// This file is part of AsmJit project <https://asmjit.com> // // See asmjit.h or LICENSE.md for license and copyright information // SPDX-License-Identifier: Zlib // ============================================================================ // tablegen.js // // Provides core foundation for generating tables that AsmJit requires. This // file should provide everything table generators need in general. // ============================================================================ "use strict"; const VERBOSE = false; // ============================================================================ // [Imports] // ============================================================================ const fs = require("fs"); const hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; const asmdb = (function() { // Try to import a local 'asmdb' package, if available. try { return require("./asmdb"); } catch (ex) { if (ex.code !== "MODULE_NOT_FOUND") { console.log(`FATAL ERROR: ${ex.message}`); throw ex; } } // Try to import global 'asmdb' package as local package is not available. return require("asmdb"); })(); exports.asmdb = asmdb; // ============================================================================ // [Constants] // ============================================================================ const kIndent = " "; const kJustify = 119; const kAsmJitRoot = ".."; exports.kIndent = kIndent; exports.kJustify = kJustify; exports.kAsmJitRoot = kAsmJitRoot; // ============================================================================ // [Debugging] // ============================================================================ function DEBUG(msg) { if (VERBOSE) console.log(msg); } exports.DEBUG = DEBUG; function WARN(msg) { console.log(msg); } exports.WARN = WARN; function FAIL(msg) { console.log(`FATAL ERROR: ${msg}`); throw new Error(msg); } exports.FAIL = FAIL; // ============================================================================ // [Lang] // ============================================================================ function nop(x) { return x; } class Lang { static merge(a, b) { if (a === b) return a; for (var k in b) { var av = a[k]; var bv = b[k]; if (typeof av === "object" && typeof bv === "object") Lang.merge(av, bv); else a[k] = bv; } return a; } static deepEq(a, b) { if (a === b) return true; if (typeof a !== typeof b) return false; if (typeof a !== "object") return a === b; if (Array.isArray(a) || Array.isArray(b)) { if (Array.isArray(a) !== Array.isArray(b)) return false; const len = a.length; if (b.length !== len) return false; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) if (!Lang.deepEq(a[i], b[i])) return false; } else { if (a === null || b === null) return a === b; for (var k in a) if (!hasOwn.call(b, k) || !Lang.deepEq(a[k], b[k])) return false; for (var k in b) if (!hasOwn.call(a, k)) return false; } return true; } static deepEqExcept(a, b, except) { if (a === b) return true; if (typeof a !== "object" || typeof b !== "object" || Array.isArray(a) || Array.isArray(b)) return Lang.deepEq(a, b); for (var k in a) if (!hasOwn.call(except, k) && (!hasOwn.call(b, k) || !Lang.deepEq(a[k], b[k]))) return false; for (var k in b) if (!hasOwn.call(except, k) && !hasOwn.call(a, k)) return false; return true; } } exports.Lang = Lang; // ============================================================================ // [StringUtils] // ============================================================================ class StringUtils { static asString(x) { return String(x); } static countOf(s, pattern) { if (!pattern) FAIL(`Pattern cannot be empty`); var n = 0; var pos = 0; while ((pos = s.indexOf(pattern, pos)) >= 0) { n++; pos += pattern.length; } return n; } static capitalize(s) { s = String(s); return !s ? s : s[0].toUpperCase() + s.substr(1); } static trimLeft(s) { return s.replace(/^\s+/, ""); } static trimRight(s) { return s.replace(/\s+$/, ""); } static upFirst(s) { if (!s) return ""; return s[0].toUpperCase() + s.substr(1); } static decToHex(n, nPad) { var hex = Number(n < 0 ? 