/* * MinHook - The Minimalistic API Hooking Library for x64/x86 * Copyright (C) 2009-2017 Tsuda Kageyu. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include "../include/MinHook.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "trampoline.h" #ifndef ARRAYSIZE #define ARRAYSIZE(A) (sizeof(A)/sizeof((A)[0])) #endif // Initial capacity of the HOOK_ENTRY buffer. #define INITIAL_HOOK_CAPACITY 32 // Initial capacity of the thread IDs buffer. #define INITIAL_THREAD_CAPACITY 128 // Special hook position values. #define INVALID_HOOK_POS UINT_MAX #define ALL_HOOKS_POS UINT_MAX // Freeze() action argument defines. #define ACTION_DISABLE 0 #define ACTION_ENABLE 1 #define ACTION_APPLY_QUEUED 2 // Thread access rights for suspending/resuming threads. #define THREAD_ACCESS \ (THREAD_SUSPEND_RESUME | THREAD_GET_CONTEXT | THREAD_QUERY_INFORMATION | THREAD_SET_CONTEXT) // Hook information. typedef struct _HOOK_ENTRY { LPVOID pTarget; // Address of the target function. LPVOID pDetour; // Address of the detour or relay function. LPVOID pTrampoline; // Address of the trampoline function. UINT8 backup[8]; // Original prologue of the target function. UINT8 patchAbove : 1; // Uses the hot patch area. UINT8 isEnabled : 1; // Enabled. UINT8 queueEnable : 1; // Queued for enabling/disabling when != isEnabled. UINT nIP : 4; // Count of the instruction boundaries. UINT8 oldIPs[8]; // Instruction boundaries of the target function. UINT8 newIPs[8]; // Instruction boundaries of the trampoline function. } HOOK_ENTRY, *PHOOK_ENTRY; // Suspended threads for Freeze()/Unfreeze(). typedef struct _FROZEN_THREADS { LPDWORD pItems; // Data heap UINT capacity; // Size of allocated data heap, items UINT size; // Actual number of data items } FROZEN_THREADS, *PFROZEN_THREADS; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Global Variables: //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Spin lock flag for EnterSpinLock()/LeaveSpinLock(). volatile LONG g_isLocked = FALSE; // Private heap handle. If not NULL, this library is initialized. HANDLE g_hHeap = NULL; // Hook entries. struct { PHOOK_ENTRY pItems; // Data heap UINT capacity; // Size of allocated data heap, items UINT size; // Actual number of data items } g_hooks; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns INVALID_HOOK_POS if not found. static UINT FindHookEntry(LPVOID pTarget) { UINT i; for (i = 0; i < g_hooks.size; ++i) { if ((ULONG_PTR)pTarget == (ULONG_PTR)g_hooks.pItems[i].pTarget) return i; } return INVALID_HOOK_POS; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- static PHOOK_ENTRY AddHookEntry() { if (g_hooks.pItems == NULL) { g_hooks.capacity = INITIAL_HOOK_CAPACITY; g_hooks.pItems = (PHOOK_ENTRY)HeapAlloc( g_hHeap, 0, g_hooks.capacity * sizeof(HOOK_ENTRY)); if (g_hooks.pItems == NULL) return NULL; } else if (g_hooks.size >= g_hooks.capacity) { PHOOK_ENTRY p = (PHOOK_ENTRY)HeapReAlloc( g_hHeap, 0, g_hooks.pItems, (g_hooks.capacity * 2) * sizeof(HOOK_ENTRY)); if (p == NULL) return NULL; g_hooks.capacity *= 2; g_hooks.pItems = p; } return &g_hooks.pItems[g_hooks.size++]; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- static VOID DeleteHookEntry(UINT pos) { if (pos < g_hooks.size - 1) g_hooks.pItems[pos] = g_hooks.pItems[g_hooks.size - 1]; g_hooks.size--; if (g_hooks.capacity / 2 >= INITIAL_HOOK_CAPACITY && g_hooks.capacity / 2 >= g_hooks.size) { PHOOK_ENTRY p = (PHOOK_ENTRY)HeapReAlloc( g_hHeap, 0, g_hooks.pItems, (g_hooks.capacity / 2) * sizeof(HOOK_ENTRY)); if (p == NULL) return; g_hooks.capacity /= 2; g_hooks.pItems = p; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- static DWORD_PTR FindOldIP(PHOOK_ENTRY