563 lines
20 KiB
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2023-12-15 16:09:19 -05:00
Name "NSIS StrFunc Example"
OutFile "StrFunc.exe"
ShowInstDetails show
ShowUninstDetails show
XPStyle on
RequestExecutionLevel user
!include "StrFunc.nsh"
# Declare used functions
Var SFPass
Var SFTotl
!macro EndStrFuncTestEx lbl name
IfErrors ${lbl}
DetailPrint "PASSED ${name} test"
IntOp $SFPass $SFPass + 1
IntOp $SFTotl $SFTotl + 1
Goto +3
DetailPrint "FAILED ${name} test"
IntOp $SFTotl $SFTotl + 1
!macro EndStrFuncTest name
!insertmacro EndStrFuncTestEx "${name}error" "${name}"
CompletedText "Passed $SFPass of $SFTotl tests"
!macro CompletedAllTests
StrCmp $SFPass $SFTotl +2
SetErrorLevel 42
!macro StackVerificationStart
StrCpy $0 S0
StrCpy $1 S1
StrCpy $2 S2
StrCpy $3 S3
StrCpy $4 S4
StrCpy $5 S5
StrCpy $6 S6
StrCpy $7 S7
StrCpy $8 S8
StrCpy $9 S9
StrCpy $R0 SR0
StrCpy $R1 SR1
StrCpy $R2 SR2
StrCpy $R3 SR3
StrCpy $R4 SR4
StrCpy $R5 SR5
StrCpy $R6 SR6
StrCpy $R7 SR7
StrCpy $R8 SR8
StrCpy $R9 SR9
!macro StackVerificationEnd
${If} $1 != "S1"
${OrIf} $2 != "S2"
${OrIf} $3 != "S3"
${OrIf} $4 != "S4"
${OrIf} $5 != "S5"
${OrIf} $6 != "S6"
${OrIf} $7 != "S7"
${OrIf} $8 != "S8"
${OrIf} $9 != "S9"
${OrIf} $R0 != "SR0"
${OrIf} $R1 != "SR1"
${OrIf} $R2 != "SR2"
${OrIf} $R3 != "SR3"
${OrIf} $R4 != "SR4"
${OrIf} $R5 != "SR5"
${OrIf} $R6 != "SR6"
${OrIf} $R7 != "SR7"
${OrIf} $R8 != "SR8"
${OrIf} $R9 != "SR9"
# Test case conversion
!insertmacro StackVerificationStart
${StrCase} $0 "This is just an example. A very simple one." ""
StrCmp $0 "This is just an example. A very simple one." 0 strcaseerror
StrCmp $0 "This is just an example. A very simple one." 0 strcaseerror
${StrCase} $0 "This is just an example. A very simple one." "L"
StrCmp $0 "this is just an example. a very simple one." 0 strcaseerror
${StrCase} $0 "This is just an example. A very simple one." "U"
StrCmp $0 "THIS IS JUST AN EXAMPLE. A VERY SIMPLE ONE." 0 strcaseerror
${StrCase} $0 "This is just an example. A very simple one." "T"
StrCmp $0 "This Is Just An Example. A Very Simple One." 0 strcaseerror
${StrCase} $0 "This is just an example. A very simple one." "<>"
StrCmp $0 "tHIS IS JUST AN EXAMPLE. a VERY SIMPLE ONE." 0 strcaseerror
${StrCase} $0 "123456789!@#%^&*()-_=+[]{};:,./<>?" "S"
StrCmp $0 "123456789!@#%^&*()-_=+[]{};:,./<>?" 0 strcaseerror
${StrCase} $0 "123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!@#%^&*()abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-_=+[]{};:,./<>?" "<>"
StrCmp $0 "123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz!@#%^&*()ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-_=+[]{};:,./<>?" 0 strcaseerror
${StrCase} $0 "what about taking a shower tomorrow? it's late to do so now! try to sleep now. Good Night!" "S"
StrCmp $0 "What about taking a shower tomorrow? It's late to do so now! Try to sleep now. Good night!" 0 strcaseerror