0x100000000 + n : n).toString(16); while (nPad > hex.length) hex = "0" + hex; return "0x" + hex.toUpperCase(); } static format(array, indent, showIndex, mapFn) { if (!mapFn) mapFn = StringUtils.asString; var s = ""; var threshold = 80; if (showIndex === -1) s += indent; for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { const item = array[i]; const last = i === array.length - 1; if (showIndex !== -1) s += indent; s += mapFn(item); if (showIndex > 0) { s += `${last ? " " : ","} // #${i}`; if (typeof array.refCountOf === "function") s += ` [ref=${array.refCountOf(item)}x]`; } else if (!last) { s += ","; } if (showIndex === -1) { if (s.length >= threshold - 1 && !last) { s += "\n" + indent; threshold += 80; } else { if (!last) s += " "; } } else { if (!last) s += "\n"; } } return s; } static makeCxxArray(array, code, indent) { if (!indent) indent = kIndent; return `${code} = {\n${indent}` + array.join(`,\n${indent}`) + `\n};\n`; } static makeCxxArrayWithComment(array, code, indent) { if (!indent) indent = kIndent; var s = ""; for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { const last = i === array.length - 1; s += indent + array[i].data + (last ? " // " : ", // ") + (array[i].refs ? "#" + String(i) : "").padEnd(5) + array[i].comment + "\n"; } return `${code} = {\n${s}};\n`; } static disclaimer(s) { return "// ------------------- Automatically generated, do not edit -------------------\n" + s + "// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; } static indent(s, indentation) { var lines = s.split(/\r?\n/g); if (indentation) { for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { var line = lines[i]; if (line) lines[i] = indentation + line; } } return lines.join("\n"); } static extract(s, start, end) { var iStart = s.indexOf(start); var iEnd = s.indexOf(end); if (iStart === -1) FAIL(`StringUtils.extract(): Couldn't locate start mark '${start}'`); if (iEnd === -1) FAIL(`StringUtils.extract(): Couldn't locate end mark '${end}'`); return s.substring(iStart + start.length, iEnd).trim(); } static inject(s, start, end, code) { var iStart = s.indexOf(start); var iEnd = s.indexOf(end); if (iStart === -1) FAIL(`StringUtils.inject(): Couldn't locate start mark '${start}'`); if (iEnd === -1) FAIL(`StringUtils.inject(): Couldn't locate end mark '${end}'`); var nIndent = 0; while (iStart > 0 && s[iStart-1] === " ") { iStart--; nIndent++; } if (nIndent) { const indentation = " ".repeat(nIndent); code = StringUtils.indent(code, indentation) + indentation; } return s.substr(0, iStart + start.length + nIndent) + code + s.substr(iEnd); } static makePriorityCompare(priorityArray) { const map = Object.create(null); priorityArray.forEach((str, index) => { map[str] = index; }); return function(a, b) { const ax = hasOwn.call(map, a) ? map[a] : Infinity; const bx = hasOwn.call(map, b) ? map[b] : Infinity; return ax != bx ? ax - bx : a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0; } } } exports.StringUtils = StringUtils; // ============================================================================ // [ArrayUtils] // ============================================================================ class ArrayUtils { static min(arr, fn) { if (!arr.length) return null; if (!fn) fn = nop; var v = fn(arr[0]); for (var i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) v = Math.min(v, fn(arr[i])); return v; } static max(arr, fn) { if (!arr.length) return null; if (!fn) fn = nop; var v = fn(arr[0]); for (var i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) v = Math.max(v, fn(arr[i])); return v; } static sorted(obj, cmp) { const out = Array.isArray(obj) ? obj.slice() : Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj); out.sort(cmp); return out; } static deepIndexOf(arr, what) { for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) if (Lang.deepEq(arr[i], what)) return i; return -1; } } exports.ArrayUtils = ArrayUtils; // ============================================================================ // [MapUtils] // ============================================================================ class MapUtils { static clone(map) { return Object.assign(Object.create(null), map); } static arrayToMap(arr, value) { if (value === undefined) value = true; const out = Object.create(null); for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) out[arr[i]] = value; return out; } static equals(a, b) { for (var k in a) if (!hasOwn.call(b, k)) return false; for (var k in b) if (!hasOwn.call(a, k)) return false; return true; } static firstOf(map, flags) { for (var k in flags) if (hasOwn.call(map, k)) return k; return undefined; } static anyOf(map, flags) { for (var k in flags) if (hasOwn.call(map, k)) return true; return false; } static add(a, b) { for (var k in b) a[k] = b[k]; return a; } static and(a, b) { const out = Object.create(null); for (var k in a) if (hasOwn.call(b, k)) out[k] = true; return out; } static xor(a, b) { const out = Object.create(null); for (var k in a) if (!hasOwn.call(b, k)) out[k] = true; for (var k in b) if (!hasOwn.call(a, k)) out[k] = true; return out; } }; exports.MapUtils = MapUtils; // ============================================================================ // [CxxUtils] // ============================================================================ class CxxUtils { static flags(obj, fn, none) { if (none == null) none = "0"; if (!fn) fn = nop; var out = ""; for (var k in obj) { if (obj[k]) out += (out ? " | " : "") + fn(k); } return out ? out : none; } static struct(...args) { return "{ " + args.join(", ") + " }"; } }; exports.CxxUtils = CxxUtils; // ============================================================================ // [IndexedString] // ============================================================================ // IndexedString is mostly used to merge all instruction names into a single // string with external index. It's designed mostly for generating C++ tables. // // Consider the following cases in C++: // // a) static const char* const* instNames = { "add", "mov", "vpunpcklbw" }; // // b) static const char instNames[] = { "add\0" "mov\0" "vpunpcklbw\0" }; // static const uint16_t instNameIndex[] = { 0, 4, 8 }; // // The latter (b) has an advantage that it doesn't have to be relocated by the // linker, which saves a lot of space in the resulting binary and a lot of CPU // cycles (and memory) when the linker loads it. AsmJit supports thousands of // instructions so each optimization like this makes it smaller and faster to // load. class IndexedString { constructor() { this.map = Object.create(null); this.array = []; this.size = -1; } add(s) { this.map[s] = -1; } index() { const map = this.map; const array = this.array; const partialMap = Object.create(null); var k, kp; var i, len; // Create a map that will contain all keys and partial keys. for (k in map) { if (!k) { partialMap[k] = k; } else { for (i = 0, len = k.length; i < len; i++) { kp = k.substr(i); if (!hasOwn.call(partialMap, kp) || partialMap[kp].length < len) partialMap[kp] = k; } } } // Create an array that will only contain keys that are needed. for (k in map) if (partialMap[k] === k) array.push(k); array.sort(); // Create valid offsets to the `array`. var offMap = Object.create(null); var offset = 0; for (i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) { k = array[i]; offMap[k] = offset; offset += k.length + 1; } this.size = offset; // Assign valid offsets to `map`. for (kp in map) { k = partialMap[kp]; map[kp] = offMap[k] + k.length - kp.length; } } format(indent, justify) { if (this.size === -1) FAIL(`IndexedString.format(): not indexed yet, call index()`); const array = this.array; if (!justify) justify = 0; var i; var s = ""; var line = ""; for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { const item = "\"" + array[i] + ((i !== array.length - 1) ? "\\0\"" : "\";"); const newl = line + (line ? " " : indent) + item; if (newl.length <= justify) { line = newl; continue; } else { s += line + "\n"; line = indent + item; } } return s + line; } getSize() { if (this.size === -1) FAIL(`IndexedString.getSize(): Not indexed yet, call index()`); return this.size; } getIndex(k) { if (this.size === -1) FAIL(`IndexedString.getIndex(): Not indexed yet, call index()`); if (!hasOwn.call(this.map, k)) FAIL(`IndexedString.getIndex(): Key '${k}' not found.