changed the player history to reflect correct timezone

added result count to find clients
only show unique aliases on profile page
some rcon socket changes
This commit is contained in:
RaidMax 2018-04-02 22:11:19 -05:00
parent 2952e307b2
commit a0c1d9b1bc
7 changed files with 98 additions and 60 deletions

View File

@ -14,12 +14,7 @@ namespace SharedLibrary.RCon
public Socket Client { get; set; }
public const int BufferSize = 8192;
public byte[] Buffer = new byte[BufferSize];
public StringBuilder ResponseString { get; set; }
public ConnectionState()
ResponseString = new StringBuilder();
public readonly StringBuilder ResponseString = new StringBuilder();
public class Connection
@ -28,9 +23,9 @@ namespace SharedLibrary.RCon
string RConPassword;
Socket ServerConnection;
ILogger Log;
int FailedConnections;
int FailedSends;
int FailedReceives;
DateTime LastQuery;
string Response;
ManualResetEvent OnConnected;
ManualResetEvent OnSent;
@ -52,7 +47,7 @@ namespace SharedLibrary.RCon
ServerConnection.BeginConnect(Endpoint, new AsyncCallback(OnConnectedCallback), ServerConnection);
if (!OnConnected.WaitOne(StaticHelpers.SocketTimeout))
throw new SocketException((int)SocketError.TimedOut);
FailedConnections = 0;
FailedSends = 0;
catch (SocketException e)
@ -83,7 +78,7 @@ namespace SharedLibrary.RCon
catch (SocketException e)
throw new NetworkException($"Could not connect to RCon - {e.Message}");
throw new NetworkException($"Could not initialize socket for RCon - {e.Message}");
@ -94,19 +89,17 @@ namespace SharedLibrary.RCon
int sentByteNum = serverConnection.EndSend(ar);
FailedConnections = 0;
Log.WriteDebug($"Sent {sentByteNum} bytes to server");
Log.WriteDebug($"Sent {sentByteNum} bytes to {ServerConnection.RemoteEndPoint}");
FailedSends = 0;
catch (Exception e)
if (FailedConnections < 1)
Log.WriteWarning($"Could not send RCon data to server - {e.Message}");
//throw new NetworkException($"Could not send RCon message to server - {e.Message}");
Log.WriteWarning($"Could not send RCon data to server - {e.Message}");
@ -118,12 +111,11 @@ namespace SharedLibrary.RCon
int bytesRead = serverConnection.EndReceive(ar);
FailedConnections = 0;
if (bytesRead > 0)
Log.WriteDebug($"Received {bytesRead} bytes from server");
Log.WriteDebug($"Received {bytesRead} bytes from {ServerConnection.RemoteEndPoint}");
connectionState.ResponseString.Append(Encoding.UTF7.GetString(connectionState.Buffer, 0, bytesRead).TrimEnd('\0'));
@ -134,7 +126,7 @@ namespace SharedLibrary.RCon
Response = connectionState.ResponseString.ToString();
FailedReceives = 0;
@ -144,20 +136,18 @@ namespace SharedLibrary.RCon
catch (Exception e)
catch (Exception)
if (FailedConnections < 1)
Log.WriteWarning($"Could not receive data from server - {e.Message}");
//throw new NetworkException($"Could not recieve message from server - {e.Message}");
public async Task<string[]> SendQueryAsync(StaticHelpers.QueryType type, string parameters = "")
if ((DateTime.Now - LastQuery).TotalMilliseconds < 150)
// will this really prevent flooding?
if ((DateTime.Now - LastQuery).TotalMilliseconds < 300)
await Task.Delay(150);
await Task.Delay(300);
LastQuery = DateTime.Now;
@ -177,17 +167,30 @@ namespace SharedLibrary.RCon
byte[] payload = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(queryString);
ServerConnection.BeginSend(payload, 0, payload.Length, 0, new AsyncCallback(OnSentCallback), ServerConnection);
bool success = await Task.FromResult(OnSent.WaitOne(StaticHelpers.SocketTimeout));
if (!success)
if (FailedConnections < 4)
goto retrySend;
throw new NetworkException($"Could not send data to server - {new SocketException((int)SocketError.TimedOut).Message}");
ServerConnection.BeginSend(payload, 0, payload.Length, 0, new AsyncCallback(OnSentCallback), ServerConnection);
bool success = await Task.FromResult(OnSent.WaitOne(StaticHelpers.SocketTimeout));
if (!success)
Log.WriteDebug($"{FailedSends} failed sends to {ServerConnection.RemoteEndPoint.ToString()}");
if (FailedSends < 4)
goto retrySend;
throw new NetworkException($"Could not send data to server - {new SocketException((int)SocketError.TimedOut).Message}");
catch (SocketException e)
// this result is normal if the server is not listening
if (e.HResult != (int)SocketError.ConnectionReset)
throw new NetworkException($"Unexpected error while sending data to server - {e.Message}");
var connectionState = new ConnectionState
@ -195,21 +198,36 @@ namespace SharedLibrary.RCon
Client = ServerConnection
ServerConnection.BeginReceive(connectionState.Buffer, 0, connectionState.Buffer.Length, 0,
new AsyncCallback(OnReceivedCallback), connectionState);
success = await Task.FromResult(OnReceived.WaitOne(StaticHelpers.SocketTimeout));
if (!success)
if (FailedConnections < 4)
goto retryReceive;
throw new NetworkException($"Could not send data to server - {new SocketException((int)SocketError.TimedOut).Message}");
ServerConnection.BeginReceive(connectionState.Buffer, 0, connectionState.Buffer.Length, 0,
new AsyncCallback(OnReceivedCallback), connectionState);
bool success = await Task.FromResult(OnReceived.WaitOne(StaticHelpers.SocketTimeout));
if (!success)
Log.WriteDebug($"{FailedReceives} failed receives from {ServerConnection.RemoteEndPoint.ToString()}");
if (FailedReceives < 4)
goto retryReceive;
else if (FailedReceives == 4)
Log.WriteError($"Failed to receive data from {ServerConnection.RemoteEndPoint}");
throw new NetworkException($"Could not receive data from the server - {new SocketException((int)SocketError.TimedOut).Message}");
string queryResponse = Response;//connectionState.ResponseString.ToString();
catch (SocketException e)
// this result is normal if the server is not listening
if (e.HResult != (int)SocketError.ConnectionReset)
throw new NetworkException($"Unexpected error while receiving data from server - {e.Message}");
string queryResponse = connectionState.ResponseString.ToString();
if (queryResponse.Contains("Invalid password"))
throw new NetworkException("RCON password is invalid");

