2015-08-20 14:23:13 -05:00

958 lines
39 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using SharedLibrary;
namespace IW4MAdmin
class IW4MServer : SharedLibrary.Server
public IW4MServer(string address, int port, string password, int H, int PID) : base(address, port, password, H, PID)
playerHistory = new Queue<pHistory>();
commandQueue = new Queue<string>();
override public void getAliases(List<Player> returnPlayers, Player Origin)
if (Origin == null)
List<Aliases> aliasAliases = new List<Aliases>();
Aliases currentAliases = aliasDB.getPlayer(Origin.databaseID);
if (currentAliases == null)
Log.Write("No aliases found for " + Origin.Name, Log.Level.Debug);
foreach (String IP in currentAliases.getIPS())
List<Aliases> tmp = aliasDB.getPlayer(IP);
if (tmp != null)
aliasAliases = tmp;
foreach (Aliases a in aliasAliases)
if (a == null)
Player aliasPlayer = clientDB.getPlayer(a.getNumber());
if (aliasPlayer != null)
aliasPlayer.Alias = a;
if (returnPlayers.Exists(p => p.databaseID == aliasPlayer.databaseID == false))
getAliases(returnPlayers, aliasPlayer);
//Add player object p to `players` list
override public bool addPlayer(Player P)
if (P.clientID < 0 || P.clientID > (players.Count-1)) // invalid index
return false;
if (players[P.clientID] != null && players[P.clientID].npID == P.npID) // if someone has left and a new person has taken their spot between polls
return true;
Log.Write("Client slot #" + P.clientID + " now reserved", Log.Level.Debug);
#if DEBUG == false
Player NewPlayer = clientDB.getPlayer(P.npID, P.clientID);
if (NewPlayer == null) // first time connecting
Log.Write("Client slot #" + P.clientID + " first time connecting", Log.Level.All);
NewPlayer = clientDB.getPlayer(P.npID, P.clientID);
aliasDB.addPlayer(new Aliases(NewPlayer.databaseID, NewPlayer.Name, NewPlayer.IP));
NewPlayer.stats = statDB.getStats(NewPlayer.databaseID);
NewPlayer.Alias = aliasDB.getPlayer(NewPlayer.databaseID);
if (NewPlayer.Alias == null)
aliasDB.addPlayer(new Aliases(NewPlayer.databaseID, NewPlayer.Name, NewPlayer.IP));
NewPlayer.Alias = aliasDB.getPlayer(NewPlayer.databaseID);
// try not to crash if no stats!
if (P.lastEvent == null || P.lastEvent.Owner == null)
NewPlayer.lastEvent = new Event(Event.GType.Say, null, NewPlayer, null, this); // this is messy but its throwing an error when they've started it too late
NewPlayer.lastEvent = P.lastEvent;
// lets check aliases
if ((NewPlayer.Alias.getNames().Find(m => m.Equals(P.Name))) == null || NewPlayer.Name == null || NewPlayer.Name == String.Empty)
// and ips
if (NewPlayer.Alias.getIPS().Find(i => i.Equals(P.IP)) == null || P.IP == null || P.IP == String.Empty)
events.Enqueue(new Event(Event.GType.Connect, "", NewPlayer, null, this));
if (NewPlayer.Level == Player.Permission.Banned) // their guid is already banned so no need to check aliases
String Message;
Log.Write("Banned client " + P.Name + " trying to connect...", Log.Level.Debug);
if (NewPlayer.lastOffense != null)
Message = "^7Player Kicked: Previously banned for ^5" + NewPlayer.lastOffense + " ^7(appeal at " + Website + ")";
Message = "Player Kicked: Previous Ban";
if (players[NewPlayer.clientID] != null)
lock (players)
players[NewPlayer.clientID] = null;
return true;
List<Player> newPlayerAliases = new List<Player>();
getAliases(newPlayerAliases, NewPlayer);
foreach (Player aP in newPlayerAliases) // lets check their aliases
if (aP == null)
if (aP.Level == Player.Permission.Flagged)
Ban B = isBanned(aP);
if (B != null)
Log.Write(String.Format("Banned client {0} is connecting with new alias {1}", aP.Name, NewPlayer.Name), Log.Level.Debug);
NewPlayer.lastOffense = String.Format("Evading ( {0} )", aP.Name);
if (B.Reason != null)
NewPlayer.Ban("^7Previously Banned: ^5" + B.Reason + " ^7(appeal at " + Website + ")", NewPlayer);
NewPlayer.Ban("^7Previous Ban", NewPlayer);
lock (players)
if (players[NewPlayer.clientID] != null)