!insertmacro StackVerificationEnd
!insertmacro EndStrFuncTest StrCase
# Test clipboard function
!insertmacro StackVerificationStart
!verbose push 4
${StrClb} $0 "StrFunc clipboard test" ">"
!verbose pop
StrCmp $0 "" 0 strclberror
${StrClb} $0 "StrFunc clipboard test #2" "<>"
StrCmp $0 "StrFunc clipboard test" 0 strclberror
${StrClb} $0 "" "<"
StrCmp $0 "StrFunc clipboard test #2" 0 strclberror
${StrClb} $0 "" ""
StrCmp $0 "" 0 strclberror
!insertmacro StackVerificationEnd
!insertmacro EndStrFuncTest StrClb
# Test IO functions
!insertmacro StackVerificationStart
!macro testio str
${StrNSISToIO} $0 "${str}"
${StrIOToNSIS} $0 $0
StrCmp $0 "${str}" 0 ioerror
!insertmacro testio "$\rtest$\n"
!insertmacro testio "test$\n"
!insertmacro testio "$\rtest"
!insertmacro testio "test"
!insertmacro testio "$\r\$\t$\n"
!insertmacro testio "$\r \ $\t $\n $$"
!insertmacro testio ""
!insertmacro testio " "
!insertmacro StackVerificationEnd
!insertmacro EndStrFuncTestEx ioerror "StrNSISToIO/StrIOToNSIS"
# Test string search functions
!insertmacro StackVerificationStart
${StrLoc} $0 "This is just an example" "just" "<"
StrCmp $0 "11" 0 strlocerror
${StrLoc} $0 a abc <
StrCmp $0 "" 0 strlocerror
${StrLoc} $0 a abc >
StrCmp $0 "" 0 strlocerror
${StrLoc} $0 abc a >
StrCmp $0 "0" 0 strlocerror
${StrLoc} $0 abc b >
StrCmp $0 "1" 0 strlocerror
${StrLoc} $0 abc c >
StrCmp $0 "2" 0 strlocerror
${StrLoc} $0 abc a <
StrCmp $0 "2" 0 strlocerror
${StrLoc} $0 abc b <
StrCmp $0 "1" 0 strlocerror
${StrLoc} $0 abc c <
StrCmp $0 "0" 0 strlocerror
${StrLoc} $0 abc d <
StrCmp $0 "" 0 strlocerror
!insertmacro StackVerificationEnd
!insertmacro EndStrFuncTest StrLoc
# Test string replacement
!insertmacro StackVerificationStart
${StrRep} $0 "This is just an example" "an" "one"
StrCmp $0 "This is just one example" 0 strreperror
${StrRep} $0 "test... test... 1 2 3..." "test" "testing"
StrCmp $0 "testing... testing... 1 2 3..." 0 strreperror
${StrRep} $0 "" "test" "testing"
StrCmp $0 "" 0 strreperror
${StrRep} $0 "test" "test" "testing"
StrCmp $0 "testing" 0 strreperror
${StrRep} $0 "test" "test" ""
StrCmp $0 "" 0 strreperror
${StrRep} $0 "test" "" "abc"
StrCmp $0 "test" 0 strreperror
${StrRep} $0 "test" "" ""
StrCmp $0 "test" 0 strreperror
!insertmacro StackVerificationEnd
!insertmacro EndStrFuncTest StrRep
# Test sorting
!insertmacro StackVerificationStart
${StrSort} $0 "This is just an example" "" " just" "ple" "0" "0" "0"
StrCmp $0 "This is an exam" 0 strsorterror
${StrSort} $0 "This is just an example" " " "j" " " "0" "" "0"
StrCmp $0 "just" 0 strsorterror
${StrSort} $0 "This is just an example" "" "j" "" "0" "1" "0"
StrCmp $0 "This is just an example" 0 strsorterror
${StrSort} $0 "This is just an example" " " "us" "" "0" "1" "0"
StrCmp $0 "just an example" 0 strsorterror
${StrSort} $0 "This is just an example" "" "u" " " "0" "1" "0"
StrCmp $0 "This is just" 0 strsorterror
${StrSort} $0 "This is just an example" " " "just" " " "0" "1" "0"
