mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 12:14:20 -04:00
Add dev api
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,725 @@
__version__ = "2.0.1"
# Imports
import asyncio
import enum
import json
import uuid
import os
from abc import abstractmethod
from datetime import datetime
from urllib.parse import quote
import aiohttp
import requests
from aiohttp import ClientResponseError
# Enums
class platforms(enum.Enum):
All = 'all'
Activision = 'acti'
Battlenet = 'battle'
PSN = 'psn'
Steam = 'steam'
Uno = 'uno'
XBOX = 'xbl'
class games(enum.Enum):
ColdWar = 'cw'
ModernWarfare = 'mw'
ModernWarfare2 = 'mw2'
Vanguard = 'vg'
Warzone = 'wz'
Warzone2 = 'wz2'
class friendActions(enum.Enum):
Invite = "invite"
Uninvite = "uninvite"
Remove = "remove"
Block = "block"
Unblock = "unblock"
class API:
Call Of Duty API Wrapper
Developed by Todo Lodo & Engineer152
- Werseter
Source Code: https://github.com/TodoLodo/cod-python-api
def __init__(self):
# sub classes
self.Warzone = self.__WZ()
self.ModernWarfare = self.__MW()
self.Warzone2 = self.__WZ2()
self.ModernWarfare2 = self.__MW2()
self.ColdWar = self.__CW()
self.Vanguard = self.__VG()
self.Shop = self.__SHOP()
self.Me = self.__USER()
self.Misc = self.__ALT()
async def loginAsync(self, sso_token: str) -> None:
await API._Common.loginAsync(sso_token)
# Login
def login(self, ssoToken: str):
class _Common:
requestHeaders = {
"content-type": "application/json",
"user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) "
"AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) "
"Chrome/74.0.3729.169 "
"Accept": "application/json",
"Connection": "Keep-Alive"
cookies = {"new_SiteId": "cod", "ACT_SSO_LOCALE": "en_US", "country": "US",
"ACT_SSO_COOKIE_EXPIRY": "1645556143194"}
cachedMappings = None
fakeXSRF = str(uuid.uuid4())
baseUrl: str = "https://my.callofduty.com/api/papi-client"
loggedIn: bool = False
# endPoints
# game platform lookupType gamertag type
fullDataUrl = "/stats/cod/v1/title/%s/platform/%s/%s/%s/profile/type/%s"
# game platform lookupType gamertag type start end [?limit=n or '']
combatHistoryUrl = "/crm/cod/v2/title/%s/platform/%s/%s/%s/matches/%s/start/%d/end/%d/details"
# game platform lookupType gamertag type start end
breakdownUrl = "/crm/cod/v2/title/%s/platform/%s/%s/%s/matches/%s/start/%d/end/%d"
# game platform lookupType gamertag
seasonLootUrl = "/loot/title/%s/platform/%s/%s/%s/status/en"
# game platform
mapListUrl = "/ce/v1/title/%s/platform/%s/gameType/mp/communityMapData/availability"
# game platform type matchId
matchInfoUrl = "/crm/cod/v2/title/%s/platform/%s/fullMatch/%s/%d/en"
async def loginAsync(sso_token: str) -> None:
API._Common.cookies["ACT_SSO_COOKIE"] = sso_token
API._Common.baseSsoToken = sso_token
r = await API._Common.__Request(f"{API._Common.baseUrl}/crm/cod/v2/identities/{sso_token}")
if r['status'] == 'success':
API._Common.loggedIn = True
raise InvalidToken(sso_token)
def login(sso_token: str) -> None:
API._Common.cookies["ACT_SSO_COOKIE"] = sso_token
API._Common.baseSsoToken = sso_token
r = requests.get(f"{API._Common.baseUrl}/crm/cod/v2/identities/{sso_token}",
headers=API._Common.requestHeaders, cookies=API._Common.cookies)
if r.json()['status'] == 'success':
API._Common.loggedIn = True
raise InvalidToken(sso_token)
def sso_token() -> str:
return API._Common.cookies["ACT_SSO_COOKIE"]
# Requests
async def __Request(url):
async with aiohttp.client.ClientSession(connector=aiohttp.TCPConnector(verify_ssl=True),
timeout=aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=30)) as session:
async with session.get(url, cookies=API._Common.cookies,
headers=API._Common.requestHeaders) as resp:
except ClientResponseError as err:
return {'status': 'error', 'data': {'type': type(err), 'message': err.message}}
API._Common.cookies.update({c.key: c.value for c in session.cookie_jar})
return await resp.json()
except asyncio.TimeoutError as err:
return {'status': 'error', 'data': {'type': type(err), 'message': str(err)}}
async def __sendRequest(self, url: str):
if self.loggedIn:
response = await API._Common.__Request(f"{self.baseUrl}{url}")
if response['status'] == 'success':
response['data'] = await self.__perform_mapping(response['data'])
return response
raise NotLoggedIn
# client name url formatter
def __cleanClientName(self, gamertag):
return quote(gamertag.encode("utf-8"))
# helper
def __helper(self, platform, gamertag):
lookUpType = "gamer"
if platform == platforms.Uno:
lookUpType = "id"
if platform == platforms.Activision:
platform = platforms.Uno
if platform not in [platforms.Activision, platforms.Battlenet, platforms.Uno, platforms.All, platforms.PSN,
raise InvalidPlatform(platform)
gamertag = self.__cleanClientName(gamertag)
return lookUpType, gamertag, platform
async def __get_mappings(self):
if API._Common.cachedMappings is None:
API._Common.cachedMappings = (
await API._Common.__Request('https://engineer152.github.io/wz-data/weapon-ids.json'),
await API._Common.__Request('https://engineer152.github.io/wz-data/game-modes.json'),
await API._Common.__Request('https://engineer152.github.io/wz-data/perks.json'))
return API._Common.cachedMappings
# mapping
async def __perform_mapping(self, data):
guns, modes, perks = await self.__get_mappings()
if not isinstance(data, list) or 'matches' not in data:
return data
for match in data['matches']:
# time stamps
match['utcStartDateTime'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(
match['utcStartSeconds']).strftime("%A, %B %d, %Y, %I:%M:%S")
match['utcEndDateTime'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(
match['utcEndSeconds']).strftime("%A, %B %d, %Y, %I:%M:%S")
except KeyError:
# loadouts list
for loadout in match['player']['loadouts']:
# weapons
if loadout['primaryWeapon']['label'] is None:
loadout['primaryWeapon']['label'] = guns[loadout['primaryWeapon']['name']]
except KeyError:
if loadout['secondaryWeapon']['label'] is None:
loadout['secondaryWeapon']['label'] = guns[loadout['secondaryWeapon']['name']]
except KeyError:
# perks list
for perk in loadout['perks']:
if perk['label'] is None:
perk['label'] = perks[perk['name']]
except KeyError:
# extra perks list
for perk in loadout['extraPerks']:
if perk['label'] is None:
perk['label'] = perks[perk['name']]
except KeyError:
# loadout list
for loadout in match['player']['loadout']:
if loadout['primaryWeapon']['label'] is None:
loadout['primaryWeapon']['label'] = guns[loadout['primaryWeapon']['name']]
except KeyError:
if loadout['secondaryWeapon']['label'] is None:
loadout['secondaryWeapon']['label'] = guns[loadout['secondaryWeapon']['name']]
except KeyError:
# perks list
for perk in loadout['perks']:
if perk['label'] is None:
perk['label'] = perks[perk['name']]
except KeyError:
# extra perks list
for perk in loadout['extraPerks']:
if perk['label'] is None:
perk['label'] = perks[perk['name']]
except KeyError:
except KeyError:
# return mapped or unmapped data
return data
# API Requests
async def _fullDataReq(self, game, platform, gamertag, type):
lookUpType, gamertag, platform = self.__helper(platform, gamertag)
return await self.__sendRequest(self.fullDataUrl % (game, platform.value, lookUpType, gamertag, type))
async def _combatHistoryReq(self, game, platform, gamertag, type, start, end):
lookUpType, gamertag, platform = self.__helper(platform, gamertag)
return await self.__sendRequest(