players[NewPlayer.clientID] = null;
return true;
//finally lets check their clean status :>
lock (players)
players[NewPlayer.clientID] = null; // just in case we have shit in the way
players[NewPlayer.clientID] = NewPlayer;
NewPlayer.Tell("Welcome ^5" + NewPlayer.Name + " ^7this is your ^5" + SharedLibrary.Utilities.timesConnected(NewPlayer.Connections) + " ^7time connecting!");
Log.Write("Client " + NewPlayer.Name + " connecting...", Log.Level.Debug); // they're clean
while (chatHistory.Count > Math.Ceiling((double)clientnum / 2))
chatHistory.Add(new Chat(NewPlayer, "<i>CONNECTED</i>", DateTime.Now));
if (NewPlayer.Level == Player.Permission.Flagged)
ToAdmins("^1NOTICE: ^7Flagged player ^5" + NewPlayer.Name + "^7 has joined!");
if (NewPlayer.Level > Player.Permission.Moderator)
NewPlayer.Tell("There are ^5" + Reports.Count + " ^7recent reports!");
if (NewPlayer.stats == null) // there seems to be an issue with stats with multiple servers. I think this should fix it
NewPlayer.stats = statDB.getStats(NewPlayer.databaseID);
return true;
#if DEBUG == false
catch (Exception E)
Log.Write("Unable to add player " + P.Name + " - " + E.Message, Log.Level.Debug);
return false;
//Remove player by CLIENT NUMBER
override public bool removePlayer(int cNum)
if (cNum >= 0 && cNum < players.Count)
if (players[cNum] == null)
//Log.Write("Error - Disconnecting client slot is already empty!", Log.Level.Debug);
return false;
Player Leaving = players[cNum];
Log.Write("Client at " + cNum + " disconnecting...", Log.Level.Debug);
events.Enqueue(new Event(Event.GType.Disconnect, "", Leaving, null, this));
lock (players)
players[cNum] = null;
return true;
Log.Write("Error - Client disconnecting has an invalid client index!", Log.Level.Debug);
return false;
//Another version of client from line, written for the line created by a kill or death event
override public Player clientFromEventLine(String[] L, int cIDPos)
if (L.Length < cIDPos)
Log.Write("Line sent for client creation is not long enough!", Log.Level.Debug);
return null;
int pID = -2; // apparently falling = -1 cID so i can't use it now
int.TryParse(L[cIDPos].Trim(), out pID);
if (pID == -1) // special case similar to mod_suicide
int.TryParse(L[2], out pID);
if (pID < 0 || pID > 17)
Log.Write("Error event player index " + pID + " is out of bounds!", Log.Level.Debug);
Log.Write("Offending line -- " + String.Join(";", L), Log.Level.Debug);
return null;
Player P = null;
P = players[pID];
return P;
catch (Exception)
Log.Write("Client index is invalid - " + pID, Log.Level.Debug);
Log.Write(L.ToString(), Log.Level.Debug);
return null;
//Check ban list for every banned player and return ban if match is found
override public Ban isBanned(Player C)
if (C.Level == Player.Permission.Banned)
return Bans.Find(p => p.npID.Equals(C.npID));
foreach (Ban B in Bans)
if (B.npID.Length < 5 || B.IP.Length < 5)
if (B.npID == null || C.npID == null)
if (B.npID == C.npID)
return B;
if (B.IP == null || C.IP == null)
if (C.IP == B.IP)
return B;
return null;
//Procses requested command correlating to an event
override public Command processCommand(Event E, Command C)
E.Data = SharedLibrary.Utilities.removeWords(E.Data, 1);
String[] Args = E.Data.Trim().Split(new char[] {' '}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if (E.Origin.Level < C.Permission)
E.Origin.Tell("You do not have access to that command!");
return null;
if (Args.Length < (C.requiredArgNum))
E.Origin.Tell("Not enough arguments supplied!");
return null;
if (C.needsTarget)
int cNum = -1;
int.TryParse(Args[0], out cNum);
if (C.Name == "stats" && Args.Length == 1)
E.Target = E.Origin;
if (Args[0] == String.Empty)
return C;
if (Args[0][0] == '@') // user specifying target by database ID
int dbID = -1;
int.TryParse(Args[0].Substring(1, Args[0].Length-1), out dbID);
IW4MServer castServer = (IW4MServer)(E.Owner);
Player found = castServer.clientDB.getPlayer(dbID);