StrCmp $0 "just" 0 strsorterror
${StrSort} $0 "This is just an example" " " "t" " " "0" "1" "0"
StrCmp $0 "This" 0 strsorterror
${StrSort} $0 "This is just an example" " " "le" " " "0" "1" "0"
StrCmp $0 "example" 0 strsorterror
${StrSort} $0 "This is just an example" " " "le" " " "1" "0" "0"
StrCmp $0 " examp" 0 strsorterror
${StrSort} $0 "an error has occurred" " " "e" " " "0" "1" "0"
StrCmp $0 "error" 0 strsorterror
${StrSort} $0 "" " " "something" " " "0" "1" "0"
StrCmp $0 "" 0 strsorterror
${StrSort} $0 "This is just an example" " " "j" " " "" "" ""
StrCmp $0 " just " 0 strsorterror
${StrSort} $0 "This is just an example" " " "j" " " "1" "0" "1"
StrCmp $0 " ust " 0 strsorterror
${StrSort} $0 "This is just an example" "" "j" "" "0" "0" "1"
StrCmp $0 "This is ust an example" 0 strsorterror
${StrSort} $0 "This is just an example" " " "us" "" "1" "0" "0"
StrCmp $0 " jt an example" 0 strsorterror
${StrSort} $0 "This is just an example" "" "u" " " "0" "0" "1"
StrCmp $0 "This is jst " 0 strsorterror
${StrSort} $0 "This is just an example" " " "just" " " "1" "0" "1"
StrCmp $0 " " 0 strsorterror
${StrSort} $0 "an error has occurred" " " "e" "h" "1" "0" "0"
StrCmp $0 " rror " 0 strsorterror
${StrSort} $0 "" " " "something" " " "1" "0" "1"
StrCmp $0 "" 0 strsorterror
!insertmacro StackVerificationEnd
!insertmacro EndStrFuncTest StrSort
!insertmacro StackVerificationStart
${StrStr} $0 "abcefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" "g"
StrCmp $0 "ghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" 0 strstrerror
${StrStr} $0 "abcefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" "ga"
StrCmp $0 "" 0 strstrerror
${StrStr} $0 "abcefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" ""
StrCmp $0 "abcefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" 0 strstrerror
${StrStr} $0 "a" "abcefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
StrCmp $0 "" 0 strstrerror
!insertmacro StackVerificationEnd
!insertmacro EndStrFuncTest StrStr
!insertmacro StackVerificationStart
${StrStrAdv} $0 "abcabcabc" "a" ">" ">" "1" "0" "0"
StrCmp $0 "abcabcabc" 0 strstradverror
${StrStrAdv} $0 "abcabcabc" "a" ">" ">" "1" "1" "0"
StrCmp $0 "abcabc" 0 strstradverror
${StrStrAdv} $0 "abcabcabc" "a" ">" ">" "1" "2" "0"
StrCmp $0 "abc" 0 strstradverror
${StrStrAdv} $0 "abcabcabc" "a" ">" ">" "1" "3" "0"
StrCmp $0 "" 0 strstradverror
${StrStrAdv} $0 "abcabcabc" "abc" ">" "<" "1" "1" "0"
StrCmp $0 "abcabc" 0 strstradverror
${StrStrAdv} $0 "abcabcabc" "abc" ">" "<" "0" "1" "0"
StrCmp $0 "abc" 0 strstradverror
${StrStrAdv} $0 "abcabcabc" "abc" "<" "<" "1" "0" "0"
StrCmp $0 "abcabcabc" 0 strstradverror
${StrStrAdv} $0 "abcabcabc" "abc" "<" "<" "0" "0" "0"
StrCmp $0 "abcabc" 0 strstradverror
${StrStrAdv} $0 "abcabcabc" "abc" "<" ">" "0" "0" "0"
StrCmp $0 "" 0 strstradverror
${StrStrAdv} $0 "abcabcabc" "abc" "<" ">" "0" "1" "0"
