1275 lines
38 KiB
1275 lines
38 KiB
#include <std_include.hpp>
#include "gsc_funcs.hpp"
#include "gsc_custom.hpp"
#include "dvars.hpp"
#include "hashes.hpp"
#include "command.hpp"
#include "game_console.hpp"
#include "loader/component_loader.hpp"
#include "definitions/xassets.hpp"
#include "definitions/game.hpp"
#include <utilities/io.hpp>
#include <utilities/hook.hpp>
namespace mods {
// GSC File magic (8 bytes)
constexpr uint64_t gsc_magic = 0x36000A0D43534780;
// Serious' GSIC File Magic (4 bytes)
constexpr const char* gsic_magic = "GSIC";
constexpr const char* mod_metadata_file = "metadata.json";
std::filesystem::path mod_dir = "project-bo4/mods";
namespace {
struct raw_file
xassets::raw_file_header header{};
std::string data{};
auto* get_header()
header.buffer = data.data();
header.size = (uint32_t)data.length();
return &header;
struct scriptparsetree
xassets::scriptparsetree_header header{};
std::string data{};
size_t gsic_header_size{};
std::unordered_set<uint64_t> hooks{};
gsc_custom::gsic_info gsic{};
auto* get_header()
header.buffer = reinterpret_cast<game::GSC_OBJ*>(data.data());
header.size = (uint32_t)data.length();
for (gsc_custom::gsic_detour& detour : gsic.detours)
detour.fixup_function = header.buffer->magic + detour.fixup_offset;
return &header;
bool can_read_gsic(size_t bytes)
return data.length() >= gsic_header_size + bytes;
bool load_gsic()
byte* ptr = (byte*)data.data();
if (!can_read_gsic(4) || memcmp(gsic_magic, ptr, 4))
return true; // not a gsic file
gsic_header_size += 4;
if (!can_read_gsic(4))
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_ERROR, "can't read gsic fields");
return false;
int32_t fields = *reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(ptr + gsic_header_size);
gsic_header_size += 4;
for (size_t i = 0; i < fields; i++)
if (!can_read_gsic(4))
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_ERROR, "can't read gsic field type");
return false;
int32_t field_type = *reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(ptr + gsic_header_size);
gsic_header_size += 4;
switch (field_type)
case gsc_custom::gsic_field_type::GSIC_FIELD_DETOUR:
// detours
if (!can_read_gsic(4))
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_ERROR, "can't read gsic detours count");
return false;
int32_t detour_count = *reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(ptr + gsic_header_size);
gsic_header_size += 4;
if (!can_read_gsic(detour_count * 256ull))
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_ERROR, "can't read detours");
return false;
for (size_t j = 0; j < detour_count; j++)
gsc_custom::gsic_detour& detour = gsic.detours.emplace_back();
detour.fixup_name = *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(ptr + gsic_header_size);
detour.replace_namespace = *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(ptr + gsic_header_size + 4);
detour.replace_function = *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(ptr + gsic_header_size + 8);
detour.fixup_offset = *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(ptr + gsic_header_size + 12);
detour.fixup_size = *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(ptr + gsic_header_size + 16);
detour.target_script = *reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(ptr + gsic_header_size + 20);
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_DEBUG, std::format(
"read detour {:x} : namespace_{:x}<script_{:x}>::function_{:x} / offset={:x}+{:x}",
detour.fixup_name, detour.replace_namespace, detour.target_script, detour.replace_function,
detour.fixup_offset, detour.fixup_size
gsic_header_size += 256;
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_ERROR, "bad gsic field type {}", field_type);
return false;
// we need to remove the header to keep the alignment
data = data.substr(gsic_header_size, data.length() - gsic_header_size);
return true;
struct lua_file
xassets::lua_file_header header{};
std::unordered_set<uint64_t> hooks{};
uint64_t noext_name{};
std::unordered_set<uint64_t> hooks_post{};
std::string data{};
auto* get_header()
header.buffer = reinterpret_cast<byte*>(data.data());
header.size = (uint32_t)data.length();
return &header;
struct string_table_file
