scroll key-repeat delay end, for repeats after the first, in milliseconds"},
{"gpad_menu_scroll_delay_rest_start","Menu scroll key-repeat delay start, for repeats after the first, in milliseconds"},
{"gpad_stick_deadzone_max","Game pad maximum stick deadzone"},
{"gpad_stick_deadzone_min","Game pad minimum stick deadzone"},
{"gpad_stick_pressed","Game pad stick pressed threshhold"},
{"gpad_stick_pressed_hysteresis","Game pad stick pressed no-change-zone around gpad_stick_pressed to prevent bouncing"},
{"groupDownloadInterval","Minimum interval to wait before getting new group counts"},
{"groupUploadInterval","Minimum interval to wait before setting new group counts"},
{"heli_barrelRotation","How much to rotate the turret barrel when a helicopter fires"},
{"hiDef","True if the game video is running in high-def."},
{"httpnetfs","Stream fastfiles from the specified http server"},
{"hud_bloodOverlayLerpRate","Rate at which blood overlay fades out"},
{"hud_deathQuoteFadeTime","The time for the death quote to fade"},
{"hud_enable","Enable hud elements"},
{"hud_fade_ammodisplay","The time for the ammo display to fade in seconds"},
{"hud_fade_compass","The time for the compass to fade in seconds"},
{"hud_fade_healthbar","The time for the health bar to fade in seconds"},
{"hud_fade_offhand","The time for the offhand weapons to fade in seconds"},
{"hud_fade_sprint","The time for the sprint meter to fade in seconds"},
{"hud_flash_period_offhand","Offhand weapons flash period on changing weapon"},
{"hud_flash_time_offhand","Offhand weapons flash duration on changing weapon"},
{"hud_health_pulserate_critical","The pulse rate of the 'critical' pulse effect"},
{"hud_health_pulserate_injured","The pulse rate of the 'injured' pulse effect"},
{"hud_health_startpulse_critical","The health level at which to start the 'injured' pulse effect"},
{"hud_health_startpulse_injured","The health level at which to start the 'injured' pulse effect"},
{"hudElemPausedBrightness","Brightness of the hudelems when the game is paused."},
{"hudOutlineDuringADS","Turn on the HUD outline (green for friendly, red for enemy) when you are pointing at a player while in ADS."},
{"igs_config_dw_filename","Name of the configuration file on DW Publisher storage."},
{"igs_sosp","Show Original Season Pass"},
{"igs_td","Show Trial DLC"},
{"igs_version","Version id for the In-game store. Set version number to 0, to disable update."},
{"in_mouse","Initialize the mouse drivers"},
{"inpubliclobby","Currently in a public lobby"},
{"intro","Intro movie should play"},
{"inventory_addEntitlementsToLocalInventory","bypass the exchange and directly add entitlements to the local cached player inventory."},
{"inventory_enabled","enable/disable the inventory feature"},
{"inventory_enableEntitlementDLCScanning","enable scanning of entitlement DLC."},
{"inventory_enableRevoke","Enable revoke on purchases you no longer have rights to."},
{"inventory_exchangeEnabled","enable/disable the 1st party exchange feature"},
{"inventory_exchangeMaxConsumablesPerBoot","The maximum number of the same consumable that can be added per boot."},
{"inventory_exchangeRetryBaseMS","The amount to delay with each subsequent retry as base value to be multiplied by an exponential factor 1000 = (1000, 2000, 4000, 8000 etc.)"},
{"inventory_exchangeRetryByRound","enable/disable retry with exponential delay one round of exchanges at a time (1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3 etc.), vs exponential delay per exchange (1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3 etc.)"},
{"inventory_exchangeRetryMax","The number of times to retry for each exchange."},
{"inventory_excludeEntitlementDLCScanning","exclude scanning of entitlement DLC (comma separated list of ids to exclude)."},
{"inventory_ignoreDWPushNotification_claimAchievement","ignore incoming push notifications from DW to signal item update"},
{"inventory_ignoreDWPushNotification_itemUpdate","ignore incoming push notifications from DW to signal item update"},
{"inventory_taskDefaultTimeout","default timeout for inventory tasks (in seconds)"},
{"inventory_taskExchangeTimeout","default timeout for inventory exchange tasks (in seconds)"},
{"inventory_taskGetTimeout","default timeout for inventory GET tasks (in seconds)"},
{"inventory_triggerExchangeOnContentMount","trigger an exchange after mounting new content packs"},
{"inventory_triggerExchangeOnStoreExit","trigger an exchange when exiting the store"},
{"iotd_active","Is the IOTD system enabled"},
{"iotd_retry","Can the IOTD system retry fetching data from Demonware"},
{"jump_slowdownEnable","Slow player movement after jumping"},
{"laserDebug","Enables the display of various debug info."},
{"lb_filter","Filter applied to the leaderboard display: ('none','friends','facebook_friends')"},
{"lb_group","GroupID applied to the leaderboard display"},
{"lb_maxrows","Maximum number of rows to fetch"},
{"lb_minrefresh","Minimum time (in seconds) between leaderboard fetches"},
{"lb_readDelay","Delay time between reads(in milliseconds) between leaderboard fetches"},
{"mm_aw_onboarding_rank","If a player is at or above this rank in AW, she is not considered onboarding"},
{"mm_blops2_onboarding_skill","Used to determine onboarding status for Ghosts"},
{"mm_bucket_option","if using bucketing, describes what pools can join with each other"},
{"mm_country_code","country code"},
{"mm_ghosts_onboarding_skill","Used to determine onboarding status for Ghosts"},
{"mm_past_title_stats_source","what type of information do we use from the past titles (rank vs kdr, etc)"},
{"mm_skill_lower_bucket","lower mm skill bucket"},
{"mm_skill_param_delta","Delta parameter for Johnson SU distribution curve"},
{"mm_skill_param_gamma","Gamma parameter for Johnson SU distribution curve"},
{"mm_skill_param_lambda","Lambda parameter for Johnson SU distribution curve"},
{"mm_skill_param_xi","Xi parameter for Johnson SU distribution curve"},
{"mm_skill_type","mm skill type"},
{"mm_skill_upper_bucket","upper mm skill bucket"},
{"mm_test_type","mm test type"},
{"mm_use_onboarding_skill","If set, we will for the player's skill to be the lowest available"},
{"monkeytoy","Restrict console access"},
{"motd_store_link","Add a link to the in-game store in the MOTD popup"},
{"motionTrackerBlurDuration","The motion blur duration for motion tracker dots"},
{"motionTrackerPingFadeTime","How long an enemy is visible on the motion tracker after being detected"},
{"motionTrackerPingPitchAddPerEnemy","The added percentage of pitch for each additional enemy that is detected (final pitch = base pitch * (1 + enemy count * this))"},
{"motionTrackerPingPitchBase","The pitch of the motion tracker sound for a nearby enemy"},
{"motionTrackerPingPitchNearby","The pitch of the motion tracker sound for a nearby enemy"},
{"motionTrackerPingSize","The width and height of the motion tracker's enemy indicators as a percentage of motion tracker scale"},
{"msg_field_delta2","enable the delta2 serialization."},
{"name","Player name"},
{"net_authPort","UDP port for Steam authentication"},
{"net_ip","Network IP Address"},
{"net_masterServerPort","UDP port for Steam server browser"},
{"net_noudp","Disable UDP"},
{"net_port","Network port"},
{"net_socksEnabled","Enable network sockets"},
{"net_socksPassword","Network socket password"},
{"net_socksPort","Network socket port"},
{"net_socksServer","Network socket server"},
{"net_socksUsername","Network socket username"},
{"nextmap","Next map to play"},
{"nightVisionFadeInOutTime","How long the fade to/from black lasts when putting on or removing night vision goggles."},
{"nightVisionPowerOnTime","How long the black-to-nightvision fade lasts when turning on the goggles."},
{"num_available_map_packs","Number of map packs available for this platform"},
{"objectiveFontSize","Onscreen Objective Pointer - Fontsize of the icon's text."},
{"objectiveTextOffsetY","Onscreen Objective Pointer - Offset of the icon's text."},
{"onlinegame","Current game is an online game with stats, custom classes, unlocks"},
{"overrideNVGModelWithKnife","When true, nightvision animations will attach the weapDef's knife model instead of the night vision goggles."},
{"p2pAuth_allow_steam_p2p","Determines if Steam based P2P is allowed if direct connectivity is not possible."},
{"paintExplosionRadius","The radius of the paint grenade explosion"},
{"painVisionLerpOutRate","Rate at which pain vision effect lerps out"},
{"painVisionTriggerHealth","Health (0 to 1) that will trigger the pain vision effect"},
{"party_dlc_only_intended_mappacks","When selecting next map for rotation, should any maps not in the intended search be excluded, even if available?"},
