DataSources.StartMenuTabs = ListHelper_SetupDataSource( "StartMenuTabs", function ( f44_arg0 ) local f44_local0 = {} table.insert( f44_local0, { models = { tabIcon = CoD.buttonStrings.shoulderl }, properties = { m_mouseDisabled = true } } ) if Engine.IsDemoPlaying() then local f44_local1 = "CoD.StartMenu_GameOptions" if Engine.IsZombiesGame() then f44_local1 = "CoD.StartMenu_GameOptions_ZM" end table.insert( f44_local0, { models = { tabName = Engine.Localize( "MENU_THEATER_CAPS" ), tabWidget = f44_local1, tabIcon = "" }, properties = { tabId = "gameOptions" } } ) elseif Engine.IsInGame() then if IsGameTypeDOA() and not InSafehouse() then table.insert( f44_local0, { models = { tabName = "DOA", tabWidget = "CoD.StartMenu_GameOptions_DOA", tabIcon = "" }, properties = { tabId = "gameOptions" } } ) elseif CoD.isCampaign then table.insert( f44_local0, { models = { tabName = SessionModeToUnlocalizedSessionModeCaps( Engine.CurrentSessionMode() ), tabWidget = "CoD.StartMenu_GameOptions_CP", tabIcon = "" }, properties = { tabId = "gameOptions" } } ) if not Engine.IsCampaignModeZombies() then if CoD.isSafehouse and CoD.isOnlineGame() and not IsInTrainingSim( f44_arg0 ) and Dvar.ui_safehousebarracks:get() and not IsPlayerAGuest( f44_arg0 ) then table.insert( f44_local0, { models = { tabName = "CPUI_BARRACKS_CAPS", tabWidget = "CoD.CombatRecordCP_Contents", tabIcon = "" }, properties = { tabId = "combatRecord" } } ) end if HighestMapReachedGreaterThan( f44_arg0, 1 ) or LUI.DEV ~= nil then table.insert( f44_local0, { models = { tabName = "CPUI_TACTICAL_MODE_CAPS", tabWidget = "CoD.StartMenu_TacticalMode", tabIcon = "" }, properties = { tabId = "tacticalMode" } } ) end if not CoD.isSafehouse and not IsPlayerAGuest( f44_arg0 ) then table.insert( f44_local0, { models = { tabName = "CPUI_ACCOLADES", tabWidget = "CoD.MissionRecordVault_Challenges", tabIcon = "" }, properties = { tabId = "accolades" } } ) end end elseif Engine.IsZombiesGame() then table.insert( f44_local0, { models = { tabName = SessionModeToUnlocalizedSessionModeCaps( Engine.CurrentSessionMode() ), tabWidget = "CoD.StartMenu_GameOptions_ZM", tabIcon = "" }, properties = { tabId = "gameOptions" } } ) else table.insert( f44_local0, { models = { tabName = SessionModeToUnlocalizedSessionModeCaps( Engine.CurrentSessionMode() ), tabWidget = "CoD.StartMenu_GameOptions", tabIcon = "" }, properties = { tabId = "gameOptions" } } ) end else if not IsPlayerAGuest( f44_arg0 ) then table.insert( f44_local0, { models = { tabName = "MENU_TAB_IDENTITY_CAPS", tabWidget = "CoD.StartMenu_Identity", tabIcon = "" }, properties = { tabId = "identity", disabled = Dvar.ui_execdemo_gamescom:get() } } ) end if not IsLobbyNetworkModeLAN() and not Dvar.ui_execdemo:get() and not Engine.IsCampaignModeZombies() and not IsPlayerAGuest( f44_arg0 ) then table.insert( f44_local0, { models = { tabName = "MENU_TAB_CHALLENGES_CAPS", tabWidget = "CoD.StartMenu_Challenges", tabIcon = "" }, properties = { tabId = "challenges" } } ) local f44_local1 = CoD.isPC if f44_local1 then f44_local1 = false --Mods_IsUsingMods() end table.insert( f44_local0, { models = { tabName = "MENU_TAB_BARRACKS_CAPS", tabWidget = "CoD.StartMenu_Barracks", tabIcon = "", disabled = f44_local1 }, properties = { tabId = "barracks" } } ) if CommunityOptionsEnabled() then local f44_local2 = CoD.perController[f44_arg0].openMediaTabAfterClosingGroups CoD.perController[f44_arg0].openMediaTabAfterClosingGroups = false table.insert( f44_local0, { models = { tabName = "MENU_TAB_MEDIA_CAPS", tabWidget = "CoD.StartMenu_Media", tabIcon = "" }, properties = { tabId = "media", selectIndex = f44_local2 } } ) end end end if IsGameTypeDOA() and Engine.IsInGame() and not InSafehouse() then local f44_local1 = table.insert local f44_local2 = f44_local0 local f44_local3 = { models = { tabName = "MENU_TAB_OPTIONS_CAPS", tabWidget = "CoD.StartMenu_Options_DOA", tabIcon = "" } } local f44_local4 = { tabId = "options" } local f44_local5 = Dvar.ui_execdemo:get() if f44_local5 then f44_local5 = not Engine.IsInGame() end f44_local4.selectIndex = f44_local5 = f44_local4 f44_local1( f44_local2, f44_local3 ) else local f44_local1 = table.insert local f44_local2 = f44_local0 local f44_local3 = { models = { tabName = "MENU_TAB_OPTIONS_CAPS", tabWidget = "CoD.StartMenu_Options", tabIcon = "" } } local f44_local4 = { tabId = "options" } local f44_local5 = Dvar.ui_execdemo_gamescom:get() if f44_local5 then f44_local5 = not Engine.IsInGame() end f44_local4.selectIndex = f44_local5 = f44_local4 f44_local1( f44_local2, f44_local3 ) end table.insert( f44_local0, { models = { tabIcon = CoD.buttonStrings.shoulderr }, properties = { m_mouseDisabled = true } } ) return f44_local0 end, true )