xassets::stringtable_header header{};
std::string data{};
std::vector<xassets::stringtable_cell> cells{};
auto* get_header()
header.values = cells.data();
return &header;
struct localize
xassets::localize_entry_header header{};
std::string str{};
auto* get_header()
header.string = str.data();
return &header;
struct cache_entry
game::BO4_AssetRef_t name{};
xassets::BGCacheTypes type{};
std::unordered_set<game::eModes> hooks_modes{};
std::unordered_set<uint64_t> hooks_map{};
std::unordered_set<uint64_t> hooks_gametype{};
class mod_storage
std::mutex load_mutex{};
std::vector<char*> allocated_strings{};
std::vector<scriptparsetree> gsc_files{};
std::vector<raw_file> raw_files{};
std::vector<lua_file> lua_files{};
std::vector<string_table_file> csv_files{};
std::vector<localize> localizes{};
std::vector<cache_entry> cache_entries{};
std::unordered_map<int64_t, int64_t> assets_redirects[xassets::ASSET_TYPE_COUNT] = {};
std::vector<xassets::bg_cache_info_def> custom_cache_entries{};
xassets::bg_cache_info custom_cache
.hash = (int64_t)fnv1a::generate_hash("shield_cache") // 2c4f76fcf5cfbebd
for (char* str : allocated_strings)
delete str;
void clear()
// clear previously loaded files
for (auto& redirect : assets_redirects)
for (char* str : allocated_strings)
delete str;
char* allocate_string(const std::string& string)
char* str = new char[string.length() + 1];
memcpy(str, string.c_str(), string.length() + 1);
return str;
void sync_cache_entries()
std::lock_guard lg{ load_mutex };
custom_cache.defCount = 0;
custom_cache.def = nullptr;
if (!cache_entries.size())
return; // nothing to sync
game::dvar_t* sv_mapname = dvars::find_dvar("sv_mapname");
game::dvar_t* g_gametype = dvars::find_dvar("g_gametype");
if (!sv_mapname || !g_gametype)
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_ERROR, "Can't find bgcache dvars");
std::string mapname = dvars::get_value_string(sv_mapname, &sv_mapname->value->current);
std::string gametype = dvars::get_value_string(g_gametype, &g_gametype->value->current);
game::eModes mode = game::Com_SessionMode_GetMode();
uint64_t mapname_hash = fnv1a::generate_hash(mapname.data());
uint64_t gametype_hash = fnv1a::generate_hash(gametype.data());
int count = 0;
for (auto& entry : cache_entries)
if (
entry.hooks_modes.find(mode) != entry.hooks_modes.end()
|| entry.hooks_map.find(mapname_hash) != entry.hooks_map.end()
|| entry.hooks_gametype.find(gametype_hash) != entry.hooks_gametype.end()
auto& ref = custom_cache_entries.emplace_back();
ref.type = entry.type;
ref.name.hash = entry.name.hash;
custom_cache.def = custom_cache_entries.data();
custom_cache.defCount = (int)custom_cache_entries.size();
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_DEBUG, "sync %d custom bgcache entries", count);
void* get_xasset(xassets::XAssetType type, uint64_t name)
std::lock_guard lg{ load_mutex };
switch (type)
auto it = std::find_if(gsc_files.begin(), gsc_files.end(), [name](const scriptparsetree& file) { return file.header.name == name; });
if (it == gsc_files.end()) return nullptr;
return it->get_header();
case xassets::ASSET_TYPE_RAWFILE:
auto it = std::find_if(raw_files.begin(), raw_files.end(), [name](const raw_file& file) { return file.header.name == name; });
if (it == raw_files.end()) return nullptr;
return it->get_header();
case xassets::ASSET_TYPE_LUAFILE:
auto it = std::find_if(lua_files.begin(), lua_files.end(), [name](const lua_file& file) { return file.header.name == name; });
if (it == lua_files.end()) return nullptr;
return it->get_header();
auto it = std::find_if(csv_files.begin(), csv_files.end(), [name](const string_table_file& file) { return file.header.name == name; });
if (it == csv_files.end()) return nullptr;
return it->get_header();
auto it = std::find_if(localizes.begin(), localizes.end(), [name](const localize& file) { return file.header.name == name; });
if (it == localizes.end()) return nullptr;
return it->get_header();
return nullptr; // unknown resource type
bool read_data_entry(rapidjson::Value& member, const char* mod_name, const std::filesystem::path& mod_path)
auto type = member.FindMember("type");
if (type == member.MemberEnd() || !type->value.IsString())