{"party_firstSubpartyIndex","Determines sort order and coloring of parties in lobbies. Randomly set by code. Dvar provided for debugging."},
{"party_followPartyHostOutOfGames","Whether we should follow our party host out of a game in progress."},
{"party_gamesize","Current maximum game size"},
{"party_gametype","Current gametype"},
{"party_inactiveHeartbeatPeriod","How often to send inactive party keep alive packets in milliseconds."},
{"party_initial_dlc_search_timer","Time until DLC enabled search should show an error dialog suggesting the user consider going to non dlc search"},
{"party_IsLocalClientSelected","True if selected player is a local client. Only valid when used with party feeders."},
{"party_kickplayerquestion","String to store the question about kicking the selected player"},
{"party_listFocus","True when an item in the party list has focus."},
{"party_lobbyPlayerCount","Number of players currently in the party/lobby"},
{"party_matchedPlayerCount","Number of matched players before revealing their true names"},
{"party_maxplayers","Maximum number of players in a party"},
{"party_maxPrivatePartyPlayers","Max number of players allowed in a private party."},
{"party_maxTeamDiff","Maximum difference allowed between teams before starting a match"},
{"party_membersMissingMapPack","Whether any party member is missing one of the enabled map packs. Only valid after running partyUpdateMissingMapPackDvar"},
{"party_minLobbyTime","Minimum time (in seconds) for a lobby to be open before auto starting a match"},
{"party_minplayers","Minimum number of players in a party"},
{"party_resume_dlc_search_timer","Time until DLC enabled search should show an error dialog suggesting the user consider going to non dlc search"},
{"party_search_for_dlc_content","search for DLC enabled games else standard maps only will be used"},
{"party_selectedIndex","Current selected player index in the feeder."},
{"party_selectedIndexChangedTime","Time stamp in milliseconds when the selected index last changed."},
{"party_statusString","Party Status (localized )"},
{"party_teambased","True if the current playlist is team based"},
{"party_teamsVisible","teams are visible in UI"},
{"party_timer","Time until game begins in seconds, for UI display"},
{"partyChatDisallowed","Whether to disallow ps4 Live Party Chat"},
{"partymigrate_broadcast_interval","Time between telling people who the new host is when migrating lobby"},
{"partymigrate_cpuBonusPing","The ping rewarded to a CPU meeting the bonus threshold when scoring hosts."},
{"partymigrate_cpuBonusThreshold","The required excess %CPU speed to get a bonus when scoring hosts."},
{"partymigrate_logResults","Instrumentation - Whether to log the best host calculation results. 0 is disabled, 1 for games, 2 for parties, 3 for both."},
{"partymigrate_makeHostTimeout","Time before giving up on makeHost requests"},
{"partymigrate_pingtest_active","Whether to do a ping test when lobby migrating"},
{"partymigrate_pingtest_filterThreshold","Acceptable ping difference from best ping host for host selection (ms)"},
{"partymigrate_pingtest_minThreshold","Minimum meaningful ping delta for host selection (ms)"},
{"partymigrate_pingtest_retry","Time between ping tests when migrating lobby"},
{"partymigrate_pingtest_timeout","Time to give up on ping tests when migrating lobby"},
{"partymigrate_preferSameHost","When possible, prefer keeping the same host on migrations"},
{"partymigrate_selectiontime","Time before requiring a host selection when migrating lobby"},
{"partymigrate_timeout","Time before giving up on lobby migration if we hear nothing"},
{"partymigrate_timeoutmax","Time before giving up on lobby migration if we hear nothing"},
{"partymigrate_uploadtest_minThreshold","Minimum meaningful upload bandwidth delta for host selection (bps)"},
{"perk_bulletPenetrationMultiplier","Multiplier for extra bullet penetration"},
{"perk_extendedMagsMGAmmo","Number of extra bullets per clip for machine gun weapons with the extended mags perk."},
{"perk_extendedMagsPistolAmmo","Number of extra bullets per clip for pistol weapons with the extended mags perk."},
{"perk_extendedMagsRifleAmmo","Number of extra bullets per clip for rifle weapons with the extended mags perk."},
{"perk_extendedMagsSMGAmmo","Number of extra bullets per clip for sub machine gun weapons with the extended mags perk."},
{"perk_extendedMagsSpreadAmmo","Number of extra bullets per clip for spread weapons with the extended mags perk."},
{"perk_extraBreath","Number of extra seconds a player can hold his breath"},
{"perk_fastClimb","Scales the ladder climb time"},
{"perk_fastSnipeScale","Scales the recovery speed of the view kick when using a sniper."},
{"perk_improvedExtraBreath","Number of extra seconds a player can hold his breath"},
{"perk_lightWeightViewBobScale","Scale for first person view movement while lightweight."},
{"perk_numExtraLethal","Number of extra lethal grenades"},
{"perk_numExtraTactical","Number of extra tactical grenades"},
{"playListUpdateCheckMinutes","Minutes to wait between checking for updated playlist."},
{"prestige_shop_active","Are we allowed to show the Prestige Shop or not"},
{"prestige30EasterEggEnabled","Enables the easter egg for prestige 30 if 1, disabled if 0."},
{"profileMenuOption_offensiveContentMode","Mode of the offensive content warning at startup - 0, skip and turn on; 1, skip and turn off; 2, ask user"},
{"protocol","Protocol version"},
{"pt_AliensReadyUpPrivateInUse","Do we use the co-op Ready Up feature in public lobbies?"},
{"pt_AliensReadyUpPublicInUse","Do we use the co-op Ready Up feature in public lobbies?"},
{"pt_AliensReadyUpPublicStartTimerLength","co-op Ready Up start timer length in seconds"},
{"pt_allMembersDoQoS","Whether to send search results to all party/lobby members to get QoS data"},
{"pt_backoutOnClientPresence","Whether the host should backout the party on client presence. 0=fully disabled, 1=out of game only, 2=in-game also"},
{"pt_connectAttempts","Connect timeout when joining another game/party, per attempt"},
{"pt_connectTimeout","Connect timeout when joining another game/party, per attempt"},
{"pt_gameStartTimerLength","Time in seconds before a game start once enough party members are ready"},
{"pt_logHostSelectionChance","Sets the probability that we log our host selection results"},
{"pt_memberTimeout","Client timeout time in the general case"},
{"pt_migrateBeforeAdvertise","Whether lobbies made by private parties should migrate host before publishing"},
{"pt_migrationBandwidthBonusPing","The ping rewarded to the bonus bandwidth threshold when scoring hosts."},
{"pt_migrationBandwidthBonusThreshold","The required excess % upload bandwidth to get a bonus when scoring hosts."},
{"pt_migrationCPUWeight","How important CPU speed is when selecting a new host"},
{"pt_migrationNotInstalledWeight","How important not being done installing is when selecting a new host"},
{"pt_migrationRAMWeight","How important it is to have the minimum amount of RAM when selecting a new host"},
{"pt_migrationThreshold","Minimum amount which another client must be better than the current host to trigger a migration"},
{"pt_migrationWifiPenalty","How important Wifi is when selecting a new host"},
{"pt_pregameStartTimerLength","Time in seconds before showing and starting the game start timer"},
{"pt_rejoin","Enable defensive rejoin command"},
{"pt_reservedAnonymousSlotTime","Time in milliseconds that ANONYMOUS slots will be reserved."},
{"pt_reservedCommittedSlotTime","Time in milliseconds that COMMITTED slots will be reserved"},
{"pt_reservedJoiningSlotTime","Time in milliseconds that JOINING slots will be reserved"},
{"pt_searchConnectAttempts","Connect timeout when joining another game/party, per attempt"},
{"pt_searchPauseTime","Minimum amount of time to pause between searches"},
{"pt_searchRandomDelay","Time period over which the search timers will get randomly delayed."},
{"pt_searchResultsLifetime","Time at which we consider the search results stale"},
{"pt_searchResultsMin","Minimum amount of time that has to pass before we'll search again for matches"},
{"pt_stillConnectingWaitTime","Amount of time to wait for someone to finish connecting before searching for lobbies to merge with"},
{"pt_useMigrationWeights","Killswitch to turn on or off the host selection by weights"},
{"publisherFileFetchTimeout","default timeout for publisher files FETCH tasks (in seconds)"},
{"r_adaptiveSubdiv","Enables screen space Catmull Clark adaptive tessellation. If disabled, models tessellate to their designed subdivision level."},
