local getModeInfo = function() local id = Engine.GetLobbyUIScreen() return LobbyData:UITargetFromId(id) end local getMaxClients = function() local modeInfo = getModeInfo() return modeInfo.maxClients end -- Disable setting party privacy in menu. Auto set to open + max. Engine.SetDvar("partyprivacyenabled", 0) Engine.SetDvar("tu4_partyprivacyuseglobal", 0) Engine.SetDvar("tu4_partyprivacyluacheck", 0) local maxClients = getMaxClients() -- Fix for invisible bots in custom games if maxClients >= 1 then return Engine.SetDvar("party_maxplayers", maxClients) end if not Engine.IsInGame() then return end -- Removed check for public matches to allow team change in ranked matches CoD.IsTeamChangeAllowed = function() if Engine.GetGametypeSetting("allowInGameTeamChange") == 1 then return true else return false end end -- Set com_maxclients InGame so players can join via direct connect (default from lobbydata) Engine.SetDvar("com_maxclients", maxClients) require("datasources_start_menu_game_options")