+ addressed every code safety demands compiler had in order to make it possible to build in release configuration without suppressing warning(warning C4244 still had to be suppressed because it was coming from external libraries xxhash and stb) + changed to proxying XInput9_1_0 instead of directx11 interface + recoded protocolbuffer helper + improved variable namings in fileshare - removed ida_defs.h header as its not needed anymore
714 lines
19 KiB
714 lines
19 KiB
#include <std_include.hpp>
#include "game_console.hpp"
#include "definitions/game.hpp"
#include "definitions/variables.hpp"
#include "loader/component_loader.hpp"
#include "component/dvars.hpp"
#include "component/scheduler.hpp"
#include "component/keycatchers.hpp"
#include <utilities/hook.hpp>
#include <utilities/string.hpp>
#include <utilities/concurrency.hpp>
#define R_DrawTextFont reinterpret_cast<void*>(game::sharedUiInfo->assets.bigFont)
#define R_WhiteMaterial reinterpret_cast<void*>(game::sharedUiInfo->assets.whiteMaterial)
namespace game_console
game::vec4_t con_inputBoxColor = { 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.9f };
game::vec4_t con_inputHintBoxColor = { 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1.0f };
game::vec4_t con_outputBarColor = { 0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 0.6f };
game::vec4_t con_outputSliderColor = { 0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1.0f };
game::vec4_t con_outputWindowColor = { 0.15f, 0.15f, 0.15f, 0.85f };
game::vec4_t con_inputWriteDownColor = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
game::vec4_t con_inputDvarMatchColor = { 0.1f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1.0f };
game::vec4_t con_inputDvarInactiveValueColor = { 0.4f, 0.8f, 0.7f, 1.0f };
game::vec4_t con_inputCmdMatchColor = { 0.9f, 0.6f, 0.2f, 1.0f };
game::vec4_t con_inputDescriptionColor = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
game::vec4_t con_inputAltDescriptionColor = { 0.9f, 0.6f, 0.2f, 1.0f };
game::vec4_t con_inputExtraInfoColor = { 1.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f };
game::vec4_t con_outputVersionStringColor = { 0.92f, 1.0f, 0.65f, 1.0f };
using suggestion_t = variables::varEntry;
using output_queue = std::deque<std::string>;
struct ingame_console
char buffer[256]{};
int cursor{};
float font_scale{};
float font_height{};
int max_suggestions{};
int visible_line_count{};
float screen_min[2]{};
float screen_max[2]{};
struct {
float x{}, y{};
} screen_pointer;
bool may_auto_complete{};
char auto_complete_choice[64]{};
bool output_visible{};
int display_line_offset{};
int total_line_count{};
utilities::concurrency::container<output_queue, std::recursive_mutex> output{};
ingame_console con{};
std::int32_t history_index = -1;
std::deque<std::string> history{};
std::string fixed_input{};
std::vector<suggestion_t> matches{};
void clear_input()
strncpy_s(con.buffer, "", sizeof(con.buffer));
con.cursor = 0;
fixed_input = "";
void clear_output()
con.total_line_count = 0;
con.display_line_offset = 0;
con.output.access([](output_queue& output)
history_index = -1;
void print_internal(const std::string& data)
con.output.access([&](output_queue& output)