if (found != null)
E.Target = found;
E.Target.lastEvent = E;
E.Owner = this;
else if(Args[0].Length < 3 && cNum > -1 && cNum < 18) // user specifying target by client num
if (players[cNum] != null)
E.Target = players[cNum];
E.Target = clientFromName(Args[0]);
if (E.Target == null)
E.Origin.Tell("Unable to find specified player.");
return null;
return C;
override public void executeCommand(String CMD)
override public dvar getDvar(String DvarName)
return Utilities.getDvar(PID, DvarName, lastCommandPointer);
override public void setDvar(String Dvar, String Value)
lastDvarPointer = Utilities.executeCommand(PID, Dvar + " " + Value, lastDvarPointer);
public static extern IntPtr OpenProcess(int dwDesiredAccess, bool bInheritHandle, int dwProcessId);
public static extern bool ReadProcessMemory(int hProcess, int lpBaseAddress, byte[] lpBuffer, int dwSize, ref int lpNumberOfBytesRead);
private void manageEventQueue()
if (events.Count > 0)
Event curEvent = events.Peek();
foreach (EventNotify E in PluginImporter.potentialNotifies)
if (commandQueue.Count > 0)
lastCommandPointer = Utilities.executeCommand(PID, commandQueue.Dequeue(), lastCommandPointer);
//Starts the monitoring process
override public void Monitor()
isRunning = true;
if (!intializeBasics())
Log.Write("Stopping " + Port + " due to uncorrectable errors (check log)", Log.Level.Production);
isRunning = false;
Thread eventQueueThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(manageEventQueue));
eventQueueThread.Name = "Event Queue Manager";
long l_size = -1;
bool checkedForOutdate = false;
String[] lines = new String[8];
String[] oldLines = new String[8];
DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
DateTime playerCountStart = DateTime.Now;
DateTime lastCount = DateTime.Now;
#if DEBUG == false
Broadcast("IW4M Admin is now ^2ONLINE");
while (isRunning)
#if DEBUG == false
lastMessage = DateTime.Now - start;
lastCount = DateTime.Now;
if ((lastCount - playerCountStart).TotalMinutes > 4)
while (playerHistory.Count > 144 ) // 12 times a minute for 12 hours
playerHistory.Enqueue(new pHistory(lastCount, clientnum));
playerCountStart = DateTime.Now;
if(lastMessage.TotalSeconds > messageTime && messages.Count > 0)
initMacros(); // somethings dynamically change so we have to re-init the dictionary
Broadcast(SharedLibrary.Utilities.processMacro(Macros, messages[nextMessage]));
if (nextMessage == (messages.Count - 1))
nextMessage = 0;
start = DateTime.Now;
//if (timesFailed <= 3)
// HB.Send();
String checkVer = new Connection("http://raidmax.org/IW4M/Admin/version.php").Read();
double checkVerNum;
double.TryParse(checkVer, out checkVerNum);
if (checkVerNum != Program.Version && checkVerNum != 0 && !checkedForOutdate)
messages.Add("^5IW4M Admin ^7is outdated. Please ^5update ^7to version " + checkVerNum);
checkedForOutdate = true;
if ((DateTime.Now - lastPoll).Milliseconds > 750)
int numberRead = 0;
int activeClients = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < players.Count; i++)
Byte[] buff = new Byte[681872]; // struct size ( 0.68MB :( )
ReadProcessMemory((int)Handle, 0x31D9390 + (buff.Length)*(i), buff, buff.Length, ref numberRead); // svs_clients start + current client
client_s eachClient = (client_s)Helpers.ReadStruct<client_s>(buff);
if (eachClient.isBot == 1)
if (eachClient.state == 0)
else if (eachClient.state == 5 )
addPlayer(new Player(SharedLibrary.Utilities.stripColors(SharedLibrary.Utilities.cleanChars(eachClient.name)), eachClient.steamid.ToString("x16"), i, 0, i, null, 0, Helpers.NET_AdrToString(eachClient.adr).Split(':')[0]));
lastPoll = DateTime.Now;
clientnum = activeClients;
if (l_size != logFile.getSize())
lines = logFile.Tail(8);
if (lines != oldLines)
l_size = logFile.getSize();
int end;
if (lines.Length == oldLines.Length)
end = lines.Length - 1;
end = Math.Abs((lines.Length - oldLines.Length)) - 1;
for (int count = 0; count < lines.Length; count++)