`); return this.map[k]; } } exports.IndexedString = IndexedString; // ============================================================================ // [InstructionNameData] // ============================================================================ function decimalToHexString(number, pad) { if (number < 0) number = 0xFFFFFFFF + number + 1; let s = number.toString(16).toUpperCase(); if (pad) s = s.padStart(pad, "0") return s; } function charTo5Bit(c) { if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') return 1 + (c.charCodeAt(0) - 'a'.charCodeAt(0)); else if (c >= '0' && c <= '4') return 1 + 26 + (c.charCodeAt(0) - '0'.charCodeAt(0)); else FAIL(`Character '${c}' cannot be encoded into a 5-bit string`); } class InstructionNameData { constructor() { this.names = []; this.primaryTable = []; this.stringTable = ""; this.size = 0; this.indexComment = []; this.maxNameLength = 0; } add(s) { // First try to encode the string with 5-bit characters that fit into a 32-bit int. if (/^[a-z0-4]{0,6}$/.test(s)) { let index = 0; for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) index |= charTo5Bit(s[i]) << (i * 5); this.names.push(s); this.primaryTable.push(index | (1 << 31)); this.indexComment.push(`Small '${s}'.`); } else { // Put the string into a string table. this.names.push(s); this.primaryTable.push(-1); this.indexComment.push(``); } if (this.maxNameLength < s.length) this.maxNameLength = s.length; } index() { const kMaxPrefixSize = 15; const kMaxSuffixSize = 7; const names = []; for (let idx = 0; idx < this.primaryTable.length; idx++) { if (this.primaryTable[idx] === -1) { names.push({ name: this.names[idx], index: idx }); } } names.sort(function(a, b) { if (a.name.length > b.name.length) return -1; if (a.name.length < b.name.length) return 1; return (a > b) ? 1 : (a < b) ? -1 : 0; }); for (let z = 0; z < names.length; z++) { const idx = names[z].index; const name = names[z].name; let done = false; let longestPrefix = 0; let longestSuffix = 0; let prefix = ""; let suffix = ""; for (let i = Math.min(name.length, kMaxPrefixSize); i > 0; i--) { prefix = name.substring(0, i); suffix = name.substring(i); const prefixIndex = this.stringTable.indexOf(prefix); const suffixIndex = this.stringTable.indexOf(suffix); // Matched both parts? if (prefixIndex !== -1 && suffix === "") { done = true; break; } if (prefixIndex !== -1 && suffixIndex !== -1) { done = true; break; } if (prefixIndex !== -1 && longestPrefix === 0) longestPrefix = prefix.length; if (suffixIndex !== -1 && suffix.length > longestSuffix) longestSuffix = suffix.length; if (suffix.length === kMaxSuffixSize) break; } if (!done) { let minPrefixSize = name.length >= 8 ? name.length / 2 + 1 : name.length - 2; prefix = ""; suffix = ""; if (longestPrefix >= minPrefixSize) { prefix = name.substring(0, longestPrefix); suffix = name.substring(longestPrefix); } else if (longestSuffix) { const splitAt = Math.min(name.length - longestSuffix, kMaxPrefixSize);; prefix = name.substring(0, splitAt); suffix = name.substring(splitAt); } else if (name.length > kMaxPrefixSize) { prefix = name.substring(0, kMaxPrefixSize); suffix = name.substring(kMaxPrefixSize); } else { prefix = name; suffix = ""; } } if (suffix) { const prefixIndex = this.addOrReferenceString(prefix); const suffixIndex = this.addOrReferenceString(suffix); this.primaryTable[idx] = prefixIndex | (prefix.length << 12) | (suffixIndex << 16) | (suffix.length << 28); this.indexComment[idx] = `Large '${prefix}|${suffix}'.`; } else { const prefixIndex = this.addOrReferenceString(prefix); this.primaryTable[idx] = prefixIndex | (prefix.length << 12); this.indexComment[idx] = `Large '${prefix}'.`; } } } addOrReferenceString(s) { let index = this.stringTable.indexOf(s); if (index === -1) { index = this.stringTable.length; this.stringTable += s; } return index; } formatIndexTable(tableName) { if (this.size === -1) FAIL(`IndexedString.formatIndexTable(): Not indexed yet, call index()`); let s = ""; for (let i = 0; i < this.primaryTable.length; i++) { s += "0x" + decimalToHexString(this.primaryTable[i], 8); s += i !== this.primaryTable.length - 1 ? "," : " "; s += " // " + this.indexComment[i] + "\n"; } return `const uint32_t ${tableName}[] = {\n${StringUtils.indent(s, " ")}};\n`; } formatStringTable(tableName) { if (this.size === -1) FAIL(`IndexedString.formatStringTable(): Not indexed yet, call index()`); let s = ""; for (let i = 0; i < this.stringTable.length; i += 80) { if (s) s += "\n" s += '"' + this.stringTable.substring(i, i + 80) + '"'; } s += ";\n"; return `const char ${tableName}[] =\n${StringUtils.indent(s, " ")}\n`; } getSize() { if (this.size === -1) FAIL(`IndexedString.getSize(): Not indexed yet, call index()`); return this.primaryTable.length * 4 + this.stringTable.length; } getIndex(k) { if (this.size === -1) FAIL(`IndexedString.getIndex(): Not indexed yet, call index()`); if (!hasOwn.call(this.map, k)) FAIL(`IndexedString.getIndex(): Key '${k}' not found.