tweaked rcon throttle rate/made async
increased cutoff for server overview messages dont print message if timed out
This commit is contained in:
@ -255,8 +255,8 @@ namespace StatsPlugin.Helpers
await statsSvc.ClientStatSvc.SaveChangesAsync();
await statsSvc.KillStatsSvc.SaveChangesAsync();
//await statsSvc.KillStatsSvc.SaveChangesAsync();
if (Plugin.Config.Configuration().EnableAntiCheat)
@ -330,13 +330,10 @@ namespace StatsPlugin.Helpers
if (streakMessage != string.Empty)
await attacker.Tell(streakMessage);
// immediately write changes in debug
//#if DEBUG
// todo: do we want to save this immediately?
var statsSvc = ContextThreads[serverId];
/// <summary>
@ -151,6 +151,7 @@
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\SharedLibrary\SharedLibrary.csproj">
<Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
using System;
using SharedLibrary;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using SharedLibrary.Interfaces;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using SharedLibrary.Network;
using SharedLibrary;
using SharedLibrary.Interfaces;
using SharedLibrary.Objects;
using SharedLibrary.Helpers;
using SharedLibrary.Configuration;
namespace Welcome_Plugin
@ -48,12 +45,12 @@ namespace Welcome_Plugin
return "fourth";
case 5:
return "fifth";
/* case 100:
return "One-Hundreth (amazing!)";
case 500:
return "you're really ^5dedicated ^7to this server! This is your ^5500th^7";
case 1000:
return "you deserve a medal. it's your ^11000th^7";*/
/* case 100:
return "One-Hundreth (amazing!)";
case 500:
return "you're really ^5dedicated ^7to this server! This is your ^5500th^7";
case 1000:
return "you deserve a medal. it's your ^11000th^7";*/
return connection.ToString() + Prefix;
@ -1,17 +1,14 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using SharedLibrary.Network;
using SharedLibrary.Helpers;
using SharedLibrary.Objects;
using SharedLibrary.Database;
using System.Data.Entity;
using SharedLibrary.Database;
using SharedLibrary.Database.Models;
using SharedLibrary.Services;
using SharedLibrary.Exceptions;
using SharedLibrary.Objects;
using SharedLibrary.Services;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.Entity;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace SharedLibrary.Commands
@ -420,9 +417,6 @@ namespace SharedLibrary.Commands
Player.Permission newPerm = Utilities.MatchPermission(E.Data);
if (newPerm == Player.Permission.Owner && E.Origin.Level != Player.Permission.Console)
newPerm = Player.Permission.Banned;
if (newPerm == Player.Permission.Owner &&
@ -981,16 +975,16 @@ namespace SharedLibrary.Commands
public class CRestartServer : Command
public class CKillServer : Command
public CRestartServer() : base("restartserver", "restart the server", "restart", Player.Permission.Administrator, false)
public CKillServer() : base("killserver", "kill the game server", "kill", Player.Permission.Administrator, false)
public override async Task ExecuteAsync(Event E)
var gameserverProcesses = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName("iw4x");
var currentProcess = gameserverProcesses.FirstOrDefault(g => g.GetCommandLine().Contains($"+set net_port {E.Owner.GetPort()}"));
var currentProcess = gameserverProcesses.FirstOrDefault(g => g.MainWindowTitle.Contains(E.Owner.Hostname));
if (currentProcess == null)
@ -999,7 +993,6 @@ namespace SharedLibrary.Commands
var commandLine = currentProcess.GetCommandLine();
// attempt to kill it natively
@ -1021,51 +1014,17 @@ namespace SharedLibrary.Commands
await E.Origin.Tell("Successfully killed server process");
catch (Exception e)
await E.Origin.Tell("Could not kill IW4x process");
await E.Origin.Tell("Could not kill server process");
E.Owner.Logger.WriteDebug("Unable to kill process");
E.Owner.Logger.WriteDebug($"Exception: {e.Message}");
System.Diagnostics.Process process = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
#if !DEBUG
process.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = E.Owner.WorkingDirectory;
process.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = @"C:\Users\User\Desktop\MW2";
process.StartInfo.FileName = $"{process.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory}\\iw4x.exe";
process.StartInfo.Arguments = commandLine.Substring(6);
