RaidMax 979b1f2310 fixed initialization error when no map set exists in config
fixed discord link showing when no invite specified
OpenGraph image set to absolute url
more changes to killcallback and logging
fixed some angle conversion stuff
2018-03-25 23:51:25 -05:00

247 lines
9.9 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using SharedLibrary;
using SharedLibrary.Configuration;
using SharedLibrary.Dtos;
using SharedLibrary.Helpers;
using SharedLibrary.Interfaces;
using SharedLibrary.Services;
using StatsPlugin.Config;
using StatsPlugin.Helpers;
using StatsPlugin.Models;
namespace StatsPlugin
class Plugin : IPlugin
public string Name => "Simple Stats";
public float Version => 1.0f;
public string Author => "RaidMax";
public static StatManager Manager { get; private set; }
private IManager ServerManager;
public static BaseConfigurationHandler<StatsConfiguration> Config { get; private set; }
public async Task OnEventAsync(Event E, Server S)
switch (E.Type)
case Event.GType.Start:
case Event.GType.Stop:
case Event.GType.Connect:
await Manager.AddPlayer(E.Origin);
case Event.GType.Disconnect:
await Manager.RemovePlayer(E.Origin);
case Event.GType.Say:
if (E.Data != string.Empty && E.Data.Trim().Length > 0 && E.Message.Trim()[0] != '!' && E.Origin.ClientId > 1)
await Manager.AddMessageAsync(E.Origin.ClientId, E.Owner.GetHashCode(), E.Data);
case Event.GType.MapChange:
await Manager.Sync(S);
case Event.GType.MapEnd:
case Event.GType.Broadcast:
case Event.GType.Tell:
case Event.GType.Kick:
case Event.GType.Ban:
case Event.GType.Remote:
case Event.GType.Unknown:
case Event.GType.Report:
case Event.GType.Flag:
case Event.GType.Script:
case Event.GType.Kill:
string[] killInfo = (E.Data != null) ? E.Data.Split(';') : new string[0];
if (killInfo.Length >= 9 && killInfo[0].Contains("ScriptKill") && E.Owner.CustomCallback)
await Manager.AddScriptKill(E.Origin, E.Target, S.GetHashCode(), S.CurrentMap.Name, killInfo[7], killInfo[8],
killInfo[5], killInfo[6], killInfo[3], killInfo[4], killInfo[9], killInfo[10], killInfo[11], killInfo[12]);
else if (!E.Owner.CustomCallback)
await Manager.AddStandardKill(E.Origin, E.Target);
case Event.GType.Death:
public async Task OnLoadAsync(IManager manager)
// load custom configuration
Config = new BaseConfigurationHandler<StatsConfiguration>("StatsPluginSettings");
if (Config.Configuration() == null)
Config.Set((StatsConfiguration)new StatsConfiguration().Generate());
await Config.Save();
// meta data info
async Task<List<ProfileMeta>> getStats(int clientId)
var statsSvc = new GenericRepository<EFClientStatistics>();
var clientStats = await statsSvc.FindAsync(c => c.ClientId == clientId);
int kills = clientStats.Sum(c => c.Kills);
int deaths = clientStats.Sum(c => c.Deaths);
double kdr = Math.Round(kills / (double)deaths, 2);
double skill = Math.Round(clientStats.Sum(c => c.Skill) / clientStats.Count, 2);
double spm = Math.Round(clientStats.Sum(c => c.SPM), 1);
double headRatio = 0;
double chestRatio = 0;
double abdomenRatio = 0;
double chestAbdomenRatio = 0;
if (clientStats.Where(cs => cs.HitLocations.Count > 0).FirstOrDefault() != null)
chestRatio = Math.Round(clientStats.Where(c => c.HitLocations.Count > 0).Sum(c =>
c.HitLocations.First(hl => hl.Location == IW4Info.HitLocation.torso_upper).HitCount) /
(double)clientStats.Where(c => c.HitLocations.Count > 0)
.Sum(c => c.HitLocations.Where(hl => hl.Location != IW4Info.HitLocation.none).Sum(f => f.HitCount)), 2);
abdomenRatio = Math.Round(clientStats.Where(c => c.HitLocations.Count > 0).Sum(c =>
c.HitLocations.First(hl => hl.Location == IW4Info.HitLocation.torso_lower).HitCount) /
(double)clientStats.Where(c => c.HitLocations.Count > 0).Sum(c => c.HitLocations.Where(hl => hl.Location != IW4Info.HitLocation.none).Sum(f => f.HitCount)), 2);
chestAbdomenRatio = Math.Round(clientStats.Where(c => c.HitLocations.Count > 0).Sum(cs => cs.HitLocations.First(hl => hl.Location == IW4Info.HitLocation.torso_upper).HitCount) /
(double)clientStats.Where(c => c.HitLocations.Count > 0).Sum(cs => cs.HitLocations.First(hl => hl.Location == IW4Info.HitLocation.torso_lower).HitCount), 2);
headRatio = Math.Round(clientStats.Where(c => c.HitLocations.Count > 0).Sum(cs => cs.HitLocations.First(hl => hl.Location == IW4Info.HitLocation.head).HitCount) /
(double)clientStats.Where(c => c.HitLocations.Count > 0)
.Sum(c => c.HitLocations.Where(hl => hl.Location != IW4Info.HitLocation.none).Sum(f => f.HitCount)), 2);
return new List<ProfileMeta>()
new ProfileMeta()
Key = "Kills",
Value = kills
new ProfileMeta()
Key = "Deaths",
Value = deaths
new ProfileMeta()
Key = "KDR",
Value = kdr
new ProfileMeta()
Key = "Skill",
Value = skill
new ProfileMeta()
Key = "Score Per Minute",
Value = spm
new ProfileMeta()
Key = "Chest Ratio",
Value = chestRatio,
Sensitive = true
new ProfileMeta()
Key = "Abdomen Ratio",
Value = abdomenRatio,
Sensitive = true
new ProfileMeta()
Key = "Chest To Abdomen Ratio",
Value = chestAbdomenRatio,
Sensitive = true
new ProfileMeta()
Key = "Headshot Ratio",
Value = headRatio,
Sensitive = true
async Task<List<ProfileMeta>> getMessages(int clientId)
var messageSvc = new GenericRepository<EFClientMessage>();
var messages = await messageSvc.FindAsync(m => m.ClientId == clientId);
var messageMeta = messages.Select(m => new ProfileMeta()
Key = "EventMessage",
Value = m.Message,
When = m.TimeSent
messageMeta.Add(new ProfileMeta()
Key = "Messages",
Value = messages.Count
return messageMeta;
if (Config.Configuration().EnableAntiCheat)
// todo: is this fast? make async?
string totalKills()
var serverStats = new GenericRepository<EFServerStatistics>();
return serverStats.Find(s => s.Active)
.Sum(c => c.TotalKills).ToString("#,##0");
string totalPlayTime()
var serverStats = new GenericRepository<EFServerStatistics>();
return Math.Ceiling((serverStats.GetQuery(s => s.Active)
.Sum(c => c.TotalPlayTime) / 3600.0)).ToString("#,##0");
manager.GetMessageTokens().Add(new MessageToken("TOTALKILLS", totalKills));
manager.GetMessageTokens().Add(new MessageToken("TOTALPLAYTIME", totalPlayTime));
ServerManager = manager;
Manager = new StatManager(manager);
public async Task OnTickAsync(Server S)
public async Task OnUnloadAsync()
foreach (var sv in ServerManager.GetServers())
await Manager.Sync(sv);