{"r_adaptiveSubdivBaseFactor","Screen space Catmull Clark adaptive tessellation factor for the base model. Smaller values mean more tessellation."},
{"r_adaptiveSubdivPatchFactor","Screen space Catmull Clark adaptive tessellation factor for the base model. Smaller values mean more tessellation."},
{"r_allCells","Draw all cells. Most useful for seeing if portals or cells are hiding things they should not.."},
{"r_amdGPU","At least on AMD GPU used for rendering."},
{"r_aoBlurSharpness","Controls the tolerance for depth discontinuities during the bilateral blur step. Larger values reduce the depth tolerance and effectively sharpen more edges."},
{"r_aoBlurStep","Step scale applied to sample offsets during the bilateral blur. A value of 1 results in a normal gaussian blur. Increasing it to 2 or 3 makes the filter larger but causes fine dithering patterns."},
{"r_aoDiminish","Decrease the effect of occlusion on brighter colors"},
{"r_aoPower","Power curve applied to AO factor"},
{"r_aoStrength","Strength of Ambient Occlusion effect"},
{"r_aoUseTweaks","Use r_ao* dvars instead of the current light set values for AO common params"},
{"r_artUseTweaks","Tells the game that art tweaks is enabled and script is in control (as opposed to ColorEd)."},
{"r_aspectRatio","Screen aspect ratio. Most widescreen monitors are 16:10 instead of 16:9."},
{"r_asyncCompute","Enables scheduling GPU compute shader work prior to the graphics frame, improving overlap."},
{"r_atlasAnimFPS","Speed to animate atlased 2d materials"},
{"r_autopriority","Automatically set the priority of the windows process when the game is minimized"},
{"r_balanceLightmapOpaqueLists","Split lightmap opaque into multiple draw lists."},
{"r_blurdstGaussianBlurLevel","MIP level to start gaussian blur at"},
{"r_blurdstGaussianBlurRadius","Amount to gaussian blur blur distortion render target"},
{"r_brightness","Brightness adjustment"},
{"r_cacheModelLighting","Speed up model lighting by caching previous results"},
{"r_cacheSModelLighting","Speed up static model lighting by caching previous results"},
{"r_clampLodScale","Clamps the amount that the engine can adjust the LOD distance. 0 the engine can fully adjust. 1 the engine cannot adjust it at all. 0.5 the maximum the engine can adjust the LOD distance is 50% or the default."},
{"r_clear","Controls how the color buffer is cleared"},
{"r_clearColor","Color to clear the screen to when clearing the frame buffer"},
{"r_clearColor2","Color to clear every second frame to (for use during development)"},
{"r_clutCompositeVisionSet","Composite clut with vision set."},
{"r_cmdbuf_worker","Process command buffer in a separate thread"},
{"r_colorGradingEnable","Enable color grading."},
{"r_colorMap","Replace all color maps with pure black or pure white"},
{"r_colorScaleUseTweaks","Override color scale LightSet settings with tweak dvar values. (MP)"},
{"r_contrast","Contrast adjustment"},
{"r_darkBlur","Apply blur (decrease of visual acuity) when dark"},
{"r_darkBlurPower","Power curve of blurring (decrease of visual acuity) when dark"},
{"r_darkBlurRadius","Radius of blurring (decrease of visual acuity) when dark"},
{"r_darkColor","Reduce color sensitivity when dark"},
{"r_darkColorPower","Power curve of color sensitivity when dark"},
{"r_debugLineWidth","Width of server side debug lines"},
{"r_defaultPatchCount","Patches per thread group for all other surfaces."},
{"r_depthPrepass","Enable depth prepass for various geometries"},
{"r_depthSortEnable","Enable sorting of transparent surfaces."},
{"r_depthSortRange","Range to consider depth sort,"},
{"r_desaturation","Desaturation adjustment"},
{"r_detailMap","Replace all detail maps with an image that effectively disables them"},
{"r_diffuseColorScale","Globally scale the diffuse color of all point lights"},
{"r_displacementMap","Replace all displacement maps with an image that effectively disables them"},
{"r_displacementPatchCount","Patches per thread group for displacement surfaces."},
{"r_distortion","Enable distortion"},
{"r_distortion_script_force_off","Force distortion off in script"},
{"r_dlightLimit","Maximum number of dynamic lights drawn simultaneously"},
{"r_dof_bias","Depth of field bias as a power function (like gamma); less than 1 is sharper"},
{"r_dof_enable","Enable the depth of field effect"},
{"r_dof_farEnd","Depth of field far end distance, in inches"},
{"r_dof_farStart","Depth of field far start distance, in inches"},
{"r_dof_nearEnd","Depth of field near end distance, in inches"},
{"r_dof_nearStart","Depth of field near start distance, in inches"},
{"r_dof_physical_adsFocusSpeed","ADS focus speed (focus dist. far to near, focus dist. near to far, aperture opening, aperture closing)"},
{"r_dof_physical_adsMaxFstop","ADS maximum f-stop (optimal aperture and focus distance are automatically calculated for this mode)"},
{"r_dof_physical_adsMinFstop","ADS minimum f-stop (optimal aperture and focus distance are automatically calculated for this mode)"},
{"r_dof_physical_bokehEnable","Enable the bokeh depth of field effect"},
{"r_dof_physical_bokehRotation","Bokeh shape rotation in degrees (hexagonal and octogonal only)"},
{"r_dof_physical_bokehShape","Changes the bokeh shape"},
{"r_dof_physical_bokehSharpness","Bokeh shape sharpness, trades sharpness for stability (circular only)"},
{"r_dof_physical_enable","enable physical camera controls (using aperture priority)"},
{"r_dof_physical_filmDiagonal","Diagonal size of the film/sensor (mm). The bigger the sensor size, the bigger the circle of confusion (which means stronger blurring at all distances). Defaults to full-frame 35mm"},
{"r_dof_physical_focusDistance","Distance to the plane in focus for the scene"},
{"r_dof_physical_fstop","Aperture of the camera for the scene. Lower f-stop yields a shallower depth of field. Typical values range from f/1 to f/22. Rare extremes are f/0.75 and f/32"},
{"r_dof_physical_hipFocusSpeed","Hyperfocal mode focus speed (focus dist. far to near, focus dist. near to far, aperture opening, aperture closing)"},
{"r_dof_physical_hipFstop","Aperture of the camera for the scene in the hyperfocal mode"},
{"r_dof_physical_hipSharpCocDiameter","Defines what circle of confusion can be considered sharp (mm). Defaults to 0.03mm, generally accepted value for 35mm"},
{"r_dof_physical_maxCocDiameter","Maximum circle of confusion diameter (virtual units, might be clamped for bokeh dof)"},
{"r_dof_physical_viewModelFocusDistance","Distance to the plane in focus for the scene"},
{"r_dof_physical_viewModelFstop","Aperture of the camera for the view model. Lower f-stop yields a shallower depth of field. Typical values range from f/1 to f/22. Rare extremes are f/0.75 and f/32"},
{"r_dof_tweak","Use dvars to set the depth of field effect; overrides r_dof_enable"},
{"r_dof_viewModelEnd","Depth of field viewmodel end distance, in inches"},
{"r_dof_viewModelStart","Depth of field viewmodel start distance, in inches"},
{"r_drawSun","Enable sun effects"},
{"r_drawWater","Enable water animation"},
{"r_dynamicOPL","Enable drawing vfx lights as overlapping primary light for saving gpu performance."},
{"r_dynamicSpotLightShadows","Enable shadows for dynamic/VFX spot lights, you should set this dvar then spawn the new light."},
{"r_elevatedPriority","Utilize priority elevation for process."},
{"r_emblemBrightnessScale","Modifier that scales the brightness of the emblem on model materials"},
{"r_emissiveMap","Replace all emissive maps with pure black or pure white"},
{"r_enableNoTessBuckets","Enables placing triangles that don't need tessellation into additional draw calls using non-tessellated shaders."},
{"r_envBrdfLutMap","Replace environment BRDF lookup table with pure black (no secondary specular) or pure white (maximum secondary specular)"},
{"r_envMapExponent","Reflection exponent."},
{"r_envMapMaxIntensity","Max reflection intensity based on glancing angle."},
{"r_envMapSunIntensity","Max sun specular intensity intensity with env map materials."},
{"r_eyePupil"," Change eye's pupil Size."},
{"r_eyeRedness"," Change eye's redness."},
{"r_eyeWetness"," Change eye's wetness."},
{"r_fastModelPrimaryLightCheck","Reduce R_GetNonSunPrimaryLightForSphere/R_GetNonSunPrimaryLightForBox function calls"},
{"r_fastModelPrimaryLightLink","Speed up R_LinkSphereEntityToPrimaryLights and R_LinkBoxEntityToPrimaryLights."},
{"r_filmAltShader","Use alternate shader (with middle tint and dark desat) for film color."},
{"r_filmTweakBrightness","Tweak dev var; film color brightness"},
{"r_filmTweakContrast","Tweak dev var; film color contrast"},
{"r_filmTweakDesaturation","Tweak dev var; Desaturation applied after all 3D drawing to light areas"},