/*process.StartInfo.UserName = E.Owner.ServerConfig.RestartUsername;
var pw = new System.Security.SecureString();
foreach (char c in E.Owner.ServerConfig.RestartPassword)
process.StartInfo.Password = pw;
catch (Exception e)
await E.Origin.Tell("Could not start the IW4x process");
E.Owner.Logger.WriteDebug("Unable to start process");
E.Owner.Logger.WriteDebug($"Exception: {e.Message}");
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ namespace SharedLibrary.Dtos
public string Name { get; set; }
public int ClientId { get; set; }
public string Level { get; set; }
public int LevelInt { get; set; }
public string IPAddress { get; set; }
public long NetworkId { get; set; }
public List<string> Aliases { get; set; }
@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Net;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using SharedLibrary.Objects;
namespace SharedLibrary.Network
public static class RCON
enum QueryType
private static DateTime LastQuery;
static string[] SendQuery(QueryType Type, Server QueryServer, string Parameters = "")
using (var ServerOOBConnection = new UdpClient())
// prevent flooding
if ((DateTime.Now - LastQuery).TotalMilliseconds < 100)
LastQuery = DateTime.Now;
ServerOOBConnection.Client.SendTimeout = 1000;
ServerOOBConnection.Client.ReceiveTimeout = 1000;
var Endpoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(QueryServer.GetIP()), QueryServer.GetPort());
string QueryString = String.Empty;
switch (Type)
case QueryType.DVAR:
case QueryType.COMMAND:
QueryString = $"ÿÿÿÿrcon {QueryServer.Password} {Parameters}";
case QueryType.GET_STATUS:
QueryString = "ÿÿÿÿ getstatus";
byte[] Payload = GetRequestBytes(QueryString);
int attempts = 0;
ServerOOBConnection.Send(Payload, Payload.Length);
byte[] ReceiveBuffer = new byte[8192];
StringBuilder QueryResponseString = new StringBuilder();
ReceiveBuffer = ServerOOBConnection.Receive(ref Endpoint);
} while (ServerOOBConnection.Available > 0 && ServerOOBConnection.Client.Connected);
if (QueryResponseString.ToString().Contains("Invalid password"))
throw new Exceptions.NetworkException("RCON password is invalid");
if (QueryResponseString.ToString().Contains("rcon_password"))
throw new Exceptions.NetworkException("RCON password has not been set");
int num = int.Parse("0a", System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
string[] SplitResponse = QueryResponseString.ToString().Split(new char[] { (char)num }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
return SplitResponse;
catch (Exceptions.NetworkException e)
throw e;
catch (Exception e)
if (attempts > 2)
var ne = new Exceptions.NetworkException("Could not communicate with the server");
ne.Data["internal_exception"] = e.Message;
ne.Data["server_address"] = ServerOOBConnection.Client.RemoteEndPoint.ToString();
throw ne;
goto retry;
public static async Task<DVAR<T>> GetDvarAsync<T>(this Server server, string dvarName)
string[] LineSplit = await Task.FromResult(SendQuery(QueryType.DVAR, server, dvarName));
if (LineSplit.Length != 3)
var e = new Exceptions.DvarException($"DVAR \"{dvarName}\" does not exist");
e.Data["dvar_name"] = dvarName;
throw e;
string[] ValueSplit = LineSplit[1].Split(new char[] { '"' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if (ValueSplit.Length != 5)
var e = new Exceptions.DvarException($"DVAR \"{dvarName}\" does not exist");
e.Data["dvar_name"] = dvarName;
throw e;
string DvarName = Regex.Replace(ValueSplit[0], @"\^[0-9]", "");
string DvarCurrentValue = Regex.Replace(ValueSplit[2], @"\^[0-9]", "");
string DvarDefaultValue = Regex.Replace(ValueSplit[4], @"\^[0-9]", "");
return new DVAR<T>(DvarName) { Value = (T)Convert.ChangeType(DvarCurrentValue, typeof(T)) };
public static async Task SetDvarAsync(this Server server, string dvarName, object dvarValue)
await Task.FromResult(SendQuery(QueryType.DVAR, server, $"set {dvarName} {dvarValue}"));
public static async Task<string[]> ExecuteCommandAsync(this Server server, string commandName)
return await Task.FromResult(SendQuery(QueryType.COMMAND, server, commandName).Skip(1).ToArray());
public static async Task<List<Player>> GetStatusAsync(this Server server)
string[] response = await Task.Run(() => System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("players.txt"));