StrCmp $0 "abc" 0 strstradverror
${StrStrAdv} $0 "ABCabcabc" "a" ">" ">" "1" "0" "1"
StrCmp $0 "abcabc" 0 strstradverror
${StrStrAdv} $0 "ABCabcabc" "a" ">" ">" "1" "1" "1"
StrCmp $0 "abc" 0 strstradverror
${StrStrAdv} $0 "ABCabcabc" "a" ">" ">" "1" "2" "1"
StrCmp $0 "" 0 strstradverror
${StrStrAdv} $0 "ABCabcabc" "a" ">" ">" "1" "3" "1"
StrCmp $0 "" 0 strstradverror
${StrStrAdv} $0 "ABCabcabc" "abc" ">" "<" "1" "1" "1"
StrCmp $0 "ABCabcabc" 0 strstradverror
${StrStrAdv} $0 "ABCabcabc" "abc" ">" "<" "0" "1" "1"
StrCmp $0 "ABCabc" 0 strstradverror
${StrStrAdv} $0 "ABCabcabc" "abc" "<" "<" "1" "0" "1"
StrCmp $0 "ABCabcabc" 0 strstradverror
${StrStrAdv} $0 "ABCabcabc" "abc" "<" "<" "0" "0" "1"
StrCmp $0 "ABCabc" 0 strstradverror
${StrStrAdv} $0 "ABCabcabc" "abc" "<" ">" "0" "0" "1"
StrCmp $0 "" 0 strstradverror
${StrStrAdv} $0 "ABCabcabc" "abc" "<" ">" "0" "1" "1"
StrCmp $0 "abc" 0 strstradverror
!insertmacro StackVerificationEnd
!insertmacro EndStrFuncTest StrStrAdv
# Test tokenizer
!insertmacro StackVerificationStart
${StrTok} $0 "This is, or is not, just an example" " ," "4" "1"
StrCmp $0 "not" 0 strtokerror
${StrTok} $0 "This is, or is not, just an example" " ," "4" "0"
StrCmp $0 "is" 0 strtokerror
${StrTok} $0 "This is, or is not, just an example" " ," "152" "0"
StrCmp $0 "" 0 strtokerror
${StrTok} $0 "This is, or is not, just an example" " ," "" "0"
StrCmp $0 "example" 0 strtokerror
${StrTok} $0 "This is, or is not, just an example" " ," "L" "0"
StrCmp $0 "example" 0 strtokerror
${StrTok} $0 "This is, or is not, just an example" " ," "0" "0"
StrCmp $0 "This" 0 strtokerror
!insertmacro StackVerificationEnd
!insertmacro EndStrFuncTest StrTok
# Test trim new lines
!insertmacro StackVerificationStart
${StrTrimNewLines} $0 "$\r$\ntest$\r$\ntest$\r$\n"
StrCmp $0 "$\r$\ntest$\r$\ntest" 0 strtrimnewlineserror
!insertmacro StackVerificationEnd
!insertmacro EndStrFuncTest StrTrimNewlines
WriteUninstaller $PluginsDir\UnStrFunc.exe
ExecWait '"$PluginsDir\UnStrFunc.exe" _?=$PluginsDir'
!insertmacro CompletedAllTests
Section Uninstall
# Test case conversion
!insertmacro StackVerificationStart
${UnStrCase} $0 "This is just an example. A very simple one." ""
StrCmp $0 "This is just an example. A very simple one." 0 strcaseerror
StrCmp $0 "This is just an example. A very simple one." 0 strcaseerror
${UnStrCase} $0 "This is just an example. A very simple one." "L"
StrCmp $0 "this is just an example. a very simple one." 0 strcaseerror
${UnStrCase} $0 "This is just an example. A very simple one." "U"
StrCmp $0 "THIS IS JUST AN EXAMPLE. A VERY SIMPLE ONE." 0 strcaseerror
${UnStrCase} $0 "This is just an example. A very simple one." "T"
StrCmp $0 "This Is Just An Example. A Very Simple One." 0 strcaseerror
${UnStrCase} $0 "This is just an example. A very simple one." "<>"
StrCmp $0 "tHIS IS JUST AN EXAMPLE. a VERY SIMPLE ONE." 0 strcaseerror
${UnStrCase} $0 "123456789!@#%^&*()-_=+[]{};:,./<>?" "S"
