395 lines
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395 lines
9.8 KiB
; Some useful functions based on System plugin
; (c) brainsucker, 2002
; (r) BSForce
!verbose push 3
!ifndef SysFunc.NSH.Included
!define SysFunc.NSH.Included
!include "System.nsh"
!include "WinMessages.nsh"
; ================= GetInstallerExeName implementation =================
; Adopted Get Parameter function -> now it gets full installer.exe path
; input - nothing, output -> full path at the top of the stack
Function GetInstallerExeName
Push $R0
Push $R1
Push $R2
StrCpy $R0 $CMDLINE 1
StrCpy $R1 '"'
StrCpy $R2 1
StrCmp $R0 '"' loop
StrCpy $R1 ' ' ; we're scanning for a space instead of a quote
StrCpy $R0 $CMDLINE 1 $R2
StrCmp $R0 $R1 loop2
StrCmp $R0 "" loop2
IntOp $R2 $R2 + 1
Goto loop
; Ok, have we found last exename character or string end?
StrCmp $R0 "" "" +2
IntOp $R2 $R2 - 1 ; last exename char
StrCmp $R1 ' ' +3 ; was first character the '"', or something other?
StrCpy $R1 1 ; it was quote
Goto +2
StrCpy $R1 0
IntOp $R2 $R2 - $R1
StrCpy $R0 $CMDLINE $R2 $R1
SearchPath $R0 $R0 ; expand file name to full path
Pop $R2
Pop $R1
Exch $R0
; ================= systemGetFileSysTime implementation =================
!macro smGetFileSysTime FILENAME
Call systemGetFileSysTime
Pop $R0
; -----------------------------------------------------------------
; systemGetFileSysTime (params on stack):
; FILENAME - name of file to get file time
; returns to stack (SYSTEMTIME struct addr)
; -----------------------------------------------------------------
; uses original method from NSIS
Function systemGetFileSysTime
System::Store "s r1"
StrCpy $R0 0
; create WIN32_FIND_DATA struct
System::Call '*${stWIN32_FIND_DATA} .r2'
; Find file info
System::Call '${sysFindFirstFile}(r1, r2) .r3'
; ok?
IntCmp $3 ${INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE} sgfst_exit
; close file search
System::Call '${sysFindClose}(r3)'
; Create systemtime struct for local time
System::Call '*${stSYSTEMTIME} .R0'
; Get File time
System::Call '*$2${stWIN32_FIND_DATA} (,,, .r3)'
; Convert file time (UTC) to local file time
System::Call '${sysFileTimeToLocalFileTime}(r3, .r1)'
; Convert file time to system time
System::Call '${sysFileTimeToSystemTime}(r1, R0)'
; free used memory for WIN32_FIND_DATA struct
System::Free $2
System::Store "P0 l"
; ================= systemMessageBox implementation =================
; return to $R0
Push "${ICON}"
Push "${STYLE}"
Push "${CAPTION}"
Push "${MSG}"
Push "${MODULE}"
Call systemMessageBox
Pop $R0
; -----------------------------------------------------------------
; systemMessageBox (params on stack):
; Module: either handle ("i HANDLE", HANDLE could be 0) or "modulename"
; Msg: text of message
; Caption: caption of message box window
; Style: style, buttons etc
; Icon: either icon handle ("i HANDLE") or resource name
; returns to stack
; -----------------------------------------------------------------
Function systemMessageBox
System::Store "s r2r3r4r5r6"
; may be Module is module handle?
StrCpy $1 $2
IntCmp $1 0 0 smbnext smbnext
; Get module handle
System::Call '${sysGetModuleHandle}($2) .r1'
IntCmp $1 0 loadlib libnotloaded libnotloaded
; Load module and get handle
System::Call '${sysLoadLibrary}($2) .r1'
IntCmp $1 0 0 smbnext smbnext
; Indicate that LoadLibrary wasn't used
StrCpy $2 1
; Create MSGBOXPARAMS structure
System::Call '*${stMSGBOXPARAMS}(, $HWNDPARENT, r1, r3, r4, "$5|${MB_USERICON}", $6, _) .r0'
; call MessageBoxIndirect
System::Call '${sysMessageBoxIndirect}(r0) .R0'
; free MSGBOXPARAMS structure
System::Free $0
; have we used load library at start?