string[] response = await Task.FromResult(SendQuery(QueryType.DVAR, server, "status"));
return Utilities.PlayersFromStatus(response);
static byte[] GetRequestBytes(string Request)
Byte[] initialRequestBytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(Request);
Byte[] fixedRequest = new Byte[initialRequestBytes.Length / 2];
for (int i = 0; i < initialRequestBytes.Length; i++)
if (initialRequestBytes[i] != 0)
fixedRequest[i / 2] = initialRequestBytes[i];
return fixedRequest;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
using SharedLibrary.Exceptions;
using SharedLibrary.Interfaces;
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace SharedLibrary.RCon
class ConnectionState
public Socket Client { get; set; }
public const int BufferSize = 8192;
public byte[] Buffer = new byte[BufferSize];
public StringBuilder ResponseString { get; set; }
public ConnectionState()
ResponseString = new StringBuilder();
public class Connection
IPEndPoint Endpoint;
string RConPassword;
Socket ServerConnection;
ILogger Log;
int FailedConnections;
DateTime LastQuery;
string Response;
ManualResetEvent OnConnected;
ManualResetEvent OnSent;
ManualResetEvent OnReceived;
public Connection(string ipAddress, int port, string password, ILogger log)
Endpoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(ipAddress), port);
RConPassword = password;
Log = log;
OnConnected = new ManualResetEvent(false);
OnSent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
OnReceived = new ManualResetEvent(false);
ServerConnection = new Socket(Endpoint.AddressFamily, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);
ServerConnection.BeginConnect(Endpoint, new AsyncCallback(OnConnectedCallback), ServerConnection);
if (!OnConnected.WaitOne(StaticHelpers.SocketTimeout))
throw new SocketException((int)SocketError.TimedOut);
FailedConnections = 0;
catch (SocketException e)
throw new NetworkException(e.Message);
private void OnConnectedCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
var serverSocket = (Socket)ar.AsyncState;
Log.WriteDebug($"Successfully initialized socket to {serverSocket.RemoteEndPoint}");
catch (SocketException e)
throw new NetworkException($"Could not connect to RCon - {e.Message}");
private void OnSentCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
Socket serverConnection = (Socket)ar.AsyncState;
int sentByteNum = serverConnection.EndSend(ar);
FailedConnections = 0;
Log.WriteDebug($"Sent {sentByteNum} bytes to server");
catch (Exception e)
if (FailedConnections < 1)
Log.WriteWarning($"Could not send RCon data to server - {e.Message}");
//throw new NetworkException($"Could not send RCon message to server - {e.Message}");
private void OnReceivedCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
var connectionState = (ConnectionState)ar.AsyncState;
var serverConnection = connectionState.Client;
int bytesRead = serverConnection.EndReceive(ar);
FailedConnections = 0;
if (bytesRead > 0)
Log.WriteDebug($"Received {bytesRead} bytes from server");
connectionState.ResponseString.Append(Encoding.UTF7.GetString(connectionState.Buffer, 0, bytesRead).TrimEnd('\0'));
if (serverConnection.Available > 0)
ServerConnection.BeginReceive(connectionState.Buffer, 0, connectionState.Buffer.Length, 0,
new AsyncCallback(OnReceivedCallback), connectionState);
Response = connectionState.ResponseString.ToString();
catch (Exception e)
if (FailedConnections < 1)
Log.WriteWarning($"Could not receive data from server - {e.Message}");
//throw new NetworkException($"Could not recieve message from server - {e.Message}");
public async Task<string[]> SendQueryAsync(StaticHelpers.QueryType type, string parameters = "")
if ((DateTime.Now - LastQuery).TotalMilliseconds < 150)
await Task.Delay(150);
LastQuery = DateTime.Now;
string queryString = "";
switch (type)
case StaticHelpers.QueryType.DVAR:
case StaticHelpers.QueryType.COMMAND:
queryString = $"ÿÿÿÿrcon {RConPassword} {parameters}";
case StaticHelpers.QueryType.GET_STATUS:
queryString = "ÿÿÿÿgetstatus";
byte[] payload = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(queryString);
ServerConnection.BeginSend(payload, 0, payload.Length, 0, new AsyncCallback(OnSentCallback), ServerConnection);