StrCmp $0 "123456789!@#%^&*()-_=+[]{};:,./<>?" 0 strcaseerror
${UnStrCase} $0 "123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!@#%^&*()abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-_=+[]{};:,./<>?" "<>"
StrCmp $0 "123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz!@#%^&*()ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-_=+[]{};:,./<>?" 0 strcaseerror
${UnStrCase} $0 "what about taking a shower tomorrow? it's late to do so now! try to sleep now. Good Night!" "S"
StrCmp $0 "What about taking a shower tomorrow? It's late to do so now! Try to sleep now. Good night!" 0 strcaseerror
!insertmacro StackVerificationEnd
!insertmacro EndStrFuncTest StrCase
# Test clipboard function
!insertmacro StackVerificationStart
${UnStrClb} $0 "StrFunc clipboard test" ">"
StrCmp $0 "" 0 strclberror
${UnStrClb} $0 "StrFunc clipboard test #2" "<>"
StrCmp $0 "StrFunc clipboard test" 0 strclberror
${UnStrClb} $0 "" "<"
StrCmp $0 "StrFunc clipboard test #2" 0 strclberror
${UnStrClb} $0 "" ""
StrCmp $0 "" 0 strclberror
!insertmacro StackVerificationEnd
!insertmacro EndStrFuncTest StrClb
# Test IO functions
!insertmacro StackVerificationStart
!macro untestio str
${UnStrNSISToIO} $0 "${str}"
${UnStrIOToNSIS} $0 $0
StrCmp $0 "${str}" 0 ioerror
!insertmacro untestio "$\rtest$\n"
!insertmacro untestio "test$\n"
!insertmacro untestio "$\rtest"
!insertmacro untestio "test"
!insertmacro untestio "$\r\$\t$\n"
!insertmacro untestio "$\r \ $\t $\n $$"
!insertmacro untestio ""
!insertmacro untestio " "
!insertmacro StackVerificationEnd
!insertmacro EndStrFuncTestEx ioerror "StrNSISToIO/StrIOToNSIS"
# Test string search functions
!insertmacro StackVerificationStart
${UnStrLoc} $0 "This is just an example" "just" "<"
StrCmp $0 "11" 0 strlocerror
${UnStrLoc} $0 a abc <
StrCmp $0 "" 0 strlocerror
${UnStrLoc} $0 a abc >
StrCmp $0 "" 0 strlocerror
${UnStrLoc} $0 abc a >
StrCmp $0 "0" 0 strlocerror
${UnStrLoc} $0 abc b >
StrCmp $0 "1" 0 strlocerror
${UnStrLoc} $0 abc c >
StrCmp $0 "2" 0 strlocerror
${UnStrLoc} $0 abc a <
StrCmp $0 "2" 0 strlocerror
${UnStrLoc} $0 abc b <
StrCmp $0 "1" 0 strlocerror
${UnStrLoc} $0 abc c <
StrCmp $0 "0" 0 strlocerror
${UnStrLoc} $0 abc d <
StrCmp $0 "" 0 strlocerror
!insertmacro StackVerificationEnd
!insertmacro EndStrFuncTest StrLoc
# Test string replacement
!insertmacro StackVerificationStart
${UnStrRep} $0 "This is just an example" "an" "one"
StrCmp $0 "This is just one example" 0 strreperror
${UnStrRep} $0 "test... test... 1 2 3..." "test" "testing"
StrCmp $0 "testing... testing... 1 2 3..." 0 strreperror
${UnStrRep} $0 "" "test" "testing"
StrCmp $0 "" 0 strreperror
${UnStrRep} $0 "test" "test" "testing"
StrCmp $0 "testing" 0 strreperror
${UnStrRep} $0 "test" "test" ""
StrCmp $0 "" 0 strreperror
${UnStrRep} $0 "test" "" "abc"
StrCmp $0 "test" 0 strreperror
${UnStrRep} $0 "test" "" ""
StrCmp $0 "test" 0 strreperror
