/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // This code is licensed under the MIT License (MIT). // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include <gtest/gtest.h> #include <gsl/pointers> // for not_null, operator<, operator<=, operator> #include <algorithm> // for addressof #include <memory> // for shared_ptr, make_shared, operator<, opera... #include <sstream> // for operator<<, ostringstream, basic_ostream:... #include <stdint.h> // for uint16_t #include <string> // for basic_string, operator==, string, operator<< #include <typeinfo> // for type_info using namespace gsl; namespace { static constexpr char deathstring[] = "Expected Death"; } //namespace struct MyBase { }; struct MyDerived : public MyBase { }; struct Unrelated { }; // stand-in for a user-defined ref-counted class template <typename T> struct RefCounted { RefCounted(T* p) : p_(p) {} operator T*() { return p_; } T* p_; }; // user defined smart pointer with comparison operators returning non bool value template <typename T> struct CustomPtr { CustomPtr(T* p) : p_(p) {} operator T*() { return p_; } bool operator!=(std::nullptr_t) const { return p_ != nullptr; } T* p_ = nullptr; }; template <typename T, typename U> std::string operator==(CustomPtr<T> const& lhs, CustomPtr<U> const& rhs) { GSL_SUPPRESS(type.1) // NO-FORMAT: attribute return reinterpret_cast<const void*>(lhs.p_) == reinterpret_cast<const void*>(rhs.p_) ? "true" : "false"; } template <typename T, typename U> std::string operator!=(CustomPtr<T> const& lhs, CustomPtr<U> const& rhs) { GSL_SUPPRESS(type.1) // NO-FORMAT: attribute return reinterpret_cast<const void*>(lhs.p_) != reinterpret_cast<const void*>(rhs.p_) ? "true" : "false"; } template <typename T, typename U> std::string operator<(CustomPtr<T> const& lhs, CustomPtr<U> const& rhs) { GSL_SUPPRESS(type.1) // NO-FORMAT: attribute return reinterpret_cast<const void*>(lhs.p_) < reinterpret_cast<const void*>(rhs.p_) ? "true" : "false"; } template <typename T, typename U> std::string operator>(CustomPtr<T> const& lhs, CustomPtr<U> const& rhs) { GSL_SUPPRESS(type.1) // NO-FORMAT: attribute return reinterpret_cast<const void*>(lhs.p_) > reinterpret_cast<const void*>(rhs.p_) ? "true" : "false"; } template <typename T, typename U> std::string operator<=(CustomPtr<T> const& lhs, CustomPtr<U> const& rhs) { GSL_SUPPRESS(type.1) // NO-FORMAT: attribute return reinterpret_cast<const void*>(lhs.p_) <= reinterpret_cast<const void*>(rhs.p_) ? "true" : "false"; } template <typename T, typename U> std::string operator>=(CustomPtr<T> const& lhs, CustomPtr<U> const& rhs) { GSL_SUPPRESS(type.1) // NO-FORMAT: attribute return reinterpret_cast<const void*>(lhs.p_) >= reinterpret_cast<const void*>(rhs.p_) ? "true" : "false"; } struct NonCopyableNonMovable { NonCopyableNonMovable() = default; NonCopyableNonMovable(const NonCopyableNonMovable&) = delete; NonCopyableNonMovable& operator=(const NonCopyableNonMovable&) = delete; NonCopyableNonMovable(NonCopyableNonMovable&&) = delete; NonCopyableNonMovable& operator=(NonCopyableNonMovable&&) = delete; }; GSL_SUPPRESS(f.4) // NO-FORMAT: attribute bool helper(not_null<int*> p) { return *p == 12; } GSL_SUPPRESS(f.4) // NO-FORMAT: attribute bool helper_const(not_null<const int*> p) { return *p == 12; } int* return_pointer() { return nullptr; } TEST(notnull_tests, TestNotNullConstructors) { { #ifdef CONFIRM_COMPILATION_ERRORS not_null<int*> p = nullptr; // yay...does not compile! not_null<std::vector<char>*> p1 = 0; // yay...does