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_WARN, std::format("mod {} is containing a data member without a valid type", mod_name));
return false;
const char* type_val = type->value.GetString();
if (!_strcmpi("scriptparsetree", type_val))
auto name_mb = member.FindMember("name");
auto path_mb = member.FindMember("path");
if (
name_mb == member.MemberEnd() || path_mb == member.MemberEnd()
|| !name_mb->value.IsString() || !path_mb->value.IsString()
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_WARN, std::format("mod {} is containing a bad scriptparsetree def, missing/bad name or path", mod_name));
return false;
scriptparsetree tmp{};
std::filesystem::path path_cfg = path_mb->value.GetString();
auto spt_path = path_cfg.is_absolute() ? path_cfg : (mod_path / path_cfg);
tmp.header.name = fnv1a::generate_hash_pattern(name_mb->value.GetString());
auto hooks = member.FindMember("hooks");
if (hooks != member.MemberEnd())
// no hooks might not be an error, to replace a script for example
if (!hooks->value.IsArray())
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_WARN, std::format("mod {} is containing a bad scriptparsetree hook def, not an array for {}", mod_name, spt_path.string()));
return false;
for (auto& hook : hooks->value.GetArray())
if (!hook.IsString())
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_WARN, std::format("mod {} is containing a bad scriptparsetree hook def, not a string for {}", mod_name, spt_path.string()));
return false;
if (!utilities::io::read_file(spt_path.string(), &tmp.data))
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_ERROR, std::format("can't read scriptparsetree {} for mod {}", spt_path.string(), mod_name));
return false;
if (!tmp.load_gsic())
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_ERROR, std::format("error when reading GSIC header of {} for mod {}", spt_path.string(), mod_name));
return false;
if (tmp.gsic.detours.size())
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_DEBUG, std::format("loaded {} detours", tmp.gsic.detours.size()));
if (tmp.data.length() < sizeof(game::GSC_OBJ) || *reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(tmp.data.data()) != gsc_magic)
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_ERROR, std::format("bad scriptparsetree magic in {} for mod {}", spt_path.string(), mod_name));
return false;
// after this point we assume that the GSC file is well formatted
game::GSC_OBJ* script_obj = reinterpret_cast<game::GSC_OBJ*>(tmp.data.data());
// fix compiler script name
script_obj->name = tmp.header.name;
// fix compiler custom namespace
game::GSC_IMPORT_ITEM* imports = script_obj->get_imports();
static uint32_t isprofilebuild_hash = gsc_funcs::canon_hash("IsProfileBuild");
static uint32_t serious_custom_func_name_hash = gsc_funcs::canon_hash(gsc_funcs::serious_custom_func_name);
for (size_t imp = 0; imp < script_obj->imports_count; imp++)
if (imports->name == isprofilebuild_hash && imports->param_count != 0)
// compiler:: calls, replace the call to our custom function
imports->name = serious_custom_func_name_hash;
imports = reinterpret_cast<game::GSC_IMPORT_ITEM*>((uint32_t*)&imports[1] + imports->num_address);
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_DEBUG, std::format("mod {}: loaded scriptparsetree {} -> {:x}", mod_name, spt_path.string(), tmp.header.name));
else if (!_strcmpi("rawfile", type_val))
auto name_mb = member.FindMember("name");
auto path_mb = member.FindMember("path");
if (
name_mb == member.MemberEnd() || path_mb == member.MemberEnd()
|| !name_mb->value.IsString() || !path_mb->value.IsString()
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_WARN, std::format("mod {} is containing a bad rawfile def, missing/bad name or path", mod_name));
return false;
raw_file tmp{};
std::filesystem::path path_cfg = path_mb->value.GetString();
auto raw_file_path = path_cfg.is_absolute() ? path_cfg : (mod_path / path_cfg);
tmp.header.name = fnv1a::generate_hash_pattern(name_mb->value.GetString());
if (!utilities::io::read_file(raw_file_path.string(), &tmp.data))
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_ERROR, std::format("can't read raw file {} for mod {}", raw_file_path.string(), mod_name));
return false;
