# Modern Warfare 2019 Detailed Statistic Tracker Tired of visiting [cod.tracker.gg](https://cod.tracker.gg/modern-warfare) to check your stats? With this repository, you'll never have to visit that site again. Get every single statistic Call of Duty ***tracks*** in one place, under a minute! > To see an example, look in `/examples/` ## Table of Contents - [**Features**](#features) - [**Prerequisites**](#prerequisites) - [**Installation**](#installation) - [**Obtaining your ACT\_SSO\_COOKIE**](#obtaining-your-act_sso_cookie) - [**Command Line Arguments**](#command-line-arguments) - [**Sorting**](#sorting) ## Features - Instantly download detailed statistics for any player, including ***Lifetime Statistics***, ***Match Statistics*** and ***season_loot*** - Download a list of all maps and game modes in current rotation - Convert match start times, end times, and duration to human readable formats - [**Sort**](#sorting) your statistics even better than the in-game Barracks does! - Split detailed match data into separate files from most recent to least recent for easy viewing - Convert all code names for weapons, killstreaks, equipment, etc. to human-readable strings ## Prerequisites - Call of Duty Account - Account API security settings set to open - `Python 3.x` *(optional)* - A Web Browser *(Tested with Chromium)* - ~~[Curl](https://curl.se/download.html) ***(Installed by default on Windows)***~~ ## Installation #### Using the Latest Release **(EASIEST)** - Navigate to the latest release and download `get_cod_stats.exe` - Open a command line of your choise, navigate to the directory using `cd` and follow examples below #### Cloning the Repository - Download the ZIP archive or clone the repository `git clone https://github.com/Ahrimdon/detailed-cod-tracker-stats.git && cd detailed-cod-tracker-stats` - Run the setup using the command `python setup.py`. ## Obtaining your ACT_SSO_COOKIE - Go to https://www.callofduty.com and login with your account - Once logged in, press F12 for your browsers developer tools. Then go to Application --> Storage --> Cookies --> https://www.callof - Enter the value when prompted ## Command Line Arguments ``` usage: get_cod_stats.py [-h] -p PLAYER_NAME [-a] [-sl] [-i] [-m] [-c] [-sm] [-csd] [-cmd] Detailed Modern Warfare (2019) Statistics Tool optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit Data Fetching Options: -p PLAYER_NAME, --player_name PLAYER_NAME Player's username (with #1234567) -a, --all_stats Fetch all the different types of stats data -sl, --season_loot Fetch only the season loot data -i, --identities Fetch only the logged-in identities data -m, --maps Fetch only the map list data Data Cleaning Options: -c, --clean Beautify all data -sm, --split_matches Split the matches into separate JSON files within the 'matches' subfolder -csd, --clean_stats_data Beautify the data and convert to human-readable strings in stats.json -cmd, --clean_match_data Beautify the match data and convert to human-readable strings in match_info.json ``` ## Command Examples **Gather Player's Lifetime Statistics & 20 Recent Games** ``` get_cod_stats.exe -p Ahrimdon#1234567 ``` **Sort, clean, and organize all data** ``` get_cod_stats.exe -c ``` **Split matches into separate files** ``` get_cod_stats.exe -sm ``` **Gather all data** ``` get_cod_stats.exe -p Ahrimdon#1234567 -a ``` > All data is saved to `/stats/` ## Sorting * Game Modes are sorted by *Time Played* in descending order * Weapons are sorted by *Kills* in descending order * Field Upgrades are sorted by *Uses* in descending order * Lethal and Tactical equipment are sorted by *Uses* in descending order * Lethal and Support Scorestreaks by *Times Awarded* in descending order * Accolades sorted in descending order