# This cmake module is meant to hold helper functions/macros # that make maintaining the cmake build system much easier. # This is especially helpful since gsl needs to provide coverage # for multiple versions of cmake. # # Any functions/macros should have a gsl_* prefix to avoid problems if (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER 3.10 OR CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_EQUAL 3.10) include_guard() else() if (DEFINED guideline_support_library_include_guard) return() endif() set(guideline_support_library_include_guard ON) endif() # Necessary for 'write_basic_package_version_file' include(CMakePackageConfigHelpers) function(gsl_set_default_cxx_standard min_cxx_standard) set(GSL_CXX_STANDARD "${min_cxx_standard}" CACHE STRING "Use c++ standard") set(GSL_CXX_STD "cxx_std_${GSL_CXX_STANDARD}") if (MSVC) set(GSL_CXX_STD_OPT "-std:c++${GSL_CXX_STANDARD}") else() set(GSL_CXX_STD_OPT "-std=c++${GSL_CXX_STANDARD}") endif() # when minimum version required is 3.8.0 remove if below # both branches do exactly the same thing if (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.7.9) include(CheckCXXCompilerFlag) CHECK_CXX_COMPILER_FLAG("${GSL_CXX_STD_OPT}" COMPILER_SUPPORTS_CXX_STANDARD) if(COMPILER_SUPPORTS_CXX_STANDARD) target_compile_options(GSL INTERFACE "${GSL_CXX_STD_OPT}") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "The compiler ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} has no c++${GSL_CXX_STANDARD} support. Please use a different C++ compiler.") endif() else() target_compile_features(GSL INTERFACE "${GSL_CXX_STD}") # on *nix systems force the use of -std=c++XX instead of -std=gnu++XX (default) set(CMAKE_CXX_EXTENSIONS OFF) endif() endfunction() # The best way for a project to specify the GSL's C++ standard is by the client specifying # the CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD. However, this isn't always ideal. Since the CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD is # tied to the cmake version. And many projects have low cmake minimums. # # So provide an alternative approach in case that doesn't work. function(gsl_client_set_cxx_standard min_cxx_standard) if (DEFINED CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD) if (${CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD} VERSION_LESS ${min_cxx_standard}) message(FATAL_ERROR "GSL: Requires at least CXX standard ${min_cxx_standard}, user provided ${CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD}") endif() # Set the GSL standard to what the client desires set(GSL_CXX_STANDARD "${CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD}" PARENT_SCOPE) # Exit out early to avoid extra unneccessary work return() endif() # Otherwise pick a reasonable default gsl_set_default_cxx_standard(${min_cxx_standard}) endfunction() # Adding the GSL.natvis files improves the debugging experience for users of this library. function(gsl_add_native_visualizer_support) if (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER 3.7.8) if (MSVC_IDE) option(GSL_VS_ADD_NATIVE_VISUALIZERS "Configure project to use Visual Studio native visualizers" TRUE) else() set(GSL_VS_ADD_NATIVE_VISUALIZERS FALSE CACHE INTERNAL "Native visualizers are Visual Studio extension" FORCE) endif() # add natvis file to the library so it will automatically be loaded into Visual Studio if(GSL_VS_ADD_NATIVE_VISUALIZERS) target_sources(GSL INTERFACE $<BUILD_INTERFACE:${GSL_SOURCE_DIR}/GSL.natvis>) endif() endif() endfunction() function(gsl_install_logic) install(TARGETS GSL EXPORT Microsoft.GSLConfig) install( DIRECTORY include/gsl DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR} ) # Make library importable by other projects install(EXPORT Microsoft.GSLConfig NAMESPACE Microsoft.GSL:: DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR}/cmake/Microsoft.GSL) export(TARGETS GSL NAMESPACE Microsoft.GSL:: FILE Microsoft.GSLConfig.cmake) install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Microsoft.GSLConfigVersion.cmake DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR}/cmake/Microsoft.GSL) endfunction() # Add find_package() versioning support. The version for # generated Microsoft.GSLConfigVersion.cmake will be used from # last project() command. The version's compatibility is set between all # minor versions (as it was in prev. GSL releases). function(gsl_create_packaging_file) if(${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "3.14.0") write_basic_package_version_file( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Microsoft.GSLConfigVersion.cmake COMPATIBILITY SameMajorVersion ) else() write_basic_package_version_file( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Microsoft.GSLConfigVersion.cmake COMPATIBILITY SameMajorVersion ARCH_INDEPENDENT ) endif() endfunction()