110 lines
3.0 KiB
110 lines
3.0 KiB
#include <std_include.hpp>
#include "protobuf_helper.hpp"
#include "ida_defs.h"
bdProtobufHelper::bdProtobufHelper() {}
bdProtobufHelper::~bdProtobufHelper() {}
/* Yes we unlocked next level of copy-pasta; someone bring the trophy :) */
bool bdProtobufHelper::encodeVarInt(uint64_t value)
__int64 v2; // rbx
unsigned __int64 v4; // rax
char v5; // cl
char valuea[16]; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-28h] BYREF
v2 = 0i64;
if (value)
if ((unsigned int)v2 >= 0xA)
v4 = value;
v5 = value | 0x80;
value >>= 7;
valuea[v2] = v5;
v2 = (unsigned int)(v2 + 1);
} while (v4 >= 0x80);
valuea[(unsigned int)(v2 - 1)] &= 0x7Fu;
valuea[0] = 0;
LODWORD(v2) = 1;
//return bdStructSerializationOutputStream::write(stream, valuea, v2) == (_DWORD)v2;
this->buffer.append(std::string(valuea, v2));
this->length += v2;
return true;
bool bdProtobufHelper::encodeVarInt(int64_t value)
unsigned __int64 v2; // rax
v2 = 2 * value;
if (value < 0)
v2 = ~v2;
return bdProtobufHelper::encodeVarInt(v2);
bool bdProtobufHelper::encodeString(const char* value, uint32_t len)
bool result; // al
result = bdProtobufHelper::encodeVarInt(static_cast<uint64_t>(len));
if (result)
this->buffer.append(std::string(value, len));
this->length += len;
//result = bdStructSerializationOutputStream::write(stream, value, len) == len;
return result;
bool bdProtobufHelper::encodeTag(uint32_t tagId, eWireType wireType)
unsigned __int64 tag = (int)wireType | (8i64 * tagId);
return bdProtobufHelper::encodeVarInt(tag);
bool bdProtobufHelper::writeInt64(uint32_t tag, int64_t value)
return bdProtobufHelper::encodeTag(tag, WIRETYPE_VARINT) && bdProtobufHelper::encodeVarInt(value);
bool bdProtobufHelper::writeUInt64(uint32_t tag, uint64_t value)
return bdProtobufHelper::encodeTag(tag, WIRETYPE_VARINT) && bdProtobufHelper::encodeVarInt(value);
bool bdProtobufHelper::writeInt32(uint32_t tag, int32_t value)
return bdProtobufHelper::encodeTag(tag, WIRETYPE_VARINT) && bdProtobufHelper::encodeVarInt(static_cast<int64_t>(value));
bool bdProtobufHelper::writeUInt32(uint32_t tag, uint32_t value)
return bdProtobufHelper::encodeTag(tag, WIRETYPE_VARINT) && bdProtobufHelper::encodeVarInt(static_cast<uint64_t>(value));
bool bdProtobufHelper::writeString(uint32_t tag, const char* value, uint32_t size)
unsigned int v5; // edi
const void* v8; // rax
v5 = size;
v8 = memchr(value, 0, size);
if (v8)
v5 = (_DWORD)v8 - (_DWORD)value;
return bdProtobufHelper::encodeTag(tag, WIRETYPE_STRING) && bdProtobufHelper::encodeString(value, v5);
bool bdProtobufHelper::writeBlob(uint32_t tag, void* buffer, uint32_t size)
return bdProtobufHelper::encodeTag(tag, WIRETYPE_STRING) && bdProtobufHelper::encodeString(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buffer), size);