if (con.visible_line_count > 0
&& con.display_line_offset == (output.size() - con.visible_line_count))
if (output.size() > 512)
void toggle_console()
con.output_visible = false;
*game::keyCatchers ^= 1;
void toggle_console_output()
con.output_visible = con.output_visible == 0;
bool is_renderer_ready()
return (R_DrawTextFont && R_WhiteMaterial);
void calculate_window_size()
con.screen_min[0] = 6.0f;
con.screen_min[1] = 6.0f;
con.screen_max[0] = game::ScrPlace_GetView(0)->realViewportSize[0] - 6.0f;
con.screen_max[1] = game::ScrPlace_GetView(0)->realViewportSize[1] - 6.0f;
con.font_height = static_cast<float>(game::UI_TextHeight(R_DrawTextFont, con.font_scale));
con.visible_line_count = static_cast<int>(((con.screen_max[1] - con.screen_min[1] - (con.font_height * 2)) - 24.0f) / con.font_height);
void draw_box(const float x, const float y, const float w, const float h, float* color)
game::vec4_t outline_color;
outline_color[0] = color[0] * 0.5f;
outline_color[1] = color[1] * 0.5f;
outline_color[2] = color[2] * 0.5f;
outline_color[3] = color[3];
game::R_AddCmdDrawStretchPic(x, y, w, h, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, color, R_WhiteMaterial);
game::R_AddCmdDrawStretchPic(x, y, 2.0f, h, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, outline_color, R_WhiteMaterial);
game::R_AddCmdDrawStretchPic((x + w) - 2.0f, y, 2.0f, h, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, outline_color, R_WhiteMaterial);
game::R_AddCmdDrawStretchPic(x, y, w, 2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, outline_color, R_WhiteMaterial);
game::R_AddCmdDrawStretchPic(x, (y + h) - 2.0f, w, 2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, outline_color, R_WhiteMaterial);
void draw_input_box(const int lines, float* color)
draw_box( con.screen_pointer.x - 6.0f, con.screen_pointer.y - 6.0f,
(con.screen_max[0] - con.screen_min[0]) - ((con.screen_pointer.x - 6.0f) - con.screen_min[0]),
(lines * con.font_height) + 12.0f, color);
void draw_input_text_and_over(const char* str, float* color)
game::R_AddCmdDrawText(str, 0x7FFFFFFF, R_DrawTextFont, con.screen_pointer.x,
con.screen_pointer.y + con.font_height, con.font_scale, con.font_scale, 0.0f, color, 0);
con.screen_pointer.x = game::UI_TextWidth(0, str, 0x7FFFFFFF, R_DrawTextFont, con.font_scale) + con.screen_pointer.x + 6.0f;
float draw_hint_box(const int lines, float* color, [[maybe_unused]] float offset_x = 0.0f,
[[maybe_unused]] float offset_y = 0.0f)
const auto _h = lines * con.font_height + 12.0f;
const auto _y = con.screen_pointer.y - 3.0f + con.font_height + 12.0f + offset_y;
const auto _w = (con.screen_max[0] - con.screen_min[0]) - ((con.screen_pointer.x - 6.0f) - con.screen_min[0]);
draw_box(con.screen_pointer.x - 6.0f, _y, _w, _h, color);
return _h;
void draw_hint_text(const int line, const char* text, float* color, const float offset_x = 0.0f, const float offset_y = 0.0f)
const auto _y = con.font_height + con.screen_pointer.y + (con.font_height * (line + 1)) + 15.0f + offset_y;
game::R_AddCmdDrawText(text, 0x7FFFFFFF, R_DrawTextFont, con.screen_pointer.x + offset_x, _y, con.font_scale, con.font_scale, 0.0f, color, 0);