pHook, DWORD_PTR ip) { UINT i; if (pHook->patchAbove && ip == ((DWORD_PTR)pHook->pTarget - sizeof(JMP_REL))) return (DWORD_PTR)pHook->pTarget; for (i = 0; i < pHook->nIP; ++i) { if (ip == ((DWORD_PTR)pHook->pTrampoline + pHook->newIPs[i])) return (DWORD_PTR)pHook->pTarget + pHook->oldIPs[i]; } #if defined(_M_X64) || defined(__x86_64__) // Check relay function. if (ip == (DWORD_PTR)pHook->pDetour) return (DWORD_PTR)pHook->pTarget; #endif return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- static DWORD_PTR FindNewIP(PHOOK_ENTRY pHook, DWORD_PTR ip) { UINT i; for (i = 0; i < pHook->nIP; ++i) { if (ip == ((DWORD_PTR)pHook->pTarget + pHook->oldIPs[i])) return (DWORD_PTR)pHook->pTrampoline + pHook->newIPs[i]; } return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- static VOID ProcessThreadIPs(HANDLE hThread, UINT pos, UINT action) { // If the thread suspended in the overwritten area, // move IP to the proper address. CONTEXT c; #if defined(_M_X64) || defined(__x86_64__) DWORD64 *pIP = &c.Rip; #else DWORD *pIP = &c.Eip; #endif UINT count; c.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_CONTROL; if (!GetThreadContext(hThread, &c)) return; if (pos == ALL_HOOKS_POS) { pos = 0; count = g_hooks.size; } else { count = pos + 1; } for (; pos < count; ++pos) { PHOOK_ENTRY pHook = &g_hooks.pItems[pos]; BOOL enable; DWORD_PTR ip; switch (action) { case ACTION_DISABLE: enable = FALSE; break; case ACTION_ENABLE: enable = TRUE; break; default: // ACTION_APPLY_QUEUED enable = pHook->queueEnable; break; } if (pHook->isEnabled == enable) continue; if (enable) ip = FindNewIP(pHook, *pIP); else ip = FindOldIP(pHook, *pIP); if (ip != 0) { *pIP = ip; SetThreadContext(hThread, &c); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- static BOOL EnumerateThreads(PFROZEN_THREADS pThreads) { BOOL succeeded = FALSE; HANDLE hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD, 0); if (hSnapshot != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { THREADENTRY32 te; te.dwSize = sizeof(THREADENTRY32); if (Thread32First(hSnapshot, &te)) { succeeded = TRUE; do { if (te.dwSize >= (FIELD_OFFSET(THREADENTRY32, th32OwnerProcessID) + sizeof(DWORD)) && te.th32OwnerProcessID == GetCurrentProcessId() && te.th32ThreadID != GetCurrentThreadId()) { if (pThreads->pItems == NULL) { pThreads->capacity = INITIAL_THREAD_CAPACITY; pThreads->pItems = (LPDWORD)HeapAlloc(g_hHeap, 0, pThreads->capacity * sizeof(DWORD)); if (pThreads->pItems == NULL) { succeeded = FALSE; break; } } else if (pThreads->size >= pThreads->capacity) { pThreads->capacity *= 2; LPDWORD p = (LPDWORD)HeapReAlloc( g_hHeap, 0, pThreads->pItems, pThreads->capacity * sizeof(DWORD)); if (p == NULL) { succeeded = FALSE; break; } pThreads->pItems = p; } pThreads->pItems[pThreads->size++] = te.th32ThreadID; } te.dwSize = sizeof(THREADENTRY32); } while (Thread32Next(hSnapshot, &te)); if (succeeded && GetLastError() != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) succeeded = FALSE; if (!succeeded && pThreads->pItems != NULL) { HeapFree(g_hHeap, 0, pThreads->pItems); pThreads->pItems = NULL; } } CloseHandle(hSnapshot); } return succeeded; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- static MH_STATUS Freeze(PFROZEN_THREADS pThreads, UINT pos, UINT action) { MH_STATUS status = MH_OK; pThreads->pItems = NULL; pThreads->capacity = 0; pThreads->size = 0; if (!EnumerateThreads(pThreads)) { status = MH_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOC; } else if (pThreads->pItems != NULL) { UINT i; for (i = 0; i < pThreads->size; ++i) { HANDLE hThread = OpenThread(THREAD_ACCESS, FALSE, pThreads->pItems[i]); if (hThread != NULL) { SuspendThread(hThread); ProcessThreadIPs(hThread, pos, action); CloseHandle(hThread); } } } return status; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- static VOID Unfreeze(PFROZEN_THREADS pThreads) { if (pThreads->pItems != NULL) { UINT i; for (i = 0; i < pThreads->size; ++i) { HANDLE hThread = OpenThread(THREAD_ACCESS, FALSE, pThreads->pItems[i]); if (hThread != NULL) { ResumeThread(hThread); CloseHandle(hThread); } } HeapFree(g_hHeap, 0, pThreads->pItems); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- static MH_STATUS EnableHookLL(UINT pos, BOOL enable) { PHOOK_ENTRY pHook = &g_hooks.pItems[pos]; DWORD oldProtect; SIZE_T patchSize = sizeof(JMP_REL); LPBYTE pPatchTarget = (LPBYTE)pHook->pTarget; if (pHook->patchAbove) { pPatchTarget -= sizeof(JMP_REL); patchSize += sizeof(JMP_REL_SHORT); } if (!VirtualProtect(pPatchTarget, patchSize, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &oldProtect)) return MH_ERROR_MEMORY_PROTECT; if (enable) { PJMP_REL pJmp = (PJMP_REL)pPatchTarget; pJmp->opcode = 0xE9; pJmp->operand = (UINT32)((LPBYTE)pHook->pDetour - (pPatchTarget + sizeof(JMP_REL))); if (pHook->patchAbove) { PJMP_REL_SHORT pShortJmp = (PJMP_REL_SHORT)pHook->pTarget; pShortJmp->opcode = 0xEB; pShortJmp->operand = (UINT8)(0 - (sizeof(JMP_REL_SHORT) + sizeof(JMP_REL))); } } else { if (pHook->patchAbove) memcpy(pPatchTarget, pHook->backup, sizeof(JMP_REL) + sizeof(JMP_REL_SHORT)); else memcpy(pPatchTarget, pHook->backup, sizeof(JMP_REL)); } VirtualProtect(pPatchTarget, patchSize, oldProtect, &oldProtect); // Just-in-case measure. FlushInstructionCache(GetCurrentProcess(), pPatchTarget, patchSize); pHook->isEnabled = enable; pHook->queueEnable = enable; return MH_OK; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- static MH_STATUS EnableAllHooksLL(BOOL enable) { MH_STATUS status = MH_OK; UINT i, first = INVALID_HOOK_POS; for (i = 0; i < g_hooks.size; ++i) { if (g_hooks.pItems[i].isEnabled != enable) { first = i; break; } } if (first != INVALID_HOOK_POS) { FROZEN_THREADS threads; status = Freeze(&threads, ALL_HOOKS_POS, enable ? ACTION_ENABLE : ACTION_DISABLE); if (status == MH_OK) { for (i = first; i < g_hooks.size; ++i) { if (g_hooks.pItems[i].isEnabled != enable) { status = EnableHookLL(i, enable); if (status != MH_OK) break; } } Unfreeze(&threads); } } return status; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- static VOID EnterSpinLock(VOID) { SIZE_T spinCount = 0; // Wait until the flag is FALSE. while (InterlockedCompareExchange(&g_isLocked, TRUE, FALSE) != FALSE) { // No need to generate a memory barrier here, since InterlockedCompareExchange() // generates a full memory barrier itself. // Prevent the loop from being too busy. if (spinCount < 32) Sleep(0); else Sleep(1); spinCount++; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- static VOID LeaveSpinLock(VOID) { // No need to generate a memory barrier here, since InterlockedExchange() // generates a full memory barrier itself. InterlockedExchange(&g_isLocked, FALSE); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- MH_STATUS WINAPI MH_Initialize(VOID) { MH_STATUS status = MH_OK; EnterSpinLock(); if (g_hHeap == NULL) { g_hHeap = HeapCreate(0, 0, 0); if (g_hHeap != NULL) { // Initialize the internal function buffer. InitializeBuffer(); } else { status = MH_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOC; } } else { status = MH_ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED; } LeaveSpinLock(); return status; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- MH_STATUS WINAPI MH_Uninitialize(VOID) { MH_STATUS status = MH_OK; EnterSpinLock(); if (g_hHeap != NULL) { status = EnableAllHooksLL(FALSE); if (status == MH_OK) { // Free the internal function buffer. // HeapFree is actually not required, but some tools detect a false // memory leak without HeapFree. UninitializeBuffer(); HeapFree(g_hHeap, 0, g_hooks.pItems); HeapDestroy(g_hHeap); g_hHeap = NULL; g_hooks.pItems = NULL; g_hooks.capacity = 0; g_hooks.size = 0; } } else { status = MH_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; } LeaveSpinLock(); return status; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- MH_STATUS WINAPI MH_CreateHook(LPVOID pTarget, LPVOID pDetour, LPVOID *ppOriginal) { MH_STATUS status = MH_OK; EnterSpinLock(); if (g_hHeap != NULL) { if (IsExecutableAddress(pTarget) && IsExecutableAddress(pDetour)) { UINT pos = FindHookEntry(pTarget); if (pos == INVALID_HOOK_POS) { LPVOID pBuffer = AllocateBuffer(pTarget); if (pBuffer != NULL) { TRAMPOLINE ct; ct.pTarget = pTarget; ct.pDetour = pDetour; ct.pTrampoline = pBuffer; if (CreateTrampolineFunction(&ct)) { PHOOK_ENTRY pHook = AddHookEntry(); if (pHook != NULL) { pHook->pTarget = ct.pTarget; #if defined(_M_X64) || defined(__x86_64__) pHook->pDetour = ct.pRelay; #else pHook->pDetour = ct.pDetour; #endif pHook->pTrampoline = ct.pTrampoline; pHook->patchAbove = ct.patchAbove; pHook->isEnabled = FALSE; pHook->queueEnable = FALSE; pHook->nIP = ct.nIP; memcpy(pHook->oldIPs, ct.oldIPs, ARRAYSIZE(ct.oldIPs)); memcpy(pHook->newIPs, ct.newIPs, ARRAYSIZE(ct.newIPs)); // Back up the target function. if (ct.patchAbove) { memcpy( pHook->backup, (LPBYTE)pTarget - sizeof(JMP_REL), sizeof(JMP_REL) + sizeof(JMP_REL_SHORT)); } else { memcpy(pHook->backup, pTarget, sizeof(JMP_REL)); } if (ppOriginal != NULL) *ppOriginal = pHook->pTrampoline; } else { status = MH_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOC; } } else { status = MH_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION; } if (status != MH_OK) { FreeBuffer(pBuffer); } } else { status = MH_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOC; } } else { status = MH_ERROR_ALREADY_CREATED; } } else { status = MH_ERROR_NOT_EXECUTABLE; } } else { status = MH_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; } LeaveSpinLock(); return status; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- MH_STATUS WINAPI MH_RemoveHook(LPVOID pTarget) { MH_STATUS status = MH_OK; EnterSpinLock(); if (g_hHeap != NULL) { UINT pos = FindHookEntry(pTarget); if (pos != INVALID_HOOK_POS) { if (g_hooks.pItems[pos].isEnabled) { FROZEN_THREADS threads; status = Freeze(&threads, pos, ACTION_DISABLE); if (status == MH_OK) { status = EnableHookLL(pos, FALSE); Unfreeze(&threads); } } if (status == MH_OK) { FreeBuffer(g_hooks.pItems[pos].pTrampoline); DeleteHookEntry(pos); } } else { status = MH_ERROR_NOT_CREATED; } } else { status = MH_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; } LeaveSpinLock(); return status; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- static MH_STATUS EnableHook(LPVOID pTarget, BOOL enable) { MH_STATUS status = MH_OK; EnterSpinLock(); if (g_hHeap != NULL) { if (pTarget == MH_ALL_HOOKS) { status = EnableAllHooksLL(enable); } else { UINT pos = FindHookEntry(pTarget); if (pos != INVALID_HOOK_POS) { if (g_hooks.pItems[pos].isEnabled != enable) { FROZEN_THREADS threads; status = Freeze(&threads, pos, ACTION_ENABLE); if (status == MH_OK) { status = EnableHookLL(pos, enable); Unfreeze(&threads); } } else { status = enable ? MH_ERROR_ENABLED : MH_ERROR_DISABLED; } } else { status = MH_ERROR_NOT_CREATED; } } } else { status = MH_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; } LeaveSpinLock(); return status; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- MH_STATUS