354 lines
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#include common_scripts\utility;
thread Setup();
level endon( "game_ended" );
level waittill( level.notifyTypes.sharedFunctionsInitialized );
Fix Game Interface / AC Callbacks + support for T5ZM, T6MP and T6ZM for the Game Interface. (#288) * Fix trying to write to a struct before its initialized. Same issue on IW4, IW5 and T5 game modules. * Fix path issues in the scripts + add support for t5zm. * Fix deploy.bat * Change paths inside the gsc scripts used to call functions in other scripts * Remove mp includes from base gsc file. #include maps\mp\_utility; #include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util; * Define GetXuid as overrideMethod as t5zm doesn't have it. * Define GetPlayerFromClientNum as getting all players is slightly different on t5zm. * Remove the precompiled gsc file for T6 as PlutoT6 can load uncompiled GSC now. * Fix _customcallbacks.gsc for T6 * Add T6 support to the game interface. * Update _integration_base.gsc use camelCase for functionName * Make sure the Setup functions are always called in the right order. Base -> shared -> game Otherwise we might write to structs before they are created. * Move functions interacting with the game from _base to _shared GetPlayerFromClientNum OnPlayerJoinedTeam OnPlayerJoinedSpectators GenerateJoinTeamString PlayerTrackingOnInterval SaveTrackingMetrics * Block execution until game specific setup is done Block _shared execution until the game specific file finished. This allows the game specific file to override the events in _shared. * Fix setup event flow Move check of sv_iw4madmin_integration_enabled dvar after waittill in _shared so _base has a chance to set it to 1. Move check of sv_iw4madmin_autobalance dvar to OnPlayerConnect in _shared so the game specific script has a chance to set the dvar. * ignore bots * add more spaces
2023-05-29 03:15:52 +02:00
level.eventBus.gamename = "T5";
Fix Game Interface / AC Callbacks + support for T5ZM, T6MP and T6ZM for the Game Interface. (#288) * Fix trying to write to a struct before its initialized. Same issue on IW4, IW5 and T5 game modules. * Fix path issues in the scripts + add support for t5zm. * Fix deploy.bat * Change paths inside the gsc scripts used to call functions in other scripts * Remove mp includes from base gsc file. #include maps\mp\_utility; #include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util; * Define GetXuid as overrideMethod as t5zm doesn't have it. * Define GetPlayerFromClientNum as getting all players is slightly different on t5zm. * Remove the precompiled gsc file for T6 as PlutoT6 can load uncompiled GSC now. * Fix _customcallbacks.gsc for T6 * Add T6 support to the game interface. * Update _integration_base.gsc use camelCase for functionName * Make sure the Setup functions are always called in the right order. Base -> shared -> game Otherwise we might write to structs before they are created. * Move functions interacting with the game from _base to _shared GetPlayerFromClientNum OnPlayerJoinedTeam OnPlayerJoinedSpectators GenerateJoinTeamString PlayerTrackingOnInterval SaveTrackingMetrics * Block execution until game specific setup is done Block _shared execution until the game specific file finished. This allows the game specific file to override the events in _shared. * Fix setup event flow Move check of sv_iw4madmin_integration_enabled dvar after waittill in _shared so _base has a chance to set it to 1. Move check of sv_iw4madmin_autobalance dvar to OnPlayerConnect in _shared so the game specific script has a chance to set the dvar. * ignore bots * add more spaces
2023-05-29 03:15:52 +02:00
scripts\_integration_base::RegisterLogger( ::Log2Console );
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.getTotalShotsFired] = ::GetTotalShotsFired;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.setDvar] = ::SetDvarIfUninitializedWrapper;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.waittillNotifyOrTimeout] = ::WaitillNotifyOrTimeoutWrapper;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.isBot] = ::IsBotWrapper;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.getXuid] = ::GetXuidWrapper;
level notify( level.notifyTypes.gameFunctionsInitialized );