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_DEBUG, std::format("mod {}: loaded raw file {} -> {:x}", mod_name, raw_file_path.string(), tmp.header.name));
else if (!_strcmpi("localizeentry", type_val))
auto name_mb = member.FindMember("name");
auto value_mb = member.FindMember("value");
if (
name_mb == member.MemberEnd() || value_mb == member.MemberEnd()
|| !name_mb->value.IsString() || !value_mb->value.IsString()
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_WARN, std::format("mod {} is containing a bad localized entry def, missing/bad name or value", mod_name));
return false;
localize tmp{};
tmp.str = value_mb->value.GetString();
tmp.header.name = fnv1a::generate_hash_pattern(name_mb->value.GetString());
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_DEBUG, std::format("mod {}: loaded localized entry {:x}", mod_name, tmp.header.name));
else if (!_strcmpi("luafile", type_val))
auto name_mb = member.FindMember("name");
auto path_mb = member.FindMember("path");
if (
name_mb == member.MemberEnd() || path_mb == member.MemberEnd()
|| !name_mb->value.IsString() || !path_mb->value.IsString()
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_WARN, std::format("mod {} is containing a bad luafile def, missing/bad name or path", mod_name));
return false;
lua_file tmp{};
std::filesystem::path path_cfg = path_mb->value.GetString();
auto lua_file_path = path_cfg.is_absolute() ? path_cfg : (mod_path / path_cfg);
// it injects the name without the .lua and load the name with the .lua, good luck to replace with an unknown hash!
tmp.noext_name = fnv1a::generate_hash_pattern(name_mb->value.GetString());
tmp.header.name = fnv1a::generate_hash(".lua", tmp.noext_name);
auto hooks = member.FindMember("hooks_pre");
if (hooks != member.MemberEnd())
// no hooks might not be an error, to replace a script for example
if (!hooks->value.IsArray())
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_WARN, std::format("mod {} is containing a bad luafile pre hook def, not an array for {}", mod_name, lua_file_path.string()));
return false;
for (auto& hook : hooks->value.GetArray())
if (!hook.IsString())
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_WARN, std::format("mod {} is containing a bad luafile pre hook def, not a string for {}", mod_name, lua_file_path.string()));
return false;
auto hooks_post = member.FindMember("hooks_post");
if (hooks_post != member.MemberEnd())
if (!hooks_post->value.IsArray())
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_WARN, std::format("mod {} is containing a bad luafile post hook def, not an array for {}", mod_name, lua_file_path.string()));
return false;
for (auto& hook : hooks_post->value.GetArray())
if (!hook.IsString())
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_WARN, std::format("mod {} is containing a bad luafile post hook def, not a string for {}", mod_name, lua_file_path.string()));
return false;
if (!utilities::io::read_file(lua_file_path.string(), &tmp.data))
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_ERROR, std::format("can't read lua file {} for mod {}", lua_file_path.string(), mod_name));
return false;
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_DEBUG, std::format("mod {}: loaded lua file {} -> x64:{:x}.lua ({:x})", mod_name, lua_file_path.string(), tmp.noext_name, tmp.header.name));
else if (!_strcmpi("stringtable", type_val))
auto name_mb = member.FindMember("name");
auto path_mb = member.FindMember("path");
if (
name_mb == member.MemberEnd() || path_mb == member.MemberEnd()
|| !name_mb->value.IsString() || !path_mb->value.IsString()
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_WARN, std::format("mod {} is containing a bad stringtable def, missing/bad name or path", mod_name));
return false;
string_table_file tmp{};
std::filesystem::path path_cfg = path_mb->value.GetString();
auto stringtable_file_path = path_cfg.is_absolute() ? path_cfg : (mod_path / path_cfg);
tmp.header.name = fnv1a::generate_hash_pattern(name_mb->value.GetString());
if (!utilities::io::read_file(stringtable_file_path.string(), &tmp.data))
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_ERROR, std::format("can't read stringtable file {} for mod {}", stringtable_file_path.string(), mod_name));