self.combatHistoryUrl % (game, platform.value, lookUpType, gamertag, type, start, end))
async def _breakdownReq(self, game, platform, gamertag, type, start, end):
lookUpType, gamertag, platform = self.__helper(platform, gamertag)
return await self.__sendRequest(
self.breakdownUrl % (game, platform.value, lookUpType, gamertag, type, start, end))
async def _seasonLootReq(self, game, platform, gamertag):
lookUpType, gamertag, platform = self.__helper(platform, gamertag)
return await self.__sendRequest(self.seasonLootUrl % (game, platform.value, lookUpType, gamertag))
async def _mapListReq(self, game, platform):
return await self.__sendRequest(self.mapListUrl % (game, platform.value))
async def _matchInfoReq(self, game, platform, type, matchId):
return await self.__sendRequest(self.matchInfoUrl % (game, platform.value, type, matchId))
class __GameDataCommons(_Common):
fullData(platform:platforms, gamertag:str)
returns player's game data of type dict
combatHistory(platform:platforms, gamertag:str)
returns player's combat history of type dict
combatHistoryWithDate(platform:platforms, gamertag:str, start:int, end:int)
returns player's combat history within the specified timeline of type dict
breakdown(platform:platforms, gamertag:str)
returns player's combat history breakdown of type dict
breakdownWithDate(platform:platforms, gamertag:str, start:int, end:int)
returns player's combat history breakdown within the specified timeline of type dict
seasonLoot(platform:platforms, gamertag:str)
returns player's season loot
returns available maps and available modes for each
matchInfo(platform:platforms, matchId:int)
returns details match details of type dict
fullDataAsync(platform:platforms, gamertag:str)
returns player's game data of type dict
combatHistoryAsync(platform:platforms, gamertag:str)
returns player's combat history of type dict
combatHistoryWithDateAsync(platform:platforms, gamertag:str, start:int, end:int)
returns player's combat history within the specified timeline of type dict
breakdownAsync(platform:platforms, gamertag:str)
returns player's combat history breakdown of type dict
breakdownWithDateAsync(platform:platforms, gamertag:str, start:int, end:int)
returns player's combat history breakdown within the specified timeline of type dict
seasonLootAsync(platform:platforms, gamertag:str)
returns player's season loot
returns available maps and available modes for each
matchInfoAsync(platform:platforms, matchId:int)
returns details match details of type dict
def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
cls.__doc__ = cls.__doc__ + super(cls, cls).__doc__
def _game(self) -> str:
raise NotImplementedError
def _type(self) -> str:
raise NotImplementedError
async def fullDataAsync(self, platform: platforms, gamertag: str):
data = await self._fullDataReq(self._game, platform, gamertag, self._type)
return data
def fullData(self, platform: platforms, gamertag: str):
return asyncio.run(self.fullDataAsync(platform, gamertag))
async def combatHistoryAsync(self, platform: platforms, gamertag: str):
data = await self._combatHistoryReq(self._game, platform, gamertag, self._type, 0, 0)
return data
def combatHistory(self, platform: platforms, gamertag: str):
return asyncio.run(self.combatHistoryAsync(platform, gamertag))
async def combatHistoryWithDateAsync(self, platform, gamertag: str, start: int, end: int):
data = await self._combatHistoryReq(self._game, platform, gamertag, self._type, start, end)
return data
def combatHistoryWithDate(self, platform, gamertag: str, start: int, end: int):
return asyncio.run(self.combatHistoryWithDateAsync(platform, gamertag, start, end))
async def breakdownAsync(self, platform, gamertag: str):