bool success = await Task.FromResult(OnSent.WaitOne(StaticHelpers.SocketTimeout));
if (!success)
if (FailedConnections < 4)
goto retrySend;
throw new NetworkException($"Could not send data to server - {new SocketException((int)SocketError.TimedOut).Message}");
var connectionState = new ConnectionState
Client = ServerConnection
ServerConnection.BeginReceive(connectionState.Buffer, 0, connectionState.Buffer.Length, 0,
new AsyncCallback(OnReceivedCallback), connectionState);
success = await Task.FromResult(OnReceived.WaitOne(StaticHelpers.SocketTimeout));
if (!success)
if (FailedConnections < 4)
goto retryReceive;
throw new NetworkException($"Could not send data to server - {new SocketException((int)SocketError.TimedOut).Message}");
string queryResponse = Response;//connectionState.ResponseString.ToString();
if (queryResponse.Contains("Invalid password"))
throw new NetworkException("RCON password is invalid");
if (queryResponse.ToString().Contains("rcon_password"))
throw new NetworkException("RCON password has not been set");
string[] splitResponse = queryResponse.Split(new char[]
}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
return splitResponse;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
using SharedLibrary.Objects;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace SharedLibrary.RCon
public static class StaticHelpers
public enum QueryType
public static char SeperatorChar = (char)int.Parse("0a", System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
public static readonly TimeSpan SocketTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1);
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using SharedLibrary.Network;
using SharedLibrary.RCon;
using SharedLibrary.Commands;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using SharedLibrary.Helpers;
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ namespace SharedLibrary
Manager = mgr;
Logger = Manager.GetLogger();
ServerConfig = config;
RemoteConnection = new RCon.Connection(IP, Port, Password, Logger);
Players = new List<Player>(new Player[18]);
Reports = new List<Report>();
@ -312,6 +313,7 @@ namespace SharedLibrary
public bool Throttled { get; protected set; }
public bool CustomCallback { get; protected set; }
public string WorkingDirectory { get; protected set; }
public RCon.Connection RemoteConnection { get; protected set; }
// Internal
protected string IP;
@ -196,7 +196,8 @@
<Compile Include="Objects\Report.cs" />
<Compile Include="PluginImporter.cs" />
<Compile Include="Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" />
<Compile Include="RCON.cs" />
<Compile Include="RCon\Connection.cs" />
<Compile Include="RCon\StaticHelpers.cs" />
<Compile Include="Server.cs" />
<Compile Include="Configuration\ApplicationConfiguration.cs" />
<Compile Include="Services\AliasService.cs" />
@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ using static SharedLibrary.Server;
using System.Reflection;
using System.IO;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using static SharedLibrary.RCon.StaticHelpers;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace SharedLibrary
@ -359,36 +362,6 @@ namespace SharedLibrary
// Define an extension method for type System.Process that returns the command
// line via WMI.
public static string GetCommandLine(this Process process)
string cmdLine = null;
using (var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(
$"SELECT CommandLine FROM Win32_Process WHERE ProcessId = {process.Id}"))
// By definition, the query returns at most 1 match, because the process
// is looked up by ID (which is unique by definition).
var matchEnum = searcher.Get().GetEnumerator();
if (matchEnum.MoveNext()) // Move to the 1st item.
cmdLine = matchEnum.Current["CommandLine"]?.ToString();
if (cmdLine == null)
// Not having found a command line implies 1 of 2 exceptions, which the
// WMI query masked:
// An "Access denied" exception due to lack of privileges.
// A "Cannot process request because the process (<pid>) has exited."
// exception due to the process having terminated.
// We provoke the same exception again simply by accessing process.MainModule.
var dummy = process.MainModule; // Provoke exception.