if (lines.Length < 1 && oldLines.Length < 1)
if (lines[count] == oldLines[oldLines.Length - 1])
if (lines[count].Length < 10) // its not a needed line
string[] game_event = lines[count].Split(';');
Event event_ = Event.requestEvent(game_event, (Server)this);
if (event_ != null)
if (event_.Origin == null)
event_.Origin.lastEvent = event_;
event_.Origin.lastEvent.Owner = this;
oldLines = lines;
l_size = logFile.getSize();
#if DEBUG == false
catch (Exception E)
Log.Write("Something unexpected occured. Hopefully we can ignore it :)", Log.Level.All);
isRunning = false;
override public bool intializeBasics()
// inject our dll
if (!Utilities.initalizeInterface(PID))
Log.Write("Could not load IW4MAdmin interface!", Log.Level.Debug);
return false;
// basic info dvars
hostname = SharedLibrary.Utilities.stripColors(getDvar("sv_hostname").current);
mapname = getDvar("mapname").current;
IW_Ver = getDvar("shortversion").current;
maxClients = -1;
Int32.TryParse(getDvar("party_maxplayers").current, out maxClients);
if (maxClients == -1)
Log.Write("Could not get max clients value", Log.Level.Debug);
return false;
Gametype = getDvar("g_gametype").current;
// important log variables
Basepath = getDvar("fs_basepath").current;
Mod = getDvar("fs_game").current;
logPath = getDvar("g_log").current;
int oneLog = -1;
Int32.TryParse(getDvar("iw4m_onelog").current, out oneLog);
if (oneLog == -1)
Log.Write("Could not get iw4m_onelog value", Log.Level.Debug);
return false;
// our settings
setDvar("sv_kickBanTime", "3600"); // 1 hour
setDvar("g_logSync", "1"); // yas
if (Mod == String.Empty || oneLog == 1)
logPath = Basepath + '\\' + "m2demo" + '\\' + logPath;
logPath = Basepath + '\\' + Mod + '\\' + logPath;
if (!File.Exists(logPath))
Log.Write("Gamelog `" + logPath + "` does not exist!", Log.Level.All);
return false;
logFile = new IFile(logPath);
Log.Write("Log file is " + logPath, Log.Level.Debug);
Log.Write("Now monitoring " + getName(), Log.Level.Production);
return true;
catch (Exception E)
Log.Write("Error during initialization - " + E.Message +"--" + E.StackTrace, Log.Level.All);
return false;
//Process any server event
override public bool processEvent(Event E)
if (E.Type == Event.GType.Connect)
return true;
if (E.Type == Event.GType.Disconnect)
if (E.Origin == null)
Log.Write("Disconnect event triggered, but no origin found.", Log.Level.Debug);
return false;
while (chatHistory.Count > Math.Ceiling(((double)clientnum - 1) / 2))
chatHistory.Add(new Chat(E.Origin, "<i>DISCONNECTED</i>", DateTime.Now));
return true;
if (E.Type == Event.GType.Kill)
if (E.Origin == null)
Log.Write("Kill event triggered, but no origin found!", Log.Level.Debug);
return false;
if (E.Target == null)
Log.Write("Kill event triggered, but no target found!", Log.Level.Debug);
return false;
if (E.Origin.stats == null)
Log.Write("Kill event triggered, but no stats found for origin!", Log.Level.Debug);
return false;
if (E.Target.stats == null)
Log.Write("Kill event triggered, but no stats found for target!", Log.Level.Debug);
return false;
if (E.Origin != E.Target)
E.Origin.stats.Kills += 1;
E.Target.stats.Deaths += 1;
//Skills.updateNewSkill(E.Origin, E.Target);
Log.Write(E.Origin.Name + " killed " + E.Target.Name + " with a " + E.Data, Log.Level.Debug);
events.Enqueue(new Event(Event.GType.Death, E.Data, E.Target, null, this));
else // suicide/falling
Log.Write(E.Origin.Name + " suicided...", Log.Level.Debug);
if (E.Type == Event.GType.Say)
if (E.Data.Length < 2) // ITS A LIE!
return false;
if (E.Origin == null)
Log.Write("Say event triggered, but no origin found! - " + E.Data, Log.Level.Debug);
return false;
Log.Write("Message from " + E.Origin.Name + ": " + E.Data, Log.Level.Debug);
if (E.Owner == null)
Log.Write("Say event does not have an owner!", Log.Level.Debug);
return false;
if (E.Data.Substring(0, 1) != "!") // Not a command so who gives an F?
