# Modern Warfare 2019 Advanced Statistics Tracker Access comprehensive Call of Duty statistics directly from your command line. No more visiting third-party tracking websites when you can retrieve **every statistic** Call of Duty records in under a minute. > View example outputs in the `/examples/` directory ## Features - **Complete Statistics Access**: Download detailed player statistics including lifetime stats, match history, and seasonal rewards - **Enhanced Sorting**: Sort statistics more effectively than the in-game Barracks - **Human-Readable Formats**: Convert timestamps and code names to user-friendly formats - **Detailed Match History**: Split match data into separate files for easier analysis - **Game Information**: Access lists of all maps and game modes in current rotation ## Prerequisites - Call of Duty account with API security settings set to "Open" - Web browser (Chromium-based recommended) - Python 3.x (optional, tested with Python 3.9.13) ## Installation Options ### Option 1: Download the Latest Release (Recommended) 1. Download `cod_api_tool.exe` from the [latest release](https://github.com/Ahrimdon/detailed-cod-tracker/releases/latest) 2. Open a command prompt in the download directory 3. Execute the tool using the syntax below: ``` cod_api_tool.exe [arguments] ``` ### Option 2: Clone the Repository 1. Clone the repository: ``` git clone https://github.com/Ahrimdon/detailed-cod-tracker.git cd detailed-cod-tracker ``` 2. Run the setup script: ``` python setup.py ``` ## Authentication Setup ### Obtaining your ACT_SSO_COOKIE 1. Log in to [Call of Duty](https://www.callofduty.com) 2. Open developer tools (F12) 3. Navigate to: Application → Storage → Cookies → https://www.callofduty.com/ 4. Copy the value of `ACT_SSO_COOKIE` 5. Provide this value when prompted by the tool ### Setting up userInfo.json (Required for Advanced Features) Due to recent API changes, additional steps are required for certain features: 1. Navigate to `https://profile.callofduty.com/cod/userInfo/{ACT_SSO_COOKIE}` (replace with your actual cookie) 2. Copy the entire content 3. Create a file named `userInfo.json` in the tool's directory 4. Paste the content and remove `userInfo(` from the beginning and `);` from the end - Alternatively, use the regex pattern in `sanitize_userInfo_regex.txt` 5. Run the tool with the `-a` flag to access advanced features ## Command Line Reference ``` usage: cod_api_tool.py [-h] [-tz {GMT,EST,CST,PST}] [-p PLAYER_NAME] [-a] [-sl] [-id] [-m] [-i] [-f] [-e] [-cp] [-ca] [-s] [-c] [-sm] [-csd] [-cmd] [-cff] [-cef] ``` ### Default Options | Argument | Description | |----------|-------------| | `-h`, `--help` | Show help message and exit | | `-tz`, `--timezone` | Specify timezone (GMT, EST, CST, PST) | ### Data Fetching Options | Argument | Description | |----------|-------------| | `-p PLAYER_NAME`, `--player_name PLAYER_NAME` | Target player's username (with #1234567) | | `-a`, `--all_stats` | Fetch all available statistics | | `-sl`, `--season_loot` | Fetch only seasonal reward data | | `-id`, `--identities` | Fetch only logged-in identities data | | `-m`, `--maps` | Fetch only map list data | | `-i`, `--info` | Fetch only general information | | `-f`, `--friendFeed` | Fetch only friend feed | | `-e`, `--eventFeed` | Fetch only event feed | | `-cp`, `--cod_points` | Fetch only COD Point balance | | `-ca`, `--connected_accounts` | Fetch only connected accounts data | | `-s`, `--settings` | Fetch only account settings | ### Data Processing Options | Argument | Description | |----------|-------------| | `-c`, `--clean` | Beautify all data | | `-sm`, `--split_matches` | Split matches into separate JSON files | | `-csd`, `--clean_stats_data` | Beautify stats.json data | | `-cmd`, `--clean_match_data` | Beautify match_info.json data | | `-cff`, `--clean_friend_feed` | Clean friend feed data | | `-cef`, `--clean_event_feed` | Clean event feed data | ## Examples **Basic Usage: Retrieve Player Statistics** ``` cod_api_tool.exe -p YourUsername#1234567 ``` **Full Data Collection with Cleaning** ``` cod_api_tool.exe -p YourUsername#1234567 -a -c -sm ``` **Process Existing Data** ``` cod_api_tool.exe -c -sm ``` > All data is saved to the `/stats/` directory ## Advanced Sorting The tool offers enhanced sorting capabilities: - Game modes sorted by **Time Played** (descending) - Weapons sorted by **Kills** (descending) - Field upgrades sorted by **Uses** (descending) - Equipment (lethal and tactical) sorted by **Uses** (descending) - Scorestreaks sorted by **Times Awarded** (descending) - Accolades sorted in descending order