; This is just an example of System Plugin ; ; (c) brainsucker, 2002 ; (r) BSForce Name "System Plugin Example" OutFile "System.exe" RequestExecutionLevel User Unicode True !include "SysFunc.nsh" Section "ThisNameIsIgnoredSoWhyBother?" SetOutPath $TEMP ; ----- Sample 1 ----- Message box with custom icon ----- ; there are no default beeps for custom message boxes, use sysMessageBeep ; in case you need it (see next message box example) !insertmacro smMessageBox "i 0" "Message box with custom icon!" "System Example 1a" ${MB_OK} "i 103" ; i 0 - installer exe as module ; i 103 - icon ID ; The same example but using icon from resource.dll. ; You could use this dll for storing your resources, just replace FAR icon ; with something you really need. File "Resource.dll" System::Call '${sysMessageBeep} (${MB_ICONHAND})' ; custom beep !insertmacro smMessageBox "`$TEMP\resource.dll`" "Message box with custom icon from resource.dll!" "System Example 1b" ${MB_OKCANCEL} "i 103" Delete $TEMP\resource.dll ; ----- Sample 2 ----- Fixed disks size/space ----- StrCpy $7 ' Disk, Size, Free, Free for user:$\n$\n' ; Memory for paths System::StrAlloc 1024 Pop $1 ; Get drives System::Call '${sysGetLogicalDriveStrings}(1024, r1)' enumok: ; One more drive? System::Call '${syslstrlen}(i r1) .r2' IntCmp $2 0 enumex ; Is it DRIVE_FIXED? System::Call '${sysGetDriveType} (i r1) .r3' StrCmp $3 ${DRIVE_FIXED} 0 enumnext ; Drive space System::Call '${sysGetDiskFreeSpaceEx}(i r1, .r3, .r4, .r5)' ; Pretty KBs will be saved on stack System::Int64Op $3 / 1048576 System::Int64Op $5 / 1048576 System::Int64Op $4 / 1048576 ; Get pretty drive path string System::Call '*$1(&t1024 .r6)' System::Call '${syswsprintf} (.r7, "%s%20s %20s mb %20s mb %20s mb$\n", tr7, tr6, ts, ts, ts)' enumnext: ; Next drive path IntOp $2 $2 * ${NSIS_CHAR_SIZE} IntOp $1 $1 + $2 IntOp $1 $1 + ${NSIS_CHAR_SIZE} goto enumok enumex: ; End of drives or user cancel ; Free memory for paths System::Free $1 ; Message box System::Call '${sysMessageBox}($HWNDPARENT, s, "System Example 2", ${MB_OKCANCEL})' "$7" ; ----- Sample 3 ----- Direct proc definition ----- ; Direct specification demo System::Call 'user32::MessageBox(p $HWNDPARENT, t "Just direct MessageBox specification demo ;)", t "System Example 3", i ${MB_OK}) i.s' Pop $0 ; ----- Sample 4 ----- Int64, mixed definition demo ----- ; Long int demo StrCpy $2 "12312312" StrCpy $3 "12345678903" System::Int64Op $2 "*" $3 Pop $4 ; Cdecl demo (uses 3 definitions (simple example)) System::Call "${syswsprintf}(.R1, s,,, t, ir0) .R0 (,,tr2,tr3,$4_)" "Int64 ops and strange definition demo, %s x %s == %s, and previous msgbox result = %d" MessageBox MB_OKCANCEL "Cool: '$R1'" ; ----- Sample 5 ----- Small structure example ----- ; Create & Fill structure System::Call "*(i 123123123, &t10 'Hello', &i1 0x123dd, &i2 0xffeeddccaa) i.s" Pop $1 ; Read data from structure System::Call "*$1(i .r2, &t10 .r3, &i1 .r4, &i2 .r5, &l0 .r6)" ; Show data and delete structure MessageBox MB_OK "Structure example: $\nint == $2 $\nstring == $3 $\nbyte == $4 $\nshort == $5 $\nsize == $6" System::Free $1 ; ----- Sample 6 ----- systemGetFileSysTime demo ----- Call GetInstallerExeName pop $0 !insertmacro smGetFileSysTime $0 System::Call '*$R0${stSYSTEMTIME}(.r1, .r2, .r3, .r4, .r5, .r6, .r7, .r8)' MessageBox MB_OK "GetFileSysTime example: file '$0', year $1, month $2, dow $3, day $4, hour $5, min $6, sec $7, ms $8" ; free memory from SYSTEMTIME System::Free $R0 ; ----- Sample 7 ----- systemSplash -> Callbacks demonstration ----- ; Logo File /oname=spltmp.bmp "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Graphics\Header\orange-nsis.bmp" ; File /oname=spltmp.wav "d:\Windows\Media\tada.wav" ; I. systemSplash variant !insertmacro smSystemSplash 2000 "$TEMP\spltmp" ; II. Splash Plugin variant ; splash::show 2000 $TEMP\spltmp ; Pop $R0 ; $R0 has '1' if the user closed the splash screen early, ; remove logo Delete $TEMP\spltmp.bmp ; Delete $TEMP\spltmp.wav ; Display splash result pop $0 MessageBox MB_OK "Splash (callbacks) demo result $R0" SectionEnd Section "Quoted path" !define /IfNDef CSIDL_FONTS 0x14 StrCpy $9 "$PluginsDir\N(S # I)S" ; Directory with '(', ' ', '#' or ')' needs to be quoted CreateDirectory "$9" CopyFiles /Silent /FilesOnly "$sysdir\shfolder.dll" "$9\" ; This could fail on 95 & NT4? System::Call '"$9\shfolder.dll"::SHGetFolderPathA(p $hWndParent, i ${CSIDL_FONTS}, p 0, i 0, m "?" r1) ?u' DetailPrint Fonts=$1 SectionEnd Section "Ordinal" System::Call 'OLEAUT32::#2(w "OLE string")p.r0' ; SysAllocString System::Call 'USER32::MessageBoxW(p $hWndParent, p r0, w "OLE:", i 0)' System::Call 'OLEAUT32::#6(p r0)' SectionEnd ; eof