618 lines
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Raw Normal View History

using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Data.Abstractions;
using Data.Models;
using Data.Models.Client.Stats;
using Data.Models.Client.Stats.Reference;
using Data.Models.Server;
using IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats.Client.Abstractions;
using IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats.Client.Game;
using IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats.Helpers;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using SharedLibraryCore;
using SharedLibraryCore.Database.Models;
using Stats.Client.Abstractions;
using Stats.Client.Game;
namespace IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats.Client
public class HitState
public HitState()
OnTransaction = new SemaphoreSlim(1, 1);
public List<EFClientHitStatistic> Hits { get; set; }
public DateTime? LastUsage { get; set; }
public int? LastWeaponId { get; set; }
public EFServer Server { get; set; }
public SemaphoreSlim OnTransaction { get; }
public int UpdateCount { get; set; }
public class HitCalculator : IClientStatisticCalculator
private readonly IDatabaseContextFactory _contextFactory;
private readonly ILogger<HitCalculator> _logger;
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<int, HitState> _clientHitStatistics =
new ConcurrentDictionary<int, HitState>();
private readonly SemaphoreSlim _onTransaction = new SemaphoreSlim(1, 1);
private readonly ILookupCache<EFServer> _serverCache;
private readonly ILookupCache<EFHitLocation> _hitLocationCache;
private readonly ILookupCache<EFWeapon> _weaponCache;
private readonly ILookupCache<EFWeaponAttachment> _attachmentCache;
private readonly ILookupCache<EFWeaponAttachmentCombo> _attachmentComboCache;
private readonly ILookupCache<EFMeansOfDeath> _modCache;
private readonly IHitInfoBuilder _hitInfoBuilder;
private readonly IServerDistributionCalculator _serverDistributionCalculator;
private readonly TimeSpan _maxActiveTime = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2);
private const int MaxUpdatesBeforePersist = 20;
private const string SessionScores = nameof(SessionScores);
public HitCalculator(ILogger<HitCalculator> logger, IDatabaseContextFactory contextFactory,
ILookupCache<EFHitLocation> hitLocationCache, ILookupCache<EFWeapon> weaponCache,
ILookupCache<EFWeaponAttachment> attachmentCache,
ILookupCache<EFWeaponAttachmentCombo> attachmentComboCache,
ILookupCache<EFServer> serverCache, ILookupCache<EFMeansOfDeath> modCache, IHitInfoBuilder hitInfoBuilder,
IServerDistributionCalculator serverDistributionCalculator)
_contextFactory = contextFactory;
_logger = logger;
_hitLocationCache = hitLocationCache;
_weaponCache = weaponCache;
_attachmentCache = attachmentCache;
_attachmentComboCache = attachmentComboCache;
_serverCache = serverCache;
_hitInfoBuilder = hitInfoBuilder;
_modCache = modCache;
_serverDistributionCalculator = serverDistributionCalculator;
public async Task GatherDependencies()
await _hitLocationCache.InitializeAsync();
await _weaponCache.InitializeAsync();
await _attachmentCache.InitializeAsync();
await _attachmentComboCache.InitializeAsync();
await _serverCache.InitializeAsync();
await _modCache.InitializeAsync();
public async Task CalculateForEvent(GameEvent gameEvent)
if (gameEvent.Type == GameEvent.EventType.Connect)
// if no servers have been cached yet we need to pull them here
// as they could have gotten added after we've initialized
if (!_serverCache.GetAll().Any())
await _serverCache.InitializeAsync();
gameEvent.Origin.SetAdditionalProperty(SessionScores, new List<(int, DateTime)>());
if (gameEvent.Type == GameEvent.EventType.Disconnect)
_clientHitStatistics.Remove(gameEvent.Origin.ClientId, out var state);
if (state == null)
_logger.LogWarning("No client hit state available for disconnecting client {client}",