{"r_filmTweakDesaturationDark","Tweak dev var; Additional desaturation applied after all 3D drawing to dark areas"},
{"r_filmTweakEnable","Tweak dev var; enable film color effects"},
{"r_filmTweakInvert","Tweak dev var; enable inverted video"},
{"r_filmUseTweaks","Overide film effects with tweak dvar values."},
{"r_flushAfterExecute","Whether to Flush after ExecuteCommandList."},
{"r_fog","Set to 0 to disable fog"},
{"r_fog_depthhack_scale","Fog scale for depth hack surfaces"},
{"r_fog_ev_adjust","Fog color ev adjustment (+2 means fog color is 2 stops brighter)"},
{"r_font_cache_debug_display","Display the current fontcache texture on the HUD for debug purposes"},
{"r_forceLod","Force all level of detail to this level"},
{"r_fullbright","Toggles rendering without lighting"},
{"r_fxaaSubpixel","FXAA sub-pixel amount, lower values have more aliasing and less blur"},
{"r_FXAverageColorFunc","How to compute FX system average color? 0 = use IWrad equation, 1 = legacy equation, 2 = spherical harmonics 1 coefficient."},
{"r_globalGenericMaterialScale","Hack global generic material constants"},
{"r_glow_allowed","Allow glow."},
{"r_glow_allowed_script_forced","Force 'allow glow' to be treated as true, by script."},
{"r_gunSightColorEntityScale","Scale the gun sight color when over an entity."},
{"r_gunSightColorNoneScale","Scale the gun sight color when not over an entity."},
{"r_hbaoBias","HBAO bias"},
{"r_hbaoBlurEnable","HBAO blur enabled"},
{"r_hbaoBlurSharpness","HBAO blur sharpness"},
{"r_hbaoCoarseAO","HBAO coarse AO"},
{"r_hbaoDebug","Debug render HBAO occlusion"},
{"r_hbaoDetailAO","HBAO detail AO"},
{"r_hbaoPowerExponent","HBAO power exponent"},
{"r_hbaoRadius","HBAO radius"},
{"r_hbaoSceneScale","HBAO scene scale"},
{"r_hbaoStrengthBlend","Blend factor between the artist-tuned proportional strength r_hbaoStrengthScale*artStrength, and the fixed strength r_hbaoStrengthFixed. A value of 0.0 is fully the proportional value, and a value of 1.0 is fully the fixed value."},
{"r_hbaoStrengthFixed","Fixed HBAO strength. Only used if r_hbaoStrengthBlend > 0.0."},
{"r_hbaoStrengthScale","Scale factor to convert SSAO strength to HBAO strength. Only used if r_hbaoStrengthBlend < 1.0."},
{"r_hbaoUseScriptScale","Enable/disable script-controlled strength scale while HBAO is active."},
{"r_hemiAoCombineResolutionsBeforeBlur","The higher quality modes blend wide and narrow sampling patterns. The wide pattern is due to deinterleaving and requires blurring. The narrow pattern is not on a deinterleaved buffer, but it only samples every other pixel. The blur on it is optional. If you combine the two before blurring, the narrow will get blurred as well. This creates a softer effect but can remove any visible noise from having 50% sample coverage."},
{"r_hemiAoCombineResolutionsWithMul","When combining the wide and narrow patterns, a mul() operation can be used or a min() operation. Multiplication exaggerates the result creating even darker creases. This is an artistic choice. I think it looks less natural, but often art teams prefer more exaggerated contrast. For me, it's more about having the right AO falloff so that it's a smooth gradient rather than falling off precipitously and forming overly dark recesses."},
{"r_hemiAoDepthSquash","Hemi SSAO depth squash. Value is rcp."},
{"r_hemiAoMaxDepthDownsample","Use max depth value when downsampling, instead of pseudo-randomly picking a depth sample? Leaving this at the default false may produce more stable results."},
{"r_hemiAoNoiseFilterTolerance","This is necessary to filter out pixel shimmer due to bilateral upsampling with too much lost resolution. High frequency detail can sometimes not be reconstructed, and the noise filter fills in the missing pixels with the result of the higher resolution SSAO. Value is log10."},
{"r_hemiAoPower","Power curve applied to Hemi SSAO factor, not applied in game yet"},
{"r_hemiAoRejectionFalloff","Controls how aggressive to fade off samples that occlude spheres but by so much as to be unreliable. This is what gives objects a dark halo around them when placed in front of a wall. If you want to fade off the halo, boost your rejection falloff. The tradeoff is that it reduces overall AO. Value is rcp."},
{"r_hemiAoStrength","Strength of Hemi Screen Space Ambient Occlusion effect"},
{"r_hudOutlineWidth","Set the width of the Hud Outline"},
{"r_imageQuality","Image quality"},
{"r_inGameVideo","Allow in game cinematics"},
{"r_lateAllocParamCacheAllowed","Enable late allocation of parameter cache for VS stage."},
{"r_lateAllocParamCacheDefault","Late allocation of parameter cache value for sub-div materials."},
{"r_lateAllocParamCacheDisplacement","Late allocation of parameter cache value for sub-div materials."},
{"r_lateAllocParamCacheSubdiv","Late allocation of parameter cache value for sub-div materials."},
{"r_lightCacheLessFrequentMaxDistance","Adjust the distance fx models (and models tagged as less-frequently-lit by script) move before immediately being relit"},
{"r_lightCacheLessFrequentPeriod","Adjust how frequently fx models (and models tagged as less-frequently-lit by script) get relit on average (1 is every frame, 8 is every 8th frame)"},
{"r_lightGridAvgApplyPrimaryLight","apply primary light color onto r_showLightGridAvgProbes boxes"},
{"r_lightGridAvgFollowCamera","allow the r_showLightGridAvgProbes boxes following current camera position"},
{"r_lightGridAvgProbeCount","how many light grid avg color probes will show up)"},
{"r_lightGridAvgTraceGround"," lock boxes to ground "},
{"r_lightGridContrast","Adjust the contrast of light color from the light grid"},
{"r_lightGridDefaultFXLightingLookup","Default FX lighting lookup location\n"},
{"r_lightGridDefaultModelLightingLookup","Default model lighting lookup location"},
{"r_lightGridEnableTweaks","Enable tweaks of the light color from the light grid"},
{"r_lightGridIntensity","Adjust the intensity of light color from the light grid"},
{"r_lightGridSHBands","Spherical harmonics bands being used for evaluating current-gen light grids colors. 0 = default, 1 = 1 band, 2 = 2 bands, 3 = 3 bands.\n"},
{"r_lightGridUseTweakedValues","Use tweaked values instead of default"},
{"r_lightMap","Replace all lightmaps with pure black or pure white"},
{"r_litSurfaceHDRScalar","Vision set based scalar applied to lit surfaces"},
{"r_loadForRenderer","Set to false to disable dx allocations (for dedicated server mode)"},
{"r_lockPvs","Lock the viewpoint used for determining what is visible to the current position and direction"},
{"r_lod4Dist","Distance for lowest level of detail 4"},
{"r_lod5Dist","Distance for lowest level of detail 5"},
{"r_lowestLodDist","Distance for lowest level of detail"},
{"r_lowLodDist","Distance for low level of detail"},
{"r_mbEnable","Set of objects which will be enabled for motion blur"},
{"r_mbFastEnable","Toggle on/off fast high quality motion blur"},
{"r_mbFastPreset","Changes motion blur quality"},
{"r_mdao","Enable the medium distance ambient occlusion feature"},
{"r_mdaoAsyncOccluderGen","The occluder generation step is performed via async compute"},
{"r_mdaoBoneInfluenceRadiusScale","Scale for the bone influence radius for mdao"},
{"r_mdaoCapsuleStrength","MDAO strength for capsule occluders"},
{"r_mdaoMinBoneBoundsToOcclude","Minimum volume of the bone collider to create occluders for"},
{"r_mdaoOccluderCullDistance","Culling distance for mdao occluders"},
{"r_mdaoOccluderFadeOutStartDistance","Fade out distance for mdao occluders"},
{"r_mdaoUseTweaks","Use r_mdao* dvars instead of the current light set values for MDAO"},
{"r_mdaoVolumeStrength","MDAO strength for volume occluders"},
{"r_mediumLodDist","Distance for medium level of detail"},
{"r_mode","Display mode"},
{"r_modelLightingMap","Replace all model lighting maps (light grid) with pure black"},
{"r_monitor","Index of the monitor to use in a multi monitor system; 0 picks automatically."},
{"r_mpRimColor","Change character's rim color for multiplayer"},
{"r_mpRimDiffuseTint","Change character's rim diffuse tint for multiplayer."},
{"r_mpRimStrength","Change character's rim color for multiplayer"},
{"r_multiGPU","Enable multi GPU compat mode."},
{"r_normalMap","Replace all normal maps with a flat normal map"},
{"r_patchCountAllowed","Enable run-time setting of patch count per draw call."},
{"r_picmip","Picmip level of color maps. If r_picmip_manual is 0, this is read-only."},
{"r_picmip_bump","Picmip level of normal maps. If r_picmip_manual is 0, this is read-only."},
{"r_picmip_spec","Picmip level of specular maps. If r_picmip_manual is 0, this is read-only."},
{"r_picmip_water","Picmip level of water maps."},