Fix Game Interface / AC Callbacks + support for T5ZM, T6MP and T6ZM for the Game Interface. (#288) * Fix trying to write to a struct before its initialized. Same issue on IW4, IW5 and T5 game modules. * Fix path issues in the scripts + add support for t5zm. * Fix deploy.bat * Change paths inside the gsc scripts used to call functions in other scripts * Remove mp includes from base gsc file. #include maps\mp\_utility; #include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util; * Define GetXuid as overrideMethod as t5zm doesn't have it. * Define GetPlayerFromClientNum as getting all players is slightly different on t5zm. * Remove the precompiled gsc file for T6 as PlutoT6 can load uncompiled GSC now. * Fix _customcallbacks.gsc for T6 * Add T6 support to the game interface. * Update _integration_base.gsc use camelCase for functionName * Make sure the Setup functions are always called in the right order. Base -> shared -> game Otherwise we might write to structs before they are created. * Move functions interacting with the game from _base to _shared GetPlayerFromClientNum OnPlayerJoinedTeam OnPlayerJoinedSpectators GenerateJoinTeamString PlayerTrackingOnInterval SaveTrackingMetrics * Block execution until game specific setup is done Block _shared execution until the game specific file finished. This allows the game specific file to override the events in _shared. * Fix setup event flow Move check of sv_iw4madmin_integration_enabled dvar after waittill in _shared so _base has a chance to set it to 1. Move check of sv_iw4madmin_autobalance dvar to OnPlayerConnect in _shared so the game specific script has a chance to set the dvar. * ignore bots * add more spaces
2023-05-29 03:15:52 +02:00
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "GiveWeapon", true, ::GiveWeaponImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "TakeWeapons", true, ::TakeWeaponsImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "SwitchTeams", true, ::TeamSwitchImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "Hide", false, ::HideImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "Alert", true, ::AlertImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "Goto", false, ::GotoImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "Kill", true, ::KillImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "SetSpectator", true, ::SetSpectatorImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "LockControls", true, ::LockControlsImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "PlayerToMe", true, ::PlayerToMeImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "NoClip", false, ::NoClipImpl );
return maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statGet( "total_shots" );
SetDvarIfUninitializedWrapper( dvar, value )
maps\mp\_utility::set_dvar_if_unset( dvar, value );
WaitillNotifyOrTimeoutWrapper( msg, timer )
self endon( msg );
wait( timer );
Log2Console( logLevel, message )
Print( "[" + logLevel + "] " + message + "\n" );
if ( !IsDefined( self.godmode ) )
self.godmode = false;
if (!self.godmode )
self enableInvulnerability();
self.godmode = true;
self.godmode = false;
self disableInvulnerability();
IsBotWrapper( client )
Fix Game Interface / AC Callbacks + support for T5ZM, T6MP and T6ZM for the Game Interface. (#288) * Fix trying to write to a struct before its initialized. Same issue on IW4, IW5 and T5 game modules. * Fix path issues in the scripts + add support for t5zm. * Fix deploy.bat * Change paths inside the gsc scripts used to call functions in other scripts * Remove mp includes from base gsc file. #include maps\mp\_utility; #include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util; * Define GetXuid as overrideMethod as t5zm doesn't have it. * Define GetPlayerFromClientNum as getting all players is slightly different on t5zm. * Remove the precompiled gsc file for T6 as PlutoT6 can load uncompiled GSC now. * Fix _customcallbacks.gsc for T6 * Add T6 support to the game interface. * Update _integration_base.gsc use camelCase for functionName * Make sure the Setup functions are always called in the right order. Base -> shared -> game Otherwise we might write to structs before they are created. * Move functions interacting with the game from _base to _shared GetPlayerFromClientNum OnPlayerJoinedTeam OnPlayerJoinedSpectators GenerateJoinTeamString PlayerTrackingOnInterval SaveTrackingMetrics * Block execution until game specific setup is done Block _shared execution until the game specific file finished. This allows the game specific file to override the events in _shared. * Fix setup event flow Move check of sv_iw4madmin_integration_enabled dvar after waittill in _shared so _base has a chance to set it to 1. Move check of sv_iw4madmin_autobalance dvar to OnPlayerConnect in _shared so the game specific script has a chance to set the dvar. * ignore bots * add more spaces
