dependencies = { basePath = "./deps" } function dependencies.load() dir = path.join(dependencies.basePath, "premake/*.lua") deps = os.matchfiles(dir) for i, dep in pairs(deps) do dep = dep:gsub(".lua", "") require(dep) end end function dependencies.imports() for i, proj in pairs(dependencies) do if type(i) == 'number' then proj.import() end end end function dependencies.projects() for i, proj in pairs(dependencies) do if type(i) == 'number' then proj.project() end end end newoption { trigger = "copy-to", description = "Optional, copy the EXE to a custom folder after build, define the path here if wanted.", value = "PATH" } newoption { trigger = "dev-build", description = "Enable development builds of the client." } newoption { trigger = "ci-build", description = "Enable CI builds of the client." } dependencies.load() workspace "shield-development" startproject "proxy-dll" location "./build" objdir "%{wks.location}/obj" targetdir "%{wks.location}/bin/%{cfg.platform}/%{cfg.buildcfg}" configurations {"Debug", "Release"} language "C++" cppdialect "C++20" architecture "x86_64" platforms "x64" systemversion "latest" symbols "On" staticruntime "On" editandcontinue "Off" warnings "Extra" characterset "ASCII" if _OPTIONS["dev-build"] then defines {"DEV_BUILD"} end if _OPTIONS["ci-build"] then defines {"CI"} end flags {"NoIncrementalLink", "NoMinimalRebuild", "MultiProcessorCompile", "No64BitChecks"} filter "platforms:x64" defines {"_WINDOWS", "WIN32"} filter {} filter "configurations:Release" optimize "Size" buildoptions {"/GL"} linkoptions { "/IGNORE:4702", "/LTCG" } defines {"NDEBUG"} flags {"FatalCompileWarnings"} filter {} filter "configurations:Debug" optimize "Debug" defines {"DEBUG", "_DEBUG"} filter {} project "shared-code" kind "StaticLib" language "C++" files {"./source/shared-code/**.hpp", "./source/shared-code/**.cpp"} includedirs {"./source/shared-code", "%{prj.location}/src"} resincludedirs {"$(ProjectDir)src"} dependencies.imports() project "proxy-dll" kind "SharedLib" language "C++" targetname "d3d11" pchheader "std_include.hpp" pchsource "source/proxy-dll/std_include.cpp" files {"./source/proxy-dll/**.rc", "./source/proxy-dll/**.hpp", "./source/proxy-dll/**.cpp", "./source/proxy-dll/resources/**.*"} includedirs {"./source/proxy-dll", "./source/shared-code", "%{prj.location}/src"} resincludedirs {"$(ProjectDir)src"} links {"shared-code"} if _OPTIONS["copy-to"] then postbuildcommands {"copy /y \"$(TargetPath)\" \"" .. _OPTIONS["copy-to"] .. "\""} end dependencies.imports() group "Dependencies" dependencies.projects()