/* o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o |String Functions Header File 1.10 | (-----------------------------------------------------------------------------) | By deguix / A Header file for NSIS 2.01 | | <cevo_deguix@yahoo.com.br> -------------------------------| | | | This header file contains NSIS functions for string manipulation. | | ---------| | !include "StrFunc.nsh" / Example | | ${Using:StrFunc} StrRep -----------| | | | Section | | ${StrRep} $0 "Hello world!" "world" "everyone" | | MessageBox mb_ok $0 | | SectionEnd | | | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o */ !verbose push 3 !define /IfNDef STRFUNC_VERBOSITY 3 !define /IfNDef _STRFUNC_VERBOSITY ${STRFUNC_VERBOSITY} !define /IfNDef _STRFUNC_CREDITVERBOSITY ${STRFUNC_VERBOSITY} !undef STRFUNC_VERBOSITY !verbose ${_STRFUNC_VERBOSITY} !include LogicLib.nsh !ifndef STRFUNC !define /IfNDef FALSE 0 !define /IfNDef TRUE 1 ;Header File Identification !define STRFUNC `String Functions Header File` ;define STRFUNC_SHORT `StrFunc` !define STRFUNC_CREDITS `2004 Diego Pedroso` ;Header File Version !define STRFUNC_VERMAJ 1 !define STRFUNC_VERMED 10 ;!define STRFUNC_VERMIN 0 ;!define STRFUNC_VERBLD 0 !define STRFUNC_VER `${STRFUNC_VERMAJ}.${STRFUNC_VERMED}` ;Header File Init Message Prefix and Postfix !define STRFUNC_INITMSGPRE `----------------------------------------------------------------------$\r$\n` !define STRFUNC_INITMSGPOST `$\r$\n----------------------------------------------------------------------$\r$\n` ;Header File Init Message !verbose push ${_STRFUNC_CREDITVERBOSITY} !echo `${STRFUNC_INITMSGPRE}NSIS ${STRFUNC} ${STRFUNC_VER} - Copyright ${STRFUNC_CREDITS}${STRFUNC_INITMSGPOST}` !verbose pop ;Header File Function Macros !ifdef STRFUNC_USECALLARTIFICIALFUNCTION !include Util.nsh !endif !define "Using:StrFunc" `!insertmacro STRFUNC_USING ` !macro STRFUNC_USING Name !if "${STRFUNC_VERBOSITY}" > 4 !verbose push 4 !endif !ifndef ${Name}_INCLUDED !ifndef STRFUNC_USECALLARTIFICIALFUNCTION ${${Name}} ; Invoke !insertmacro STRFUNC_MAKEFUNC !endif !endif !if "${STRFUNC_VERBOSITY}" > 4 !verbose pop !endif !macroend !macro STRFUNC_FUNCLIST_INSERT Name !ifdef StrFunc_List !define /ReDef StrFunc_List `${StrFunc_List}|${Name}` !else !define StrFunc_List `${Name}` !endif !macroend !macro STRFUNC_DEFFUNC Name List TypeList !insertmacro STRFUNC_FUNCLIST_INSERT ${Name} !define `${Name}_List` `${List}` !define `${Name}_TypeList` `${TypeList}` !ifdef STRFUNC_USECALLARTIFICIALFUNCTION !define `${Name}` `!insertmacro STRFUNC_CALL_${Name} "" ` !define `Un${Name}` `!insertmacro STRFUNC_CALL_${Name} Un ` !else !define `${Name}` `!insertmacro STRFUNC_MAKEFUNC ${Name} "" #` !define `Un${Name}` `!insertmacro STRFUNC_MAKEFUNC ${Name} Un #` !endif !macroend !macro STRFUNC_MAKEFUNC basename un !ifndef __GLOBAL__ !error "You forgot ${U+24}{Using:StrFunc} ${un}${basename}" !endif !insertmacro STRFUNC_MAKEFUNC_${basename} !macroend !macro STRFUNC_BEGINFUNC basename un credits !verbose push ${_STRFUNC_CREDITVERBOSITY} !echo `${U+24}{${un}${basename}} - Copyright ${credits}` !verbose pop !define /IfNDef ${un}${basename}_INCLUDED !ifndef STRFUNC_USECALLARTIFICIALFUNCTION !define /ReDef ${un}${basename} `!insertmacro STRFUNC_CALL_${basename} "${un}" ` !if "${un}" != "" Function un.${basename} !else Function ${basename} !endif !endif !macroend !macro STRFUNC_ENDFUNC !ifndef STRFUNC_USECALLARTIFICIALFUNCTION FunctionEnd !endif !macroend !macro STRFUNC_CALL basename un !ifdef STRFUNC_USECALLARTIFICIALFUNCTION ${CallArtificialFunction} STRFUNC_MAKEFUNC_${basename} !else !if "${un}" != "" Call un.${basename} !else Call ${basename} !endif !endif !macroend ############################################################################ # StrCase !insertmacro STRFUNC_DEFFUNC StrCase `ResultVar|String|Type` `Output|Text|Option U L T S <>` !macro STRFUNC_CALL_StrCase un ResultVar String Type !verbose push ${STRFUNC_VERBOSITY} !echo `${U+24}{${un}StrCase} "${ResultVar}" "${String}" "${Type}"` !verbose 2 Push `${String}` Push `${Type}` !insertmacro STRFUNC_CALL StrCase "${un}" Pop ${ResultVar} !verbose pop !macroend !macro STRFUNC_MAKEFUNC_StrCase !insertmacro STRFUNC_BEGINFUNC ${basename} `${un}` `2004 Diego Pedroso - Based on functions by Dave