!ifndef __WIN_WINERROR__INC !define __WIN_WINERROR__INC !verbose push !verbose 3 !ifndef __WIN_NOINC_WINERROR #define NO_ERROR 0 !define ERROR_SUCCESS 0 !define ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION 1 !define ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND 2 !define ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND 3 !define ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES 4 !define ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 5 !define ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE 6 !define ERROR_ARENA_TRASHED 7 !define ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 8 !define ERROR_INVALID_BLOCK 9 !define ERROR_BAD_ENVIRONMENT 10 !define ERROR_BAD_FORMAT 11 !define ERROR_INVALID_ACCESS 12 !define ERROR_INVALID_DATA 13 !define ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY 14 !define ERROR_INVALID_DRIVE 15 !define ERROR_CURRENT_DIRECTORY 16 !define ERROR_NOT_SAME_DEVICE 17 !define ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES 18 !define ERROR_WRITE_PROTECT 19 !define ERROR_BAD_UNIT 20 !define ERROR_NOT_READY 21 !define ERROR_BAD_COMMAND 22 !define ERROR_CRC 23 !define ERROR_BAD_LENGTH 24 !define ERROR_SEEK 25 !define ERROR_NOT_DOS_DISK 26 !define ERROR_SECTOR_NOT_FOUND 27 !define ERROR_OUT_OF_PAPER 28 !define ERROR_WRITE_FAULT 29 !define ERROR_READ_FAULT 30 !define ERROR_GEN_FAILURE 31 !define ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION 32 !define ERROR_LOCK_VIOLATION 33 !define ERROR_WRONG_DISK 34 !define ERROR_SHARING_BUFFER_EXCEEDED 36 !define ERROR_HANDLE_EOF 38 !define ERROR_HANDLE_DISK_FULL 39 !define ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED 50 !define ERROR_CANNOT_MAKE 82 ; "The directory or file cannot be created" !define ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 87 !define ERROR_DISK_FULL 112 !define ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED 120 ; "This function is not supported on this system" !define ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER 122 !define ERROR_INVALID_NAME 123 ; "The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect" !define ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND 126 ; "The specified module could not be found" !define ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS 160 !define ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME 161 !define ERROR_LOCK_FAILED 167 ; "Unable to lock a region of a file" !define ERROR_BUSY 170 ; "The requested resource is in use" !define ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS 183 ; "Cannot create a file when that file already exists" !define ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE 206 ; "The filename or extension is too long" !define ERROR_EXE_MACHINE_TYPE_MISMATCH 216 ; "This version of %1 is not compatible with the version of Windows you're running" !define ERROR_IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_NOT_PRESENT 308 !define ERROR_DATA_CHECKSUM_ERROR 323 !define ERROR_ELEVATION_REQUIRED 740 !define ERROR_SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST 1060 !define ERROR_NO_MEDIA_IN_DRIVE 1112 !define ERROR_NO_UNICODE_TRANSLATION 1113 !define ERROR_DLL_INIT_FAILED 1114 !define ERROR_SHUTDOWN_IN_PROGRESS 1115 !define ERROR_OLD_WIN_VERSION 1150 ; "The specified program requires a newer version of Windows" !define ERROR_APP_WRONG_OS 1151 ; "The specified program is not a Windows or MS-DOS program" !define ERROR_SINGLE_INSTANCE_APP 1152 ; "Cannot start more than one instance of the specified program" !define ERROR_RMODE_APP 1153 ; "The specified program was written for an earlier version of Windows" !define ERROR_INVALID_DLL 1154 !define ERROR_NO_ASSOCIATION 1155 !define ERROR_DDE_FAIL 1156 !define ERROR_DLL_NOT_FOUND 1157 !define ERROR_NOT_FOUND 1168 ; "Element not found" !define ERROR_NO_MATCH 1169 ; "There was no match for the specified key in the index" !define ERROR_NO_VOLUME_ID 1173 !define ERROR_UNABLE_TO_REMOVE_REPLACED 1175 ; "Unable to remove the file to be replaced" !define