{"r_polygonOffsetBias","Offset bias for decal polygons; bigger values z-fight less but poke through walls more"},
{"r_polygonOffsetClamp","Offset clamp for decal polygons; bigger values z-fight less but poke through walls more"},
{"r_polygonOffsetScale","Offset scale for decal polygons; bigger values z-fight less but poke through walls more"},
{"r_portalBevels","Helps cull geometry by angles of portals that are acute when projected onto the screen, value is the cosine of the angle"},
{"r_portalBevelsOnly","Use screen-space bounding box of portals rather than the actual shape of the portal projected onto the screen"},
{"r_portalMinClipArea","Don't clip child portals by a parent portal smaller than this fraction of the screen area."},
{"r_portalMinRecurseDepth","Ignore r_portalMinClipArea for portals with fewer than this many parent portals."},
{"r_portalWalkLimit","Stop portal recursion after this many iterations. Useful for debugging portal errors."},
{"r_postAA","Post process antialiasing mode"},
{"r_postfx_enable","Enable post-processing effects such as color correction, bloom, depth-of-field, etc."},
{"r_preloadShaders","Force D3D to draw dummy geometry with all shaders during level load; may fix long pauses at level start."},
{"r_primaryLightTweakDiffuseStrength","Tweak the diffuse intensity for primary lights"},
{"r_primaryLightTweakSpecularStrength","Tweak the specular intensity for primary lights"},
{"r_reactiveMotionActorRadius","Radial distance from the ai characters that influences reactive motion models (inches)"},
{"r_reactiveMotionActorVelocityMax","AI velocity considered the maximum when determining the length of motion tails (inches/sec)"},
{"r_reactiveMotionActorZOffset","Distance from the actor origin along Z direction where the actor's reactive motion effector sphere is centered at."},
{"r_reactiveMotionEffectorStrengthScale","Additional scale for the effector influence, as a factor of the model part distance from the effector center and model part extents"},
{"r_reactiveMotionHelicopterLimit","Maximum number of helicopter entities that actively influence reactive motion. Can increase CPU cost of the scene."},
{"r_reactiveMotionHelicopterRadius","Radial distance from the helicopter that influences reactive motion models (inches)"},
{"r_reactiveMotionHelicopterStrength","Scales the influence of helicopter wind tunnel motion"},
{"r_reactiveMotionPlayerHeightAdjust","Amount to adjust the vertical distance of the effector from the player position (inches)"},
{"r_reactiveMotionPlayerRadius","Radial distance from the player that influences reactive motion models (inches)"},
{"r_reactiveMotionPlayerZOffset","Distance from the player origin along Z direction where the player's reactive motion effector sphere is centered at."},
{"r_reactiveMotionVelocityTailScale","Additional scale for the velocity-based motion tails, as a factor of the effector radius"},
{"r_reactiveMotionWindAmplitudeScale","Scales amplitude of wind wave motion"},
{"r_reactiveMotionWindAreaScale","Scales distribution of wind motion"},
{"r_reactiveMotionWindDir","Controls the global wind direction"},
{"r_reactiveMotionWindFrequencyScale","Scales frequency of wind wave motion"},
{"r_reactiveMotionWindStrength","Scale of the global wind direction (inches/sec)"},
{"r_reflectionProbeMap","Replace all reflection probes with pure black"},
{"r_reflectionProbeNmlLuminance","Enable/disable shader code for computing luminance during reflection probe denormalization. This is just an experiment.\n"},
{"r_rimLight0Heading","Rim Light 0 heading in degrees"},
{"r_rimLight0Pitch","Rim Light 0 pitch in degrees -90 is noon."},
{"r_rimLightBias","How much to bias the n.l calculation"},
{"r_rimLightDiffuseIntensity","Strength of the diffuse component of the rim light."},
{"r_rimLightFalloffMaxDistance","Distance at which the rim light hits intensity of 100%."},
{"r_rimLightFalloffMinDistance","Distance at which the rim light hits intensity of 100%."},
{"r_rimLightFalloffMinIntensity","Intensity of the effect at and before minDistance."},
{"r_rimLightPower","Power to raise the n.l calculation"},
{"r_rimLightSpecIntensity","Strength of the spec ( additive) component of the rim light"},
{"r_rimLightUseTweaks","Turn on rim lighting tweaks"},
{"r_scaleViewport","Scale 3D viewports by this fraction. Use this to see if framerate is pixel shader bound."},
{"r_sceneMipShowOverlay","Toggles scene mip rendertarget overlay"},
{"r_showLightGrid","Show light grid debugging information (2: detailed, 3: detailed for this box only)"},
{"r_showLightGridAvgProbes","show an array of boxes which are using the light grid average color at its location"},
{"r_showLightGridDetailInfo","Show more details for light grid debugging."},
{"r_showLightProbes","Show the light probes at the light grid sample locations in world space centered around the camera."},
{"r_showMissingLightGrid","Use rainbow colors for entities that are outside the light grid"},
{"r_showPortals","Show portals for debugging"},
{"r_showPortalsOverview","Render 2d XY portal overlay scaled to fit to this distance. Useful for debugging portal errors."},
{"r_smodelInstancedRenderer","Render static models with instanced renderer"},
{"r_smodelInstancedThreshold","Minimum number of static model instances before instanced rendering is used"},
{"r_smp_backend","Process renderer back end in a separate thread"},
{"r_smp_worker","Process renderer front end in a separate thread"},
{"r_specOccMap","Replace all specular occlusion maps with pure black (fully occluded) or pure white (not occluded)"},
{"r_specularColorScale","Set greater than 1 to brighten specular highlights"},
{"r_specularMap","Replace all specular maps with pure black (off) or pure white (super shiny)"},
{"r_spotLightEntityShadows","Enable entity shadows for spot lights."},
{"r_spotLightShadows","Enable shadows for spot lights."},
{"r_ssao","Screen Space Ambient Occlusion mode"},
{"r_ssaoDebug","Render calculated or blurred Screen Space Ambient Occlusion values"},
{"r_ssaoDebugMip","Selects which mip level to render when r_ssaoDebug is enabled. If 0 and r_ssaoDownsample is enabled, will render mip 1."},
{"r_ssaoDepthScale","Scale applied to depth values used for occlusion tests."},
{"r_ssaoDepthScaleViewModel","Scale applied to depth values used for occlusion tests."},
{"r_ssaoDownsample","Screen Space Ambient Occlusion calculation occurs at half linear resolution"},
{"r_ssaoFadeDepth","Depth at which the SSAO begins to fade out. It fades at even increments of this distance (e.g. it's at 1 for depth r_ssaoFadeDepth, 1/2 for depth 2*r_ssaoFadeDepth, etc.)"},
{"r_ssaoGapFalloff","Falloff used to blend between creases (that should darken) and silhouettes (that should not darken). Lower values falloff more quickly."},
{"r_ssaoGradientFalloff","Falloff used to fade out the effect for steep depth gradients (i.e. surfaces nearly parallel to the camera direction). This fixes sampling artifacts that appear for surfaces nearly parallel to the camera direction (commonly occuring for flat ground planes)."},
{"r_ssaoMaxStrengthDepth","Depth at which SSAO strength is at its maximum"},
{"r_ssaoMethod","Screen Space Ambient Occlusion method (original or IW6, both are volumetric obscurance)"},
{"r_ssaoMinPixelWidth","Minimum pixel width of the effect. When the effect is smaller than this, it is culled entirely."},
{"r_ssaoMinStrengthDepth","Depth at which SSAO strength is zero, effectively disabled"},
{"r_ssaoMultiRes","Screen Space Ambient Occlusion calculation occurs at half linear resolution"},
{"r_ssaoPower","Power curve applied to SSAO factor"},
{"r_ssaoRejectDepth","Depth at which the SSAO is disabled. Smaller values result in more rejected pixels which is faster, but limits the distance at which the effect is visible."},
{"r_ssaoSampleCount","Selects the number of samples used for SSAO"},
{"r_ssaoScriptScale","Allows script to lerp to disable or enable the SSAO. This applies a scalar value to the SSAO strength. When set to 0, this effectively disables SSAO."},
{"r_ssaoStrength","Strength of Screen Space Ambient Occlusion effect"},
{"r_ssaoUseTweaks","Use r_ssao* dvars instead of the current light set values for SSAO"},
{"r_ssaoWidth","The width of the SSAO effect, in pixels at 720p. Larger values increase area but lower effective quality."},
{"r_sse_skinning","Use Streaming SIMD Extensions for skinning"},
{"r_ssrBlendScale","Add extra scale to ssr weight versus reflection probe weight, >1 value will make ssr more obvious."},
{"r_ssrFadeInDuration","Duration of the screen-space reflection fade-in, which occurs whenever the reflection source buffer is invalidated due to view changes (in particular, dual-view scope transitions)."},
