337 lines
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337 lines
9.0 KiB
// WinRegTest.cpp -- by Giovanni Dicanio
// Test some of the WinReg code
// NOTE --- Test Preparation ---
// In the folder containing this source file, there should be also a file
// "GioTest.reg". This REG file contains some initial data to load into
// the registry for this test.
#include "WinReg.hpp" // Module to test
#include <exception>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using std::pair;
using std::vector;
using std::wcout;
using std::wstring;
using winreg::RegKey;
using winreg::RegException;
using winreg::RegExpected;
// Test common RegKey methods
void Test()
wcout << "\n *** Testing Common RegKey Methods *** \n\n";
// Test subkey and value enumeration
const wstring testSubKey = L"SOFTWARE\\GioTest";
RegKey key{ HKEY_CURRENT_USER, testSubKey };
vector<wstring> subKeyNames = key.EnumSubKeys();
wcout << L"Subkeys:\n";
for (const auto& s : subKeyNames)
wcout << L" [" << s << L"]\n";
wcout << L'\n';
vector<pair<wstring, DWORD>> values = key.EnumValues();
wcout << L"Values:\n";
for (const auto& v : values)
wcout << L" [" << v.first << L"](" << RegKey::RegTypeToString(v.second) << L")\n";
wcout << L'\n';
// Test SetXxxValue, GetXxxValue and TryGetXxxValue methods
key.Open(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, testSubKey);
const DWORD testDw = 0x1234ABCD;
const ULONGLONG testQw = 0xAABBCCDD11223344;
const wstring testSz = L"CiaoTestSz";
const wstring testExpandSz = L"%PATH%";
const vector<BYTE> testBinary = { 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33 };
const vector<BYTE> testEmptyBinary; // used to test zero-length binary data array
const vector<wstring> testMultiSz = { L"Hi", L"Hello", L"Ciao" };
key.SetDwordValue(L"TestValueDword", testDw);
key.SetQwordValue(L"TestValueQword", testQw);
key.SetStringValue(L"TestValueString", testSz);
key.SetExpandStringValue(L"TestValueExpandString", testExpandSz);
key.SetMultiStringValue(L"TestValueMultiString", testMultiSz);
key.SetBinaryValue(L"TestValueBinary", testBinary);
key.SetBinaryValue(L"TestEmptyBinary", testEmptyBinary);
// TODO: May add tests for other empty values, like empty string, etc.
if (key.TrySetDwordValue(L"TestTryValueDword", testDw).Failed())
wcout << L"RegKey::TrySetDwordValue failed.\n";
if (key.TrySetQwordValue(L"TestTryValueQword", testQw).Failed())
wcout << L"RegKey::TrySetQwordValue failed.\n";
if (key.TrySetStringValue(L"TestTryValueString", testSz).Failed())
wcout << L"RegKey::TrySetStringValue failed.\n";
if (key.TrySetExpandStringValue(L"TestTryValueExpandString", testExpandSz).Failed())
wcout << L"RegKey::TrySetExpandStringValue failed.\n";
if (key.TrySetMultiStringValue(L"TestTryValueMultiString", testMultiSz).Failed())
wcout << L"RegKey::TrySetMultiStringValue failed.\n";
if (key.TrySetBinaryValue(L"TestTryValueBinary", testBinary).Failed())
wcout << L"RegKey::TrySetBinaryValue failed.\n";
if (key.TrySetBinaryValue(L"TestTryEmptyBinary", testEmptyBinary).Failed())
wcout << L"RegKey::TrySetBinaryValue failed with zero-length binary array.\n";
DWORD testDw1 = key.GetDwordValue(L"TestValueDword");
if (testDw1 != testDw)
wcout << L"RegKey::GetDwordValue failed.\n";
if (auto testDw2 = key.TryGetDwordValue(L"TestTryValueDword"))
if (testDw2.GetValue() != testDw)
wcout << L"RegKey::TryGetDwordValue failed.\n";
wcout << L"RegKey::TryGetDwordValue failed.\n";
DWORD typeId = key.QueryValueType(L"TestValueDword");
if (typeId != REG_DWORD)
wcout << L"RegKey::QueryValueType failed for REG_DWORD.\n";
