gitVersioningCommand = "git describe --tags --dirty --always" gitCurrentBranchCommand = "git symbolic-ref -q --short HEAD" -- Quote the given string input as a C string function cstrquote(value) if value == nil then return "\"\"" end result = value:gsub("\\", "\\\\") result = result:gsub("\"", "\\\"") result = result:gsub("\n", "\\n") result = result:gsub("\t", "\\t") result = result:gsub("\r", "\\r") result = result:gsub("\a", "\\a") result = result:gsub("\b", "\\b") result = "\"" .. result .. "\"" return result end -- Converts tags in "vX.X.X" format and given revision number Y to an array of numbers {X,X,X,Y}. -- In the case where the format does not work fall back to padding with zeroes and just ending with the revision number. -- partscount can be either 3 or 4. function vertonumarr(value, vernumber, partscount) vernum = {} for num in string.gmatch(value or "", "%d+") do if #vernum < 3 then table.insert(vernum, tonumber(num)) end end while #vernum < 3 do table.insert(vernum, 0) end if #vernum < partscount then table.insert(vernum, tonumber(vernumber)) end return vernum end dependencies = { basePath = "./deps" } function dependencies.load() dir = path.join(dependencies.basePath, "premake/*.lua") deps = os.matchfiles(dir) for i, dep in pairs(deps) do dep = dep:gsub(".lua", "") require(dep) end end function dependencies.imports() for i, proj in pairs(dependencies) do if type(i) == 'number' then proj.import() end end end function dependencies.projects() for i, proj in pairs(dependencies) do if type(i) == 'number' then proj.project() end end end newoption { trigger = "copy-to", description = "Optional, copy the EXE to a custom folder after build, define the path here if wanted.", value = "PATH" } newoption { trigger = "dev-build", description = "Enable development builds of the client." } newoption { trigger = "ci-build", description = "Enable CI builds of the client." } newaction { trigger = "version", description = "Returns the version string for the current commit of the source code.", onWorkspace = function(wks) -- get current version via git local proc = assert(io.popen(gitVersioningCommand, "r")) local gitDescribeOutput = assert(proc:read('*a')):gsub("%s+", "") proc:close() local version = gitDescribeOutput proc = assert(io.popen(gitCurrentBranchCommand, "r")) local gitCurrentBranchOutput = assert(proc:read('*a')):gsub("%s+", "") local gitCurrentBranchSuccess = proc:close() if gitCurrentBranchSuccess then -- We got a branch name, check if it is a feature branch if gitCurrentBranchOutput ~= "develop" and gitCurrentBranchOutput ~= "master" then version = version .. "-" .. gitCurrentBranchOutput end end print(version) os.exit(0) end } newaction { trigger = "generate-buildinfo", description = "Sets up build information file like version.h.", onWorkspace = function(wks) -- get old version number from version.hpp if any local oldVersion = "(none)" local oldVersionHeader = .. "/s/version.h", "r") if oldVersionHeader ~= nil then local oldVersionHeaderContent = assert(oldVersionHeader:read('*l')) while oldVersionHeaderContent do m = string.match(oldVersionHeaderContent, "#define GIT_DESCRIBE (.+)%s*$") if m ~= nil then oldVersion = m end oldVersionHeaderContent = oldVersionHeader:read('*l') end end -- get current version via git local proc = assert(io.popen(gitVersioningCommand, "r")) local gitDescribeOutput = assert(proc:read('*a')):gsub("%s+", "") proc:close() -- generate version.hpp with a revision number if not equal gitDescribeOutputQuoted = cstrquote(gitDescribeOutput) if oldVersion ~= gitDescribeOutputQuoted then -- get current git hash and write to version.txt (used by the preliminary updater) -- TODO - remove once proper updater and release versioning exists local proc = assert(io.popen("git rev-parse HEAD", "r")) local gitCommitHash = assert(proc:read('*a')):gsub("%s+", "") proc:close() -- get whether this is a clean revision (no uncommitted changes) proc = assert(io.popen("git status --porcelain", "r")) local revDirty = (assert(proc:read('*a')) ~= "") if revDirty then revDirty = 1 else revDirty = 0 end proc:close() -- get current tag name proc = assert(io.popen("git describe --tags --abbrev=0")) local tagName = proc:read('*l') -- get current branch name proc = assert(io.popen("git branch --show-current")) local branchName = proc:read('*l') -- branch for ci if branchName == nil or branchName == '' then proc = assert(io.popen("git show -s --pretty=%d HEAD")) local branchInfo = proc:read('*l') m = string.match(branchInfo, ".+,.