return false;
rapidcsv::Document doc{};
std::stringstream stream{ tmp.data };
auto separator_mb = member.FindMember("separator");
char sep = ',';
if (separator_mb != member.MemberEnd())
if (!separator_mb->value.IsString())
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_ERROR, std::format("bad separator type for stringtable file {} for mod {}", stringtable_file_path.string(), mod_name));
return false;
const char* sepval = separator_mb->value.GetString();
if (!sepval[0] || sepval[1])
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_ERROR, std::format("bad separator for stringtable file {} for mod {}, a separator should contain only one character", stringtable_file_path.string(), mod_name));
return false;
sep = *sepval;
doc.Load(stream, rapidcsv::LabelParams(-1, -1), rapidcsv::SeparatorParams(sep));
size_t rows_count_tmp = doc.GetRowCount();
tmp.header.rows_count = rows_count_tmp != 0 ? (int32_t)(rows_count_tmp - 1) : 0;
tmp.header.columns_count = (int32_t)doc.GetColumnCount();
std::vector<xassets::stringtable_cell_type> cell_types{};
for (size_t i = 0; i < tmp.header.columns_count; i++)
// read cell types
const std::string cell = doc.GetCell<std::string>(i, 0);
xassets::stringtable_cell_type cell_type = xassets::STC_TYPE_STRING;
if (cell == "undefined")
cell_type = xassets::STC_TYPE_UNDEFINED;
else if (cell == "string")
cell_type = xassets::STC_TYPE_STRING;
else if (cell == "int")
cell_type = xassets::STC_TYPE_INT;
else if (cell == "float")
cell_type = xassets::STC_TYPE_FLOAT;
else if (cell == "hash")
cell_type = xassets::STC_TYPE_HASHED2;
else if (cell == "hash7")
cell_type = xassets::STC_TYPE_HASHED7;
else if (cell == "hash8")
cell_type = xassets::STC_TYPE_HASHED8;
else if (cell == "bool")
cell_type = xassets::STC_TYPE_BOOL;
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_ERROR, std::format("mod {} : can't read stringtable {} type of column {} : '{}'", mod_name, stringtable_file_path.string(), i, cell));
return false;
for (size_t row = 1; row <= tmp.header.rows_count; row++)
// read cells
for (size_t column = 0; column < tmp.header.columns_count; column++)
xassets::stringtable_cell_type cell_type = cell_types[column];
const std::string cell_str = doc.GetCell<std::string>(column, row);
xassets::stringtable_cell& cell = tmp.cells.emplace_back();
cell.type = cell_type;
switch (cell_type)
case xassets::STC_TYPE_UNDEFINED:
cell.value.int_value = 0;
case xassets::STC_TYPE_BOOL:
cell.value.bool_value = cell_str == "true";
case xassets::STC_TYPE_HASHED2:
case xassets::STC_TYPE_HASHED7:
case xassets::STC_TYPE_HASHED8:
cell.value.hash_value = fnv1a::generate_hash_pattern(cell_str.c_str());
case xassets::STC_TYPE_INT:
if (cell_str.starts_with("0x"))
cell.value.int_value = std::stoull(cell_str.substr(2), nullptr, 16);
cell.value.int_value = std::stoll(cell_str);
case xassets::STC_TYPE_FLOAT:
cell.value.float_value = std::stof(cell_str);
case xassets::STC_TYPE_STRING:
cell.value.string_value = allocate_string(cell_str);
catch (const std::invalid_argument& e)
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_DEBUG, std::format("mod {}: error when loading stringtable file {} : {} [line {} col {}] '{}'", mod_name, stringtable_file_path.string(), e.what(), row, column, cell_str));
return false;
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_DEBUG, std::format("mod {}: loaded stringtable file {} -> {:x} ({}x{})", mod_name, stringtable_file_path.string(), tmp.header.name, tmp.header.columns_count, tmp.header.rows_count));
else if (!_strcmpi("hashes", type_val))
auto path_mb = member.FindMember("path");
if (path_mb == member.MemberEnd() || !path_mb->value.IsString())
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_WARN, std::format("mod {} is containing a hashes storage without a path", mod_name));
return false;
auto format_mb = member.FindMember("format");
hashes::hashes_file_format format;
if (format_mb == member.MemberEnd() || !format_mb->value.IsString() || (format = hashes::get_format_idx(format_mb->value.GetString())) == hashes::HFF_COUNT)
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_WARN, std::format("mod {} is containing a hashes storage without a valid format", mod_name));
