@echo off
::///  	      T7x Dedicated Server Configuration start-up file        ///
:://                                                                   //
:://                    Your Game Server Port.	       	       	       //
:://            Make sure you Port Forward both UDP & TCP              //

set GamePort=27017

::// Below edits are optional unless you run multiable servers or mods.//
:://               Load a mod on your server                           //
:://	           Example: ModfolderName=mods/bots                    //
:://                                                                   //
:://               UNLOAD a mod on your server                         //
:://               Example: ModfolderName=                             //

set ModFolderName=

::// 	Your edited server.cfg in the "zone" folder goes here...       //
:://	This is were you edit your hostname, rcon, inactivity, etc     //
:://                          (Optional)                               //

set ServerFilename=server_cp.cfg

:://DONE!! WARNING! Don't mess with anything below this line. SEROUSLY!//

start t7x.exe -dedicated +set fs_game "%ModFolderName%" +set net_port "%GamePort%" +set logfile 2 +exec %ServerFilename%