void find_matches(const std::string& input, std::vector<suggestion_t>& suggestions, bool exact)
double required_ratio = exact ? 1.00 : 0.01;
for (const auto& dvar : variables::dvars_table)
if (dvars::find_dvar(dvar.fnv1a) && utilities::string::match(input, dvar.name) >= required_ratio)
if (exact && suggestions.size() > 1)
if (suggestions.size() == 0 && dvars::find_dvar(input))
suggestions.push_back({ input, "", fnv1a::generate_hash(input.data()), reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(dvars::find_dvar(input)) });
for (const auto& cmd : variables::commands_table)
if (utilities::string::match(input, cmd.name) >= required_ratio)
if (exact && suggestions.size() > 1)
void draw_input()
con.screen_pointer.x = con.screen_min[0] + 6.0f;
con.screen_pointer.y = con.screen_min[1] + 6.0f;
draw_input_box(1, con_inputBoxColor);
draw_input_text_and_over("PROJECT-BO4 >", con_inputWriteDownColor);
con.auto_complete_choice[0] = 0;
game::R_AddCmdDrawTextWithCursor(con.buffer, 0x7FFFFFFF, R_DrawTextFont, con.screen_pointer.x, con.screen_pointer.y + con.font_height, con.font_scale, con.font_scale, 0, con_inputWriteDownColor, 0, con.cursor, '|');
// check if using a prefixed '/' or not
const auto input = con.buffer[1] && (con.buffer[0] == '/' || con.buffer[0] == '\\')
? std::string(con.buffer).substr(1) : std::string(con.buffer);
if (!input.length())
if (input != fixed_input)
if (input.find(" ") != std::string::npos)
find_matches(input.substr(0, input.find(" ")), matches, true);
find_matches(input, matches, false);
if (matches.size() <= con.max_suggestions)
std::sort(matches.begin(), matches.end(), [&input](suggestion_t& lhs, suggestion_t& rhs) {
return utilities::string::match(input, lhs.name) > utilities::string::match(input, rhs.name);
fixed_input = input;
con.may_auto_complete = false;
if (matches.size() > con.max_suggestions)
draw_hint_box(1, con_inputHintBoxColor);
draw_hint_text(0, utilities::string::va("%i matches (too many to show here)", matches.size()), con_inputDvarMatchColor);
else if (matches.size() == 1)
auto* dvar = dvars::find_dvar(matches[0].fnv1a);
auto line_count = dvar ? 3 : 1;
auto height = draw_hint_box(line_count, con_inputHintBoxColor);
draw_hint_text(0, matches[0].name.data(), dvar ? con_inputDvarMatchColor : con_inputCmdMatchColor);
if (dvar)
auto offset_x = (con.screen_max[0] - con.screen_pointer.x) / 4.f;
draw_hint_text(0, dvars::get_value_string(dvar, &dvar->value->current).data(), con_inputDvarMatchColor, offset_x);
draw_hint_text(1, " default", con_inputDvarInactiveValueColor);
draw_hint_text(1, dvars::get_value_string(dvar, &dvar->value->reset).data(), con_inputDvarInactiveValueColor, offset_x);
draw_hint_text(2, matches[0].desc, con_inputDescriptionColor, 0);
auto offset_y = height + 3.f;
auto domain_lines = 1;
if (dvar->type == game::DVAR_TYPE_ENUM)
domain_lines = dvar->domain.enumeration.stringCount + 1;
draw_hint_box(domain_lines, con_inputHintBoxColor, 0, offset_y);
draw_hint_text(0, dvars::get_domain_string(dvar->type, dvar->domain).data(), con_inputAltDescriptionColor, 0, offset_y);
auto offset_x = (con.screen_max[0] - con.screen_pointer.x) / 4.f;
draw_hint_text(0, matches[0].desc, con_inputCmdMatchColor, offset_x);