return cmdLine;
public static bool IsPrivileged(this Player p) => p.Level > Player.Permission.User;
public static bool PromptBool(string question)
@ -409,5 +382,52 @@ namespace SharedLibrary
return response;
public static async Task<DVAR<T>> GetDvarAsync<T>(this Server server, string dvarName)
string[] LineSplit = await server.RemoteConnection.SendQueryAsync(QueryType.DVAR, dvarName);
if (LineSplit.Length != 3)
var e = new Exceptions.DvarException($"DVAR \"{dvarName}\" does not exist");
e.Data["dvar_name"] = dvarName;
throw e;
string[] ValueSplit = LineSplit[1].Split(new char[] { '"' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if (ValueSplit.Length != 5)
var e = new Exceptions.DvarException($"DVAR \"{dvarName}\" does not exist");
e.Data["dvar_name"] = dvarName;
throw e;
string DvarName = Regex.Replace(ValueSplit[0], @"\^[0-9]", "");
string DvarCurrentValue = Regex.Replace(ValueSplit[2], @"\^[0-9]", "");
string DvarDefaultValue = Regex.Replace(ValueSplit[4], @"\^[0-9]", "");
return new DVAR<T>(DvarName) { Value = (T)Convert.ChangeType(DvarCurrentValue, typeof(T)) };
public static async Task SetDvarAsync(this Server server, string dvarName, object dvarValue)
await server.RemoteConnection.SendQueryAsync(QueryType.DVAR, $"set {dvarName} {dvarValue}");
public static async Task<string[]> ExecuteCommandAsync(this Server server, string commandName)
return (await server.RemoteConnection.SendQueryAsync(QueryType.COMMAND, commandName)).Skip(1).ToArray();
public static async Task<List<Player>> GetStatusAsync(this Server server)
string[] response = await Task.Run(() => System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("players.txt"));
string[] response = await server.RemoteConnection.SendQueryAsync(QueryType.DVAR, "status");
return Utilities.PlayersFromStatus(response);
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin
private List<Server> _servers;
public List<Server> Servers => _servers.OrderByDescending(s => s.ClientNum).ToList();
public Dictionary<int, int> PrivilegedClients { get; set; }
public Dictionary<int, Player> PrivilegedClients { get; set; }
public ILogger Logger { get; private set; }
public bool Running { get; private set; }
public EventHandler<Event> ServerEventOccurred { get; private set; }
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin
ClientSvc = new ClientService();
AliasSvc = new AliasService();
PenaltySvc = new PenaltyService();
PrivilegedClients = new Dictionary<int, int>();
PrivilegedClients = new Dictionary<int, Player>();
ServerEventOccurred += EventAPI.OnServerEventOccurred;
ConfigHandler = new BaseConfigurationHandler<ApplicationConfiguration>("IW4MAdminSettings");
@ -78,13 +78,17 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin
#region DATABASE
var ipList = (await ClientSvc.Find(c => c.Level > Player.Permission.Trusted))
.Select(c => new { c.IPAddress, c.ClientId });
.Select(c => new { c.IPAddress, c.ClientId, c.Level });
foreach (var a in ipList)
PrivilegedClients.Add(a.IPAddress, a.ClientId);
PrivilegedClients.Add(a.IPAddress, new Player()
ClientId = a.ClientId,
Level = a.Level
catch (ArgumentException)
@ -208,7 +212,7 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin
Commands.Add(new CIP());
Commands.Add(new CMask());
Commands.Add(new CPruneAdmins());
Commands.Add(new CRestartServer());
Commands.Add(new CKillServer());
foreach (Command C in SharedLibrary.Plugins.PluginImporter.ActiveCommands)
@ -238,7 +242,7 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin
Status.Update(new Task<bool>(() => { return (Status.Dependant as Server).ProcessUpdatesAsync(Status.GetToken()).Result; }));
if (Status.RunAverage > 1000 + UPDATE_FREQUENCY)
if (Status.RunAverage > 1000 + UPDATE_FREQUENCY && !(Status.Dependant as Server).Throttled)
Logger.WriteWarning($"Update task average execution is longer than desired for {(Status.Dependant as Server)} [{Status.RunAverage}ms]");
@ -4,18 +4,18 @@ using System.Threading;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using SharedLibrary;
using SharedLibrary.Network;
using SharedLibrary.Interfaces;
using SharedLibrary.Objects;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using SharedLibrary.Services;
using SharedLibrary.Database.Models;
using SharedLibrary.Dtos;