WINAPI MH_EnableHook(LPVOID pTarget) { return EnableHook(pTarget, TRUE); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- MH_STATUS WINAPI MH_DisableHook(LPVOID pTarget) { return EnableHook(pTarget, FALSE); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- static MH_STATUS QueueHook(LPVOID pTarget, BOOL queueEnable) { MH_STATUS status = MH_OK; EnterSpinLock(); if (g_hHeap != NULL) { if (pTarget == MH_ALL_HOOKS) { UINT i; for (i = 0; i < g_hooks.size; ++i) g_hooks.pItems[i].queueEnable = queueEnable; } else { UINT pos = FindHookEntry(pTarget); if (pos != INVALID_HOOK_POS) { g_hooks.pItems[pos].queueEnable = queueEnable; } else { status = MH_ERROR_NOT_CREATED; } } } else { status = MH_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; } LeaveSpinLock(); return status; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- MH_STATUS WINAPI MH_QueueEnableHook(LPVOID pTarget) { return QueueHook(pTarget, TRUE); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- MH_STATUS WINAPI MH_QueueDisableHook(LPVOID pTarget) { return QueueHook(pTarget, FALSE); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- MH_STATUS WINAPI MH_ApplyQueued(VOID) { MH_STATUS status = MH_OK; UINT i, first = INVALID_HOOK_POS; EnterSpinLock(); if (g_hHeap != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < g_hooks.size; ++i) { if (g_hooks.pItems[i].isEnabled != g_hooks.pItems[i].queueEnable) { first = i; break; } } if (first != INVALID_HOOK_POS) { FROZEN_THREADS threads; status = Freeze(&threads, ALL_HOOKS_POS, ACTION_APPLY_QUEUED); if (status == MH_OK) { for (i = first; i < g_hooks.size; ++i) { PHOOK_ENTRY pHook = &g_hooks.pItems[i]; if (pHook->isEnabled != pHook->queueEnable) { status = EnableHookLL(i, pHook->queueEnable); if (status != MH_OK) break; } } Unfreeze(&threads); } } } else { status = MH_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; } LeaveSpinLock(); return status; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- MH_STATUS WINAPI MH_CreateHookApiEx( LPCWSTR pszModule, LPCSTR pszProcName, LPVOID pDetour, LPVOID *ppOriginal, LPVOID *ppTarget) { HMODULE hModule; LPVOID pTarget; hModule = GetModuleHandleW(pszModule); if (hModule == NULL) return MH_ERROR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND; pTarget = (LPVOID)GetProcAddress(hModule, pszProcName); if (pTarget == NULL) return MH_ERROR_FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND; if(ppTarget != NULL) *ppTarget = pTarget; return MH_CreateHook(pTarget, pDetour, ppOriginal); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- MH_STATUS WINAPI MH_CreateHookApi( LPCWSTR pszModule, LPCSTR pszProcName, LPVOID pDetour, LPVOID *ppOriginal) { return MH_CreateHookApiEx(pszModule, pszProcName, pDetour, ppOriginal, NULL); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char * WINAPI MH_StatusToString(MH_STATUS status) { #define MH_ST2STR(x) \ case x: \ return #x; switch (status) { MH_ST2STR(MH_UNKNOWN) MH_ST2STR(MH_OK) MH_ST2STR(MH_ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED) MH_ST2STR(MH_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED) MH_ST2STR(MH_ERROR_ALREADY_CREATED) MH_ST2STR(MH_ERROR_NOT_CREATED) MH_ST2STR(MH_ERROR_ENABLED) MH_ST2STR(MH_ERROR_DISABLED) MH_ST2STR(MH_ERROR_NOT_EXECUTABLE) MH_ST2STR(MH_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION) MH_ST2STR(MH_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOC) MH_ST2STR(MH_ERROR_MEMORY_PROTECT) MH_ST2STR(MH_ERROR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND) MH_ST2STR(MH_ERROR_FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND) } #undef MH_ST2STR return "(unknown)"; }