Laundon` /*After this point: ------------------------------------------ $0 = String (input) $1 = Type (input) $2 = StrLength (temp) $3 = StartChar (temp) $4 = EndChar (temp) $5 = ResultStr (temp) $6 = CurrentChar (temp) $7 = LastChar (temp) $8 = Temp (temp)*/ ;Get input from user Exch $1 Exch Exch $0 Exch Push $2 Push $3 Push $4 Push $5 Push $6 Push $7 Push $8 ;Initialize variables StrCpy $2 "" StrCpy $3 "" StrCpy $4 "" StrCpy $5 "" StrCpy $6 "" StrCpy $7 "" StrCpy $8 "" ;Upper and lower cases are simple to use ${If} $1 == "U" ;Upper Case System: ;------------------ ; Convert all characters to upper case. System::Call "User32::CharUpper(t r0 r5)i" Goto StrCase_End ${ElseIf} $1 == "L" ;Lower Case System: ;------------------ ; Convert all characters to lower case. System::Call "User32::CharLower(t r0 r5)i" Goto StrCase_End ${EndIf} ;For the rest of cases: ;Get "String" length StrLen $2 $0 ;Make a loop until the end of "String" ${For} $3 0 $2 ;Add 1 to "EndChar" counter also IntOp $4 $3 + 1 # Step 1: Detect one character at a time ;Remove characters before "StartChar" except when ;"StartChar" is the first character of "String" ${If} $3 <> 0 StrCpy $6 $0 `` $3 ${EndIf} ;Remove characters after "EndChar" except when ;"EndChar" is the last character of "String" ${If} $4 <> $2 ${If} $3 = 0 StrCpy $6 $0 1 ${Else} StrCpy $6 $6 1 ${EndIf} ${EndIf} # Step 2: Convert to the advanced case user chose: ${If} $1 == "T" ;Title Case System: ;------------------ ; Convert all characters after a non-alphabetic character to upper case. ; Else convert to lower case. ;Use "IsCharAlpha" for the job System::Call "*(&t1 r7) p .r8" System::Call "*$8(&i1 .r7)" System::Free $8 System::Call "user32::IsCharAlpha(i r7) i .r8" ;Verify "IsCharAlpha" result and convert the character ${If} $8 = 0 System::Call "User32::CharUpper(t r6 r6)i" ${Else} System::Call "User32::CharLower(t r6 r6)i" ${EndIf} ${ElseIf} $1 == "S" ;Sentence Case System: ;------------------ ; Convert all characters after a ".", "!" or "?" character to upper case. ; Else convert to lower case. Spaces or tabs after these marks are ignored. ;Detect current characters and ignore if necessary ${If} $6 == " " ${OrIf} $6 == "$\t" Goto IgnoreLetter ${EndIf} ;Detect last characters and convert ${If} $7 == "." ${OrIf} $7 == "!" ${OrIf} $7 == "?" ${OrIf} $7 == "" System::Call "User32::CharUpper(t r6 r6)i" ${Else} System::Call "User32::CharLower(t r6 r6)i" ${EndIf} ${ElseIf} $1 == "<>" ;Switch Case System: ;------------------ ; Switch all characters cases to their inverse case. ;Use "IsCharUpper" for the job System::Call "*(&t1 r6) p .r8" System::Call "*$8(&i1 .r7)" System::Free $8 System::Call "user32::IsCharUpper(i r7) i .r8" ;Verify "IsCharUpper" result and convert the character ${If} $8 = 0 System::Call "User32::CharUpper(t r6 r6)i" ${Else} System::Call "User32::CharLower(t r6 r6)i" ${EndIf} ${EndIf} ;Write the character to "LastChar" StrCpy $7 $6 IgnoreLetter: ;Add this character to "ResultStr" StrCpy $5 `$5$6` ${Next} StrCase_End: /*After this point: ------------------------------------------ $0 = OutVar (output)*/ ; Copy "ResultStr" to "OutVar" StrCpy $0 $5 ;Return output to user Pop $8 Pop $7 Pop $6 Pop $5 Pop $4 Pop $3 Pop $2 Pop $1 Exch $0 !insertmacro STRFUNC_ENDFUNC !macroend ############################################################################ # StrClb !insertmacro STRFUNC_DEFFUNC StrClb `ResultVar|String|Action` `Output|Text|Option > < <>` !macro STRFUNC_CALL_StrClb un ResultVar String Action !verbose push ${STRFUNC_VERBOSITY} !echo `${U+24}{${un}StrClb} "${ResultVar}" "${String}" "${Action}"` !verbose 2 Push `${String}` Push `${Action}` !insertmacro STRFUNC_CALL StrClb "${un}" Pop ${ResultVar} !verbose pop !macroend !macro STRFUNC_MAKEFUNC_StrClb !insertmacro STRFUNC_BEGINFUNC ${basename} `${un}` `2004 Diego Pedroso - Based on functions by Nik Medved` /*After this point: ------------------------------------------ $0 = String (input) $1 = Action (input) $2 = Lock/Unlock (temp) $3 = Temp (temp) $4 = Temp2 (temp)*/ ;Get input from user Exch $1 Exch Exch $0 Exch Push $2 Push $3 Push $4 StrCpy $2 "" StrCpy $3 "" StrCpy $4 "" ;Open the clipboard to do the operations the user chose (kichik's fix) System::Call 'user32::OpenClipboard(p $HWNDPARENT)' ${If} $1 == ">" ;Set ;Step 1: Clear the clipboard System::Call 'user32::EmptyClipboard()' ;Step 2: Allocate global heap StrLen $2 $0 IntOp $2 $2 + 1 !if "${NSIS_CHAR_SIZE}" > 1 IntOp $2 $2 * ${NSIS_CHAR_SIZE} !endif System::Call 'kernel32::GlobalAlloc(i 2, i r2) p.r2' ;Step 3: Lock the handle System::Call 'kernel32::GlobalLock(p r2) i.r3' ;Step 4: Copy the text to locked clipboard buffer System::Call 'kernel32::lstrcpy(p r3, t r0)' ;Step 5: Unlock the handle again System::Call 'kernel32::GlobalUnlock(p r2)' ;Step 6: Set the information to the clipboard !if "${NSIS_CHAR_SIZE}" > 1 System::Call 'user32::SetClipboardData(i 13, p r2)' !else System::Call 'user32::SetClipboardData(i 1, p r2)' !endif StrCpy $0 "" ${ElseIf} $1 == "<" ;Get ;Step 1: Get clipboard data !if "${NSIS_CHAR_SIZE}" > 1 System::Call 'user32::GetClipboardData(i 13)p.r2' !else System::Call 'user32::GetClipboardData(i 1)p.r2' !endif ;Step 2: Lock and copy data (kichik's fix) System::Call 'kernel32::GlobalLock(p r2) t .r0' ;Step 3: Unlock (kichik's fix) System::Call 'kernel32::GlobalUnlock(p r2)' ${ElseIf} $1 == "<>" ;Swap ;Step 1: Get clipboard data !if "${NSIS_CHAR_SIZE}" > 1 System::Call 'user32::GetClipboardData(i 13)p.r2' !else System::Call 'user32::GetClipboardData(i 1)p.r2' !endif ;Step 2: Lock and copy data (kichik's fix) System::Call 'kernel32::GlobalLock(p r2) t .r4' ;Step 3: Unlock (kichik's fix) System::Call 'kernel32::GlobalUnlock(p r2)' ;Step 4: Clear the clipboard System::Call 'user32::EmptyClipboard()' ;Step 5: Allocate global heap StrLen $2 $0 IntOp $2 $2 + 1 !if "${NSIS_CHAR_SIZE}" > 1 IntOp $2 $2 * ${NSIS_CHAR_SIZE} !endif System::Call 'kernel32::GlobalAlloc(i 2, i r2) p.r2' ;Step 6: Lock the handle System::Call 'kernel32::GlobalLock(p r2) i.r3' ;Step 7: Copy the text to locked clipboard buffer System::Call 'kernel32::lstrcpy(p r3, t r0)' ;Step 8: Unlock the handle again System::Call 'kernel32::GlobalUnlock(p r2)' ;Step 9: Set the information to the clipboard !if "${NSIS_CHAR_SIZE}" > 1 System::Call 'user32::SetClipboardData(i 13, p r2)' !else System::Call 'user32::SetClipboardData(i 1, p r2)' !endif StrCpy $0 $4 ${Else} ;Clear ;Step 1: Clear the clipboard System::Call 'user32::EmptyClipboard()' StrCpy $0 "" ${EndIf} ;Close the clipboard System::Call 'user32::CloseClipboard()' /*After this point: ------------------------------------------ $0 = OutVar (output)*/ ;Return result to user Pop $4 Pop $3 Pop $2 Pop $1 Exch $0 !insertmacro STRFUNC_ENDFUNC !macroend ############################################################################ # StrIOToNSIS !insertmacro STRFUNC_DEFFUNC StrIOToNSIS `ResultVar|String` `Output|Text` !macro STRFUNC_CALL_StrIOToNSIS un ResultVar String !verbose push ${STRFUNC_VERBOSITY} !echo `${U+24}{${un}StrIOToNSIS} "${ResultVar}" "${String}"` !verbose 2 Push `${String}` !insertmacro STRFUNC_CALL StrIOToNSIS "${un}" Pop ${ResultVar} !verbose pop !macroend !macro STRFUNC_MAKEFUNC_StrIOToNSIS !insertmacro STRFUNC_BEGINFUNC ${basename} `${un}` `2004 "bluenet" - Based on functions by Amir Szekely, Joost Verburg, Dave Laundon and Diego Pedroso` /*After this point: ------------------------------------------ $R0 = String (input/output) $R1 = StartCharPos (temp) $R2 = StrLen (temp) $R3 = TempStr (temp) $R4 = TempRepStr (temp)*/ ;Get input from user Exch $R0 Push $R1 Push $R2 Push $R3 Push $R4 ;Get "String" length StrLen $R2 $R0 ;Loop until "String" end is reached ${For} $R1 0 $R2 ;Get the next "String" characters StrCpy $R3 $R0 2 $R1 ;Detect if current character is: ${If} $R3 == "\\" ;Back-slash StrCpy $R4 "\" ${ElseIf} $R3 == "\r" ;Carriage return StrCpy $R4 "$\r" ${ElseIf} $R3 == "\n" ;Line feed StrCpy $R4 "$\n" ${ElseIf} $R3 == "\t" ;Tab StrCpy $R4 "$\t" ${Else} ;Anything else StrCpy $R4 "" ${EndIf} ;Detect if "TempRepStr" is not empty ${If} $R4 != "" ;Replace the old characters with the new one StrCpy $R3 $R0 $R1 IntOp $R1 $R1 + 2 StrCpy $R0 $R0 "" $R1 StrCpy $R0 "$R3$R4$R0" IntOp $R2 $R2 - 1 ;Decrease "StrLen" IntOp $R1 $R1 - 2 ;Go back to the next character ${EndIf} ${Next} Pop $R4 Pop $R3 Pop $R2 Pop $R1 Exch $R0 !insertmacro STRFUNC_ENDFUNC !macroend ############################################################################ # StrLoc !insertmacro STRFUNC_DEFFUNC StrLoc `ResultVar|String|StrToSearchFor|CounterDirection` `Output|Text|Text|Option > <` !macro STRFUNC_CALL_StrLoc un ResultVar String StrToSearchFor OffsetDirection !verbose push ${STRFUNC_VERBOSITY} !echo `${U+24}{${un}StrLoc} "${ResultVar}" "${String}" "${StrToSearchFor}" "${OffsetDirection}"` !verbose 2 Push `${String}` Push `${StrToSearchFor}` Push `${OffsetDirection}` !insertmacro STRFUNC_CALL StrLoc "${un}" Pop ${ResultVar} !verbose pop !macroend !macro STRFUNC_MAKEFUNC_StrLoc !insertmacro STRFUNC_BEGINFUNC ${basename} `${un}` `2004 Diego Pedroso - Based on functions by Ximon Eighteen` /*After this point: ------------------------------------------ $R0 = OffsetDirection (input) $R1 = StrToSearch (input) $R2 = String (input) $R3 = StrToSearchLen (temp) $R4 = StrLen (temp) $R5 = StartCharPos (temp) $R6 = TempStr (temp)*/ ;Get input from user Exch $R0 Exch Exch $R1 Exch 2 Exch $R2 Push $R3 Push $R4 Push $R5 Push $R6 ;Get "String" and "StrToSearch" length StrLen $R3 $R1 StrLen $R4 $R2 ;Start "StartCharPos" counter StrCpy $R5 0 ;Loop until "StrToSearch" is found or "String" reaches its end ${Do} ;Remove everything before and after the searched part ("TempStr") StrCpy $R6 $R2 $R3 $R5 ;Compare "TempStr" with "StrToSearch" ${If} $R6 == $R1 ${If} $R0 == `<` IntOp $R6 $R3 + $R5 IntOp $R0 $R4 - $R6 ${Else} StrCpy $R0 $R5 ${EndIf} ${ExitDo} ${EndIf} ;If not "StrToSearch", this could be "String" end ${If} $R5 >= $R4 StrCpy $R0 `` ${ExitDo} ${EndIf} ;If not, continue the loop IntOp $R5 $R5 + 1 ${Loop} ;Return output to user Pop $R6 Pop $R5 Pop $R4 Pop $R3 Pop $R2 Exch Pop $R1 Exch $R0 !insertmacro STRFUNC_ENDFUNC !macroend ############################################################################ # StrNSISToIO !insertmacro STRFUNC_DEFFUNC StrNSISToIO `ResultVar|String` `Output|Text` !macro STRFUNC_CALL_StrNSISToIO un ResultVar String !verbose push ${STRFUNC_VERBOSITY} !echo `${U+24}{${un}StrNSISToIO} "${ResultVar}" "${String}"` !verbose 2 Push `${String}` !insertmacro STRFUNC_CALL StrNSISToIO "${un}" Pop ${ResultVar} !verbose pop !macroend !macro STRFUNC_MAKEFUNC_StrNSISToIO !insertmacro STRFUNC_BEGINFUNC ${basename} `${un}` `2004 "bluenet" - Based on functions by Amir Szekely, Joost Verburg, Dave Laundon and Diego Pedroso` /*After this point: ------------------------------------------ $R0 = String (input/output) $R1 = StartCharPos (temp) $R2 = StrLen (temp) $R3 = TempStr (temp) $R4 = TempRepStr (temp)*/ ;Get input from user Exch $R0 Push $R1 Push $R2 Push $R3 Push $R4 ;Get "String" length StrLen $R2 $R0 ;Loop until "String" end is reached ${For} $R1 0 $R2 ;Get the next "String" character StrCpy $R3 $R0 1 $R1 ;Detect if current character is: ${If} $R3 == "$\r" ;Back-slash StrCpy $R4 "\r" ${ElseIf} $R3 == "$\n" ;Carriage return StrCpy $R4 "\n" ${ElseIf} $R3 == "$\t" ;Line feed StrCpy $R4 "\t" ${ElseIf} $R3 == "\" ;Tab StrCpy $R4 "\\" ${Else} ;Anything else StrCpy $R4 "" ${EndIf} ;Detect if "TempRepStr" is not empty ${If} $R4 != "" ;Replace the old character with the new ones StrCpy $R3 $R0 $R1 IntOp $R1 $R1 + 1 StrCpy $R0 $R0 "" $R1 StrCpy $R0 "$R3$R4$R0" IntOp $R2 $R2 + 1 ;Increase "StrLen" ${EndIf} ${Next} ;Return output to user Pop $R4 Pop $R3 Pop $R2 Pop $R1 Exch $R0 !insertmacro STRFUNC_ENDFUNC !macroend ############################################################################ # StrRep !insertmacro STRFUNC_DEFFUNC StrRep `ResultVar|String|StrToReplace|ReplacementString` `Output|Text|Text|Text` !macro STRFUNC_CALL_StrRep un ResultVar String StringToReplace ReplacementString !verbose push ${STRFUNC_VERBOSITY} !echo `${U+24}{${un}StrRep} "${ResultVar}" "${String}" "${StringToReplace}" "${ReplacementString}"` !verbose 2 Push `${String}` Push `${StringToReplace}` Push `${ReplacementString}` !insertmacro STRFUNC_CALL StrRep "${un}" Pop ${ResultVar} !verbose pop !macroend !macro STRFUNC_MAKEFUNC_StrRep !insertmacro STRFUNC_BEGINFUNC ${basename} `${un}` `2004 Diego Pedroso - Based on functions by Hendri Adriaens` /*After this point: ------------------------------------------ $R0 = ReplacementString (input) $R1 = StrToSearch (input) $R2 = String (input) $R3 = RepStrLen (temp) $R4 = StrToSearchLen (temp) $R5 = StrLen (temp) $R6 = StartCharPos (temp) $R7 = TempStrL (temp) $R8 = TempStrR (temp)*/ ;Get input from user Exch $R0 Exch Exch $R1 Exch