using WebfrontCore.Application.Misc;
using SharedLibrary.Configuration;
using WebfrontCore.Application.Misc;
namespace IW4MAdmin
public class IW4MServer : Server
@ -386,7 +386,19 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin
async Task<int> PollPlayersAsync()
var now = DateTime.Now;
var CurrentPlayers = await this.GetStatusAsync();
List<Player> CurrentPlayers = null;
CurrentPlayers = await this.GetStatusAsync();
// when the server has lost connection
catch (SharedLibrary.Exceptions.NetworkException)
Throttled = true;
return ClientNum;
Logger.WriteInfo($"Polling players took {(DateTime.Now - now).TotalMilliseconds}ms");
@ -659,7 +671,7 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin
LogFile = new RemoteFile("");
//LogFile = new RemoteFile("");
Logger.WriteInfo($"Log file is {logPath}");
#if !DEBUG
@ -776,16 +788,20 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin
CurrentMap = Maps.Find(m => m.Name == mapname) ?? new Map() { Alias = mapname, Name = mapname };
// todo: make this more efficient
((ApplicationManager)(Manager)).PrivilegedClients = new Dictionary<int, int>();
((ApplicationManager)(Manager)).PrivilegedClients = new Dictionary<int, Player>();
var ClientSvc = new ClientService();
var ipList = (await ClientSvc.Find(c => c.Level > Player.Permission.Trusted))
.Select(c => new { c.IPAddress, c.ClientId });
.Select(c => new { c.IPAddress, c.ClientId, c.Level });
foreach (var a in ipList)
((ApplicationManager)(Manager)).PrivilegedClients.Add(a.IPAddress, a.ClientId);
((ApplicationManager)(Manager)).PrivilegedClients.Add(a.IPAddress, new Player()
ClientId = a.ClientId,
Level = a.Level
catch (ArgumentException)
@ -24,7 +24,9 @@ namespace WebfrontCore.Controllers
User.ClientId = Manager.PrivilegedClients[context.HttpContext.Connection.RemoteIpAddress.ToString().ConvertToIP()];
var client = Manager.PrivilegedClients[context.HttpContext.Connection.RemoteIpAddress.ToString().ConvertToIP()];
User.ClientId = client.ClientId;
User.Level = client.Level;
catch (KeyNotFoundException)
@ -36,11 +38,16 @@ namespace WebfrontCore.Controllers
User.ClientId >= 0;
ViewBag.Authorized = Authorized;
ViewBag.Url = Startup.Configuration["Web:Address"];
string inviteLink = Manager.GetApplicationSettings().Configuration().DiscordInviteCode;
if (inviteLink != null)
ViewBag.DiscordLink = inviteLink.Contains("https") ? inviteLink : $"{inviteLink}";
ViewBag.DiscordLink = "";
ViewBag.User = User;
if (Manager.GetApplicationSettings().Configuration().EnableDiscordLink)
string inviteLink = Manager.GetApplicationSettings().Configuration().DiscordInviteCode;
if (inviteLink != null)
ViewBag.DiscordLink = inviteLink.Contains("https") ? inviteLink : $"{inviteLink}";
ViewBag.DiscordLink = "";
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ namespace WebfrontCore.Controllers
Name = client.Name,
Level = client.Level.ToString(),
LevelInt = (int)client.Level,
ClientId = client.ClientId,
IPAddress = client.IPAddressString,
NetworkId = client.NetworkId,
@ -54,6 +55,17 @@ namespace WebfrontCore.Controllers
When = DateTime.MinValue
if (Authorized)
clientDto.Meta.AddRange(client.AliasLink.Children.Select(a => new ProfileMeta()
Key = "AliasEvent",
Value = $"Connected with name {a.Name}",
Sensitive = true,
When = a.DateAdded
clientDto.Meta.AddRange(Authorized ? meta : meta.Where(m => !m.Sensitive));
clientDto.Meta.AddRange(Authorized ? penaltyMeta : penaltyMeta.Where(m => !m.Sensitive));
clientDto.Meta.AddRange(Authorized ? administeredPenaltiesMeta : administeredPenaltiesMeta.Where(m => !m.Sensitive));
@ -105,6 +117,7 @@ namespace WebfrontCore.Controllers
Name = c.Name,
Level = c.Level.ToString(),
LevelInt = (int)c.Level,
ClientId = c.ClientId,
LastSeen = Utilities.GetTimePassed(c.LastConnection, false)
@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ namespace WebfrontCore.Controllers
Name = p.Name,
ClientId = p.ClientId,
Level = p.Level.ToString()
Level = p.Level.ToString(),
LevelInt = (int)p.Level
ChatHistory = s.ChatHistory.OrderBy(c => c.Time).Take((int)Math.Ceiling(s.ClientNum / 2.0)).ToArray(),
PlayerHistory = s.PlayerHistory.ToArray()
@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ namespace WebfrontCore.ViewComponents
Name = p.Name,
ClientId = p.ClientId,