data = await self._breakdownReq(self._game, platform, gamertag, self._type, 0, 0)
return data
def breakdown(self, platform, gamertag: str):
return asyncio.run(self.breakdownAsync(platform, gamertag))
async def breakdownWithDateAsync(self, platform, gamertag: str, start: int, end: int):
data = await self._breakdownReq(self._game, platform, gamertag, self._type, start, end)
return data
def breakdownWithDate(self, platform, gamertag: str, start: int, end: int):
return asyncio.run(self.breakdownWithDateAsync(platform, gamertag, start, end))
async def matchInfoAsync(self, platform, matchId: int):
data = await self._matchInfoReq(self._game, platform, self._type, matchId)
return data
def matchInfo(self, platform, matchId: int):
return asyncio.run(self.matchInfoAsync(platform, matchId))
async def seasonLootAsync(self, platform, gamertag):
data = await self._seasonLootReq(self._game, platform, gamertag)
return data
def seasonLoot(self, platform, gamertag):
return asyncio.run(self.seasonLootAsync(platform, gamertag))
async def mapListAsync(self, platform):
data = await self._mapListReq(self._game, platform)
return data
def mapList(self, platform):
return asyncio.run(self.mapListAsync(platform))
# WZ
class __WZ(__GameDataCommons):
Warzone class: A class to get players warzone stats, warzone combat history and specific warzone match details
classCategory: game
gameId/gameTitle: mw or wz
gameType: wz
def _game(self) -> str:
return "mw"
def _type(self) -> str:
return "wz"
async def seasonLootAsync(self, platform, gamertag):
raise InvalidEndpoint
async def mapListAsync(self, platform):
raise InvalidEndpoint
# WZ2
class __WZ2(__GameDataCommons):
Warzone 2 class: A class to get players warzone 2 stats, warzone 2 combat history and specific warzone 2 match details
classCategory: game
gameId/gameTitle: mw or wz
gameType: wz2
def _game(self) -> str:
return "mw2"
def _type(self) -> str:
return "wz2"
async def seasonLootAsync(self, platform, gamertag):
raise InvalidEndpoint
async def mapListAsync(self, platform):
raise InvalidEndpoint
# MW
class __MW(__GameDataCommons):
ModernWarfare class: A class to get players modernwarfare stats, modernwarfare combat history, a player's modernwarfare season loot, modernwarfare map list and specific modernwarfare match details
classCategory: game
gameId/gameTitle: mw
gameType: mp
def _game(self) -> str:
return "mw"
def _type(self) -> str:
return "mp"
# CW
class __CW(__GameDataCommons):
ColdWar class: A class to get players coldwar stats, coldwar combat history, a player's coldwar season loot, coldwar map list and specific coldwar match details
classCategory: game
gameId/gameTitle: cw
gameType: mp
def _game(self) -> str:
return "cw"
def _type(self) -> str:
return "mp"
# VG
class __VG(__GameDataCommons):
Vanguard class: A class to get players vanguard stats, vanguard combat history, a player's vanguard season loot, vanguard map list and specific vanguard match details
classCategory: game
gameId/gameTitle: vg
gameType: pm
def _game(self) -> str:
return "vg"
def _type(self) -> str:
return "mp"
# MW2
class __MW2(__GameDataCommons):
ModernWarfare 2 class: A class to get players modernwarfare 2 stats, modernwarfare 2 combat history, a player's modernwarfare 2 season loot, modernwarfare 2 map list and specific modernwarfare 2 match details
classCategory: game
gameId/gameTitle: mw
gameType: mp
def _game(self) -> str:
return "mw2"
def _type(self) -> str:
return "mp"
class __USER(_Common):
def info(self):
if self.loggedIn:
# First, try to load the user info from a local file if it exists.
if os.path.exists('userInfo.json'):
with open('userInfo.json', 'r') as file:
rawData = json.load(file)