IntCmp $2 0 0 smbskipfree smbskipfree
; No, then free the module
System::Call '${sysFreeLibrary}(r1)'
System::Store "P0 l"
; ================= systemSplash implementation =================
; returns to $R0
!macro smSystemSplash DELAY FILE
Push ${FILE}
Push ${DELAY}
call systemSplash
Pop $R0
; -----------------------------------------------------------------
; systemSplash (params on stack):
; Delay - time in ms to show the splash
; File - bitmap (& audio) file name (without extension)
; returns to stack
; -----------------------------------------------------------------
Function _systemSplashWndCB
; Callback receives 4 values
System::Store "s r2r5r7r9"
; Message branching
IntCmp $5 ${WM_CLOSE} m_Close
IntCmp $5 ${WM_TIMER} m_Timer
IntCmp $5 ${WM_LBUTTONDOWN} m_Lbtn
IntCmp $5 ${WM_CREATE} m_Create
IntCmp $5 ${WM_PAINT} m_Paint
goto default
; Create structures
System::Call "*${stRECT} (_) .R8"
System::Call "*${stBITMAP} (_, &l0 .R7) .R9"
; Get bitmap info
System::Call "${sysGetObject} (r6, R7, R9)"
; Get desktop info
System::Call "${sysSystemParametersInfo} (${SPI_GETWORKAREA}, 0, R8, 0)"
; Style (callbacked)
System::Call "${sysSetWindowLong} (r2, ${GWL_STYLE}, 0) .s"
!insertmacro SINGLE_CALLBACK 5 $R7 1 _systemSplashWndCB
; Calculate and set window pos
; Get bmWidth(R2) and bmHeight(R3)
System::Call "*$R9${stBITMAP} (,.R2,.R3)"
; Get left(R4), top(R5), right(R6), bottom(R7)
System::Call "*$R8${stRECT} (.R4,.R5,.R6,.R7)"
; Left pos
IntOp $R0 $R6 - $R4
IntOp $R0 $R0 - $R2
IntOp $R0 $R0 / 2
IntOp $R0 $R0 + $R4
; Top pos
IntOp $R1 $R7 - $R5
IntOp $R1 $R1 - $R3
IntOp $R1 $R1 / 2
IntOp $R1 $R1 + $R5
System::Call "${sysSetWindowPos} (r2, 0, R0, R1, R2, R3, ${SWP_NOZORDER}) .s"
!insertmacro SINGLE_CALLBACK 6 $R7 1 _systemSplashWndCB
; Show window
System::Call "${sysShowWindow} (r2, ${SW_SHOW}) .s"
!insertmacro SINGLE_CALLBACK 7 $R7 1 _systemSplashWndCB
; Set Timer
System::Call "${sysSetTimer} (r2, 1, r8,)"
; Free used memory
System::Free $R8
System::Free $R9
StrCpy $R0 0
goto exit
; Create structures
System::Call "*${stRECT} (_) .R8"
System::Call "*${stPAINTSTRUCT} (_) .R9"
; Begin Paint
System::Call "${sysBeginPaint} (r2, R9) .R7"
; CreateCompatibleDC
System::Call "${sysCreateCompatibleDC} (R7) .R6"
; GetClientRect
System::Call "${sysGetClientRect} (r2, R8)"
; Select new bitmap
System::Call "${sysSelectObject} (R6, r6) .R5"
; Get left(R0), top(R1), right(R2), bottom(R3)
System::Call "*$R8${stRECT} (.R0,.R1,.R2,.R3)"
; width=right-left
IntOp $R2 $R2 - $R0
; height=bottom-top
IntOp $R3 $R3 - $R1
System::Call "${sysBitBlt} (R7, R0, R1, R2, R3, R6, 0, 0, ${SRCCOPY})"
; Select old bitmap
System::Call "${sysSelectObject} (R6, R5)"
; Delete compatible DC
System::Call "${sysDeleteDC} (R6)"
; End Paint
System::Call "${sysEndPaint} (r2, R9)"
; Free used memory
System::Free $R8
System::Free $R9
StrCpy $R0 0
goto exit
StrCpy $4 0
IntCmp $5 ${WM_TIMER} destroy
StrCpy $4 1
System::Call "${sysDestroyWindow} (r2) .s"
!insertmacro SINGLE_CALLBACK 12 $R4 1 _systemSplashWndCB
; Default
System::Call "${sysDefWindowProc} (r2, r5, r7, r9) .s"
!insertmacro SINGLE_CALLBACK 14 $R0 1 _systemSplashWndCB
goto exit
StrCpy $R0 0
goto exit
; Restore
System::Store "p4P0 l R0r4"
; Return from callback
System::Call "$3" $R0
Function systemSplash
; Save registers and get input
System::Store "s r8r9"
; Get module instance
System::Call "${sysGetModuleHandle} (p) .r7"
; Get arrow cursor
System::Call "${sysLoadCursor} (0, p ${IDC_ARROW}) .R9"
; Get callback
System::Get "${sysWNDPROC}"
Pop $3
; Create window class
System::Call "*${stWNDCLASS} (0,r3,0,0,r7,0,R9,0,p 0,'_sp') .R9"
; Register window class
System::Call "${sysRegisterClass} (R9) .R9"
IntCmp $R9 0 errorexit ; Class registered ok?
System::Call '${sysLoadImage} (, s, ${IMAGE_BITMAP}, 0, 0, ${LR_CREATEDIBSECTION}|${LR_LOADFROMFILE}) .r6' "$9.bmp"
IntCmp $6 0 errorexit ; Image loaded ok?
; Start the sound (SND_ASYNC|SND_FILENAME|SND_NODEFAULT = 0x20003)
System::Call "${sysPlaySound} (s,,${SND_ASYNC}|${SND_FILENAME}|${SND_NODEFAULT})" "$9.wav"
; Create window
System::Call "${sysCreateWindowEx} (${WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW}, s, s,,,,,, $HWNDPARENT,,r7,) .s" "_sp" "_sp"
!insertmacro SINGLE_CALLBACK 1 $5 1 _systemSplashWndCB
; Create MSG struct
System::Call "*${stMSG} (_) p.R9"
; -------------------------
; Check for window
System::Call "${sysIsWindow} (r5) .s"
!insertmacro SINGLE_CALLBACK 2 $R8 1 _systemSplashWndCB
IntCmp $R8 0 finish
; Get message
System::Call "${sysGetMessage} (R9, r5,_) .s"
!insertmacro SINGLE_CALLBACK 3 $R8 1 _systemSplashWndCB
IntCmp $R8 0 finish
; Dispatch message
System::Call "${sysDispatchMessage} (R9) .s"
!insertmacro SINGLE_CALLBACK 4 $R8 1 _systemSplashWndCB
; Repeat dispatch cycle
goto repeat
; -------------------------
; Stop the sound
System::Call "${sysPlaySound} (p 0, p 0, i 0)"
; Delete bitmap object
System::Call "${sysDeleteObject} (r6)"
; Delete the callback queue
System::Free $3
; Dialog return
StrCpy $R0 $4
goto exit
; Exit in case of error
StrCpy $R0 -1
goto exit
; Restore register and put output
System::Store "P0 l"
!verbose pop |