E.Data = SharedLibrary.Utilities.stripColors(SharedLibrary.Utilities.cleanChars(E.Data));
if (E.Data.Length > 50)
E.Data = E.Data.Substring(0, 50) + "...";
while (chatHistory.Count > Math.Ceiling((double)clientnum/2))
chatHistory.Add(new Chat(E.Origin, E.Data, DateTime.Now));
return true;
Command C = E.isValidCMD(commands);
if (C != null)
C = processCommand(E, C);
if (C != null)
if (C.needsTarget && E.Target == null)
Log.Write("Requested event requiring target does not have a target!", Log.Level.Debug);
return false;
return true;
Log.Write("Player didn't properly enter command - " + E.Origin.Name, Log.Level.Debug);
return true;
E.Origin.Tell("You entered an invalid command!");
return true;
if (E.Type == Event.GType.MapChange)
Log.Write("New map loaded - " + clientnum + " active players", Log.Level.Debug);
Dictionary<String, String> infoResponseDict = new Dictionary<String, String>();
String[] infoResponse = E.Data.Split('\\');
for (int i = 0; i < infoResponse.Length; i++)
if (i % 2 == 0 || infoResponse[i] == String.Empty)
infoResponseDict.Add(infoResponse[i], infoResponse[i + 1]);
String newMapName = null;
infoResponseDict.TryGetValue("mapname", out newMapName);
if (newMapName != null)
Map newMap = maps.Find(m => m.Name.Equals(newMapName));
mapname = newMap.Alias;
catch (Exception)
Log.Write(mapname + " doesn't appear to be in the maps.cfg", Log.Level.Debug);
Log.Write("Could not get new mapname from InitGame line!", Log.Level.Debug);
return true;
if (E.Type == Event.GType.MapEnd)
Log.Write("Game ending...", Log.Level.Debug);
foreach (Player P in players)
if (P == null || P.stats == null)
Log.Write("Updated stats for client " + P.databaseID, Log.Level.Debug);
return true;
return false;
override public void Ban(String Message, Player Target, Player Origin)
if (Target.clientID > -1)
executeCommand("tempbanclient " + Target.clientID + " \"" + Message + "^7\"");
if (Origin != null)
Ban newBan = new Ban(Target.lastOffense, Target.npID, Origin.npID, DateTime.Now, Target.IP);
// foreach (SharedLibrary.Server S in Program.getServers()) // make sure bans show up on the webfront
// S.Bans = S.clientDB.getBans();
lock (Reports) // threading seems to do something weird here
List<Report> toRemove = new List<Report>();
foreach (Report R in Reports)
if (R.Target.npID == Target.npID)
foreach (Report R in toRemove)
Log.Write("Removing report for banned GUID -- " + R.Origin.npID, Log.Level.Debug);
override public bool Unban(String GUID, Player Target)
foreach (Ban B in Bans)
if (B.npID == Target.npID)
clientDB.removeBan(Target.npID, Target.IP);
Player P = clientDB.getPlayer(Target.npID, -1);
return true;
return false;
override public void initMacros()
Macros = new Dictionary<String, Object>();
Macros.Add("TOTALPLAYERS", clientDB.totalPlayers());
Macros.Add("TOTALKILLS", totalKills);
Macros.Add("VERSION", IW4MAdmin.Program.Version);
override public void initCommands()
commands = new List<Command>();
if(owner == null)
commands.Add(new Owner("owner", "claim ownership of the server", "owner", Player.Permission.User, 0, false));
commands.Add(new Kick("kick", "kick a player by name. syntax: !kick <player> <reason>.", "k", Player.Permission.Moderator, 2, true));
commands.Add(new Say("say", "broadcast message to all players. syntax: !say <message>.", "s", Player.Permission.Moderator, 1, false));
commands.Add(new TempBan("tempban", "temporarily ban a player for 1 hour. syntax: !tempban <player> <reason>.", "tb", Player.Permission.Moderator, 2, true));
commands.Add(new SBan("ban", "permanently ban a player from the server. syntax: !ban <player> <reason>", "b", Player.Permission.SeniorAdmin, 2, true));
commands.Add(new WhoAmI("whoami", "give information about yourself. syntax: !whoami.", "who", Player.Permission.User, 0, false));
commands.Add(new List("list", "list active clients syntax: !list.", "l", Player.Permission.Moderator, 0, false));
commands.Add(new Help("help", "list all available commands. syntax: !help.", "h", Player.Permission.User, 0, false));
