#using scripts\shared\array_shared; #using scripts\shared\rank_shared; #insert scripts\shared\shared.gsh; #insert scripts\shared\statstable_shared.gsh; #using scripts\mp\killstreaks\_killstreaks; #using scripts\mp\bots\_bot; #define BOT_ALLOCATION_MAX 100 #define BOT_ALLOCATION_UNLOCK_MAX 3 #define BOT_RANK_ALL_OPTIONS_AVAILABLE 20 #define BOT_RANK_OPTIONS_MULTIPLIER 4 #namespace bot_loadout; // Item Whitelist //======================================== function in_whitelist( itemName ) { if ( !isdefined( itemName ) ) return false; switch( itemName ) { // Secondaries case "WEAPON_KNIFE_LOADOUT": case "WEAPON_PISTOL_STANDARD": case "WEAPON_PISTOL_BURST": case "WEAPON_PISTOL_FULLAUTO": case "WEAPON_LAUNCHER_STANDARD": case "WEAPON_LAUNCHER_LOCKONLY": // Primaries case "WEAPON_SMG_STANDARD": case "WEAPON_SMG_BURST": case "WEAPON_SMG_FASTFIRE": case "WEAPON_SMG_LONGRANGE": case "WEAPON_SMG_VERSATILE": case "WEAPON_SMG_CAPACITY": case "WEAPON_AR_STANDARD": case "WEAPON_AR_ACCURATE": case "WEAPON_AR_CQB": case "WEAPON_AR_DAMAGE": case "WEAPON_AR_FASTBURST": case "WEAPON_AR_LONGBURST": case "WEAPON_AR_MARKSMAN": case "WEAPON_LMG_CQB": case "WEAPON_LMG_HEAVY": case "WEAPON_LMG_LIGHT": case "WEAPON_LMG_SLOWFIRE": case "WEAPON_SNIPER_FASTBOLT": case "WEAPON_SNIPER_FASTSEMI": case "WEAPON_SNIPER_POWERBOLT": case "WEAPON_SNIPER_CHARGESHOT": case "WEAPON_SHOTGUN_FULLAUTO": case "WEAPON_SHOTGUN_PRECISION": case "WEAPON_SHOTGUN_PUMP": case "WEAPON_SHOTGUN_SEMIAUTO": // Lethals case "WEAPON_FRAGGRENADE": case "WEAPON_HATCHET": case "WEAPON_STICKY_GRENADE": case "WEAPON_SATCHEL_CHARGE": case "WEAPON_BOUNCINGBETTY": case "WEAPON_INCENDIARY_GRENADE": // Tacticals case "WEAPON_WILLY_PETE": case "WEAPON_STUN_GRENADE": case "WEAPON_EMPGRENADE": case "WEAPON_FLASHBANG": case "WEAPON_PROXIMITY_GRENADE": case "WEAPON_PDA_HACK": case "WEAPON_TROPHY_SYSTEM": // Killstreaks //case "KILLSTREAK_RCBOMB": case "KILLSTREAK_RECON": case "KILLSTREAK_COUNTER_UAV": //case "KILLSTREAK_SUPPLY_DROP": //case "KILLSTREAK_MICROWAVE_TURRET": case "KILLSTREAK_REMOTE_MISSILE": //case "KILLSTREAK_PLANEMORTAR": //case "KILLSTREAK_AUTO_TURRET": case "KILLSTREAK_AI_TANK_DROP": //case "KILLSTREAK_HELICOPTER_COMLINK": case "KILLSTREAK_SATELLITE": //case "KILLSTREAK_EMP": //case "KILLSTREAK_HELICOPTER_GUNNER": case "KILLSTREAK_RAPS": //case "KILLSTREAK_DRONE_STRIKE": //case "KILLSTREAK_DART": case "KILLSTREAK_SENTINEL": // TU Something Weapons case "WEAPON_MELEE_KNUCKLES": case "WEAPON_MELEE_BUTTERFLY": case "WEAPON_MELEE_WRENCH": // TU 6 Weapons case "WEAPON_PISTOL_SHOTGUN": case "WEAPON_AR_GARAND": case "WEAPON_SPECIAL_CROSSBOW": case "WEAPON_MELEE_CROWBAR": case "WEAPON_MELEE_SWORD": case "WEAPON_MELEE_BOXING": case "WEAPON_SMG_AK74U": case "WEAPON_SMG_MP40": case "WEAPON_SMG_RECHAMBER": case "WEAPON_SMG_NAILGUN": case "WEAPON_AR_AN94": case "WEAPON_AR_FAMAS": case "WEAPON_SMG_MSMC": case "WEAPON_LMG_INFINITE": case "WEAPON_AR_PULSE": case "WEAPON_AR_M16": case "WEAPON_SMG_PPSH": case "WEAPON_LAUNCHER_EX41": case "WEAPON_SHOTGUN_OLYMPIA": case "WEAPON_SNIPER_QUICKSCOPE": case "WEAPON_SNIPER_DOUBLE": case "WEAPON_SMG_STEN": case "WEAPON_AR_GALIL": case "WEAPON_LMG_RPK": case "WEAPON_AR_M14": case "WEAPON_SHOTGUN_ENERGY": case "WEAPON_SPECIAL_CROSSBOW_DW": case "WEAPON_AR_PEACEKEEPER": case "WEAPON_MELEE_CHAINSAW": case "WEAPON_SPECIAL_KNIFE_BALLISTIC": case "WEAPON_MELEE_CRESCENT": case "WEAPON_SPECIAL_DISCGUN": return true; } return false; } // Classes //======================================== function build_classes() { primaryWeapons = self get_available_items( undefined, "primary" ); secondaryWeapons = self get_available_items( undefined, "secondary" ); lethals = self