Exch 2 Exch $R2 Push $R3 Push $R4 Push $R5 Push $R6 Push $R7 Push $R8 ;Return "String" if "StrToSearch" is "" ${IfThen} $R1 == "" ${|} Goto Done ${|} ;Get "ReplacementString", "String" and "StrToSearch" length StrLen $R3 $R0 StrLen $R4 $R1 StrLen $R5 $R2 ;Start "StartCharPos" counter StrCpy $R6 0 ;Loop until "StrToSearch" is found or "String" reaches its end ${Do} ;Remove everything before and after the searched part ("TempStrL") StrCpy $R7 $R2 $R4 $R6 ;Compare "TempStrL" with "StrToSearch" ${If} $R7 == $R1 ;Split "String" to replace the string wanted StrCpy $R7 $R2 $R6 ;TempStrL ;Calc: "StartCharPos" + "StrToSearchLen" = EndCharPos IntOp $R8 $R6 + $R4 StrCpy $R8 $R2 "" $R8 ;TempStrR ;Insert the new string between the two separated parts of "String" StrCpy $R2 $R7$R0$R8 ;Now calculate the new "StrLen" and "StartCharPos" StrLen $R5 $R2 IntOp $R6 $R6 + $R3 ${Continue} ${EndIf} ;If not "StrToSearch", this could be "String" end ${IfThen} $R6 >= $R5 ${|} ${ExitDo} ${|} ;If not, continue the loop IntOp $R6 $R6 + 1 ${Loop} Done: /*After this point: ------------------------------------------ $R0 = OutVar (output)*/ ;Return output to user StrCpy $R0 $R2 Pop $R8 Pop $R7 Pop $R6 Pop $R5 Pop $R4 Pop $R3 Pop $R2 Pop $R1 Exch $R0 !insertmacro STRFUNC_ENDFUNC !macroend ############################################################################ # StrSort !insertmacro STRFUNC_DEFFUNC StrSort `ResultVar|String|CenterStr|LeftStr|RightStr|IncludeLeftStr|IncludeCenterStr|IncludeRightStr` `Output|Text|Text|Text|Text|Option 1 0|Option 1 0|Option 1 0` !macro STRFUNC_CALL_StrSort un ResultVar String CenterStr LeftStr RightStr IncludeCenterStr IncludeLeftStr IncludeRightStr !verbose push ${STRFUNC_VERBOSITY} !echo `${U+24}{${un}StrSort} "${ResultVar}" "${String}" "${CenterStr}" "${LeftStr}" "${RightStr}" "${IncludeCenterStr}" "${IncludeLeftStr}" "${IncludeRightStr}"` !verbose 2 Push `${String}` Push `${CenterStr}` Push `${LeftStr}` Push `${RightStr}` Push `${IncludeCenterStr}` Push `${IncludeLeftStr}` Push `${IncludeRightStr}` !insertmacro STRFUNC_CALL StrSort "${un}" Pop ${ResultVar} !verbose pop !macroend !macro STRFUNC_MAKEFUNC_StrSort !insertmacro STRFUNC_BEGINFUNC ${basename} `${un}` `2004 Diego Pedroso - Based on functions by Stuart Welch` /*After this point: ------------------------------------------ $R0 = String (input) $R1 = LeftStr (input) $R2 = CenterStr (input) $R3 = RightStr (input) $R4 = IncludeLeftStr (input) $R5 = IncludeCenterStr (input) $R6 = IncludeRightStr (input) $0 = StrLen (temp) $1 = LeftStrLen (temp) $2 = CenterStrLen (temp) $3 = RightStrLen (temp) $4 = StartPos (temp) $5 = EndPos (temp) $6 = StartCharPos (temp) $7 = EndCharPos (temp) $8 = TempStr (temp)*/ ;Get input from user Exch $R6 Exch Exch $R5 Exch Exch 2 Exch $R4 Exch 2 Exch 3 Exch $R3 Exch 3 Exch 4 Exch $R2 Exch 4 Exch 5 Exch $R1 Exch 5 Exch 6 Exch $R0 Exch 6 Push $0 Push $1 Push $2 Push $3 Push $4 Push $5 Push $6 Push $7 Push $8 ;Parameter defaults ${IfThen} $R4 == `` ${|} StrCpy $R4 `1` ${|} ${IfThen} $R5 == `` ${|} StrCpy $R5 `1` ${|} ${IfThen} $R6 == `` ${|} StrCpy $R6 `1` ${|} ;Get "String", "CenterStr", "LeftStr" and "RightStr" length StrLen $0 $R0 StrLen $1 $R1 StrLen $2 $R2 StrLen $3 $R3 ;Start "StartCharPos" counter StrCpy $6 0 ;Start "EndCharPos" counter based on "CenterStr" length IntOp $7 $6 + $2 ;Loop until "CenterStr" is found or "String" reaches its end ${Do} ;Remove everything before and after the searched part ("TempStr") StrCpy $8 $R0 $2 $6 ;Compare "TempStr" with "CenterStr" ${IfThen} $8 == $R2 ${|} ${ExitDo} ${|} ;If not, this could be "String" end ${IfThen} $7 >= $0 ${|} Goto Done ${|} ;If not, continue the loop IntOp $6 $6 + 1 IntOp $7 $7 + 1 ${Loop} # "CenterStr" was found ;Remove "CenterStr" from "String" if the user wants ${If} $R5 = ${FALSE} StrCpy $8 $R0 $6 StrCpy $R0 $R0 `` $7 StrCpy $R0 $8$R0 ${EndIf} ;"StartPos" and "EndPos" will record "CenterStr" coordinates for now StrCpy $4 $6 StrCpy $5 $7 ;"StartCharPos" and "EndCharPos" should be before "CenterStr" IntOp $6 $6 - $1 IntOp $7 $6 + $1 ;Loop until "LeftStr" is found or "String" reaches its start ${Do} ;Remove everything before and after the searched part ("TempStr") StrCpy $8 $R0 $1 $6 ;If "LeftStr" is empty ${If} $R1 == `` StrCpy $6 0 StrCpy $7 0 ${ExitDo} ${EndIf} ;Compare "TempStr" with "LeftStr" ${IfThen} $8 == $R1 ${|} ${ExitDo} ${|} ;If not, this could be "String" start ${IfThen} $6 <= 0 ${|} ${ExitDo} ${|} ;If not, continue the loop IntOp $6 $6 - 1 IntOp $7 $7 - 1 ${Loop} # "LeftStr" is found or "String" start was reached ;Remove "LeftStr" from "String" if the user wants ${If} $R4 = ${FALSE} IntOp $6 $6 + $1 ${EndIf} ;Record "LeftStr" first character position on "TempStr" (temporarily) StrCpy $8 $6 ;"StartCharPos" and "EndCharPos" should be after "CenterStr" ${If} $R5 = ${FALSE} StrCpy $6 $4 ${Else} IntOp $6 $4 + $2 ${EndIf} IntOp $7 $6 + $3 ;Record "LeftStr" first character position on "StartPos" StrCpy $4 $8 ;Loop until "RightStr" is found or "String" reaches its end ${Do} ;Remove everything before and after the searched part ("TempStr") StrCpy $8 $R0 $3 $6 ;If "RightStr" is empty ${If} $R3 == `` StrCpy $6 $0 StrCpy $7 $0 ${ExitDo} ${EndIf} ;Compare "TempStr" with "RightStr" ${IfThen} $8 == $R3 ${|} ${ExitDo} ${|} ;If not, this could be "String" end ${IfThen} $7 >= $0 ${|} ${ExitDo} ${|} ;If not, continue the loop IntOp $6 $6 + 1 IntOp $7 $7 + 1 ${Loop} ;Remove "RightStr" from "String" if the user wants ${If} $R6 = ${FALSE} IntOp $7 $7 - $3 ${EndIf} ;Record "RightStr" last character position on "StartPos" StrCpy $5 $7 ;As the positionment is relative... IntOp $5 $5 - $4 ;Write the string and finish the job StrCpy $R0 $R0 $5 $4 Goto +2 Done: StrCpy $R0 `` /*After this point: ------------------------------------------ $R0 = OutVar (output)*/ ;Return output to user Pop $8 Pop $7 Pop $6 Pop $5 Pop $4 Pop $3 Pop $2 Pop $1 Pop $0 Pop $R6 Pop $R5 Pop $R4 Pop $R3 Pop $R2 Pop $R1 Exch $R0 !insertmacro STRFUNC_ENDFUNC !macroend ############################################################################ # StrStr !insertmacro STRFUNC_DEFFUNC StrStr `ResultVar|String|StrToSearchFor` `Output|Text|Text` !macro STRFUNC_CALL_StrStr un ResultVar String StrToSearchFor !verbose push ${STRFUNC_VERBOSITY} !echo `${U+24}{${un}StrStr} "${ResultVar}" "${String}" "${StrToSearchFor}"` !verbose 2 Push `${String}` Push `${StrToSearchFor}` !insertmacro STRFUNC_CALL StrStr "${un}" Pop ${ResultVar} !verbose pop !macroend !macro STRFUNC_MAKEFUNC_StrStr !insertmacro STRFUNC_BEGINFUNC ${basename} `${un}` `2004 Diego Pedroso - Based on functions by Ximon Eighteen` /*After this point: ------------------------------------------ $R0 = StrToSearch (input) $R1 = String (input) $R2 = StrToSearchLen (temp) $R3 = StrLen (temp) $R4 = StartCharPos (temp) $R5 = TempStr (temp)*/ ;Get input from user Exch $R0 Exch Exch $R1 Push $R2 Push $R3 Push $R4 Push $R5 ;Get "String" and "StrToSearch" length StrLen $R2 $R0 StrLen $R3 $R1 ;Start "StartCharPos" counter StrCpy $R4 0 ;Loop until "StrToSearch" is found or "String" reaches its end ${Do} ;Remove everything before and after the searched part ("TempStr") StrCpy $R5 $R1 $R2 $R4 ;Compare "TempStr" with "StrToSearch" ${IfThen} $R5 == $R0 ${|} ${ExitDo} ${|} ;If not "StrToSearch", this could be "String" end ${IfThen} $R4 >= $R3 ${|} ${ExitDo} ${|} ;If not, continue the loop IntOp $R4 $R4 + 1 ${Loop} /*After this point: ------------------------------------------ $R0 = OutVar (output)*/ ;Remove part before "StrToSearch" on "String" (if there has one) StrCpy $R0 $R1 `` $R4 ;Return output to user Pop $R5 Pop $R4 Pop $R3 Pop $R2 Pop $R1 Exch $R0 !insertmacro STRFUNC_ENDFUNC !macroend ############################################################################ # StrStrAdv !insertmacro STRFUNC_DEFFUNC StrStrAdv `ResultVar|String|StrToSearchFor|SearchDirection|ResultStrDirection|DisplayStrToSearch|Loops|CaseSensitive` `Output|Text|Text|Option > <|Option > <|Option 1 0|Text|Option 0 1` !macro STRFUNC_CALL_StrStrAdv un ResultVar String StrToSearchFor SearchDirection ResultStrDirection DisplayStrToSearch Loops CaseSensitive !verbose push ${STRFUNC_VERBOSITY} !echo `${U+24}{${un}StrStrAdv} "${ResultVar}" "${String}" "${StrToSearchFor}" "${SearchDirection}" "${ResultStrDirection}" "${DisplayStrToSearch}" "${Loops}" "${CaseSensitive}"` !verbose 2 Push `${String}` Push `${StrToSearchFor}` Push `${SearchDirection}` Push `${ResultStrDirection}` Push `${DisplayStrToSearch}` Push `${Loops}` Push `${CaseSensitive}` !insertmacro STRFUNC_CALL StrStrAdv "${un}" Pop ${ResultVar} !verbose pop !macroend !macro STRFUNC_MAKEFUNC_StrStrAdv !insertmacro STRFUNC_BEGINFUNC ${basename} `${un}` `2003-2004 Diego Pedroso` /*After this point: ------------------------------------------ $0 = String (input) $1 = StringToSearch (input) $2 = DirectionOfSearch (input) $3 = DirectionOfReturn (input) $4 = ShowStrToSearch (input) $5 = NumLoops (input) $6 = CaseSensitive (input) $7 = StringLength (temp) $8 = StrToSearchLength (temp) $9 = CurrentLoop (temp) $R0 = EndCharPos (temp) $R1 = StartCharPos (temp) $R2 = OutVar (output) $R3 = Temp (temp)*/ ;Get input from user Exch $6 Exch Exch $5 Exch Exch 2 Exch $4 Exch 2 Exch 3 Exch $3 Exch 3 Exch 4 Exch $2 Exch 4 Exch 5 Exch $1 Exch 5 Exch 6 Exch $0 Exch 6 Push $7 Push $8 Push $9 Push $R3 Push $R2 Push $R1 Push $R0 ; Clean $R0-$R3 variables StrCpy $R0 "" StrCpy $R1 "" StrCpy $R2 "" StrCpy $R3 "" ; Verify if we have the correct values on the variables ${If} $0 == `` SetErrors ;AdvStrStr_StrToSearch not found Goto AdvStrStr_End ${EndIf} ${If} $1 == `` SetErrors ;No text to search Goto AdvStrStr_End ${EndIf} ${If} $2 != < StrCpy $2 > ${EndIf} ${If} $3 != < StrCpy $3 > ${EndIf} ${If} $4 <> 0 StrCpy $4 1 ${EndIf} ${If} $5 <= 0 StrCpy $5 0 ${EndIf} ${If} $6 <> 1 StrCpy $6 0 ${EndIf} ; Find "AdvStrStr_String" length StrLen $7 $0 ; Then find "AdvStrStr_StrToSearch" length StrLen $8 $1 ; Now set up basic variables ${If} $2 == < IntOp $R1 $7 - $8 StrCpy $R2 $7 ${Else} StrCpy $R1 0 StrCpy $R2 $8 ${EndIf} StrCpy $9 0 ; First loop ;Let's begin the search ${Do} ; Step 1: If the starting or ending numbers are negative ; or more than AdvStrStr_StringLen, we return ; error ${If} $R1 < 0 StrCpy $R1 `` StrCpy $R2 `` StrCpy $R3 `` SetErrors ;AdvStrStr_StrToSearch not found Goto AdvStrStr_End ${ElseIf} $R2 > $7 StrCpy $R1 `` StrCpy $R2 `` StrCpy $R3 `` SetErrors ;AdvStrStr_StrToSearch not found Goto AdvStrStr_End ${EndIf} ; Step 2: Start the search depending on ; AdvStrStr_DirectionOfSearch. Chop down not needed ; characters. ${If} $R1 <> 0 StrCpy $R3 $0 `` $R1 ${EndIf} ${If} $R2 <> $7 ${If} $R1 = 0 StrCpy $R3 $0 $8 ${Else} StrCpy $R3 $R3 $8 ${EndIf} ${EndIf} ; Step 3: Make sure that's the string we want ; Case-Sensitive Support <- Use "AdvStrStr_Temp" ; variable because it won't be used anymore ${If} $6 == 1 System::Call `kernel32::lstrcmp(ts, ts) i.s` `$R3` `$1` Pop $R3 ${If} $R3 = 0 StrCpy $R3 1 ; Continue ${Else} StrCpy $R3 0 ; Break ${EndIf} ${Else} ${If} $R3 == $1 StrCpy $R3 1 ; Continue ${Else} StrCpy $R3 0 ; Break ${EndIf} ${EndIf} ; After the comparasion, confirm that it is the ; value we want. ${If} $R3 = 1 ;We found it, return except if the user has set up to ;search for another one: ${If} $9 >= $5 ;Now, let's see if the user wants ;AdvStrStr_StrToSearch to appear: ${If} $4 == 0 ;Return depends on AdvStrStr_DirectionOfReturn ${If} $3 == < ; RTL StrCpy $R0 $0 $R1 ${Else} ; LTR StrCpy $R0 $0 `` $R2 ${EndIf} ${Break} ${Else} ;Return depends on AdvStrStr_DirectionOfReturn ${If} $3 == < ; RTL StrCpy $R0 $0 $R2 ${Else} ; LTR StrCpy $R0 $0 `` $R1 ${EndIf} ${Break} ${EndIf} ${Else} ;If the user wants to have more loops, let's do it so! IntOp $9 $9 + 1 ${If} $2 == < IntOp $R1 $R1 - 1 IntOp $R2 $R2 - 1 ${Else} IntOp $R1 $R1 + 1 IntOp $R2 $R2 + 1 ${EndIf} ${EndIf} ${Else} ; Step 4: We didn't find it, so do steps 1 thru 3 again ${If} $2 == < IntOp $R1 $R1 - 1 IntOp $R2 $R2 - 1 ${Else} IntOp $R1 $R1 + 1 IntOp $R2 $R2 + 1 ${EndIf} ${EndIf} ${Loop} AdvStrStr_End: ;Add 1 to AdvStrStr_EndCharPos to be supportable ;by "StrCpy" IntOp $R2 $R2 - 1 ;Return output to user Exch $R0 Exch Pop $R1 Exch Pop $R2 Exch Pop $R3 Exch Pop $9 Exch Pop $8 Exch Pop $7 Exch Pop $6 Exch Pop $5 Exch Pop $4 Exch Pop $3 Exch Pop $2 Exch Pop $1 Exch Pop $0 !insertmacro STRFUNC_ENDFUNC !macroend ############################################################################ # StrTok !insertmacro STRFUNC_DEFFUNC StrTok `ResultVar|String|Separators|ResultPart|SkipEmptyParts` `Output|Text|Text|Mixed L|Option 1 0` !macro STRFUNC_CALL_StrTok un ResultVar String Separators ResultPart SkipEmptyParts !verbose push ${STRFUNC_VERBOSITY} !echo `${U+24}{${un}StrTok} "${ResultVar}" "${String}" "${Separators}" "${ResultPart}" "${SkipEmptyParts}"` !verbose 2 Push `${String}` Push `${Separators}` Push `${ResultPart}` Push `${SkipEmptyParts}` !insertmacro STRFUNC_CALL StrTok "${un}" Pop ${ResultVar} !verbose pop !macroend !macro STRFUNC_MAKEFUNC_StrTok !insertmacro STRFUNC_BEGINFUNC ${basename} `${un}` `2004 Diego Pedroso - Based on functions by "bigmac666"` /*After this point: ------------------------------------------ $0 = SkipEmptyParts (input) $1 = ResultPart (input) $2 = Separators (input) $3 = String (input) $4 = StrToSearchLen (temp) $5 = StrLen (temp) $6 = StartCharPos (temp) $7 = TempStr (temp) $8 = CurrentLoop $9 = CurrentSepChar $R0 = CurrentSepCharNum */ ;Get input from user Exch $0 Exch Exch $1 Exch Exch 2 Exch $2 Exch 2 Exch 3 Exch $3 Exch 3 Push $4 Push $5 Push $6 Push $7 Push $8 Push $9 Push $R0 ;Parameter defaults ${IfThen} $2 == `` ${|} StrCpy $2 `|` ${|} ${IfThen} $1 == `` ${|} StrCpy $1 `L` ${|} ${IfThen} $0 == `` ${|} StrCpy $0 `0` ${|} ;Get "String" and "StrToSearch" length StrLen $4 $2 StrLen $5 $3 ;Start "StartCharPos" and "ResultPart" counters StrCpy $6 0 StrCpy $8 -1 ;Loop until "ResultPart" is met, "StrToSearch" is found or ;"String" reaches its end ResultPartLoop: ;"CurrentLoop" Loop ;Increase "CurrentLoop" counter IntOp $8 $8 + 1 StrSearchLoop: ${Do} ;"String" Loop ;Remove everything before and after the searched part ("TempStr") StrCpy $7 $3 1 $6 ;Verify if it's the "String" end ${If} $6 >= $5 ;If "CurrentLoop" is what the user wants, remove the part ;after "TempStr" and itself and get out of here ${If} $8 == $1 ${OrIf} $1 == `L` StrCpy $3 $3 $6 ${Else} ;If not, empty "String" and get out of here StrCpy $3 `` ${EndIf} StrCpy $R0 `End` ${ExitDo} ${EndIf} ;Start "CurrentSepCharNum" counter (for "Separators" Loop) StrCpy $R0 0 ${Do} ;"Separators" Loop ;Use one "Separators" character at a time ${If} $R0 <> 0 StrCpy $9 $2 1 $R0 ${Else} StrCpy $9 $2 1 ${EndIf} ;Go to the next "String" char if it's "Separators" end ${IfThen} $R0 >= $4 ${|} ${ExitDo} ${|} ;Or, if "TempStr" equals "CurrentSepChar", then... ${If} $7 == $9 StrCpy $7 $3 $6 ;If "String" is empty because this result part doesn't ;contain data, verify if "SkipEmptyParts" is activated, ;so we don't return the output to user yet ${If} $7 == `` ${AndIf} $0 = ${TRUE} IntOp $6 $6 + 1 StrCpy $3 $3 `` $6 StrCpy $6 0 Goto StrSearchLoop ${ElseIf} $8 == $1 StrCpy $3 $3 $6 StrCpy $R0 "End" ${ExitDo} ${EndIf} ;If not, go to the next result part IntOp $6 $6 + 1 StrCpy $3 $3 `` $6 StrCpy $6 0 Goto ResultPartLoop ${EndIf} ;Increase "CurrentSepCharNum" counter IntOp $R0 $R0 + 1 ${Loop} ${IfThen} $R0 == "End" ${|} ${ExitDo} ${|} ;Increase "StartCharPos" counter IntOp $6 $6 + 1 ${Loop} /*After this point: ------------------------------------------ $3 = OutVar (output)*/ ;Return output to user Pop $R0 Pop $9 Pop $8 Pop $7 Pop $6 Pop $5 Pop $4 Pop $0 Pop $1 Pop $2 Exch $3 !insertmacro STRFUNC_ENDFUNC !macroend ############################################################################ # StrTrimNewLines !insertmacro STRFUNC_DEFFUNC StrTrimNewLines `ResultVar|String` `Output|Text` !macro STRFUNC_CALL_StrTrimNewLines un ResultVar String !verbose push ${STRFUNC_VERBOSITY} !echo `${U+24}{${un}StrTrimNewLines} "${ResultVar}" "${String}"` !verbose 2 Push `${String}` !insertmacro STRFUNC_CALL StrTrimNewLines "${un}" Pop ${ResultVar} !verbose pop !macroend !macro STRFUNC_MAKEFUNC_StrTrimNewLines !insertmacro STRFUNC_BEGINFUNC ${basename} `${un}` `2004 Diego Pedroso - Based on functions by Ximon Eighteen` /*After this point: ------------------------------------------ $R0 = String (input) $R1 = TrimCounter (temp) $R2 = Temp (temp)*/ ;Get input from user Exch $R0 Push $R1 Push $R2 ;Initialize trim counter StrCpy $R1 0 loop: ;Subtract to get "String"'s last characters IntOp $R1 $R1 - 1 ;Verify if they are either $\r or $\n StrCpy $R2 $R0 1 $R1 ${If} $R2 == `$\r` ${OrIf} $R2 == `$\n` Goto loop ${EndIf} ;Trim characters (if needed) IntOp $R1 $R1 + 1 ${If} $R1 < 0 StrCpy $R0 $R0 $R1 ${EndIf} /*After this point: ------------------------------------------ $R0 = OutVar (output)*/ ;Return output to user Pop $R2 Pop $R1 Exch $R0 !insertmacro STRFUNC_ENDFUNC !macroend ############################################################################ !endif !verbose 3 !define STRFUNC_VERBOSITY ${_STRFUNC_VERBOSITY} !undef _STRFUNC_VERBOSITY !verbose pop