2023-12-15 15:41:40 -05:00

63 lines
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//Don't touch the first 2 lines below here.
exec "gamedata/gamesettings/mp/gamesettings_default.cfg"
exec "gamedata/configs/common/default_xboxlive.cfg"
// Below this line you may uncomment the " // " commands and edit to your liking.
// If you unsure the default command. you can always " // " them back for later custom gameplay.
gts prematchrequirement "0" // (0-10) Number of players on each team or the total number of players before the pre-match countdown will start.
gts prematchrequirementtime "0" // (0-60) The amount of time before the match will start.
gts prematchperiod "15" // The amount of time before the game starts.
gts preroundperiod "3" // The amount of time before a round starts.
gts inactivityKick "120" // Kick players that's AFK
gts allowSpectating "1" // Allow players to spectate other players or CODcasting. (Could be used as screen cheating)
gts allowInGameTeamChange "1" // Allow players to switch teams?
gts autoTeamBalance "1" // Automatically assign players to teams
gts allowFinalKillcam "1" // Controls whether the final killcam is played.
gts spectateType "3" // 0 disabled, 1 team only, 2 freelook, 3 team only spectate splitscreen players only
gts timelimit "2 // Time limit of the game.
gts scorelimit "4" // Score limit reach to end the game.
gts bombTimer 45 // Bomb Timer. The amount of time before the bomb detonates.
gts plantTime 5 // Plant Time. The amount of time it takes to plant the bomb.
gts defuseTime 5 // Defuse Time. The amount of time it takes to defuse the bomb.
gts multiBomb 0 // Multi Bomb. Every attacking player gets a bomb.
gts roundswitch 1 // The number of rounds to play before teams switch sides.
gts roundlimit 0
//gts silentPlant 0 // Players can hear the bomb being planted.
//gts loadoutKillstreaksEnabled "1" // Disable Killstreaks by setting this to 0
//gts perksEnabled "1" // Disable Perks by setting this to 0
gts disableVehicleSpawners "1" // This should disable robots from the DLC map Rupture by setting this to 1
//gts disableweapondrop "0" // No weapons on the ground.
//gts disallowprone "0" // Don't allow players to lay down.
//gts allowHitMarkers "2" // Rather or not to show hitmakers?
//gts allowAnnouncer "1" // Annouce enemy team actions
gts playerLives "1"
gts playerNumLives "1" // Correct gts to configure amount of respawns
gts playerKillsMax "6"
gts totalKillsMax "11"
gts teamKillScore "4"
gts voipDeadChatWithDead "1"
gts voipDeadChatWithTeam "0"
gts voipDeadHearTeamLiving "0"
gts scoreHeroPowerGainFactor "0.8"
gts scoreHeroPowerTimeFactor "0.3"
//Hardcore Mode
//gts hardcoreMode "1" // Enable hardcore mode.
//gts friendlyfiretype "1" // Enable or Disable Friendly Fire. 1 on, 2 reflect, 3 shared.
//gts playerHealthRegenTime "0" // Time it takes you to recover damage.
//gts playerMaxHealth "30" // Percent of Health players will have on Respawn.
//gts onlyHeadshots "0" // Headshots only
//gts allowKillcam "0" // Allow Killcam.
//gts allowbattlechatter "0" // Shut the fucking player dialogues up.
//gts teamKillPointLoss "1" // Points per Kill - The number of points for each kill. (0-25)
//gts teamKillPunishCount "3" // Kick constant Team killers out of your server.
gts gameAdvertisementRuleRoundsWon 3