get_available_items( undefined, "primarygadget" ); tacticals = self get_available_items( undefined, "secondarygadget" ); if ( IS_TRUE( level.perksEnabled ) ) { specialties1 = self get_available_items( undefined, "specialty1" ); specialties2 = self get_available_items( undefined, "specialty2" ); specialties3 = self get_available_items( undefined, "specialty3" ); } foreach( className, classValue in level.classMap ) { if ( !isSubstr( className, "custom" ) ) { continue; } classIndex = int( className[className.size-1] ); pickedItems = []; pick_item( pickedItems, primaryWeapons ); if ( RandomInt( 100 ) < 95 ) // 5% chance to be a boxer for Scronce { pick_item( pickedItems, secondaryWeapons ); } // Shuffle these selections around a bit so the classes don't all look the same when the allocation is low otherItems = Array ( lethals, tacticals, specialties1, specialties2, specialties3 ); otherItems = array::randomize( otherItems ); for ( i = 0; i < otherItems.size; i ++ ) { pick_item( pickedItems, otherItems[i] ); } // Add items up to the max allocation for ( i = 0; i < pickedItems.size && i < level.maxAllocation; i++ ) { self BotClassAddItem( classIndex, pickedItems[i] ); } // TODO: Pick primary/secondary attachments, extra perks, extra lethal, extra tactical, overkill /* primaryWeapon = self GetLoadoutWeapon( classIndex, "primary" ); if ( primaryWeapon != level.weaponNone && primaryWeapon.supportedAttachments.size ) { attachment = array::random( primaryWeapon.supportedAttachments ); self BotClassAddAttachment( classIndex, primaryWeapon, attachment, "primary" ); } secondaryWeapon = self GetLoadoutWeapon( classIndex, "secondary" ); if ( secondaryWeapon != level.weaponNone && secondaryWeapon.supportedAttachments.size ) { attachment = array::random( secondaryWeapon.supportedAttachments ); self BotClassAddAttachment( classIndex, secondaryWeapon, attachment, "secondary" ); } */ } } function pick_item( &pickedItems, items ) { if ( !isdefined( items ) || items.size <= 0 ) { return; } pickedItems[pickedItems.size] = array::random( items ); } function pick_classes() { self.loadoutClasses = []; self.launcherClassCount = 0; foreach( className, classValue in level.classMap ) { if ( isSubstr( className, "custom" ) ) { if ( level.disableCAC ) { continue; } classIndex = int( className[className.size-1] ); } else { // Things bots could use better in the default classes: // C4, Trophy System, Lock on only launcher classIndex = level.classToClassNum[ classValue ]; } primary = self GetLoadoutWeapon( classIndex, "primary" ); secondary = self GetLoadoutWeapon( classIndex, "secondary" ); botClass = SpawnStruct(); botClass.name = className; botClass.index = classIndex; botClass.value = classValue; botClass.primary = primary; botClass.secondary = secondary; if ( botClass.secondary.isRocketLauncher ) { self.launcherClassCount++; } self.loadoutClasses[ self.loadoutClasses.size ] = botClass; } } function get_current_class() { currValue = self.pers["class"]; if ( !isdefined( currValue ) ) { return undefined; } foreach( botClass in self.loadoutClasses ) { if ( botClass.value == currValue ) { return botClass; } } return undefined; } // Specialists //======================================== function pick_hero_gadget() { if ( RandomInt( 2 ) < 1 || !self pick_hero_ability() ) { self pick_hero_weapon(); } } function pick_hero_weapon() { heroWeaponRef = self GetHeroWeaponName(); if ( IsItemRestricted( heroWeaponRef ) ) { return false; } heroWeaponName = self get_item_name( heroWeaponRef ); self BotClassAddItem( 0, heroWeaponName ); return true; } function pick_hero_ability() { heroAbilityRef = self GetHeroAbilityName(); if ( IsItemRestricted( heroAbilityRef ) ) { return false; } heroAbilityName = self