await state.OnTransaction.WaitAsync();
HandleDisconnectCalculations(gameEvent.Origin, state);
await UpdateClientStatistics(gameEvent.Origin.ClientId, state);
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.LogError(ex, "Could not handle disconnect calculations for client {client}",
if (state.OnTransaction.CurrentCount == 0)
if (gameEvent.Type == GameEvent.EventType.MapEnd)
foreach (var client in gameEvent.Owner.GetClientsAsList())
var scores = client.GetAdditionalProperty<List<(int, DateTime)>>(SessionScores);
scores?.Add((client.GetAdditionalProperty<int?>(StatManager.ESTIMATED_SCORE) ?? client.Score, DateTime.Now));
if (gameEvent.Type != GameEvent.EventType.Kill && gameEvent.Type != GameEvent.EventType.Damage)
var eventRegex = gameEvent.Type == GameEvent.EventType.Kill
? gameEvent.Owner.EventParser.Configuration.Kill
: gameEvent.Owner.EventParser.Configuration.Damage;
var match = eventRegex.PatternMatcher.Match(gameEvent.Data);
if (!match.Success)
_logger.LogWarning("Log for event type {type} does not match pattern {logLine}", gameEvent.Type,
var attackerHitInfo = _hitInfoBuilder.Build(match.Values.Skip(1).ToArray(), gameEvent.Origin.ClientId,
gameEvent.Origin.ClientId == gameEvent.Target.ClientId, false, gameEvent.Owner.GameName);
var victimHitInfo = _hitInfoBuilder.Build(match.Values.Skip(1).ToArray(), gameEvent.Target.ClientId,
gameEvent.Origin.ClientId == gameEvent.Target.ClientId, true, gameEvent.Owner.GameName);
foreach (var hitInfo in new[] {attackerHitInfo, victimHitInfo})
2021-06-03 10:51:03 -05:00
if (hitInfo.MeansOfDeath == null || hitInfo.Location == null || hitInfo.Weapon == null)
_logger.LogDebug("Skipping hit because it does not contain the required data");
await _onTransaction.WaitAsync();
if (!_clientHitStatistics.ContainsKey(hitInfo.EntityId))
_logger.LogDebug("Starting to track hits for {client}", hitInfo.EntityId);
var clientHits = await GetHitsForClient(hitInfo.EntityId);
_clientHitStatistics.TryAdd(hitInfo.EntityId, new HitState()
Hits = clientHits,
Server = (await _serverCache
.FirstAsync(server =>
server.EndPoint == gameEvent.Owner.ToString() && server.HostName != null))
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.LogError(ex, "Could not retrieve previous hit data for client {client}");
if (_onTransaction.CurrentCount == 0)
var state = _clientHitStatistics[hitInfo.EntityId];
await _onTransaction.WaitAsync();
var calculatedHits = await RunTasksForHitInfo(hitInfo, state.Server.ServerId);
foreach (var clientHit in calculatedHits)
RunCalculation(clientHit, hitInfo, state);
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.LogError(ex, "Could not update hit calculations for {client}", hitInfo.EntityId);
if (_onTransaction.CurrentCount == 0)
private async Task<IEnumerable<EFClientHitStatistic>> RunTasksForHitInfo(HitInfo hitInfo, long? serverId)
var weapon = await GetOrAddWeapon(hitInfo.Weapon, hitInfo.Game);
var attachments =
await Task.WhenAll(hitInfo.Weapon.Attachments.Select(attachment =>
GetOrAddAttachment(attachment, hitInfo.Game)));
var attachmentCombo = await GetOrAddAttachmentCombo(attachments, hitInfo.Game);
var matchingLocation = await GetOrAddHitLocation(hitInfo.Location, hitInfo.Game);
var meansOfDeath = await GetOrAddMeansOfDeath(hitInfo.MeansOfDeath, hitInfo.Game);
var baseTasks = new[]
// just the client
GetOrAddClientHit(hitInfo.EntityId, null),
// client and server
GetOrAddClientHit(hitInfo.EntityId, serverId),
// just the location
GetOrAddClientHit(hitInfo.EntityId, null, matchingLocation.HitLocationId),
// location and server
GetOrAddClientHit(hitInfo.EntityId, serverId, matchingLocation.HitLocationId),
// per weapon
GetOrAddClientHit(hitInfo.EntityId, null, null, weapon.WeaponId),
// per weapon and server
GetOrAddClientHit(hitInfo.EntityId, serverId, null, weapon.WeaponId),
// means of death aggregate