2023-05-29 03:15:52 +02:00
return client maps\mp\_utility::is_bot();
Fix Game Interface / AC Callbacks + support for T5ZM, T6MP and T6ZM for the Game Interface. (#288) * Fix trying to write to a struct before its initialized. Same issue on IW4, IW5 and T5 game modules. * Fix path issues in the scripts + add support for t5zm. * Fix deploy.bat * Change paths inside the gsc scripts used to call functions in other scripts * Remove mp includes from base gsc file. #include maps\mp\_utility; #include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util; * Define GetXuid as overrideMethod as t5zm doesn't have it. * Define GetPlayerFromClientNum as getting all players is slightly different on t5zm. * Remove the precompiled gsc file for T6 as PlutoT6 can load uncompiled GSC now. * Fix _customcallbacks.gsc for T6 * Add T6 support to the game interface. * Update _integration_base.gsc use camelCase for functionName * Make sure the Setup functions are always called in the right order. Base -> shared -> game Otherwise we might write to structs before they are created. * Move functions interacting with the game from _base to _shared GetPlayerFromClientNum OnPlayerJoinedTeam OnPlayerJoinedSpectators GenerateJoinTeamString PlayerTrackingOnInterval SaveTrackingMetrics * Block execution until game specific setup is done Block _shared execution until the game specific file finished. This allows the game specific file to override the events in _shared. * Fix setup event flow Move check of sv_iw4madmin_integration_enabled dvar after waittill in _shared so _base has a chance to set it to 1. Move check of sv_iw4madmin_autobalance dvar to OnPlayerConnect in _shared so the game specific script has a chance to set the dvar. * ignore bots * add more spaces
2023-05-29 03:15:52 +02:00
return self GetXUID();
// Command Implementations
GiveWeaponImpl( event, data )
if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
return self.name + "^7 is not alive";
self IPrintLnBold( "You have been given a new weapon" );
self GiveWeapon( data["weaponName"] );
self SwitchToWeapon( data["weaponName"] );
return self.name + "^7 has been given ^5" + data["weaponName"];
TakeWeaponsImpl( event, data )
if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
return self.name + "^7 is not alive";
self TakeAllWeapons();
self IPrintLnBold( "All your weapons have been taken" );
return "Took weapons from " + self.name;
TeamSwitchImpl( event, data )
if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
return self + "^7 is not alive";
team = level.allies;
if ( self.team == "allies" )
team = level.axis;
self IPrintLnBold( "You are being team switched" );
wait( 2 );
self [[team]]();
return self.name + "^7 switched to " + self.team;
LockControlsImpl( event, data )
if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
return self.name + "^7 is not alive";
if ( !IsDefined ( self.isControlLocked ) )
self.isControlLocked = false;
if ( !self.isControlLocked )
self freezeControls( true );
self God();
self Hide();
info = [];
info[ "alertType" ] = "Alert!";
info[ "message" ] = "You have been frozen!";
self AlertImpl( undefined, info );
self.isControlLocked = true;
return self.name + "\'s controls are locked";
self freezeControls( false );
self God();
self Show();
self.isControlLocked = false;
return self.name + "\'s controls are unlocked";
NoClipImpl( event, data )
/*if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
self IPrintLnBold( "You are not alive" );
if ( !IsDefined ( self.isNoClipped ) )
self.isNoClipped = false;
if ( !self.isNoClipped )
self SetClientDvar( "sv_cheats", 1 );
self SetClientDvar( "cg_thirdperson", 1 );
self SetClientDvar( "sv_cheats", 0 );
self God();
self Noclip();
self Hide();