{"r_ssrPositionCorrection","Screen space reflection position correction blend factor"},
{"r_ssrRoughnessMipParameters","X: mirror mip; Y: roughest mip; Z: roughness middle point, may need different value for different screen resolution on PC."},
{"r_sssBlendWeight","Controls the blend between the wide (zero) and narrow (one) gaussians"},
{"r_sssDebugMaterial","Debug Feature: toggle materials with SSS"},
{"r_sssEnable","Enables the subsurface scattering effect (note that disabling SSS will not prevent the filter from running)"},
{"r_sssGlobalRadius","Controls the global radius (in inches)"},
{"r_sssJitterRadius","Percentage of the kernel to be jittered"},
{"r_sssNarrowRadius","Controls the narrow Gaussian radius"},
{"r_sssWideRadius","Controls the wide Gaussian radius"},
{"r_subdiv","Enables Catmull Clark surface subdivision."},
{"r_subdivLimit","Set the maximum Catmull Clark subdivision level."},
{"r_subdivPatchCount","Patches per thread group for sub-division surfaces."},
{"r_subdomainLimit","Maximum number of extra tessellation subdivisions using instancing (max tess amts are 0:64, 1:128, 2:192, 3:256, max instances used are 0:1, 1:4, 2:9, 3:12)"},
{"r_subdomainScale","Debug only: Scales the extra subdivision amount (for values < 1, not all instanced sub triangles will draw)."},
{"r_subwindow","subwindow to draw: left, right, top, bottom"},
{"r_sun_from_dvars","Set sun flare values from dvars rather than the level"},
{"r_sun_fx_position","Position in degrees of the sun effect"},
{"r_sunblind_fadein","time in seconds to fade blind from 0% to 100%"},
{"r_sunblind_fadeout","time in seconds to fade blind from 100% to 0%"},
{"r_sunblind_max_angle","angle from sun in degrees inside which effect is max"},
{"r_sunblind_max_darken","0-1 fraction for how black the world is at max blind"},
{"r_sunblind_min_angle","angle from sun in degrees outside which effect is 0"},
{"r_sunflare_fadein","time in seconds to fade alpha from 0% to 100%"},
{"r_sunflare_fadeout","time in seconds to fade alpha from 100% to 0%"},
{"r_sunflare_max_alpha","0-1 vertex color and alpha of sun at max effect"},
{"r_sunflare_max_angle","angle from sun in degrees inside which effect is max"},
{"r_sunflare_max_size","largest size of flare effect in pixels at 640x480"},
{"r_sunflare_min_angle","angle from sun in degrees outside which effect is 0"},
{"r_sunflare_min_size","smallest size of flare effect in pixels at 640x480"},
{"r_sunflare_shader","name for flare effect; can be any material"},
{"r_sunglare_fadein","time in seconds to fade glare from 0% to 100%"},
{"r_sunglare_fadeout","time in seconds to fade glare from 100% to 0%"},
{"r_sunglare_max_angle","angle from sun in degrees inside which effect is max"},
{"r_sunglare_max_lighten","0-1 fraction for how white the world is at max glare"},
{"r_sunglare_min_angle","angle from sun in degrees inside which effect is max"},
{"r_sunInfDist","Sun infinite distance used to place sun fx"},
{"r_sunshadowmap_cmdbuf_worker","Process shadowmap command buffer in a separate thread"},
{"r_sunsprite_shader","name for static sprite; can be any material"},
{"r_sunsprite_size","diameter in pixels at 640x480 and 80 fov"},
{"r_surfaceHDRScalarUseTweaks","Enables lit and unlit surface scalar tweaks"},
{"r_tessellation","Enables tessellation of world geometry, with an optional cutoff distance."},
{"r_tessellationCutoffDistance","Distance at which world geometry ceases to tessellate."},
{"r_tessellationCutoffFalloff","Range over which tessellation is faded out, up to the cutoff."},
{"r_tessellationEyeScale","Scale applied due to eye * object normal for less tessellation on facing polygons."},
{"r_tessellationFactor","Target edge length, based on dividing full window height by this factor, for dynamic tessellation. Use zero to disable tessellation."},
{"r_tessellationHeightAuto","Correctly auto scale displacement heights for layers to grow as texture is stretched over larger surface areas to preserve feature proportions."},
{"r_uiBlurDstMode","UI blur distortion mode. Fast uses the scene mip map render target, PostSun uses a downsampled post sun resolve buffer, PostSun HQ uses a gaussian blurred post sun resolve buffer."},
{"r_umbraAccurateOcclusionThreshold","The distance (in inches) to which accurate occlusion information is gathered. -1.0 = deduced automatically."},
{"r_umbraExclusive","Toggle Umbra for exclusive static culling (disables static portal dpvs)"},
{"r_umbraQueryParts","The number of parts the Umbra query frustum is broken into for async query processing as an M x N grid (0, 0 = all queries are synchronous)."},
{"r_umbraUseBadPlaces","Enable/disable ability to disable umbra when inside special volumes defined in mp/umbraBadPlaces.csv."},
{"r_umbraUseDpvsCullDist","Use cull distance from the DPVS instead of the far plane distance."},
{"r_unlitSurfaceHDRScalar","Vision set based scalar applied to unlit surfaces to balance those surfaces with the luminance of the scene"},
{"ragdoll_self_collision_scale","Scale the size of the collision capsules used to prevent ragdoll limbs from interpenetrating"},
{"ragdoll_stretch_iters","Iterations to run the alternate limb solver"},
{"rankedPlayEndMatchKeepLobby","keep the lobby if the lobby host is in our private party."},
{"rankedPlaylistLockoutDuration","Time in seconds to lock the ranked play playlist if a player quit the match early."},
{"rate","Player's preferred network rate"},
{"restrictMapPacksToGroups","Restrict map pack usage to needing all maps in an ala carte package in order to use as search criteria"},
{"riotshield_bullet_damage_scale","Value to scale bullet damage to deployed riotshield."},
{"riotshield_deploy_limit_radius","Min distance deployed riotshields must be from each other."},
{"riotshield_deploy_trace_parallel","Report collisions when riotshield traces are parallel to plane of triangle. If disabled traces parallel to triangle planes do not report collisions at all."},
{"scr_isgamescom","script use gamescom demo flow"},
{"scr_team_fftype","script team friendly fire type"},
{"screenshots_active","Are we allowed to enable Screenshots or not"},
{"search_weight_asn","The weight used for the asn in weighted matchmaking."},
{"search_weight_country_code","The weight used for the country code in weighted matchmaking."},
{"search_weight_lat_long","The weight used for the lat long in weighted matchmaking."},
{"sensitivity","Mouse sensitivity"},
{"sentry_placement_feet_offset","Position of the feet from the center axis."},
{"sentry_placement_feet_trace_dist_z","Max distance for a foot to be considered touching the ground"},
{"sentry_placement_trace_dist","Distance along the trace axis where the sentry will attempt to position itself"},
{"sentry_placement_trace_min_normal","Minimum normal to accept a sentry position"},
{"sentry_placement_trace_parallel","Enable turret traces that are parallel to plane of triangle. If 0, traces parallel to triangle planes do not report collisions at all. If 2 (debug-only), then trace code ping pongs between new and old."},
{"sentry_placement_trace_pitch","Pitch used for the trace axis"},
{"sentry_placement_trace_radius","Radius of the bound used for the placement trace"},
{"sentry_placement_trace_radius_canon_safety","Extra radius used in the forward direction to compensate for the canon length"},
{"session_immediateDeleteTinySessions","Whether to immediately delete sessions with 1 user"},
{"session_modify_retry_on_failure","Enable session modify retry on failures."},
{"sm_spotLightScoreModelScale","Scale the calculated spot light score by this value if the light currently only affects static or script brush models."},
{"sm_spotLightScoreRadiusPower","Power to apply to light radius when determining spot light shadowing score (1.0 means radius scales up score a lot, 0.0 means don't scale score using radius)"},
{"sm_spotLimit","Limit number of spot shadows from script"},
{"sm_spotShadowFadeTime","How many seconds it takes for a primary light shadow map to fade in or out"},
{"sm_strictCull","Strict shadow map cull"},
{"sm_sunEnable","Enable sun shadow mapping from script"},
{"snd_dopplerPitchMax","Maximum pitch that can be legally applied by doppler"},
{"snd_dopplerPitchMin","Minimum pitch that can be legally applied by doppler"},
{"snd_dopplerPlayerVelocityScale","The scale of the player velocity, relative the the sound source velocity, when applied to the doppler calculation"},
{"snd_dopplerSmoothing","Smoothing factor applied to doppler to eliminate jitter or sudden acceleration changes"},
{"snd_draw3D","Draw the position and info of world sounds"},
{"snd_drawInfo","Draw debugging information for sounds"},