strncpy_s(con.auto_complete_choice, matches[0].name.data(), 64);
con.may_auto_complete = true;
else if (matches.size() > 1)
draw_hint_box(static_cast<int>(matches.size()), con_inputHintBoxColor);
auto offset_x = (con.screen_max[0] - con.screen_pointer.x) / 4.f;
for (size_t i = 0; i < matches.size(); i++)
auto* const dvar = dvars::find_dvar(matches[i].fnv1a);
draw_hint_text(static_cast<int>(i), matches[i].name.data(), dvar ? con_inputDvarMatchColor : con_inputCmdMatchColor);
draw_hint_text(static_cast<int>(i), matches[i].desc, dvar ? con_inputDvarMatchColor : con_inputCmdMatchColor, offset_x * 1.5f);
if (dvar)
draw_hint_text(static_cast<int>(i), dvars::get_value_string(dvar, &dvar->value->current).data(), con_inputDvarMatchColor, offset_x);
strncpy_s(con.auto_complete_choice, matches[0].name.data(), 64);
con.may_auto_complete = true;
void draw_output_scrollbar(const float x, float y, const float width, const float height, output_queue& output)
auto _x = (x + width) - 10.0f;
draw_box(_x, y, 10.0f, height, con_outputBarColor);
auto _height = height;
if (output.size() > con.visible_line_count)
auto percentage = static_cast<float>(con.visible_line_count) / output.size();
_height *= percentage;
auto remainingSpace = height - _height;
auto percentageAbove = static_cast<float>(con.display_line_offset) / (output.size() - con.visible_line_count);
y = y + (remainingSpace * percentageAbove);
draw_box(_x, y, 10.0f, _height, con_outputSliderColor);
void draw_output_text(const float x, float y, output_queue& output)
auto offset = output.size() >= con.visible_line_count ? 0.0f : (con.font_height * (con.visible_line_count - output.size()));
for (auto i = 0; i < con.visible_line_count; i++)
auto index = i + con.display_line_offset;
if (index >= output.size())
game::R_AddCmdDrawText(output.at(index).data(), 0x400, R_DrawTextFont, x, y + offset + ((i + 1) * con.font_height), con.font_scale, con.font_scale, 0.0f, con_inputWriteDownColor, 0);
void draw_output_window()
con.output.access([](output_queue& output)
draw_box(con.screen_min[0], con.screen_min[1] + 32.0f, con.screen_max[0] - con.screen_min[0], (con.screen_max[1] - con.screen_min[1]) - 32.0f, con_outputWindowColor);
auto x = con.screen_min[0] + 6.0f;
auto y = (con.screen_min[1] + 32.0f) + 6.0f;
auto width = (con.screen_max[0] - con.screen_min[0]) - 12.0f;
auto height = ((con.screen_max[1] - con.screen_min[1]) - 32.0f) - 12.0f;
char sysinfo_version[256];
utilities::hook::invoke<bool>(game::Live_SystemInfo, 0, 0, sysinfo_version, 256);
char sysinfo_livebits[256];
utilities::hook::invoke<bool>(game::Live_SystemInfo, 0, 1, sysinfo_livebits, 256);
const char* info = utilities::string::va("Project-BO4 1.0.0, Engine Version: %s, LiveBits: %s", sysinfo_version, sysinfo_livebits);
game::R_AddCmdDrawText(info, 0x7FFFFFFF, R_DrawTextFont, x, ((height - 16.0f) + y) + con.font_height, con.font_scale, con.font_scale, 0.0f, con_outputVersionStringColor, 0);
draw_output_scrollbar(x, y, width, height, output);
draw_output_text(x, y, output);
void draw_console()
if (!is_renderer_ready()) return;
if (*game::keyCatchers & 1)
if (!(*game::keyCatchers & 1))
con.output_visible = false;
if (con.output_visible)
void print(const char* fmt, ...)