ERROR_UNABLE_TO_MOVE_REPLACEMENT 1176 !define ERROR_UNABLE_TO_MOVE_REPLACEMENT_2 1177 !define ERROR_SHUTDOWN_IS_SCHEDULED 1190 !define ERROR_SHUTDOWN_USERS_LOGGED_ON 1191 ; "The system shutdown cannot be initiated because there are other users logged on to the computer" !define ERROR_NO_NETWORK 1222 !define ERROR_CANCELLED 1223 ; "The operation was canceled by the user" !define ERROR_RETRY 1237 !define ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_FOUND 1243 !define ERROR_NOT_AUTHENTICATED 1244 !define ERROR_UNIDENTIFIED_ERROR 1287 !define ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD 1314 !define ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE 1326 ; "The user name or password is incorrect" !define ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR 1359 ; "An internal error occurred" !define ERROR_FILE_CORRUPT 1392 ; "The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable" !define ERROR_INVALID_WINDOW_HANDLE 1400 ; "Invalid window handle" !define ERROR_INVALID_INDEX 1413 !define ERROR_TIMEOUT 1460 !define ERROR_SYMLINK_NOT_SUPPORTED 1464 !define ERROR_XML_PARSE_ERROR 1465 !define ERROR_RESTART_APPLICATION 1467 ; "This application must be restarted" !define ERROR_INSTALL_USEREXIT 1602 ; "User cancelled installation" !define ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE 1603 ; "Fatal error during installation" !define ERROR_INSTALL_SUSPEND 1604 ; "Installation suspended, incomplete" !define ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRODUCT 1605 ; "This action is only valid for products that are currently installed" !define ERROR_BAD_CONFIGURATION 1610 !define ERROR_INSTALL_SOURCE_ABSENT 1612 !define ERROR_PRODUCT_UNINSTALLED 1614 !define ERROR_INSTALL_ALREADY_RUNNING 1618 ; "Another installation is already in progress. Complete that installation before proceeding with this install." !define ERROR_INSTALL_PACKAGE_INVALID 1620 !define ERROR_INSTALL_LOG_FAILURE 1622 !define ERROR_INSTALL_LANGUAGE_UNSUPPORTED 1623 !define ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED 1627 !define ERROR_DATATYPE_MISMATCH 1629 !define ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE 1630 !define ERROR_INSTALL_TEMP_UNWRITABLE 1632 ; "The Temp folder is on a drive that is full or is inaccessible" !define ERROR_INSTALL_PLATFORM_UNSUPPORTED 1633 ; "This installation package is not supported by this processor type. Contact your product vendor." !define ERROR_PRODUCT_VERSION 1638 ; "Another version of this product is already installed" !define ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_INITIATED 1641 ; "The requested operation completed successfully. The system will be restarted so the changes can take effect." !define ERROR_INSTALL_REJECTED 1654 ; "The app that you are trying to run is not supported on this version of Windows" !define ERROR_TAG_NOT_FOUND 2012 !define ERROR_BAD_USERNAME 2202 ; "The user name or group name parameter is invalid" !define ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIRED 3010 !define ERROR_SUCCESS_RESTART_REQUIRED 3011 !define ERROR_INSTALL_INVALID_PACKAGE 15602 !define ERROR_INSTALL_OUT_OF_DISK_SPACE 15604 !define ERROR_INSTALL_CANCEL 15608 ; "User cancelled the install request" !define ERROR_INSTALL_FAILED 15609 !define ERROR_REMOVE_FAILED 15610 !define ERROR_NEEDS_REMEDIATION 15612 ; "The application cannot be started. Try reinstalling the application to fix the problem." !define SEVERITY_SUCCESS 0 !define SEVERITY_ERROR 1 !define FACILITY_STORAGE 3 !define FACILITY_WIN32 7 !define FACILITY_SECURITY 9 !define FACILITY_SETUPAPI 15 !define FACILITY_SXS 23 !define /IfNDef S_OK 0 !define /IfNDef S_FALSE 1 !define E_UNEXPECTED 0x8000FFFF !define E_NOTIMPL 0x80004001 !define E_OUTOFMEMORY 0x8007000E !define E_INVALIDARG 0x80070057 !define E_NOINTERFACE 0x80004002 !define E_POINTER 0x80004003 !define E_HANDLE 0x80070006 !define E_ABORT 0x80004004 !define E_FAIL 0x80004005 !define E_ACCESSDENIED 0x80070005 !define E_PENDING 0x8000000A !endif /* __WIN_NOINC_WINERROR */ !verbose pop !endif /* __WIN_WINERROR__INC */