{"snd_envFollowerBuffScale","Amount of buffer to use for envelope follower. Smaller value indicates faster envelope."},
{"snd_errorOnMissing","Cause a Com_Error if a sound file is missing."},
{"snd_hitsoundDisabled","Disable the hit indicator sound"},
{"snd_inheritSecondaryPitchVol","Set to true for secondary aliases to inherit the pitch of the parent"},
{"snd_levelFadeTime","The amout of time in milliseconds for all audio to fade in at the start of a level"},
{"snd_loadFadeTime","Fade time for loading from a checkpoint after death."},
{"snd_loopFadeTime","Fade-in time for looping sounds."},
{"snd_musicDisabled","Disable all in-game music"},
{"snd_musicDisabledForCustomSoundtrack","Disable all in-game music due to user playing a custom soundtrack"},
{"snd_occlusionDelay","Minimum delay in (ms) between occlusion updates"},
{"snd_occlusionLerpTime","Time to lerp to target occlusion lerp when occluded"},
{"snd_peakLimiterCompression","Peak limiter compression factor. The output data is scaled by this and then normalized: F < 1 = disabled; F >= 1 enabled."},
{"snd_virtualMinDur","The minimum duration (in seconds) of a sound if it is to be added to the virtual voice buffer."},
{"snd_virtualMinPri","The minimum priority of an alias if it is to be added to the virtual voice buffer."},
{"snd_virtualMinTimeLeftToRevive","The minimum time (in ms) left in a sample in order to attempt to revive it."},
{"snd_virtualReviveVoices","Whether or not to restore virtual voices."},
{"snd_virtualWaitToReviveTime","The minimum time (in ms) to wait before trying to revive the voice."},
{"snd_volume","Game sound master volume"},
{"speech_active","Are we allowed to enable Speech or not"},
{"splitscreen","Current game is a splitscreen game"},
{"steam_ingame_p2p_throttle","Time, in MS, to wait between P2P packet lookups when in-game"},
{"stringtable_debug","spam debug info for stringtable lookups"},
{"sv_allowClientConsole","Allow remote clients to access the console"},
{"sv_archiveClientsPositions","Archive the client positions to speed up SV_GetClientPositionsAtTime"},
{"sv_checkMinPlayers","Check min players. 0 disables"},
{"sv_clientArchive","Have the clients archive data to save bandwidth on the server"},
{"sv_connectTimeout","seconds without any message when a client is loading"},
{"sv_cumulThinkTime","Max client think per server 50 msec frame"},
{"sv_error_on_baseline_failure","Throw an error if the const baseline data is invalid."},
{"sv_exponentialBackoffAfterNonAckedMsgs","start exponential backoff on msg frequency if the client has not acked the last X messages"},
{"sv_hostname","Host name of the server"},
{"sv_hugeSnapshotDelay","How long to wait before building a new snapshot after a 'huge' snapshot is sent"},
{"sv_hugeSnapshotSize","Size of a snapshot to be considered 'huge'"},
{"sv_kickBanTime","Time in seconds for a player to be banned from the server after being kicked"},
{"sv_local_client_snapshot_msec","Local client snapshot rate, add to cl_penaltyTime"},
{"sv_maxclients","The maximum number of clients that can connect to a server"},
{"sv_minPingClamp","Clamp the minimum ping to this value"},
{"sv_network_fps","Number of times per second the server checks for net messages"},
{"sv_numExpBackoffBeforeReleasingCachedSnapshots","if a client is under an exponential backoff over this dvar, then we will release all the cached snapshot data he owns and will send him a baseline if he reconnects"},
{"sv_paused","Pause the server"},
{"sv_privateClients","Maximum number of private clients allowed on the server"},
{"sv_privateClientsForClients","The # of private clients (we send this to clients)"},
{"sv_privatePassword","password for the privateClient slots"},
{"sv_reconnectlimit","minimum seconds between connect messages"},
{"sv_rejoinTimeout","seconds without any message before allowing a rejoin"},
{"sv_remote_client_snapshot_joiningstate_msec","Remote client snapshot rate during join (until the client acked his first delta message)"},
{"sv_remote_client_snapshot_msec","Remote client snapshot rate, add to cl_penaltyTime"},
{"sv_resetOnSpawn","Have clients reset some player state fields when spawning rather than sending them over the network"},
{"sv_running","Server is running"},
{"sv_showAverageBPS","Show average bytes per second for net debugging"},
{"sv_testValue","Max antilag rewind"},
{"sv_timeout","seconds without any message"},
{"sv_trackFrameMsecThreshold","server frame time that will trigger script time tracking."},
{"sv_useExtraCompress","Use zlib compress for gamestate/baseline/score packets"},
{"sv_zlib_threshold","Message size threshold which triggers more aggressive compression"},
{"sv_zombietime","seconds to sync messages after disconnect"},
{"ui_onlineRequired","UI requires online connection to be present."},
{"ui_partyFull","True if the current party is full."},
{"ui_playlistActionButtonAlpha","The current alpha of the playlist selection button"},
{"ui_playlistCategoryDisabledColor","The color of playlist categories when disabled"},
{"ui_playlistCategoryEnabledColor","The color of playlist categories when enabled"},
{"ui_selectedFeederMap","Current preview game type"},
{"ui_serverStatusTimeOut","Time in milliseconds before a server status request times out"},
{"ui_show_store","Use to enable the store button"},
{"ui_showDLCMaps","Whether to display the DLC maps."},
{"ui_showList","Show onscreen list of currently visible menus"},
{"ui_showMenuOnly","If set, only menus using this name will draw."},
{"ui_sliderSteps","The number of steps for a slider itemdef"},
{"ui_smallFont","Small font scale"},
{"ui_textScrollFadeTime","Text scrolling takes this long (seconds) to fade out at the end before restarting"},
{"ui_textScrollPauseEnd","Text scrolling waits this long (seconds) before starting"},
{"ui_textScrollPauseStart","Text scrolling waits this long (seconds) before starting"},
{"ui_textScrollSpeed","Speed at which text scrolls vertically"},
{"uiscript_debug","spam debug info for the ui script"},
{"unlock_breadcrumb_killswitch","True to enable unlock breadcrumbs"},
{"uno_current_tos_version","Current Uno Terms of Service Version"},
{"use_filtered_query_pass","Dictates whether to use the filtered query for MMing or not"},
{"use_weighted_dlc_exactmatch_pass","Dictates whether to use a search weighted pass with the DLC match set to exact for MMing or not"},
{"use_weighted_pass","Dictates whether to use the search weighted pass for MMing or not"},
{"useCPMarkerForCPOwnership","If set, we will check the player inventory to see if he owns the redeemedItem for a contentPack if this contentPack is not available for the player"},
{"useonlinestats","Whether to use online stats when in offline modes"},
{"useRelativeTeamColors","Whether to use relative team colors."},
{"userFileFetchTimeout","default timeout for user files FETCH tasks (in seconds)"},
{"userGroup_active","Are we allowed to show Usergroups or not"},
{"userGroup_cool_off_time","Cool off time between calls to fetch the elite clan"},
{"userGroup_coop_delay","Delay between a player joining a coop lobby and the DW user group task starting"},
{"userGroup_max_retry_time","Max time that the usergroup read find can retry"},
{"userGroup_refresh_time_secs","Time in seconds between re-sending lobby group data to confirmed users."},
{"userGroup_retry_step","Step in m/s for the usegroup read retry"},
{"userGroup_RetryTime","Time in ms between sending lobby group data retrys."},
{"useStatsGroups","If true then StatsGroups are in use for all playerdata.ddl accessing."},
{"useTagFlashSilenced","When true, silenced weapons will use \"tag_flash_silenced\" instead of \"tag_flash\"."},
{"using_mlg","MLG feature on/off"},
{"validate_apply_clamps","True if individual stat validation failure reverts the value"},
{"validate_apply_revert","True if individual stat validation failure reverts the value"},
{"validate_apply_revert_full","True if any individual stat validation failure causes a full stats revert"},
{"validate_clamp_assists","The maximum number of assists a player can make in a match"},
{"validate_clamp_experience","The maximum experience a player can gain in a match"},
{"validate_clamp_headshots","The maximum number of headshots a player can make in a match"},
{"validate_clamp_hits","The maximum number of hits player can make in a match"},
{"validate_clamp_kills","The maximum number of kills a player can make in a match"},
{"validate_clamp_losses","The maximum number of losses a player can make in a match"},
{"validate_clamp_misses","The maximum number of misses player can make in a match"},
{"validate_clamp_ties","The maximum number of ties a player can make in a match"},