char va_buffer[0x200] = { 0 };
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
vsprintf_s(va_buffer, fmt, ap);
const auto formatted = std::string(va_buffer);
const auto lines = utilities::string::split(formatted, '\n');
for (const auto& line : lines)
void print(const std::string& data)
const auto lines = utilities::string::split(data, '\n');
for (const auto& line : lines)
bool console_char_event(const int local_client_num, const int key, const bool is_repeated)
if (key == game::keyNum_t::K_GRAVE ||
key == game::keyNum_t::K_TILDE ||
key == '|' ||
key == '\\')
return false;
if (key > 127)
return true;
if (*game::keyCatchers & 1)
if (key == game::keyNum_t::K_TAB) // tab (auto complete)
if (con.may_auto_complete)
const auto first_char = con.buffer[0];
if (first_char == '\\' || first_char == '/')
con.buffer[0] = first_char;
con.buffer[1] = '\0';
strncat_s(con.buffer, con.auto_complete_choice, 64);
con.cursor = static_cast<int>(std::string(con.buffer).length());
if (con.cursor != 254)
con.buffer[con.cursor++] = ' ';
con.buffer[con.cursor] = '\0';
if (key == 'v' - 'a' + 1) // paste
const auto clipboard = utilities::string::get_clipboard_data();
if (clipboard.empty())
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < clipboard.length(); i++)
console_char_event(local_client_num, clipboard[i], false);
return false;
if (key == 'c' - 'a' + 1) // clear
con.total_line_count = 0;
con.display_line_offset = 0;
con.output.access([](output_queue& output)
history_index = -1;
return false;
if (key == 'h' - 'a' + 1) // backspace
if (con.cursor > 0)
memmove(con.buffer + con.cursor - 1, con.buffer + con.cursor,
strlen(con.buffer) + 1 - con.cursor);
return false;
if (key < 32)
return false;
if (con.cursor == 256 - 1)
return false;
memmove(con.buffer + con.cursor + 1, con.buffer + con.cursor, strlen(con.buffer) + 1 - con.cursor);
con.buffer[con.cursor] = static_cast<char>(key);
if (con.cursor == strlen(con.buffer) + 1)
con.buffer[con.cursor] = 0;
return true;
bool console_key_event(const int local_client_num, const int key, const bool down, const unsigned int time)
if (key == game::keyNum_t::K_GRAVE || key == game::keyNum_t::K_TILDE)
if (!down)
return false;
const auto shift_down = game::playerKeys[local_client_num].keys[game::keyNum_t::K_LSHIFT].down;
if (shift_down)
if (!(*game::keyCatchers & 1))
return false;
return false;
if (*game::keyCatchers & 1)
if (down)
if (key == game::keyNum_t::K_UPARROW)
if (++history_index >= history.size())
history_index = static_cast<int>(history.size()) - 1;
if (history_index != -1)
strncpy_s(con.buffer, history.at(history_index).c_str(), 0x100);
con.cursor = static_cast<int>(strlen(con.buffer));
else if (key == game::keyNum_t::K_DOWNARROW)
if (--history_index < -1)
history_index = -1;
if (history_index != -1)
strncpy_s(con.buffer, history.at(history_index).c_str(), 0x100);
con.cursor = static_cast<int>(strlen(con.buffer));
if (key == game::keyNum_t::K_RIGHTARROW)
if (con.cursor < strlen(con.buffer))
return false;
if (key == game::keyNum_t::K_LEFTARROW)
if (con.cursor > 0)
return false;
//scroll through output
if (key == game::keyNum_t::K_MWHEELUP || key == game::keyNum_t::K_PGUP)
con.output.access([](output_queue& output)
if (output.size() > con.visible_line_count && con.display_line_offset > 0)
else if (key == game::keyNum_t::K_MWHEELDOWN || key == game::keyNum_t::K_PGDN)
con.output.access([](output_queue& output)
if (output.size() > con.visible_line_count
&& con.display_line_offset < (output.size() - con.visible_line_count))
if (key == game::keyNum_t::K_ENTER && !utilities::string::is_truely_empty(con.buffer))
if (history_index != -1)
const auto itr = history.begin() + history_index;
if (*itr == con.buffer)
history.erase(history.begin() + history_index);
print("]%s\n", con.buffer);
game::Cbuf_AddText(0, utilities::string::va("%s \n", fixed_input.data()));
if (history.size() > 10)
history.erase(history.begin() + 10);
history_index = -1;
return true;
class component final : public component_interface
void post_unpack() override
scheduler::loop(draw_console, scheduler::renderer);
// initialize our structs
con.cursor = 0;
con.visible_line_count = 0;
con.output_visible = false;
con.display_line_offset = 0;
con.total_line_count = 0;
strncpy_s(con.buffer, "", 256);
con.screen_pointer.x = 0.0f;
con.screen_pointer.y = 0.0f;
con.may_auto_complete = false;
strncpy_s(con.auto_complete_choice, "", 64);
con.font_scale = 0.38f;
con.max_suggestions = 24;