not compile! not_null<int*> p2; // yay...does not compile! std::unique_ptr<int> up = std::make_unique<int>(120); not_null<int*> p3 = up; // Forbid non-nullptr assignable types not_null<std::vector<int>> f(std::vector<int>{1}); not_null<int> z(10); not_null<std::vector<int>> y({1, 2}); #endif } std::set_terminate([] { std::cerr << "Expected Death. TestNotNullConstructors"; std::abort(); }); { // from shared pointer int i = 12; auto rp = RefCounted<int>(&i); not_null<int*> p(rp); EXPECT_TRUE(p.get() == &i); not_null<std::shared_ptr<int>> x( std::make_shared<int>(10)); // shared_ptr<int> is nullptr assignable int* pi = nullptr; EXPECT_DEATH((not_null<decltype(pi)>(pi)), deathstring); } { // from pointer to local int t = 42; not_null<int*> x = &t; helper(&t); helper_const(&t); EXPECT_TRUE(*x == 42); } { // from raw pointer // from not_null pointer int t = 42; int* p = &t; not_null<int*> x = p; helper(p); helper_const(p); helper(x); helper_const(x); EXPECT_TRUE(*x == 42); } { // from raw const pointer // from not_null const pointer int t = 42; const int* cp = &t; not_null<const int*> x = cp; helper_const(cp); helper_const(x); EXPECT_TRUE(*x == 42); } { // from not_null const pointer, using auto int t = 42; const int* cp = &t; auto x = not_null<const int*>{cp}; EXPECT_TRUE(*x == 42); } { // from returned pointer EXPECT_DEATH(helper(return_pointer()), deathstring); EXPECT_DEATH(helper_const(return_pointer()), deathstring); } } template <typename T> void ostream_helper(T v) { not_null<T*> p(&v); { std::ostringstream os; std::ostringstream ref; os << static_cast<void*>(p); ref << static_cast<void*>(&v); EXPECT_TRUE(os.str() == ref.str()); } { std::ostringstream os; std::ostringstream ref; os << *p; ref << v; EXPECT_TRUE(os.str() == ref.str()); } } TEST(notnull_tests, TestNotNullostream) { ostream_helper<int>(17); ostream_helper<float>(21.5f); ostream_helper<double>(3.4566e-7); ostream_helper<char>('c'); ostream_helper<uint16_t>(0x0123u); ostream_helper<const char*>("cstring"); ostream_helper<std::string>("string"); } TEST(notnull_tests, TestNotNullCasting) { MyBase base; MyDerived derived; Unrelated unrelated; not_null<Unrelated*> u{&unrelated}; (void) u; not_null<MyDerived*> p{&derived}; not_null<MyBase*> q(&base); q = p; // allowed with heterogeneous copy ctor EXPECT_TRUE(q == p); #ifdef CONFIRM_COMPILATION_ERRORS q = u; // no viable conversion possible between MyBase* and Unrelated* p = q; // not possible to implicitly convert MyBase* to MyDerived* not_null<Unrelated*> r = p; not_null<Unrelated*> s = reinterpret_cast<Unrelated*>(p); #endif not_null<Unrelated*> t(reinterpret_cast<Unrelated*>(p.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(reinterpret_cast<void*>(p.get()) == reinterpret_cast<void*>(t.get())); } TEST(notnull_tests, TestNotNullAssignment) { std::set_terminate([] { std::cerr << "Expected Death. TestNotNullAssignmentd"; std::abort(); }); int i = 12; not_null<int*> p(&i); EXPECT_TRUE(helper(p)); int* q = nullptr; EXPECT_DEATH(p = not_null<int*>(q), deathstring); } TEST(notnull_tests, TestNotNullRawPointerComparison) { int ints[2] = {42, 43}; int* p1 = &ints[0]; const int* p2 = &ints[1]; using NotNull1 = not_null<decltype(p1)>; using NotNull2 = not_null<decltype(p2)>; EXPECT_TRUE((NotNull1(p1) == NotNull1(p1)) == true); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNull1(p1) == NotNull2(p2)) == false); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNull1(p1) != NotNull1(p1)) == false); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNull1(p1) != NotNull2(p2)) == true); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNull1(p1) < NotNull1(p1)) == false); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNull1(p1) < NotNull2(p2)) == (p1 < p2)); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNull2(p2) < NotNull1(p1)) == (p2 < p1)); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNull1(p1) > NotNull1(p1)) == false); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNull1(p1) > NotNull2(p2)) == (p1 > p2)); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNull2(p2) > NotNull1(p1)) == (p2 > p1)); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNull1(p1) <= NotNull1(p1)) == true); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNull1(p1) <= NotNull2(p2)) == (p1 <= p2)); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNull2(p2) <= NotNull1(p1)) == (p2 <= p1)); } TEST(notnull_tests, TestNotNullDereferenceOperator) { { auto sp1 = std::make_shared<NonCopyableNonMovable>(); using NotNullSp1 = not_null<decltype(sp1)>; EXPECT_TRUE(typeid(*sp1) == typeid(*NotNullSp1(sp1))); EXPECT_TRUE(std::addressof(*NotNullSp1(sp1)) == std::addressof(*sp1)); } { int ints[1] = {42}; CustomPtr<int> p1(&ints[0]); using NotNull1 = not_null<decltype(p1)>; EXPECT_TRUE(typeid(*NotNull1(p1)) == typeid(*p1)); EXPECT_TRUE(*NotNull1(p1) == 42); *NotNull1(p1) = 43; EXPECT_TRUE(ints[0] == 43); } { int v = 42; gsl::not_null<int*> p(&v); EXPECT_TRUE(typeid(*p) == typeid(*(&v))); *p = 43; EXPECT_TRUE(v == 43); } } TEST(notnull_tests, TestNotNullSharedPtrComparison) { auto sp1 = std::make_shared<int>(42); auto sp2 = std::make_shared<const int>(43); using NotNullSp1 = not_null<decltype(sp1)>; using NotNullSp2 = not_null<decltype(sp2)>; EXPECT_TRUE((NotNullSp1(sp1) == NotNullSp1(sp1)) == true); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNullSp1(sp1) == NotNullSp2(sp2)) == false); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNullSp1(sp1) != NotNullSp1(sp1)) == false); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNullSp1(sp1) != NotNullSp2(sp2)) == true); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNullSp1(sp1) < NotNullSp1(sp1)) == false); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNullSp1(sp1) < NotNullSp2(sp2)) == (sp1 < sp2)); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNullSp2(sp2) < NotNullSp1(sp1)) == (sp2 < sp1)); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNullSp1(sp1) > NotNullSp1(sp1)) == false); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNullSp1(sp1) > NotNullSp2(sp2)) == (sp1 > sp2)); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNullSp2(sp2) > NotNullSp1(sp1)) == (sp2 > sp1)); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNullSp1(sp1) <= NotNullSp1(sp1)) == true); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNullSp1(sp1) <= NotNullSp2(sp2)) == (sp1 <= sp2)); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNullSp2(sp2) <= NotNullSp1(sp1)) == (sp2 <= sp1)); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNullSp1(sp1) >= NotNullSp1(sp1)) == true); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNullSp1(sp1) >= NotNullSp2(sp2)) == (sp1 >= sp2)); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNullSp2(sp2) >= NotNullSp1(sp1)) == (sp2 >= sp1)); } TEST(notnull_tests, TestNotNullCustomPtrComparison) { int ints[2] = {42, 43}; CustomPtr<int> p1(&ints[0]); CustomPtr<const int> p2(&ints[1]); using NotNull1 = not_null<decltype(p1)>; using NotNull2 = not_null<decltype(p2)>; EXPECT_TRUE((NotNull1(p1) == NotNull1(p1)) == "true"); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNull1(p1) == NotNull2(p2)) == "false"); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNull1(p1) != NotNull1(p1)) == "false"); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNull1(p1) != NotNull2(p2)) == "true"); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNull1(p1) < NotNull1(p1)) == "false"); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNull1(p1) < NotNull2(p2)) == (p1 < p2)); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNull2(p2) < NotNull1(p1)) == (p2 < p1)); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNull1(p1) > NotNull1(p1)) == "false"); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNull1(p1) > NotNull2(p2)) == (p1 > p2)); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNull2(p2) > NotNull1(p1)) == (p2 > p1)); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNull1(p1) <= NotNull1(p1)) == "true"); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNull1(p1) <= NotNull2(p2)) == (p1 <= p2)); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNull2(p2) <= NotNull1(p1)) == (p2 <= p1)); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNull1(p1) >= NotNull1(p1)) == "true"); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNull1(p1) >= NotNull2(p2)) == (p1 >= p2)); EXPECT_TRUE((NotNull2(p2) >= NotNull1(p1)) == (p2 >= p1)); } #if defined(__cplusplus) && (__cplusplus >= 201703L) TEST(notnull_tests, TestNotNullConstructorTypeDeduction) { { int i = 42; not_null x{&i}; helper(not_null{&i}); helper_const(not_null{&i}); EXPECT_TRUE(*x == 42); } { int i = 42; int* p = &i; not_null x{p}; helper(not_null{p}); helper_const(not_null{p}); EXPECT_TRUE(*x == 42); } std::set_terminate([] { std::cerr << "Expected Death. TestNotNullConstructorTypeDeduction"; std::abort(); }); { auto workaround_macro = []() { int* p1 = nullptr; const not_null x{p1}; }; EXPECT_DEATH(workaround_macro(), deathstring); } { auto workaround_macro = []() { const int* p1 = nullptr; const not_null x{p1}; }; EXPECT_DEATH(workaround_macro(), deathstring); } { int* p = nullptr; EXPECT_DEATH(helper(not_null{p}), deathstring); EXPECT_DEATH(helper_const(not_null{p}), deathstring); } #ifdef CONFIRM_COMPILATION_ERRORS { not_null x{nullptr}; helper(not_null{nullptr}); helper_const(not_null{nullptr}); } #endif } #endif // #if defined(__cplusplus) && (__cplusplus >= 201703L) TEST(notnull_tests, TestMakeNotNull) { { int i = 42; const auto x = make_not_null(&i); helper(make_not_null(&i)); helper_const(make_not_null(&i)); EXPECT_TRUE(*x == 42); } { int i = 42; int* p = &i; const auto x = make_not_null(p); helper(make_not_null(p)); helper_const(make_not_null(p)); EXPECT_TRUE(*x == 42); } std::set_terminate([] { std::cerr << "Expected Death. TestMakeNotNull"; std::abort(); }); { const auto workaround_macro = []() { int* p1 = nullptr; const auto x = make_not_null(p1); EXPECT_TRUE(*x == 42); }; EXPECT_DEATH(workaround_macro(), deathstring); } { const auto workaround_macro = []() { const int* p1 = nullptr; const auto x = make_not_null(p1); EXPECT_TRUE(*x == 42); }; EXPECT_DEATH(workaround_macro(), deathstring); } { int* p = nullptr; EXPECT_DEATH(helper(make_not_null(p)), deathstring); EXPECT_DEATH(helper_const(make_not_null(p)), deathstring); } #ifdef CONFIRM_COMPILATION_ERRORS { EXPECT_DEATH(make_not_null(nullptr), deathstring); EXPECT_DEATH(helper(make_not_null(nullptr)), deathstring); EXPECT_DEATH(helper_const(make_not_null(nullptr)), deathstring); } #endif }