`); return this.map[k]; } } exports.InstructionNameData = InstructionNameData; // ============================================================================ // [IndexedArray] // ============================================================================ // IndexedArray is an Array replacement that allows to index each item inserted // to it. Its main purpose is to avoid data duplication, if an item passed to // `addIndexed()` is already within the Array then it's not inserted and the // existing index is returned instead. function IndexedArray_keyOf(item) { return typeof item === "string" ? item : JSON.stringify(item); } class IndexedArray extends Array { constructor() { super(); this._index = Object.create(null); } refCountOf(item) { const key = IndexedArray_keyOf(item); const idx = this._index[key]; return idx !== undefined ? idx.refCount : 0; } addIndexed(item) { const key = IndexedArray_keyOf(item); var idx = this._index[key]; if (idx !== undefined) { idx.refCount++; return idx.data; } idx = this.length; this._index[key] = { data: idx, refCount: 1 }; this.push(item); return idx; } } exports.IndexedArray = IndexedArray; // ============================================================================ // [Task] // ============================================================================ // A base runnable task that can access the TableGen through `this.ctx`. class Task { constructor(name, deps) { this.ctx = null; this.name = name || ""; this.deps = deps || []; } inject(key, str, size) { this.ctx.inject(key, str, size); return this; } run() { FAIL("Task.run(): Must be reimplemented"); } } exports.Task = Task; // ============================================================================ // [TableGen] // ============================================================================ // Main context used to load, generate, and store instruction tables. The idea // is to be extensible, so it stores 'Task's to be executed with minimal deps // management. class TableGen { constructor(arch) { this.arch = arch; this.files = Object.create(null); this.tableSizes = Object.create(null); this.tasks = []; this.taskMap = Object.create(null); this.insts = []; this.instMap = Object.create(null); this.aliases = []; this.aliasMem = Object.create(null); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [File Management] // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- load(fileList) { for (var i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) { const file = fileList[i]; const path = kAsmJitRoot + "/" + file; const data = fs.readFileSync(path, "utf8").replace(/\r\n/g, "\n"); this.files[file] = { prev: data, data: data }; } return this; } save() { for (var file in this.files) { const obj = this.files[file]; if (obj.data !== obj.prev) { const path = kAsmJitRoot + "/" + file; console.log(`MODIFIED '${file}'`); fs.writeFileSync(path + ".backup", obj.prev, "utf8"); fs.writeFileSync(path, obj.data, "utf8"); } } } dataOfFile(file) { const obj = this.files[file]; if (!obj) FAIL(`TableGen.dataOfFile(): File '${file}' not loaded`); return obj.data; } inject(key, str, size) { const begin = "// ${" + key + ":Begin}\n"; const end = "// ${" + key + ":End}\n"; var done = false; for (var file in this.files) { const obj = this.files[file]; const data = obj.data; if (data.indexOf(begin) !== -1) { obj.data = StringUtils.inject(data, begin, end, str); done = true; break; } } if (!done) FAIL(`TableGen.inject(): Cannot find '${key}'`); if (size) this.tableSizes[key] = size; return this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [Task Management] // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- addTask(task) { if (!task.name) FAIL(`TableGen.addModule(): Module must have a name`); if (this.taskMap[task.name]) FAIL(`TableGen.addModule(): Module '${task.name}' already added`); task.deps.forEach((dependency) => { if (!this.taskMap[dependency]) FAIL(`TableGen.addModule(): Dependency '${dependency}' of module '${task.name}' doesn't