get_item_name( heroAbilityRef ); self BotClassAddItem( 0, heroAbilityName ); return true; } // Killstreaks //======================================== function pick_killstreaks() { killstreaks = array::randomize( self get_available_items( "killstreak" ) ); for( i = 0; i < 3 && i < killstreaks.size; i++ ) { self BotClassAddItem( 0, killstreaks[i] ); } } // Get Items //======================================== function get_available_items( filterGroup, filterSlot ) { // Get unlocked and unrestricted items items = []; for( i = 0; i < STATS_TABLE_MAX_ITEMS; i++ ) { row = tableLookupRowNum( level.statsTableID, STATS_TABLE_COL_NUMBERING, i ); if ( row < 0 ) { continue; } name = tableLookupColumnForRow( level.statsTableID, row, STATS_TABLE_COL_NAME ); if ( name == "" || !in_whitelist( name ) ) { continue; } allocation = Int( tableLookupColumnForRow( level.statsTableID, row, STATS_TABLE_COL_ALLOCATION ) ); if ( allocation < 0 ) { continue; } ref = tableLookupColumnForRow( level.statsTableId, row, STATS_TABLE_COL_REFERENCE ); if ( IsItemRestricted( ref ) ) { continue; } number = Int( tableLookupColumnForRow( level.statsTableID, row, STATS_TABLE_COL_NUMBERING ) ); /* if ( SessionModeIsPrivate() && self IsItemLocked( number ) ) { continue; } */ if ( isdefined( filterGroup ) ) { group = tableLookupColumnForRow( level.statsTableID, row, STATS_TABLE_COL_GROUP ); if ( group != filterGroup ) { continue; } } if ( isdefined( filterSlot ) ) { slot = tableLookupColumnForRow( level.statsTableID, row, STATS_TABLE_COL_SLOT ); if ( slot != filterSlot ) { continue; } } items[items.size] = name; } return items; } function get_item_name( itemReference ) { for( i = 0; i < STATS_TABLE_MAX_ITEMS; i++ ) { row = tableLookupRowNum( level.statsTableID, STATS_TABLE_COL_NUMBERING, i ); if ( row < 0 ) { continue; } reference = tableLookupColumnForRow( level.statsTableID, row, STATS_TABLE_COL_REFERENCE ); if ( reference != itemReference ) { continue; } name = tableLookupColumnForRow( level.statsTableID, row, STATS_TABLE_COL_NAME ); return name; } return undefined; } // Not in use function init() { level endon( "game_ended" ); level.bot_banned_killstreaks = Array ( "KILLSTREAK_RCBOMB", "KILLSTREAK_QRDRONE", /* "KILLSTREAK_REMOTE_MISSILE",*/ "KILLSTREAK_REMOTE_MORTAR", "KILLSTREAK_HELICOPTER_GUNNER" ); for ( ;; ) { level waittill( "connected", player ); if ( !player IsTestClient() ) { continue; } player thread on_bot_connect(); } } function on_bot_connect() { self endon( "disconnect" ); if ( isdefined( self.pers[ "bot_loadout" ] ) ) { return; } wait( 0.10 ); if ( self GetEntityNumber() % 2 == 0 ) { WAIT_SERVER_FRAME; } self bot::set_rank(); self BotSetRandomCharacterCustomization(); max_allocation = BOT_ALLOCATION_MAX; /* if ( SessionModeIsPrivate() ) { for ( i = 1; i <= BOT_ALLOCATION_UNLOCK_MAX; i++ ) { if ( self IsItemLocked( rank::GetItemIndex( "feature_allocation_slot_" + i ) ) ) { max_allocation--; } } } */ self construct_loadout( max_allocation ); self.pers[ "bot_loadout" ] = true; } function construct_loadout( allocation_max ) { /* if ( SessionModeIsPrivate() && self IsItemLocked( rank::GetItemIndex( "feature_cac" ) ) ) { // cac still locked return; } */ pixbeginevent( "bot_construct_loadout" ); item_list = build_item_list(); // item_list["primary"] = []; // item_list["primary"][0] = "WEAPON_RIOTSHIELD"; construct_class( 0, item_list, allocation_max ); construct_class( 1, item_list, allocation_max ); construct_class( 2, item_list, allocation_max ); construct_class( 3, item_list, allocation_max ); construct_class( 4, item_list, allocation_max ); killstreaks = item_list["killstreak1"]; if ( isdefined( item_list["killstreak2"] ) ) { killstreaks = ArrayCombine( killstreaks, item_list["killstreak2"], true, false ); } if ( isdefined( item_list["killstreak3"] ) ) { killstreaks = ArrayCombine( killstreaks, item_list["killstreak3"], true, false ); } if ( isdefined( killstreaks ) && killstreaks.size ) { choose_weapon( 0, killstreaks ); choose_weapon( 0, killstreaks ); choose_weapon( 0, killstreaks ); } self.claimed_items = undefined; pixendevent(); } function construct_class( constructclass, items, allocation_max ) { allocation = 0; claimed_count = build_claimed_list( items ); self.claimed_items = []; // primary weapon = choose_weapon( constructclass, items["primary"] ); claimed_count["primary"]++; allocation++; // secondary weapon = choose_weapon( constructclass, items["secondary"] ); choose_weapon_option( constructclass, "camo", 1 ); } function make_choice( chance, claimed, max_claim ) { return ( claimed < max_claim && RandomInt( 100 ) < chance ); } function chose_action( action1, chance1, action2, chance2, action3, chance3, action4, chance4 ) { chance1 = Int( chance1 / 10 ); chance2 = Int( chance2 / 10 ); chance3 = Int( chance3 / 10 ); chance4 = Int( chance4 / 10 ); actions = []; for( i = 0; i < chance1; i++ ) { actions[ actions.size ] = action1; } for( i = 0; i < chance2; i++ ) { actions[ actions.size ] = action2; } for( i = 0; i < chance3; i++ ) { actions[ actions.size ] = action3; } for( i = 0; i < chance4; i++ ) { actions[ actions.size ] = action4; } return array::random( actions ); } function item_is_claimed( item ) { foreach( claim in self.claimed_items ) { if ( claim == item ) { return true; } } return false; } function choose_weapon( weaponclass, items ) { if ( !isdefined( items ) || !items.size ) { return undefined; } start = RandomInt( items.size ); for( i = 0; i < items.size; i++ ) { weapon = items[ start ]; if ( !item_is_claimed( weapon ) ) { break; } start = ( start + 1 ) % items.size; } self.claimed_items[ self.claimed_items.size ] = weapon; self BotClassAddItem( weaponclass, weapon ); return weapon; } function build_weapon_options_list( optionType ) { level.botWeaponOptionsId[optionType] = []; level.botWeaponOptionsProb[optionType] = []; csv_filename = "gamedata/weapons/common/attachmentTable.csv"; prob = 0; for ( row = 0 ; row < 255 ; row++ ) { if ( tableLookupColumnForRow( csv_filename, row, ATTACHMENT_TABLE_COL_TYPE ) == optionType ) { index = level.botWeaponOptionsId[optionType].size; level.botWeaponOptionsId[optionType][index] = Int( tableLookupColumnForRow( csv_filename, row, ATTACHMENT_TABLE_COL_NUMBERING ) ); prob += Int( tableLookupColumnForRow( csv_filename, row, ATTACHMENT_TABLE_COL_BOT_PROB ) ); level.botWeaponOptionsProb[optionType][index] = prob; } } } function choose_weapon_option( weaponclass, optionType, primary ) { if ( !isdefined( level.botWeaponOptionsId ) ) { level.botWeaponOptionsId = []; level.botWeaponOptionsProb = []; build_weapon_options_list( "camo" ); build_weapon_options_list( "reticle" ); } // weapon options cannot be set in local matches if ( !level.onlineGame && !level.systemLink ) return; // Increase the range of the probability to reduce the chances of picking the option when the bot's level is less than BOT_RANK_ALL_OPTIONS_AVAILABLE // (in system link all options are available) numOptions = level.botWeaponOptionsProb[optionType].size; maxProb = level.botWeaponOptionsProb[optionType][numOptions-1]; if ( !level.systemLink && self.pers[ "rank" ] < BOT_RANK_ALL_OPTIONS_AVAILABLE ) maxProb += BOT_RANK_OPTIONS_MULTIPLIER * maxProb * ( ( BOT_RANK_ALL_OPTIONS_AVAILABLE - self.pers[ "rank" ] ) / BOT_RANK_ALL_OPTIONS_AVAILABLE ); rnd = RandomInt( Int( maxProb ) ); for (i=0 ; i<numOptions ; i++) { if ( level.botWeaponOptionsProb[optionType][i] > rnd ) { self