# If the file doesn't exist, make the HTTP request.
rawData = requests.get(f"https://profile.callofduty.com/cod/userInfo/{self.sso_token()}",
# Process the raw data (either from the file or HTTP response)
data = {'userName': rawData['userInfo']['userName'], 'identities': []}
for i in rawData['identities']:
'platform': i['provider'],
'gamertag': i['username'],
'accountID': i['accountID']
return data
raise NotLoggedIn
def __priv(self):
d = self.info()
return d['identities'][0]['platform'], quote(d['identities'][0]['gamertag'].encode("utf-8"))
async def friendFeedAsync(self):
p, g = self.__priv()
data = await self._Common__sendRequest(
return data
def friendFeed(self):
return asyncio.run(self.friendFeedAsync())
async def eventFeedAsync(self):
data = await self._Common__sendRequest(f"/userfeed/v1/friendFeed/rendered/en/{self.sso_token()}")
return data
def eventFeed(self):
return asyncio.run(self.eventFeedAsync())
async def loggedInIdentitiesAsync(self):
data = await self._Common__sendRequest(f"/crm/cod/v2/identities/{self.sso_token()}")
return data
def loggedInIdentities(self):
return asyncio.run(self.loggedInIdentitiesAsync())
async def codPointsAsync(self):
p, g = self.__priv()
data = await self._Common__sendRequest(f"/inventory/v1/title/mw/platform/{p}/gamer/{g}/currency")
return data
def codPoints(self):
return asyncio.run(self.codPointsAsync())
async def connectedAccountsAsync(self):
p, g = self.__priv()
data = await self._Common__sendRequest(f"/crm/cod/v2/accounts/platform/{p}/gamer/{g}")
return data
def connectedAccounts(self):
return asyncio.run(self.connectedAccountsAsync())
async def settingsAsync(self):
p, g = self.__priv()
data = await self._Common__sendRequest(f"/preferences/v1/platform/{p}/gamer/{g}/list")
return data
def settings(self):
return asyncio.run(self.settingsAsync())
class __SHOP(_Common):
Shop class: A class to get bundle details and battle pass loot
classCategory: other
purchasableItems(game: games)
returns purchasable items for a specific gameId/gameTitle
bundleInformation(game: games, bundleId: int)
returns bundle details for the specific gameId/gameTitle and bundleId
battlePassLoot(game: games, platform: platforms, season: int)
returns battle pass loot for specific game and season on given platform
purchasableItemsAsync(game: games)
returns purchasable items for a specific gameId/gameTitle
bundleInformationAsync(game: games, bundleId: int)
returns bundle details for the specific gameId/gameTitle and bundleId
battlePassLootAsync(game: games, platform: platforms, season: int)
returns battle pass loot for specific game and season on given platform
async def purchasableItemsAsync(self, game: games):
data = await self._Common__sendRequest(f"/inventory/v1/title/{game.value}/platform/uno/purchasable/public/en")
return data
def purchasableItems(self, game: games):
return asyncio.run(self.purchasableItemsAsync(game))
async def bundleInformationAsync(self, game: games, bundleId: int):
data = await self._Common__sendRequest(f"/inventory/v1/title/{game.value}/bundle/{bundleId}/en")
return data
def bundleInformation(self, game: games, bundleId: int):
return asyncio.run(self.bundleInformationAsync(game, bundleId))
async def battlePassLootAsync(self, game: games, platform: platforms, season: int):
data = await self._Common__sendRequest(
return data
def battlePassLoot(self, game: games, platform: platforms, season: int):
return asyncio.run(self.battlePassLootAsync(game, platform, season))
class __ALT(_Common):
async def searchAsync(self, platform, gamertag: str):
lookUpType, gamertag, platform = self._Common__helper(platform, gamertag)
data = await self._Common__sendRequest(f"/crm/cod/v2/platform/{platform.value}/username/{gamertag}/search")
return data
def search(self, platform, gamertag: str):
return asyncio.run(self.searchAsync(platform, gamertag))
# Exceptions
class NotLoggedIn(Exception):
def __str__(self):
return "Not logged in!"
class InvalidToken(Exception):
def __init__(self, token):
self.token = token
def __str__(self):
return f"Token is invalid, token: {self.token}"
class InvalidPlatform(Exception):
def __init__(self, platform: platforms):
self.message: str
if platform == platforms.Steam:
self.message = "Steam cannot be used till further updates."
self.message = "Invalid platform, use platform class!"
def __str__(self):
return self.message
class InvalidEndpoint(Exception):
def __str__(self):
return "This endpoint is not available for selected title"
class StatusError(Exception):
def __str__(self):
return "Status Error, Check if your sso token is valid or try again later."
Reference in New Issue
Block a user