//Don't touch the first 2 lines below here. exec "gamedata/gamesettings/mp/gamesettings_default.cfg" exec "gamedata/configs/common/default_xboxlive.cfg" // Below this line you may uncomment the " // " commands and edit to your liking. // If you unsure the default command. you can always " // " them back for later custom gameplay. gts prematchrequirement "0" // (0-10) Number of players on each team or the total number of players before the pre-match countdown will start. gts prematchrequirementtime "0" // (0-60) The amount of time before the match will start. gts prematchperiod "15" // The amount of time before the game starts. gts preroundperiod "10" // The amount of time before a round starts. gts inactivityKick "120" // Kick players that's AFK gts allowSpectating "1" // Allow players to spectate other players or CODcasting. (Could be used as screen cheating) gts allowInGameTeamChange "1" // Allow players to switch teams? gts autoTeamBalance "1" // Automatically assign players to teams gts allowFinalKillcam "1" // Controls whether the final killcam is played. gts timelimit "2" // Time limit of the game. gts scorelimit "0" // Score limit reach to end the game. gts teamCount "2" gts loadoutKillstreaksEnabled "0" // Disable Killstreaks by setting this to 0. gts disableVehicleSpawners "1" // This should disable robots from the DLC map Rupture by setting this to 1. //gts disallowprone "0" // Don't allow players to lay down. //gts disableTacInsert "1" // Disable Tactical Insertion. Now that would be a dick move for the infected players. //gts allowHitMarkers "2" // Rather or not to show hitmakers? //gts allowAnnouncer "1" // Annouce enemy team actions gts gameAdvertisementRuleScorePercent "15" gts gameAdvertisementRuleTimeLeft "2" gts gameAdvertisementRuleRound "0" gts gameAdvertisementRuleRoundsWon "0"