View File

@ -70,6 +70,10 @@ namespace SharedLibrary
long npID = Regex.Match(responseLine, @"([a-z]|[0-9]){16}", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Value.ConvertLong();
int.TryParse(playerInfo[0], out cID);
var regex = Regex.Match(responseLine, @"\d+\.\d+\.\d+.\d+\:\d{1,5}");
Ping = 1;
int cIP = regex.Value.Split(':')[0].ConvertToIP();
regex = Regex.Match(responseLine, @"[0-9]{1,2}\s+[0-9]+\s+");
int score = Int32.Parse(regex.Value.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1]);

View File

@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin
else if (e.GetType() == typeof(NetworkException))
Logger.WriteDebug($"Internal Exception: {e.Data["internal_exception"]}");
//Logger.WriteDebug($"Internal Exception: {e.Data["internal_exception"]}");
// throw the exception to the main method to stop before instantly exiting

View File

@ -57,13 +57,16 @@ namespace WebfrontCore.Controllers
if (Authorized)
clientDto.Meta.AddRange(client.AliasLink.Children.Select(a => new ProfileMeta()
Key = "AliasEvent",
Value = $"Connected with name {a.Name}",
Sensitive = true,
When = a.DateAdded
.GroupBy(a => a.Name)
.Select(a => a.First())
.Select(a => new ProfileMeta()
Key = "AliasEvent",
Value = $"Connected with name {a.Name}",
Sensitive = true,
When = a.DateAdded
clientDto.Meta.AddRange(Authorized ? meta : meta.Where(m => !m.Sensitive));
@ -89,6 +92,7 @@ namespace WebfrontCore.Controllers
.Where(a => a.Active)
.OrderByDescending(a => a.Level);
var adminsDict = new Dictionary<SharedLibrary.Objects.Player.Permission, IList<ClientInfo>>();
foreach (var admin in admins)
if (!adminsDict.ContainsKey(admin.Level))
@ -123,7 +127,7 @@ namespace WebfrontCore.Controllers
ViewBag.Title = $"Clients Matching \"{clientName}\"";
ViewBag.Title = $"{clientsDto.Count} Clients Matching \"{clientName}\"";
return View("Find/Index", clientsDto);

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ by editing this MSBuild file. In order to learn more about this please visit htt

View File

@ -19,6 +19,12 @@
<Content Remove="bower.json" />
<Content Remove="bundleconfig.json" />
<Content Remove="compilerconfig.json" />
<None Update="wwwroot\**\*">
@ -54,6 +60,12 @@
<DotNetCliToolReference Include="BundlerMinifier.Core" Version="2.2.301" />
<None Include="bower.json" />
<None Include="bundleconfig.json" />
<None Include="compilerconfig.json" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\SharedLibrary\SharedLibrary.csproj">

View File

@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
animationEnabled: true,
toolTip: {
contentFormatter: function (e) {
var date = new Date(e.entries[0].dataPoint.x);
return date.toLocaleTimeString('en-US', { timeZone: 'America/New_York', hour12: true }) + " - " + e.entries[0].dataPoint.y + " players";
const date = moment.utc(e.entries[0].dataPoint.x);
return date.local().format('h:mm A') + " - " + e.entries[0].dataPoint.y + " players";
axisX: {
@ -86,4 +86,4 @@ function refreshClientActivity() {
setInterval(refreshClientActivity, 2000);
setInterval(refreshClientActivity, 2000);