+, ([^)]+)") if m ~= nil then branchName = m end end if branchName == nil then branchName = "develop" end print("Detected branch: " .. branchName) -- get revision number via git local proc = assert(io.popen("git rev-list --count HEAD", "r")) local revNumber = assert(proc:read('*a')):gsub("%s+", "") print ("Update " .. oldVersion .. " -> " .. gitDescribeOutputQuoted) -- write to version.txt for preliminary updater -- NOTE - remove this once we have a proper updater and proper release versioning local versionFile = assert( .. "/version.txt", "w")) versionFile:write(gitCommitHash) versionFile:close() -- write version header local versionHeader = assert( .. "/src/version.h", "w")) versionHeader:write("/*\n") versionHeader:write(" * Automatically generated by premake5.\n") versionHeader:write(" * Do not touch!\n") versionHeader:write(" */\n") versionHeader:write("\n") versionHeader:write("#define GIT_DESCRIBE " .. gitDescribeOutputQuoted .. "\n") versionHeader:write("#define GIT_DIRTY " .. revDirty .. "\n") versionHeader:write("#define GIT_HASH " .. cstrquote(gitCommitHash) .. "\n") versionHeader:write("#define GIT_TAG " .. cstrquote(tagName) .. "\n") versionHeader:write("#define GIT_BRANCH " .. cstrquote(branchName) .. "\n") versionHeader:write("\n") versionHeader:write("// Version transformed for RC files\n") versionHeader:write("#define VERSION_PRODUCT_RC " .. table.concat(vertonumarr(tagName, revNumber, 3), ",") .. "\n") versionHeader:write("#define VERSION_PRODUCT " .. cstrquote(table.concat(vertonumarr(tagName, revNumber, 3), ".")) .. "\n") versionHeader:write("#define VERSION_FILE_RC " .. table.concat(vertonumarr(tagName, revNumber, 4), ",") .. "\n") versionHeader:write("#define VERSION_FILE " .. cstrquote(table.concat(vertonumarr(tagName, revNumber, 4), ".")) .. "\n") versionHeader:write("\n") versionHeader:write("// Alias definitions\n") versionHeader:write("#define VERSION GIT_DESCRIBE\n") versionHeader:write("#define SHORTVERSION VERSION_PRODUCT\n") versionHeader:close() local versionHeader = assert( .. "/src/version.hpp", "w")) versionHeader:write("/*\n") versionHeader:write(" * Automatically generated by premake5.\n") versionHeader:write(" * Do not touch!\n") versionHeader:write(" *\n") versionHeader:write(" * This file exists for reasons of complying with our coding standards.\n") versionHeader:write(" *\n") versionHeader:write(" * The Resource Compiler will ignore any content from C++ header files if they're not from STDInclude.hpp.\n") versionHeader:write(" * That's the reason why we now place all version info in version.h instead.\n") versionHeader:write(" */\n") versionHeader:write("\n") versionHeader:write("#include \".\\version.h\"\n") versionHeader:close() end end } --DEFUALT dependencies = { basePath = "./deps" } function dependencies.load() dir = path.join(dependencies.basePath, "premake/*.lua") deps = os.matchfiles(dir) for i, dep in pairs(deps) do dep = dep:gsub(".lua", "") require(dep) end end function dependencies.imports() for i, proj in pairs(dependencies) do if type(i) == 'number' then proj.import() end end end function dependencies.projects() for i, proj in pairs(dependencies) do if type(i) == 'number' then proj.project() end end end dependencies.load() workspace "shield-development" startproject "proxy-dll" location "./build" objdir "%{wks.location}/obj" targetdir "%{wks.location}/bin/%{cfg.platform}/%{cfg.buildcfg}" configurations {"Debug", "Release"} language "C++" cppdialect "C++20" architecture "x86_64" platforms "x64" systemversion "latest" symbols "On" staticruntime "On" editandcontinue "Off" warnings "Extra" characterset "ASCII" if _OPTIONS["dev-build"] then defines {"DEV_BUILD"} end if _OPTIONS["ci-build"] then defines {"CI"} end flags {"NoIncrementalLink", "NoMinimalRebuild", "MultiProcessorCompile", "No64BitChecks"} filter "platforms:x64" defines {"_WINDOWS", "WIN32"} filter {} filter "configurations:Release" optimize "Size" buildoptions {"/GL"} linkoptions { "/IGNORE:4702", "/LTCG" } defines {"NDEBUG"} flags {"FatalCompileWarnings"} warnings "off" filter {} filter "configurations:Debug" optimize "Debug" defines {"DEBUG", "_DEBUG"} filter {} project "shared-code" kind "StaticLib" language "C++" files {"./source/shared-code/**.hpp", "./source/shared-code/**.cpp"} includedirs {"./source/shared-code", "%{prj.location}/src"} resincludedirs {"$(ProjectDir)src"} dependencies.imports() disablewarnings { "4244" } project "proxy-dll" kind "SharedLib" language "C++" targetname "XInput9_1_0" pchheader "std_include.hpp" pchsource "source/proxy-dll/std_include.cpp" files {"./source/proxy-dll/**.rc", "./source/proxy-dll/**.hpp", "./source/proxy-dll/**.cpp", "./source/proxy-dll/resources/**.*"} includedirs {"./source/proxy-dll", "./source/shared-code", "%{prj.location}/src"} resincludedirs {"$(ProjectDir)src"} links {"shared-code"} if _OPTIONS["copy-to"] then postbuildcommands {"copy /y \"$(TargetPath)\" \"" .. _OPTIONS["copy-to"] .. "\""} end dependencies.imports() disablewarnings { "4244" } group "Dependencies" dependencies.projects() prebuildcommands {"pushd %{_MAIN_SCRIPT_DIR}", "tools\\premake5 generate-buildinfo", "popd"}