return false;
std::filesystem::path path_cfg = path_mb->value.GetString();
auto path = path_cfg.is_absolute() ? path_cfg : (mod_path / path_cfg);
return hashes::load_file(path, format);
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_ERROR, std::format("mod {} is load data member with an unknown type '{}'", mod_name, type_val));
return false;
return true;
bool read_cache_entry(rapidjson::Value& member, const char* mod_name, const std::filesystem::path& mod_path)
auto type = member.FindMember("type");
if (type == member.MemberEnd() || !type->value.IsString())
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_WARN, std::format("mod {} is containing a cache member without a valid type", mod_name));
return false;
auto name = member.FindMember("name");
if (name == member.MemberEnd() || !name->value.IsString())
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_WARN, std::format("mod {} is containing a cache member without a valid name", mod_name));
return false;
const char* name_val = name->value.GetString();
const char* type_val = type->value.GetString();
xassets::BGCacheTypes bgtype = xassets::BG_Cache_GetTypeIndex(type_val);
if (!bgtype)
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_WARN, std::format("mod {} is containing a cache member with a bad type: {}", mod_name, type_val));
return false;
cache_entry tmp{};
tmp.name.hash = fnv1a::generate_hash_pattern(name_val);
tmp.type = bgtype;
auto hook_map = member.FindMember("map");
auto hook_mode = member.FindMember("mode");
auto hook_gametype = member.FindMember("gametype");
if (hook_map != member.MemberEnd())
if (hook_map->value.IsArray())
auto data_array = hook_map->value.GetArray();
for (rapidjson::Value& hookmember : data_array)
if (!hookmember.IsString())
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_ERROR, std::format("mod {} is containing a cache member with a bad map hook", mod_name));
else if (hook_map->value.IsString())
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_ERROR, std::format("mod {} is containing a cache member with a bad map hook", mod_name));
return false;
if (hook_mode != member.MemberEnd())
if (hook_mode->value.IsArray())
auto data_array = hook_mode->value.GetArray();
for (rapidjson::Value& hookmember : data_array)
if (!hookmember.IsString())
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_ERROR, std::format("mod {} is containing a cache member with a bad mode hook", mod_name));
game::eModes loaded = game::Com_SessionMode_GetModeForAbbreviation(hookmember.GetString());
if (loaded == game::eModes::MODE_COUNT)
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_ERROR, std::format("mod {} is containing a cache member with a bad mode hook", mod_name));
else if (hook_mode->value.IsString())
game::eModes loaded = game::Com_SessionMode_GetModeForAbbreviation(hook_mode->value.GetString());
if (loaded == game::eModes::MODE_COUNT)
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_ERROR, std::format("mod {} is containing a cache member with a bad mode hook", mod_name));
return false;
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_ERROR, std::format("mod {} is containing a cache member with a bad mode hook", mod_name));
return false;
if (hook_gametype != member.MemberEnd())
if (hook_gametype->value.IsArray())
auto data_array = hook_gametype->value.GetArray();
for (rapidjson::Value& hookmember : data_array)
if (!hookmember.IsString())
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_ERROR, std::format("mod {} is containing a cache member with a bad gametype hook", mod_name));
else if (hook_gametype->value.IsString())
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_ERROR, std::format("mod {} is containing a cache member with a bad gametype hook", mod_name));
return false;
return true;
bool read_redirect_entry(rapidjson::Value& member, const char* mod_name, const std::filesystem::path& mod_path)
auto type = member.FindMember("type");
if (type == member.MemberEnd() || !type->value.IsString())
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_WARN, std::format("mod {} is containing a redirect member without a valid type", mod_name));
return false;
auto origin = member.FindMember("origin");