GetOrAddClientHit(hitInfo.EntityId, meansOfDeathId: meansOfDeath.MeansOfDeathId),
// means of death per server aggregate
GetOrAddClientHit(hitInfo.EntityId, serverId,
meansOfDeathId: meansOfDeath.MeansOfDeathId)
var allTasks = baseTasks.AsEnumerable();
if (attachmentCombo != null)
allTasks = allTasks
// per weapon per attachment combo
.Append(GetOrAddClientHit(hitInfo.EntityId, null, null,
weapon.WeaponId, attachmentCombo.WeaponAttachmentComboId))
.Append(GetOrAddClientHit(hitInfo.EntityId, serverId, null,
weapon.WeaponId, attachmentCombo.WeaponAttachmentComboId));
return await Task.WhenAll(allTasks);
private void RunCalculation(EFClientHitStatistic clientHit, HitInfo hitInfo, HitState hitState)
if (hitInfo.HitType == HitType.Kill || hitInfo.HitType == HitType.Damage)
if (clientHit.WeaponId != null) // we only want to calculate usage time for weapons
var timeElapsed = DateTime.Now - hitState.LastUsage;
var isSameWeapon = clientHit.WeaponId == hitState.LastWeaponId;
clientHit.UsageSeconds ??= 60;
if (timeElapsed.HasValue && timeElapsed <= _maxActiveTime)
+= // if it's the same weapon we can count the entire elapsed time
// otherwise we split it to make a best guess
(int) Math.Round(timeElapsed.Value.TotalSeconds / (isSameWeapon ? 1.0 : 2.0));
hitState.LastUsage = DateTime.Now;
clientHit.DamageInflicted += hitInfo.Damage;
if (hitInfo.HitType == HitType.Kill)
if (hitInfo.HitType == HitType.WasKilled || hitInfo.HitType == HitType.WasDamaged ||
hitInfo.HitType == HitType.Suicide)
clientHit.DamageReceived += hitInfo.Damage;
if (hitInfo.HitType == HitType.WasKilled)
private async Task<List<EFClientHitStatistic>> GetHitsForClient(int clientId)
await using var context = _contextFactory.CreateContext();
var hitLocations = await context.Set<EFClientHitStatistic>()
.Where(stat => stat.ClientId == clientId)
return !hitLocations.Any() ? new List<EFClientHitStatistic>() : hitLocations;
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.LogError(ex, "Could not retrieve {hitName} for client with id {id}",
nameof(EFClientHitStatistic), clientId);
return new List<EFClientHitStatistic>();
private async Task UpdateClientStatistics(int clientId, HitState locState = null)
if (!_clientHitStatistics.ContainsKey(clientId) && locState == null)
_logger.LogError("No {statsName} found for id {id}", nameof(EFClientHitStatistic), clientId);
var state = locState ?? _clientHitStatistics[clientId];
await using var context = _contextFactory.CreateContext();
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.LogError(ex, "Could not update hit location stats for id {id}", clientId);
private async Task<EFClientHitStatistic> GetOrAddClientHit(int clientId, long? serverId = null,
int? hitLocationId = null, int? weaponId = null, int? attachmentComboId = null,
int? meansOfDeathId = null)
var state = _clientHitStatistics[clientId];
await state.OnTransaction.WaitAsync();
var hitStat = state.Hits
.FirstOrDefault(hit => hit.HitLocationId == hitLocationId
&& hit.WeaponId == weaponId
&& hit.WeaponAttachmentComboId == attachmentComboId
&& hit.MeansOfDeathId == meansOfDeathId
&& hit.ServerId == serverId);
if (hitStat != null)
return hitStat;
hitStat = new EFClientHitStatistic()
ClientId = clientId,
ServerId = serverId,
WeaponId = weaponId,
WeaponAttachmentComboId = attachmentComboId,
HitLocationId = hitLocationId,
MeansOfDeathId = meansOfDeathId
/*if (state.UpdateCount > MaxUpdatesBeforePersist)
await UpdateClientStatistics(clientId);
state.UpdateCount = 0;
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.LogError(ex, "Could not add {statsName} for {id}", nameof(EFClientHitStatistic),
if (state.OnTransaction.CurrentCount == 0)
return hitStat;
private async Task<EFHitLocation> GetOrAddHitLocation(string location, Reference.Game game)
var matchingLocation = (await _hitLocationCache
.FirstAsync(loc => loc.Name == location && loc.Game == game));