Level = p.Level.ToString()
Level = p.Level.ToString(),
LevelInt = (int)p.Level
ChatHistory = s.ChatHistory.ToArray()
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
string match = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(Model.Name.ToUpper(), "[A-Z]").Value;
string shortCode = match == string.Empty ? "?" : match;
string marginClass = Model.Aliases.Count > 0 ? "mr-4" : "";
<div id="profile_wrapper" class="row d-flex d-sm-inline-flex justify-content-center justify-content-left pb-3">
<div class="mr-auto ml-auto ml-sm-0 mr-sm-0">
@ -12,49 +11,46 @@
<div id="profile_info" class="text-center text-sm-left pr-3 pl-3">
<div id="profile_name">
<span class="client-name @marginClass">
@if (Model.Aliases.Count > 0 || ViewBag.Authorized)
<span id="profile_aliases_btn" class="oi oi-caret-bottom pl-2"></span>
if (ViewBag.Authorized)
if (Model.Level == SharedLibrary.Objects.Player.Permission.User.ToString())
<span id="profile_action_ban_btn" class="profile-action oi oi-ban text-danger" title="Ban Client" data-action="ban" aria-hidden="true"></span>
if (Model.Level == SharedLibrary.Objects.Player.Permission.Banned.ToString())
<span id="profile_action_unban_btn" class="profile-action oi oi-action-undo text-success" title="carriage return" data-action="unban" aria-hidden="true"></span>
<div id="profile_aliases" class="pr-0 pr-sm-4 pb-2 mb-2 text-muted">
foreach (string alias in Model.Aliases)
@alias <br />
if (ViewBag.Authorized)
foreach (string ip in Model.IPs)
<a class="ip-locate-link" href="#" data-ip="@ip">@ip</a><br />
<div class="client-name h1 d-flex d-inline-flex">
if (ViewBag.Authorized)
<div class="d-flex d-md-inline-flex justify-content-center order-1">
<div id="profile_aliases_btn" class="oi oi-caret-bottom h3 ml-0 ml-md-2"></div>
@if (Model.LevelInt < (int)ViewBag.User.Level &&
(SharedLibrary.Objects.Player.Permission)Model.LevelInt != SharedLibrary.Objects.Player.Permission.Banned)
<div id="profile_action_ban_btn" class="profile-action oi oi-ban text-danger h3 ml-2" title="Ban Client" data-action="ban" aria-hidden="true"></div>
@if (Model.LevelInt < (int)ViewBag.User.Level &&
(SharedLibrary.Objects.Player.Permission)Model.LevelInt == SharedLibrary.Objects.Player.Permission.Banned)
<div id="profile_action_unban_btn" class="profile-action oi oi-action-undo text-success h3 ml-2" title="Unban Client" data-action="unban" aria-hidden="true"></div>
<div id="profile_aliases" class="pr-0 pr-sm-4 pb-2 mb-2 text-muted order-0">
foreach (string alias in Model.Aliases)
@alias <br />
if (ViewBag.Authorized)
foreach (string ip in Model.IPs)
<a class="ip-locate-link" href="#" data-ip="@ip">@ip</a><br />
<div id="profile_level" class="text-muted mb-2">
<h5><span class="level-color-@Model.Level.ToLower()"><strong>@Model.Level</strong></span></h5>
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
if (Model.ChatHistory[i].Message != "CONNECTED" && Model.ChatHistory[i].Message != "DISCONNECTED")
<span class="text-light">@Model.ChatHistory[i].Name</span><span> — @message.Substring(0, Math.Min(50, message.Length)) </span><br />
<span class="text-light">@Model.ChatHistory[i].Name</span><span> — @message.Substring(0, Math.Min(65, message.Length)) </span><br />
@ -96,9 +96,6 @@
#profile_aliases_btn {
position: relative;
top: -2px;
font-size: 0.5em;
color: rgb(0, 122, 204);
cursor: pointer;
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ $(document).ready(function () {
const aliases = $('#profile_aliases').text().trim();
if (aliases && aliases.length !== 0) {
@ -177,6 +178,9 @@ function loadMeta(meta) {
eventString = `<div><span class="penalties-color-${meta.value.type.toLowerCase()}">${penaltyToName(meta.value.type)} </span> <span class="text-highlight"><a class="link-inverse" href="${meta.value.offenderId}"> ${meta.value.offenderName}</a></span > for <span style="color: white; ">${meta.value.offense}</span></div>`;
else if (meta.key.includes("Alias")) {
eventString = `<div><span class="text-primary">${meta.value}</span></div>`;
// it's a message
else if (meta.key.includes("Event")) {
eventString = `<div><span style="color:white;">></span><span class="text-muted"> ${meta.value}</span></div>`;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user