2023-12-15 16:09:19 -05:00
2023-12-15 16:09:19 -05:00
2023-12-15 16:09:19 -05:00

NSISdl 1.3 - HTTP downloading plugin for NSIS

Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Yaroslav Faybishenko & Justin Frankel

This plugin can be used from NSIS to download files via HTTP.
Note: HTTPS is not supported, only plain HTTP!

To connect to the internet, use the Dialer plugin.


NSISdl::download http://www.domain.com/file localfile.exe

You can also pass /TIMEOUT to set the timeout in milliseconds:

NSISdl::download /TIMEOUT=30000 http://www.domain.com/file localfile.exe

The return value is pushed to the stack:

  "cancel" if cancelled
  "success" if success
  otherwise, an error string describing the error

If you don't want the progress window to appear, use NSISdl::download_quiet.

Example of usage:

NSISdl::download http://www.domain.com/file localfile.exe
Pop $R0 ;Get the return value
  StrCmp $R0 "success" +3
    MessageBox MB_OK "Download failed: $R0"

For another example, see waplugin.nsi in the examples directory.


NSISdl supports only basic configurations of proxies. It doesn't support
proxies which require authentication, automatic configuration script, etc.
NSISdl reads the proxy configuration from Internet Explorer's registry key
under HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings. It
reads and parses ProxyEnable and ProxyServer.

If you don't want NSISdl to use Internet Explorer's settings, use the
/NOIEPROXY flag. /NOIEPROXY should be used after /TRANSLATE and
/TIMEOUT. For example:

If you want to specify a proxy on your own, use the /PROXY flag.

NSISdl::download /NOIEPROXY http://www.domain.com/file localfile.exe
NSISdl::download /TIMEOUT=30000 /NOIEPROXY http://www.domain.com/file localfile.exe
NSISdl::download /PROXY proxy.whatever.com http://www.domain.com/file localfile.exe
NSISdl::download /PROXY proxy.whatever.com:8080 http://www.domain.com/file localfile.exe


To translate NSISdl add the following values to the call line:

/TRANSLATE2 downloading connecting second minute hour seconds minutes hours progress

Default values are:
  downloading - "Downloading %s"
  connecting - "Connecting ..."
  second - " (1 second remaining)"
  minute - " (1 minute remaining)"
  hour - " (1 hour remaining)"
  seconds - " (%u seconds remaining)"
  minutes - " (%u minutes remaining)"
  hours - " (%u hours remaining)"
  progress - "%skB (%d%%) of %skB @ %u.%01ukB/s"

The old /TRANSLATE method still works for backward compatibility.

/TRANSLATE downloading connecting second minute hour plural progress remaining

Default values are:

  downloading - "Downloading %s"
  connecting - "Connecting ..."
  second - "second"
  minute - "minute"
  hour - "hour"
  plural - "s"
  progress - "%dkB (%d%%) of %ukB @ %d.%01dkB/s"
  remaining -  " (%d %s%s remaining)"

/TRANSLATE and /TRANSLATE2 must come before /TIMEOUT.