BotClassSetWeaponOption( weaponclass, primary, optionType, level.botWeaponOptionsId[optionType][i] ); break; } } } function choose_primary_attachments( weaponclass, weapon, allocation, allocation_max ) { attachments = weapon.supportedAttachments; remaining = allocation_max - allocation; if ( !attachments.size || !remaining ) { return 0; } attachment_action = chose_action( "3_attachments", 25, "2_attachments", 65, "1_attachments", 10, "none", 5 ); if ( remaining >= 4 && attachment_action == "3_attachments" ) { a1 = array::random( attachments ); self BotClassAddAttachment( weaponclass, weapon, a1, "primaryattachment1" ); count = 1; attachments = GetWeaponAttachments( weapon, a1 ); if ( attachments.size ) { a2 = array::random( attachments ); self BotClassAddAttachment( weaponclass, weapon, a2, "primaryattachment2" ); count++; attachments = GetWeaponAttachments( weapon, a1, a2 ); if ( attachments.size ) { a3 = array::random( attachments ); self BotClassAddItem( weaponclass, "BONUSCARD_PRIMARY_GUNFIGHTER" ); self BotClassAddAttachment( weaponclass, weapon, a3, "primaryattachment3" ); return 4; } } return count; } else if ( remaining >= 2 && attachment_action == "2_attachments" ) { a1 = array::random( attachments ); self BotClassAddAttachment( weaponclass, weapon, a1, "primaryattachment1" ); attachments = GetWeaponAttachments( weapon, a1 ); if ( attachments.size ) { a2 = array::random( attachments ); self BotClassAddAttachment( weaponclass, weapon, a2, "primaryattachment2" ); return 2; } return 1; } else if ( remaining >= 1 && attachment_action == "1_attachments" ) { a = array::random( attachments ); self BotClassAddAttachment( weaponclass, weapon, a, "primaryattachment1" ); return 1; } return 0; } function choose_secondary_attachments( weaponclass, weapon, allocation, allocation_max ) { attachments = weapon.supportedAttachments ; remaining = allocation_max - allocation; if ( !attachments.size || !remaining ) { return 0; } attachment_action = chose_action( "2_attachments", 10, "1_attachments", 40, "none", 50, "none", 0 ); if ( remaining >= 3 && attachment_action == "2_attachments" ) { a1 = array::random( attachments ); self BotClassAddAttachment( weaponclass, weapon, a1, "secondaryattachment1" ); attachments = GetWeaponAttachments( weapon, a1 ); if ( attachments.size ) { a2 = array::random( attachments ); self BotClassAddItem( weaponclass, "BONUSCARD_SECONDARY_GUNFIGHTER" ); self BotClassAddAttachment( weaponclass, weapon, a2, "secondaryattachment2" ); return 3; } return 1; } else if ( remaining >= 1 && attachment_action == "1_attachments" ) { a = array::random( attachments ); self BotClassAddAttachment( weaponclass, weapon, a, "secondaryattachment1" ); return 1; } return 0; } function build_item_list() { items = []; for( i = 0; i < STATS_TABLE_MAX_ITEMS; i++ ) { row = tableLookupRowNum( level.statsTableID, STATS_TABLE_COL_NUMBERING, i ); if ( row > -1 ) { slot = tableLookupColumnForRow( level.statsTableID, row, STATS_TABLE_COL_SLOT ); if ( slot == "" ) { continue; } number = Int( tableLookupColumnForRow( level.statsTableID, row, STATS_TABLE_COL_NUMBERING ) ); /* if ( SessionModeIsPrivate() && self IsItemLocked( number ) ) { continue; } */ allocation = Int( tableLookupColumnForRow( level.statsTableID, row, STATS_TABLE_COL_ALLOCATION ) ); if ( allocation < 0 ) { continue; } name = tableLookupColumnForRow( level.statsTableID, row, STATS_TABLE_COL_NAME ); /* if ( item_is_banned( slot, name ) ) { continue; } */ if ( !isdefined( items[slot] ) ) { items[slot] = []; } items[ slot ][ items[slot].size ] = name; } } return items; } function build_claimed_list( items ) { claimed = []; keys = GetArrayKeys( items ); foreach( key in keys ) { claimed[ key ] = 0; } return claimed; }