if (origin == member.MemberEnd() || !origin->value.IsString())
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_WARN, std::format("mod {} is containing a redirect member without a valid origin", mod_name));
return false;
auto target = member.FindMember("target");
if (target == member.MemberEnd() || !target->value.IsString())
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_WARN, std::format("mod {} is containing a redirect member without a valid target", mod_name));
return false;
xassets::XAssetType assettype = xassets::DB_GetXAssetTypeIndex(type->value.GetString());
if (assettype == xassets::ASSET_TYPE_COUNT)
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_WARN, std::format("mod {} is containing a redirect member without a valid type: {}", mod_name, type->value.GetString()));
return false;
int64_t from = fnv1a::generate_hash_pattern(origin->value.GetString());
int64_t to = fnv1a::generate_hash_pattern(target->value.GetString());
assets_redirects[assettype][from] = to;
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_DEBUG, std::format("mod {}: loaded redirect {:x} -> {:x} ({})", mod_name, from, to, xassets::DB_GetXAssetTypeName(assettype)));
return true;
bool load_mods()
std::lock_guard lg{ load_mutex };
rapidjson::Document info{};
std::string mod_metadata{};
bool err = false;
for (const auto& mod : std::filesystem::directory_iterator{ mod_dir })
if (!mod.is_directory()) continue; // not a directory
std::filesystem::path mod_path = mod.path();
std::filesystem::path mod_metadata_path = mod_path / mod_metadata_file;
if (!std::filesystem::exists(mod_metadata_path)) continue; // doesn't contain the metadata file
std::string filename = mod_metadata_path.string();
if (!utilities::io::read_file(filename, &mod_metadata))
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_ERROR, std::format("can't read mod metadata file '{}'", filename));
err = true;
if (info.HasParseError()) {
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_ERROR, std::format("can't parse mod json metadata '{}'", filename));
err = true;
auto name_member = info.FindMember("name");
const char* mod_name;
if (name_member != info.MemberEnd() && name_member->value.IsString())
mod_name = name_member->value.GetString();
mod_name = filename.c_str();
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_INFO, std::format("loading mod {}...", mod_name));
int mod_errors = 0;
auto data_member = info.FindMember("data");
if (data_member != info.MemberEnd() && data_member->value.IsArray())
auto data_array = data_member->value.GetArray();
for (rapidjson::Value& member : data_array)
if (!member.IsObject())
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_WARN, std::format("mod {} is containing a bad data member", mod_name));
auto ignore_error_mb = member.FindMember("ignore_error");
bool ignore_error = ignore_error_mb != member.MemberEnd() && ignore_error_mb->value.IsBool() && ignore_error_mb->value.GetBool();
if (!read_data_entry(member, mod_name, mod_path) && !ignore_error)
auto cache_member = info.FindMember("cache");
if (cache_member != info.MemberEnd() && cache_member->value.IsArray())
auto data_array = cache_member->value.GetArray();
for (rapidjson::Value& member : data_array)
if (!member.IsObject())
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_WARN, std::format("mod {} is containing a bad cache member", mod_name));
if (!read_cache_entry(member, mod_name, mod_path))
auto redirect_member = info.FindMember("redirect");
if (redirect_member != info.MemberEnd() && redirect_member->value.IsArray())
auto redirect_array = redirect_member->value.GetArray();
for (rapidjson::Value& member : redirect_array)
if (!member.IsObject())
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_WARN, std::format("mod {} is containing a bad redirect member", mod_name));
if (!read_redirect_entry(member, mod_name, mod_path))
if (mod_errors)
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_WARN, std::format("mod {} loaded with {} error{}.", mod_name, mod_errors, mod_errors > 1 ? "s" : ""));
err = true;
return err;
mod_storage storage{};
void mods_reload_f()
if (!game::Com_IsRunningUILevel())
// avoid gsc issues, but if a script is loaded in the frontend, it will still crash