exist`); }); this.tasks.push(task); this.taskMap[task.name] = task; task.ctx = this; return this; } runTasks() { const tasks = this.tasks; const tasksDone = Object.create(null); var pending = tasks.length; while (pending) { const oldPending = pending; const arrPending = []; for (var i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) { const task = tasks[i]; if (tasksDone[task.name]) continue; if (task.deps.every((dependency) => { return tasksDone[dependency] === true; })) { task.run(); tasksDone[task.name] = true; pending--; } else { arrPending.push(task.name); } } if (oldPending === pending) throw Error(`TableGen.runModules(): Modules '${arrPending.join("|")}' stuck (cyclic dependency?)`); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [Instruction Management] // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- addInst(inst) { if (this.instMap[inst.name]) FAIL(`TableGen.addInst(): Instruction '${inst.name}' already added`); inst.id = this.insts.length; this.insts.push(inst); this.instMap[inst.name] = inst; return this; } addAlias(alias, name) { this.aliases.push(alias); this.aliasMap[alias] = name; return this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [Run] // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- run() { this.onBeforeRun(); this.runTasks(); this.onAfterRun(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [Other] // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- dumpTableSizes() { const sizes = this.tableSizes; var pad = 26; var total = 0; for (var name in sizes) { const size = sizes[name]; total += size; console.log(("Size of " + name).padEnd(pad) + ": " + size); } console.log("Size of all tables".padEnd(pad) + ": " + total); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [Hooks] // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- onBeforeRun() {} onAfterRun() {} } exports.TableGen = TableGen; // ============================================================================ // [IdEnum] // ============================================================================ class IdEnum extends Task { constructor(name, deps) { super(name || "IdEnum", deps); } comment(name) { FAIL("IdEnum.comment(): Must be reimplemented"); } run() { const insts = this.ctx.insts; var s = ""; for (var i = 0; i < insts.length; i++) { const inst = insts[i]; var line = "kId" + inst.enum + (i ? "" : " = 0") + ","; var text = this.comment(inst); if (text) line = line.padEnd(37) + "//!< " + text; s += line + "\n"; } s += "_kIdCount\n"; return this.ctx.inject("InstId", s); } } exports.IdEnum = IdEnum; // ============================================================================ // [NameTable] // ============================================================================ class NameTable extends Task { constructor(name, deps) { super(name || "NameTable", deps); } run() { const none = "Inst::kIdNone"; const insts = this.ctx.insts; const instFirst = new Array(26); const instLast = new Array(26); const instNameData = new InstructionNameData(); for (let i = 0; i < insts.length; i++) instNameData.add(insts[i].displayName); instNameData.index(); for (let i = 0; i < insts.length; i++) { const inst = insts[i]; const name = inst.displayName; const index = name.charCodeAt(0) - 'a'.charCodeAt(0); if (index < 0 || index >= 26) FAIL(`TableGen.generateNameData(): Invalid lookup character '${name[0]}' of '${name}'`); if (instFirst[index] === undefined) instFirst[index] = `Inst::kId${inst.enum}`; instLast[index] = `Inst::kId${inst.enum}`; } var s = ""; s += instNameData.formatIndexTable("InstDB::_instNameIndexTable"); s += `\n`; s += instNameData.formatStringTable("InstDB::_instNameStringTable"); s += `\n`; s += `const InstDB::InstNameIndex InstDB::instNameIndex[26] = {\n`; for (var i = 0; i < instFirst.length; i++) { const firstId = instFirst[i] || none; const lastId = instLast[i] || none; s += ` { ${String(firstId).padEnd(22)}, ${String(lastId).padEnd(22)} + 1 }`; if (i !== 26 - 1) s += `,`; s += `\n`; } s += `};\n`; this.ctx.inject("NameLimits", StringUtils.disclaimer(`enum : uint32_t { kMaxNameSize = ${instNameData.maxNameLength} };\n`)); return this.ctx.inject("NameData", StringUtils.disclaimer(s), instNameData.getSize() + 26 * 4); } } exports.NameTable = NameTable;