commands.Add(new FastRestart("fastrestart", "fast restart current map. syntax: !fastrestart.", "fr", Player.Permission.Moderator, 0, false));
commands.Add(new MapRotate("maprotate", "cycle to the next map in rotation. syntax: !maprotate.", "mr", Player.Permission.Administrator, 0, false));
commands.Add(new SetLevel("setlevel", "set player to specified administration level. syntax: !setlevel <player> <level>.", "sl", Player.Permission.Owner, 2, true));
commands.Add(new Usage("usage", "get current application memory usage. syntax: !usage.", "us", Player.Permission.Moderator, 0, false));
commands.Add(new Uptime("uptime", "get current application running time. syntax: !uptime.", "up", Player.Permission.Moderator, 0, false));
commands.Add(new Warn("warn", "warn player for infringing rules syntax: !warn <player> <reason>.", "w", Player.Permission.Moderator, 2, true));
commands.Add(new WarnClear("warnclear", "remove all warning for a player syntax: !warnclear <player>.", "wc", Player.Permission.Administrator, 1, true));
commands.Add(new Unban("unban", "unban player by database id. syntax: !unban @<id>.", "ub", Player.Permission.SeniorAdmin, 1, true));
commands.Add(new Admins("admins", "list currently connected admins. syntax: !admins.", "a", Player.Permission.User, 0, false));
commands.Add(new MapCMD("map", "change to specified map. syntax: !map", "m", Player.Permission.Administrator, 1, false));
commands.Add(new Find("find", "find player in database. syntax: !find <player>", "f", Player.Permission.SeniorAdmin, 1, false));
commands.Add(new Rules("rules", "list server rules. syntax: !rules", "r", Player.Permission.User, 0, false));
commands.Add(new PrivateMessage("privatemessage", "send message to other player. syntax: !pm <player> <message>", "pm", Player.Permission.User, 2, true));
commands.Add(new _Stats("stats", "view your stats or another player's. syntax: !stats", "xlrstats", Player.Permission.User, 0, true));
commands.Add(new TopStats("topstats", "view the top 4 players on this server. syntax: !topstats", "xlrtopstats", Player.Permission.User, 0, false));
commands.Add(new Reload("reload", "reload configurations. syntax: !reload", "reload", Player.Permission.Owner, 0, false));
commands.Add(new Balance("balance", "balance teams. syntax !balance", "bal", Player.Permission.Moderator, 0, false));
commands.Add(new GoTo("goto", "teleport to selected player. syntax !goto", "go", Player.Permission.SeniorAdmin, 1, true));
commands.Add(new Flag("flag", "flag a suspicious player and announce to admins on join . syntax !flag <player>:", "flag", Player.Permission.Moderator, 1, true));
commands.Add(new _Report("report", "report a player for suspicious behaivor. syntax !report <player> <reason>", "rep", Player.Permission.User, 2, true));
commands.Add(new Reports("reports", "get most recent reports. syntax !reports", "reports", Player.Permission.Moderator, 0, false));
commands.Add(new _Tell("tell", "send onscreen message to player. syntax !tell <player> <message>", "t", Player.Permission.Moderator, 2, true));
commands.Add(new Mask("mask", "hide your online presence from online admin list. syntax: !mask", "mask", Player.Permission.Administrator, 0, false));
commands.Add(new BanInfo("baninfo", "get information about a ban for a player. syntax: !baninfo <player>", "bi", Player.Permission.Moderator, 1, true));
commands.Add(new Alias("alias", "get past aliases and ips of a player. syntax: !alias <player>", "known", Player.Permission.Moderator, 1, true));
commands.Add(new _RCON("rcon", "send rcon command to server. syntax: !rcon <command>", "rcon", Player.Permission.Owner, 1, false));
commands.Add(new FindAll("findall", "find a player by their aliase(s). syntax: !findall <player>", "fa", Player.Permission.Moderator, 1, false));
foreach (Command C in PluginImporter.potentialPlugins)
public Queue<pHistory> playerHistory;
private Queue<String> commandQueue;
//Will probably move this later
private IntPtr dllPointer;
public IntPtr lastCommandPointer;
public IntPtr lastDvarPointer;