ULONGLONG testQw1 = key.GetQwordValue(L"TestValueQword");
if (testQw1 != testQw)
wcout << L"RegKey::GetQwordValue failed.\n";
if (auto testQw2 = key.TryGetQwordValue(L"TestTryValueQword"))
if (testQw2.GetValue() != testQw)
wcout << L"RegKey::TryGetQwordValue failed.\n";
wcout << L"RegKey::TryGetQwordValue failed.\n";
typeId = key.QueryValueType(L"TestValueQword");
if (typeId != REG_QWORD)
wcout << L"RegKey::QueryValueType failed for REG_QWORD.\n";
wstring testSz1 = key.GetStringValue(L"TestValueString");
if (testSz1 != testSz)
wcout << L"RegKey::GetStringValue failed.\n";
if (auto testSz2 = key.TryGetStringValue(L"TestTryValueString"))
if (testSz2.GetValue() != testSz)
wcout << L"RegKey::TryGetStringValue failed.\n";
wcout << L"RegKey::TryGetStringValue failed.\n";
typeId = key.QueryValueType(L"TestValueString");
if (typeId != REG_SZ)
wcout << L"RegKey::QueryValueType failed for REG_SZ.\n";
wstring testExpandSz1 = key.GetExpandStringValue(L"TestValueExpandString");
if (testExpandSz1 != testExpandSz)
wcout << L"RegKey::GetExpandStringValue failed.\n";
if (auto testExpandSz2 = key.TryGetExpandStringValue(L"TestTryValueExpandString"))
if (testExpandSz2.GetValue() != testExpandSz)
wcout << L"RegKey::TryGetExpandStringValue failed.\n";
wcout << L"RegKey::TryGetExpandStringValue failed.\n";
typeId = key.QueryValueType(L"TestValueExpandString");
if (typeId != REG_EXPAND_SZ)
wcout << L"RegKey::QueryValueType failed for REG_EXPAND_SZ.\n";
vector<wstring> testMultiSz1 = key.GetMultiStringValue(L"TestValueMultiString");
if (testMultiSz1 != testMultiSz)
wcout << L"RegKey::GetMultiStringValue failed.\n";
if (auto testMultiSz2 = key.TryGetMultiStringValue(L"TestTryValueMultiString"))
if (testMultiSz2.GetValue() != testMultiSz)
wcout << L"RegKey::TryGetMultiStringValue failed.\n";
wcout << L"RegKey::TryGetMultiStringValue failed.\n";
typeId = key.QueryValueType(L"TestValueMultiString");
if (typeId != REG_MULTI_SZ)
wcout << L"RegKey::QueryValueType failed for REG_MULTI_SZ.\n";
vector<BYTE> testBinary1 = key.GetBinaryValue(L"TestValueBinary");
if (testBinary1 != testBinary)
wcout << L"RegKey::GetBinaryValue failed.\n";
if (auto testBinary2 = key.TryGetBinaryValue(L"TestTryValueBinary"))
if (testBinary2.GetValue() != testBinary)
wcout << L"RegKey::TryGetBinaryValue failed.\n";
wcout << L"RegKey::TryGetBinaryValue failed.\n";
typeId = key.QueryValueType(L"TestValueBinary");
if (typeId != REG_BINARY)
wcout << L"RegKey::QueryValueType failed for REG_BINARY.\n";
// Test the special case of zero-length binary array
vector<BYTE> testEmptyBinary1 = key.GetBinaryValue(L"TestEmptyBinary");
if (testEmptyBinary1 != testEmptyBinary)
wcout << L"RegKey::GetBinaryValue failed with zero-length binary data.\n";
if (auto testEmptyBinary2 = key.TryGetBinaryValue(L"TestTryEmptyBinary"))
if (testEmptyBinary2.GetValue() != testEmptyBinary)
wcout << L"RegKey::TryGetBinaryValue failed with zero-length binary data.\n";
wcout << L"RegKey::TryGetBinaryValue failed.\n";
// Remove some test values
int main()
const int kExitOk = 0;
const int kExitError = 1;
wcout << L"=========================================\n";
wcout << L"*** Testing Giovanni Dicanio's WinReg ***\n";
wcout << L"=========================================\n\n";
wcout << L"All right!! :)\n\n";
catch (const RegException& e)
wcout << L"\n*** Registry Exception: " << e.what();
wcout << L"\n*** [Windows API error code = " << e.code() << L"]\n\n";
return kExitError;
catch (const std::exception& e)
wcout << L"\n*** ERROR: " << e.what() << L'\n';
return kExitError;
return kExitOk;