{"validate_clamp_totalshots","The maximum number of totalshots player can make in a match"},
{"validate_clamp_weaponXP","The maximum experience a weapon can gain in a match"},
{"validate_clamp_wins","The maximum number of wins a player can make in a match"},
{"validate_drop_on_fail","True if stats validation failure results in dropping from the match"},
{"veh_aiOverSteerScale","Scaler used to cause ai vehicles to over steer"},
{"veh_boneControllerLodDist","Distance at which bone controllers are not updated."},
{"veh_boneControllerUnLodDist","Distance at which bone controllers start updating when not moving."},
{"vehAudio_inAirPitchDownLerp","Rate at which the pitch lerps down"},
{"vehAudio_inAirPitchUpLerp","Rate at which the pitch lerps up"},
{"vehAudio_spawnVolumeTime","Seconds it takes for spawned vehicles to reach full volume."},
{"vehCam_freeLook","Enables free look mode"},
{"vehCam_mode","Camera modes: 1st person, 3rd person, or both"},
{"vehDroneDebugDrawPath","Debug render the drone draw paths."},
{"vehHelicopterBoundsRadius","The radius of the collision volume to be used when colliding with world geometry."},
{"vehHelicopterDecelerationFwd","Set the deceleration of the player helicopter (as a fraction of acceleration) in the direction the chopper is facing. So 1.0 makes it equal to the acceleration."},
{"vehHelicopterDecelerationSide","Set the side-to-side deceleration of the player helicopter (as a fraction of acceleration). So 1.0 makes it equal to the acceleration."},
{"vehHelicopterDecelerationUp","Set the vertical deceleration of the player helicopter (as a fraction of acceleration). So 1.0 makes it equal to the acceleration."},
{"vehHelicopterHeadSwayDontSwayTheTurret","If set, the turret will not fire through the crosshairs, but straight ahead of the vehicle, when the player is not freelooking."},
{"vehHelicopterHoverSpeedThreshold","The speed below which the player helicopter begins to jitter the tilt, for hovering"},
{"vehHelicopterInvertUpDown","Invert the altitude control on the player helicopter."},
{"vehHelicopterJitterJerkyness","Specifies how jerky the tilt jitter should be"},
{"vehHelicopterLookaheadTime","How far ahead (in seconds) the player helicopter looks ahead, to avoid hard collisions. (Like driving down the highway, you should keep 2 seconds distance between you and the vehicle in front of you)"},
{"vehHelicopterMaxAccel","Maximum horizontal acceleration of the player helicopter (in MPH per second)"},
{"vehHelicopterMaxAccelVertical","Maximum vertical acceleration of the player helicopter (in MPH per second)"},
{"vehHelicopterMaxPitch","Maximum pitch of the player helicopter"},
{"vehHelicopterMaxRoll","Maximum roll of the player helicopter"},
{"vehHelicopterMaxSpeed","Maximum horizontal speed of the player helicopter (in MPH)"},
{"vehHelicopterMaxSpeedVertical","Maximum vertical speed of the player helicopter (in MPH)"},
{"vehHelicopterMaxYawAccel","Maximum yaw acceleration of the player helicopter"},
{"vehHelicopterMaxYawRate","Maximum yaw speed of the player helicopter"},
{"vehHelicopterPitchOffset","The resting pitch of the helicopter"},
{"vehHelicopterRightStickDeadzone","Dead-zone for the axes of the right thumbstick. This helps to better control the two axes separately."},
{"vehHelicopterScaleMovement","Scales down the smaller of the left stick axes."},
{"vehHelicopterSoftCollisions","Player helicopters have soft collisions (slow down before they collide)."},
{"vehHelicopterStrafeDeadzone","Dead-zone so that you can fly straight forward easily without accidentally strafing (and thus rolling)."},
{"vehHelicopterTiltFromAcceleration","The amount of tilt caused by acceleration"},
{"vehHelicopterTiltFromControllerAxes","The amount of tilt caused by the desired velocity (i.e., the amount of controller stick deflection)"},
{"vehHelicopterTiltFromDeceleration","The amount of tilt caused by deceleration"},
{"vehHelicopterTiltFromFwdAndYaw","The amount of roll caused by yawing while moving forward."},
{"vehHelicopterTiltFromFwdAndYaw_VelAtMaxTilt","The forward speed (as a fraction of top speed) at which the tilt due to yaw reaches is maximum value."},
{"vehHelicopterTiltFromVelocity","The amount of tilt caused by the current velocity"},
{"vehHelicopterTiltMomentum","The amount of rotational momentum the helicopter has with regards to tilting."},
{"vehHelicopterTiltSpeed","The rate at which the player helicopter's tilt responds"},
{"vehHelicopterYawOnLeftStick","The yaw speed created by the left stick when pushing the stick diagonally (e.g., moving forward and strafing slightly)."},
{"vehicle_debug_render_spline_plane","Do we want to render the spline plane data"},
{"vehUGVPitchTrack","UGV body pitch orientation speed"},
{"vehUGVRollTrack","UGV body roll orientation speed"},
{"vehUGVWheelInfluence","UGV wheel influence on the orientation of the body"},
{"vehWalkerControlMode","Walker controls (0==move no turn, 1=move and turn, 2=move relative(tank))"},
{"version","Game version"},
{"vid_xpos","Game window horizontal position"},
{"vid_ypos","Game window vertical position"},
{"viewModelDebugNotetracks","Enable display of viewmodel notetrack debug info."},
{"viewModelHacks","Enabled depth hack and remove viewmodel from shadows."},
{"virtualLobbyActive","Indicates the VL is actively being displayed."},
{"virtualLobbyAllocated","Indicates the first VL zone has been loaded."},
{"virtualLobbyEnabled","VirtualLobby is enabled (must be true before loading UI zone)"},
{"virtualLobbyInFiringRange","VirtualLobby is in firing range mode"},
{"virtualLobbyMap","VirtualLobby map to load (must be set before starting vl)"},
{"virtualLobbyMembers","Number of members in the VirtualLobby (set by script)"},
{"virtualLobbyPresentable","Indicates to LUA the VirtualLobby is ready to be displayed (set by script)."},
{"virtualLobbyReady","Indicates to LUA the VirtualLobby is loaded and running (set by script)."},
{"vl_clan_models_loaded","Indicates to LUA when all models are loaded for the clan highlights so it can begin the fade-in without any popping(set by script)."},
{"voMtxEnable","When set (e.g. via config), will enable voice over packs"},
{"waypointAerialIconMaxSize","Max size of aerial targeting waypoints."},
{"waypointAerialIconMinSize","Min size of aerial targeting waypoints."},
{"waypointAerialIconScale","Base scale of aerial targeting waypoints."},
{"waypointDistScaleRangeMax","Distance from player that icon distance scaling ends."},
{"waypointDistScaleRangeMin","Distance from player that icon distance scaling ends."},
{"waypointDistScaleSmallest","Smallest scale that the distance effect uses."},
{"waypointOffscreenCornerRadius","Size of the rounded corners."},
{"waypointOffscreenDistanceThresholdAlpha","Distance from the threshold over which offscreen objective icons lerp their alpha."},
{"waypointOffscreenPointerDistance","Distance from the center of the offscreen objective icon to the center its arrow."},
{"waypointOffscreenRoundedCorners","Off-screen icons take rounded corners when true. 90-degree corners when false."},
{"waypointOffscreenScaleLength","How far the offscreen icon scale travels from full to smallest scale."},
{"waypointOffscreenScaleSmallest","Smallest scale that the offscreen effect uses."},
{"waypointPlayerOffsetCrouch","For waypoints pointing to players, how high to offset off of their origin when they are prone."},
{"waypointPlayerOffsetProne","For waypoints pointing to players, how high to offset off of their origin when they are prone."},
{"waypointPlayerOffsetStand","For waypoints pointing to players, how high to offset off of their origin when they are prone."},
{"waypointScreenCenterFadeAdsMin","When 'waypointScreenCenterFadeRadius' enabled, minimum amount that waypoint will fade when in ads"},
{"waypointScreenCenterFadeHipMin","When 'waypointScreenCenterFadeRadius' enabled, minimum amount that waypoint will fade when in ads"},
{"waypointScreenCenterFadeRadius","Radius from screen center that a waypoint will start fading out. Setting to 0 will turn this off"},
{"waypointSplitscreenScale","Scale applied to waypoint icons in splitscreen views."},
{"wideScreen","True if the game video is running in 16x9 aspect, false if 4x3."},
{"xblive_hostingprivateparty","true only if we're hosting a party"},
{"xblive_loggedin","User is logged into xbox live"},
{"xblive_privatematch","Current game is a private match"},
{"xblive_privatematch_solo","Current game is an Extinction solo match"},
{"xphys_maxJointPositionError","If a joints with position error exceeding this value is detected, then the whole xphys system gets snapped back to the animation pose"},