DataSources.MPStatsSettings = DataSourceHelpers.ListSetup( "MPStatsSettings", function ( controller ) local optionsTable = {} table.insert( optionsTable, CoD.OptionsUtility.CreateDvarSettings( controller, "Unlock all loot", "Whether loot should be locked based on the player's stats or always unlocked.", "MPStatsSettings_unlock_loot", "cg_unlockall_loot", { { option = "MENU_DISABLED", value = 0, default = true }, { option = "MENU_ENABLED", value = 1 }, }, nil, function(f1_arg0, f1_arg1, f1_arg2, dvarName, f1_arg4) local oldValue = Engine.DvarInt( nil, dvarName ) local newValue = f1_arg1.value UpdateInfoModels( f1_arg1 ) if oldValue == newValue then return end Engine.SetDvar( dvarName, f1_arg1.value ) Engine.SetDvar( "ui_enableAllHeroes", f1_arg1.value ) end) ) return optionsTable end) if Dvar.cg_unlockall_loot:get() == true then Engine.SetDvar( "ui_enableAllHeroes", 1 ) end LUI.createMenu.MPStatsMenu = function ( controller ) local self = CoD.Menu.NewForUIEditor( "MPStatsMenu" ) if PreLoadFunc then PreLoadFunc( self, controller ) end self.soundSet = "ChooseDecal" self:setOwner( controller ) self:setLeftRight( true, true, 0, 0 ) self:setTopBottom( true, true, 0, 0 ) self:playSound( "menu_open", controller ) self.buttonModel = Engine.CreateModel( Engine.GetModelForController( controller ), "MPStatsMenu.buttonPrompts" ) self.anyChildUsesUpdateState = true local GameSettingsBackground = self, controller ) GameSettingsBackground:setLeftRight( true, true, 0, 0 ) GameSettingsBackground:setTopBottom( true, true, 0, 0 ) GameSettingsBackground.MenuFrame.titleLabel:setText( Engine.Localize( "STATS SETTINGS" ) ) GameSettingsBackground.MenuFrame.cac3dTitleIntermediary0.FE3dTitleContainer0.MenuTitle.TextBox1.Label0:setText( Engine.Localize( "STATS SETTINGS" ) ) GameSettingsBackground.GameSettingsSelectedItemInfo.GameModeInfo:setAlpha( 0 ) GameSettingsBackground.GameSettingsSelectedItemInfo.GameModeName:setAlpha( 0 ) self:addElement( GameSettingsBackground ) self.GameSettingsBackground = GameSettingsBackground local Options = self, controller ) Options:setLeftRight( true, false, 26, 741 ) Options:setTopBottom( true, false, 135, 720 ) Options.Title.DescTitle:setText( Engine.Localize( "Stats" ) ) Options.ButtonList:setVerticalCount( 15 ) Options.ButtonList:setDataSource( "MPStatsSettings" ) self:addElement( Options ) self.Options = Options self:AddButtonCallbackFunction( self, controller, Enum.LUIButton.LUI_KEY_XBB_PSCIRCLE, nil, function ( element, menu, controller, model ) GoBack( self, controller ) SetPerControllerTableProperty( controller, "disableGameSettingsOptions", nil ) return true end, function ( element, menu, controller ) CoD.Menu.SetButtonLabel( menu, Enum.LUIButton.LUI_KEY_XBB_PSCIRCLE, "MENU_BACK" ) return true end, false ) GameSettingsBackground.MenuFrame:setModel( self.buttonModel, controller ) = "Options" self:processEvent( { name = "menu_loaded", controller = controller } ) self:processEvent( { name = "update_state", menu = self } ) if not self:restoreState() then self.Options:processEvent( { name = "gain_focus", controller = controller } ) end LUI.OverrideFunction_CallOriginalSecond( self, "close", function ( element ) element.GameSettingsBackground:close() element.Options:close() Engine.UnsubscribeAndFreeModel( Engine.GetModel( Engine.GetModelForController( controller ), "MPStatsMenu.buttonPrompts" ) ) end ) if PostLoadFunc then PostLoadFunc( self, controller ) end return self end CoD.LobbyButtons.MP_STATS = { stringRef = "STATS", action = function ( self, element, controller, param, menu ) SetPerControllerTableProperty( controller, "disableGameSettingsOptions", true ) OpenPopup( menu, "MPStatsMenu", controller ) end, customId = "btnMPStats" } local IsGamescomDemo = function () return Dvar.ui_execdemo_gamescom:get() end local IsBetaDemo = function () return Dvar.ui_execdemo_beta:get() end local SetButtonState = function ( button, state ) if state == nil then return elseif state == CoD.LobbyButtons.DISABLED then button.disabled = true elseif state == CoD.LobbyButtons.HIDDEN then button.hidden = true end end local AddButton = function ( controller, options, button, isLargeButton ) button.disabled = false button.hidden = false button.selected = false button.warning = false if button.defaultState ~= nil then if button.defaultState == CoD.LobbyButtons.DISABLED then button.disabled = true elseif button.defaultState == CoD.LobbyButtons.HIDDEN then button.hidden = true end end if button.disabledFunc ~= nil then button.disabled = button.disabledFunc( controller ) end if button.visibleFunc ~= nil then button.hidden = not button.visibleFunc( controller ) end if IsBetaDemo() then SetButtonState( button, button.demo_beta ) elseif IsGamescomDemo() then SetButtonState( button, button.demo_gamescom ) end if button.hidden then return end local lobbyNav = LobbyData.GetLobbyNav() if button.selectedFunc ~= nil then button.selected = button.selectedFunc( button.selectedParam ) elseif CoD.LobbyMenus.History[lobbyNav] ~= nil then button.selected = CoD.LobbyMenus.History[lobbyNav] == button.customId end if button.newBreadcrumbFunc then local f8_local1 = button.newBreadcrumbFunc if type( f8_local1 ) == "string" then f8_local1 = LUI.getTableFromPath( f8_local1 ) end if f8_local1 then button.isBreadcrumbNew = f8_local1( controller ) end end if button.warningFunc ~= nil then button.warning = button.warningFunc( controller ) end if button.starterPack == CoD.LobbyButtons.STARTERPACK_UPGRADE then button.starterPackUpgrade = true if IsStarterPack() then button.disabled = false end end table.insert( options, { optionDisplay = button.stringRef, action = button.action, param = button.param, customId = button.customId, isLargeButton = isLargeButton, isLastButtonInGroup = false, disabled = button.disabled, selected = button.selected, isBreadcrumbNew = button.isBreadcrumbNew, warning = button.warning, requiredChunk = button.selectedParam, starterPackUpgrade = button.starterPackUpgrade, unloadMod = button.unloadMod } ) end local AddLargeButton = function ( controller, options, button ) AddButton( controller, options, button, true ) end local AddSmallButton = function ( controller, options, button ) AddButton( controller, options, button, false ) end local AddSpacer = function ( options ) if 0 < #options then options[#options].isLastButtonInGroup = true end end CoD.LobbyMenus.MPButtonsOnline = function ( f26_arg0, f26_arg1, f26_arg2 ) if f26_arg2 == 1 then AddLargeButton( f26_arg0, f26_arg1, CoD.LobbyButtons.MP_FIND_MATCH ) AddSpacer( f26_arg1 ) end AddLargeButton( f26_arg0, f26_arg1, CoD.LobbyButtons.MP_CAC_NO_WARNING ) AddLargeButton( f26_arg0, f26_arg1, CoD.LobbyButtons.MP_SPECIALISTS_NO_WARNING ) AddLargeButton( f26_arg0, f26_arg1, CoD.LobbyButtons.MP_SCORESTREAKS ) if (Dvar.ui_execdemo_beta:get() or IsStarterPack()) and IsStoreAvailable() then if CoD.isPC then AddLargeButton( f26_arg0, f26_arg1, CoD.LobbyButtons.STEAM_STORE ) else AddLargeButton( f26_arg0, f26_arg1, CoD.LobbyButtons.STORE ) end end if Engine.DvarBool( nil, "inventory_test_button_visible" ) then AddLargeButton( f26_arg0, f26_arg1, CoD.LobbyButtons.MP_INVENTORY_TEST ) end AddSpacer( f26_arg1 ) if not DisableBlackMarket() then AddSmallButton( f26_arg0, f26_arg1, CoD.LobbyButtons.BLACK_MARKET ) end AddSpacer( f26_arg1 ) AddSmallButton( f26_arg0, f26_arg1, CoD.LobbyButtons.MP_STATS ) end local targetButtons = { [] = CoD.LobbyMenus.ModeSelect, [] = CoD.LobbyMenus.ModeSelect, [] = CoD.LobbyMenus.CPButtonsLAN, [] = CoD.LobbyMenus.CPButtonsLANCUSTOM, [] = CoD.LobbyMenus.CPButtonsOnline, [] = CoD.LobbyMenus.CPButtonsPublicGame, [] = CoD.LobbyMenus.CPButtonsCustomGame, [] = CoD.LobbyMenus.CPZMButtonsLAN, [] = CoD.LobbyMenus.CPButtonsLANCUSTOM, [] = CoD.LobbyMenus.CPZMButtonsOnline, [] = CoD.LobbyMenus.CPZMButtonsPublicGame, [] = CoD.LobbyMenus.CPButtonsCustomGame, [] = CoD.LobbyMenus.DOAButtonsLAN, [] = CoD.LobbyMenus.DOAButtonsOnline, [] = CoD.LobbyMenus.DOAButtonsPublicGame, [] = CoD.LobbyMenus.MPButtonsLAN, [] = CoD.LobbyMenus.MPButtonsMain, [] = CoD.LobbyMenus.MPButtonsOnline, [] = CoD.LobbyMenus.MPButtonsOnlinePublic, [] = CoD.LobbyMenus.MPButtonsModGame, [] = CoD.LobbyMenus.MPButtonsCustomGame, [] = CoD.LobbyMenus.MPButtonsArena, [] = CoD.LobbyMenus.MPButtonsArenaGame, [] = CoD.LobbyMenus.FRButtonsOnlineGame, [] = CoD.LobbyMenus.FRButtonsLANGame, [] = CoD.LobbyMenus.ZMButtonsLAN, [] = CoD.LobbyMenus.ZMButtonsOnline, [] = CoD.LobbyMenus.ZMButtonsPublicGame, [] = CoD.LobbyMenus.ZMButtonsCustomGame, [] = CoD.LobbyMenus.ButtonsTheaterGame, [] = CoD.LobbyMenus.ButtonsTheaterGame } CoD.LobbyMenus.AddButtonsForTarget = function ( controller, id ) local buttonFunc = targetButtons[id] local model = nil if Engine.IsLobbyActive( Enum.LobbyType.LOBBY_TYPE_GAME ) then model = Engine.GetModel( DataSources.LobbyRoot.getModel( controller ), "gameClient.isHost" ) else model = Engine.GetModel( DataSources.LobbyRoot.getModel( controller ), "privateClient.isHost" ) end local isLeader = nil if model ~= nil then isLeader = Engine.GetModelValue( model ) else isLeader = 1 end local result = {} buttonFunc( controller, result, isLeader ) return result end