<testcase> <info> <keywords> CURLOPT_URL verbose logs </keywords> </info> <reply> </reply> <client> <server> none </server> # require HTTP so that CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS works as assumed <features> http </features> <tool> lib%TESTNUMBER </tool> <name> Set excessive URL lengths </name> </client> # # Verify that the test runs to completion without crashing <verify> <errorcode> 0 </errorcode> <stdout> CURLOPT_URL 10000000 bytes URL == 43 CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS 10000000 bytes data == 0 CURLUPART_URL 10000000 bytes URL == 3 (Malformed input to a URL function) CURLUPART_SCHEME 10000000 bytes scheme == 3 (Malformed input to a URL function) CURLUPART_USER 10000000 bytes user == 3 (Malformed input to a URL function) </stdout> </verify> </testcase>