game_console::print("can't load mods while in-game!");
if (!storage.load_mods())
game_console::print("mods reloaded.");
game_console::print("mods reloaded with errors, see logs.");
utilities::hook::detour db_find_xasset_header_hook;
utilities::hook::detour db_does_xasset_exist_hook;
utilities::hook::detour scr_gsc_obj_link_hook;
utilities::hook::detour hksl_loadfile_hook;
void* db_find_xasset_header_stub(xassets::XAssetType type, game::BO4_AssetRef_t* name, bool errorIfMissing, int waitTime)
auto& redirect = storage.assets_redirects[type];
auto replaced = redirect.find(name->hash & 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF);
game::BO4_AssetRef_t redirected_name;
if (replaced != redirect.end())
// replace xasset
redirected_name.hash = replaced->second;
redirected_name.null = 0;
name = &redirected_name;
void* header = storage.get_xasset(type, name->hash);
if (header)
return header; // overwrite/load custom data
return db_find_xasset_header_hook.invoke<void*>(type, name, errorIfMissing, waitTime);
bool db_does_xasset_exist_stub(xassets::XAssetType type, game::BO4_AssetRef_t* name)
auto& redirect = storage.assets_redirects[type];
auto replaced = redirect.find(name->hash & 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF);
game::BO4_AssetRef_t redirected_name;
if (replaced != redirect.end())
// replace xasset
redirected_name.hash = replaced->second;
redirected_name.null = 0;
name = &redirected_name;
void* header = storage.get_xasset(type, name->hash);
if (header)
return true;
return db_does_xasset_exist_hook.invoke<bool>(type, name);
int scr_gsc_obj_link_stub(game::scriptInstance_t inst, game::GSC_OBJ* prime_obj, bool runScript)
// link the injected scripts if we find a hook, sync the gsic fields at the same time
// because we know the instance.
for (auto& spt : storage.gsc_files)
if (spt.hooks.find(prime_obj->name) != spt.hooks.end())
gsc_custom::sync_gsic(inst, spt.gsic);
int err = scr_gsc_obj_link_hook.invoke<int>(inst, spt.get_header()->buffer, runScript);
if (err < 0)
return err; // error when linking
auto custom_replaced_it = std::find_if(storage.gsc_files.begin(), storage.gsc_files.end(),
[prime_obj](scriptparsetree& e){ return e.get_header()->buffer == prime_obj; });
if (custom_replaced_it != storage.gsc_files.end())
// replaced gsc file
gsc_custom::sync_gsic(inst, custom_replaced_it->gsic);
return scr_gsc_obj_link_hook.invoke<int>(inst, prime_obj, runScript);
int hksl_loadfile_stub(game::lua_state* state, const char* filename)
uint64_t hash{};
if (!storage.lua_files.empty())
hash = fnv1a::generate_hash_pattern(filename);
for (auto& lua : storage.lua_files)
// we need to use the hash because filename is x64:HASH or unhashed
if (lua.hooks.find(hash) != lua.hooks.end())
std::string name = std::format("x64:{:x}.lua", lua.noext_name);
if (!game::Lua_CoD_LoadLuaFile(state, name.c_str()))
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_ERROR, std::format("error when loading hook lua {} (pre)", name));
int load = hksl_loadfile_hook.invoke<int>(state, filename);
for (auto& lua : storage.lua_files)
// we need to use the hash because filename is x64:HASH or unhashed
if (lua.hooks_post.find(hash) != lua.hooks_post.end())
std::string name = std::format("x64:{:x}.lua", lua.noext_name);
if (!game::Lua_CoD_LoadLuaFile(state, name.c_str()))
logger::write(logger::LOG_TYPE_ERROR, std::format("error when loading hook lua {} (post)", name));
return load;
utilities::hook::detour bg_cache_sync_hook;
void bg_cache_sync_stub()
xassets::Demo_AddBGCacheAndRegister(&storage.custom_cache, 0x16000);
// sync default
class component final : public component_interface
void post_unpack() override
// custom assets loading
db_find_xasset_header_hook.create(xassets::DB_FindXAssetHeader.get(), db_find_xasset_header_stub);
db_does_xasset_exist_hook.create(0x142EB6C90_g, db_does_xasset_exist_stub);
scr_gsc_obj_link_hook.create(0x142748F10_g, scr_gsc_obj_link_stub);
hksl_loadfile_hook.create(0x14375D6A0_g, hksl_loadfile_stub);
bg_cache_sync_hook.create(0x1405CE0B0_g, bg_cache_sync_stub);
command::add("reload_mods", mods_reload_f, "Reload the shield mods");
REGISTER_COMPONENT(mods::component) |