self.isNoClipped = true;
self IPrintLnBold( "NoClip enabled" );
self SetClientDvar( "sv_cheats", 1 );
self SetClientDvar( "cg_thirdperson", 1 );
self SetClientDvar( "sv_cheats", 0 );
self God();
self Noclip();
self Hide();
self.isNoClipped = false;
self IPrintLnBold( "NoClip disabled" );
self IPrintLnBold( "NoClip enabled" );*/
Fix Game Interface / AC Callbacks + support for T5ZM, T6MP and T6ZM for the Game Interface. (#288) * Fix trying to write to a struct before its initialized. Same issue on IW4, IW5 and T5 game modules. * Fix path issues in the scripts + add support for t5zm. * Fix deploy.bat * Change paths inside the gsc scripts used to call functions in other scripts * Remove mp includes from base gsc file. #include maps\mp\_utility; #include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util; * Define GetXuid as overrideMethod as t5zm doesn't have it. * Define GetPlayerFromClientNum as getting all players is slightly different on t5zm. * Remove the precompiled gsc file for T6 as PlutoT6 can load uncompiled GSC now. * Fix _customcallbacks.gsc for T6 * Add T6 support to the game interface. * Update _integration_base.gsc use camelCase for functionName * Make sure the Setup functions are always called in the right order. Base -> shared -> game Otherwise we might write to structs before they are created. * Move functions interacting with the game from _base to _shared GetPlayerFromClientNum OnPlayerJoinedTeam OnPlayerJoinedSpectators GenerateJoinTeamString PlayerTrackingOnInterval SaveTrackingMetrics * Block execution until game specific setup is done Block _shared execution until the game specific file finished. This allows the game specific file to override the events in _shared. * Fix setup event flow Move check of sv_iw4madmin_integration_enabled dvar after waittill in _shared so _base has a chance to set it to 1. Move check of sv_iw4madmin_autobalance dvar to OnPlayerConnect in _shared so the game specific script has a chance to set the dvar. * ignore bots * add more spaces
2023-05-29 03:15:52 +02:00
scripts\_integration_base::LogWarning( "NoClip is not supported on T5!" );
HideImpl( event, data )
if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
self IPrintLnBold( "You are not alive" );
if ( !IsDefined ( self.isHidden ) )
self.isHidden = false;
if ( !self.isHidden )
self SetClientDvar( "sv_cheats", 1 );
self SetClientDvar( "cg_thirdperson", 1 );
self SetClientDvar( "sv_cheats", 0 );
self God();
self Hide();
self.isHidden = true;
self IPrintLnBold( "Hide enabled" );
self SetClientDvar( "sv_cheats", 1 );
self SetClientDvar( "cg_thirdperson", 0 );
self SetClientDvar( "sv_cheats", 0 );
self God();
self Show();
self.isHidden = false;
self IPrintLnBold( "Hide disabled" );
AlertImpl( event, data )
self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::oldNotifyMessage( data["alertType"], data["message"], undefined, ( 1, 0, 0 ), "mpl_sab_ui_suitcasebomb_timer", 7.5 );
return "Sent alert to " + self.name;
GotoImpl( event, data )
if ( IsDefined( event.target ) )
return self GotoPlayerImpl( event.target );
return self GotoCoordImpl( data );
GotoCoordImpl( data )
if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
self IPrintLnBold( "You are not alive" );
position = ( int( data["x"] ), int( data["y"] ), int( data["z"]) );
self SetOrigin( position );
self IPrintLnBold( "Moved to " + "("+ position[0] + "," + position[1] + "," + position[2] + ")" );
GotoPlayerImpl( target )
if ( !IsAlive( target ) )
self IPrintLnBold( target.name + " is not alive" );
self SetOrigin( target GetOrigin() );
self IPrintLnBold( "Moved to " + target.name );
PlayerToMeImpl( event, data )
if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
return self.name + " is not alive";
self SetOrigin( event.origin GetOrigin() );
return "Moved here " + self.name;
KillImpl( event, data )
if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
return self.name + " is not alive";
self Suicide();
self IPrintLnBold( "You were killed by " + self.name );
return "You killed " + self.name;
SetSpectatorImpl( event, data )
if ( self.pers["team"] == "spectator" )
return self.name + " is already spectating";
self [[level.spectator]]();
self IPrintLnBold( "You have been moved to spectator" );
return self.name + " has been moved to spectator";