if (matchingLocation != null)
return matchingLocation;
var hitLocation = new EFHitLocation()
Name = location,
Game = game
hitLocation = await _hitLocationCache.AddAsync(hitLocation);
return hitLocation;
private async Task<EFWeapon> GetOrAddWeapon(WeaponInfo weapon, Reference.Game game)
var matchingWeapon = (await _weaponCache
.FirstAsync(wep => wep.Name == weapon.Name && wep.Game == game));
if (matchingWeapon != null)
return matchingWeapon;
matchingWeapon = new EFWeapon()
Name = weapon.Name,
Game = game
matchingWeapon = await _weaponCache.AddAsync(matchingWeapon);
return matchingWeapon;
private async Task<EFWeaponAttachment> GetOrAddAttachment(AttachmentInfo attachment, Reference.Game game)
var matchingAttachment = (await _attachmentCache
.FirstAsync(attach => attach.Name == attachment.Name && attach.Game == game));
if (matchingAttachment != null)
return matchingAttachment;
matchingAttachment = new EFWeaponAttachment()
Name = attachment.Name,
Game = game
matchingAttachment = await _attachmentCache.AddAsync(matchingAttachment);
return matchingAttachment;
private async Task<EFWeaponAttachmentCombo> GetOrAddAttachmentCombo(EFWeaponAttachment[] attachments,
Reference.Game game)
if (!attachments.Any())
return null;
var allAttachments = attachments.ToList();
if (allAttachments.Count() < 3)
for (var i = allAttachments.Count(); i <= 3; i++)
var matchingAttachmentCombo = (await _attachmentComboCache.FirstAsync(combo =>
combo.Game == game
&& combo.Attachment1Id == allAttachments[0].Id
&& combo.Attachment2Id == allAttachments[1]?.Id
&& combo.Attachment3Id == allAttachments[2]?.Id));
if (matchingAttachmentCombo != null)
return matchingAttachmentCombo;
matchingAttachmentCombo = new EFWeaponAttachmentCombo()
Game = game,
Attachment1Id = (int) allAttachments[0].Id,
Attachment2Id = (int?) allAttachments[1]?.Id,
Attachment3Id = (int?) allAttachments[2]?.Id,
matchingAttachmentCombo = await _attachmentComboCache.AddAsync(matchingAttachmentCombo);
return matchingAttachmentCombo;
private async Task<EFMeansOfDeath> GetOrAddMeansOfDeath(string meansOfDeath, Reference.Game game)
var matchingMod = (await _modCache
.FirstAsync(mod => mod.Name == meansOfDeath && mod.Game == game));
if (matchingMod != null)
return matchingMod;
var mod = new EFMeansOfDeath()
Name = meansOfDeath,
Game = game
mod = await _modCache.AddAsync(mod);
return mod;
private void HandleDisconnectCalculations(EFClient client, HitState state)
// todo: this not added to states fast connect/disconnect
var serverStats = state.Hits.FirstOrDefault(stat =>
stat.ServerId == state.Server.ServerId && stat.WeaponId == null &&
stat.WeaponAttachmentComboId == null && stat.HitLocationId == null && stat.MeansOfDeathId == null);
if (serverStats == null)
_logger.LogWarning("No server hits were found for {serverId} on disconnect for {client}",
state.Server.ServerId, client.ToString());
var aggregate = state.Hits.FirstOrDefault(stat => stat.WeaponId == null &&
stat.WeaponAttachmentComboId == null &&
stat.HitLocationId == null &&
stat.MeansOfDeathId == null &&
stat.ServerId == null);
if (aggregate == null)
_logger.LogWarning("No aggregate found for {serverId} on disconnect for {client}",
state.Server.ServerId, client.ToString());
var sessionScores = client.GetAdditionalProperty<List<(int, DateTime)>>(SessionScores);
if (sessionScores == null)
_logger.LogWarning("No session scores available for {Client}", client.ToString());
foreach (var stat in new[] {serverStats, aggregate})
stat.Score ??= 0;
if (sessionScores.Count == 0)
stat.Score += client.Score > 0 ? client.Score : client.GetAdditionalProperty<int?>(Helpers.StatManager.ESTIMATED_SCORE) ?? 0 * 50;
stat.Score += sessionScores.Sum(item => item.Item1) +
(sessionScores.Last().Item1 == client.Score &&
(DateTime.Now - sessionScores.Last().Item2).TotalMinutes < 1
? 0
: client.Score);