!insertmacro StackVerificationEnd
!insertmacro EndStrFuncTest StrRep
# Test sorting
!insertmacro StackVerificationStart
${UnStrSort} $0 "This is just an example" "" " just" "ple" "0" "0" "0"
StrCmp $0 "This is an exam" 0 strsorterror
${UnStrSort} $0 "This is just an example" " " "j" " " "0" "" "0"
StrCmp $0 "just" 0 strsorterror
${UnStrSort} $0 "This is just an example" "" "j" "" "0" "1" "0"
StrCmp $0 "This is just an example" 0 strsorterror
${UnStrSort} $0 "This is just an example" " " "us" "" "0" "1" "0"
StrCmp $0 "just an example" 0 strsorterror
${UnStrSort} $0 "This is just an example" "" "u" " " "0" "1" "0"
StrCmp $0 "This is just" 0 strsorterror
${UnStrSort} $0 "This is just an example" " " "just" " " "0" "1" "0"
StrCmp $0 "just" 0 strsorterror
${UnStrSort} $0 "This is just an example" " " "t" " " "0" "1" "0"
StrCmp $0 "This" 0 strsorterror
${UnStrSort} $0 "This is just an example" " " "le" " " "0" "1" "0"
StrCmp $0 "example" 0 strsorterror
${UnStrSort} $0 "This is just an example" " " "le" " " "1" "0" "0"
StrCmp $0 " examp" 0 strsorterror
${UnStrSort} $0 "an error has occurred" " " "e" " " "0" "1" "0"
StrCmp $0 "error" 0 strsorterror
${UnStrSort} $0 "" " " "something" " " "0" "1" "0"
StrCmp $0 "" 0 strsorterror
${UnStrSort} $0 "This is just an example" " " "j" " " "" "" ""
StrCmp $0 " just " 0 strsorterror
${UnStrSort} $0 "This is just an example" " " "j" " " "1" "0" "1"
StrCmp $0 " ust " 0 strsorterror
${UnStrSort} $0 "This is just an example" "" "j" "" "0" "0" "1"
StrCmp $0 "This is ust an example" 0 strsorterror
${UnStrSort} $0 "This is just an example" " " "us" "" "1" "0" "0"
StrCmp $0 " jt an example" 0 strsorterror
${UnStrSort} $0 "This is just an example" "" "u" " " "0" "0" "1"
StrCmp $0 "This is jst " 0 strsorterror
${UnStrSort} $0 "This is just an example" " " "just" " " "1" "0" "1"
StrCmp $0 " " 0 strsorterror
${UnStrSort} $0 "an error has occurred" " " "e" "h" "1" "0" "0"
StrCmp $0 " rror " 0 strsorterror
${UnStrSort} $0 "" " " "something" " " "1" "0" "1"
StrCmp $0 "" 0 strsorterror
!insertmacro StackVerificationEnd
!insertmacro EndStrFuncTest StrSort
!insertmacro StackVerificationStart
${UnStrStr} $0 "abcefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" "g"
StrCmp $0 "ghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" 0 strstrerror
${UnStrStr} $0 "abcefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" "ga"
StrCmp $0 "" 0 strstrerror
${UnStrStr} $0 "abcefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" ""
StrCmp $0 "abcefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" 0 strstrerror
${UnStrStr} $0 "a" "abcefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
StrCmp $0 "" 0 strstrerror
!insertmacro StackVerificationEnd
!insertmacro EndStrFuncTest StrStr
!insertmacro StackVerificationStart
${UnStrStrAdv} $0 "abcabcabc" "a" ">" ">" "1" "0" "0"
StrCmp $0 "abcabcabc" 0 strstradverror
${UnStrStrAdv} $0 "abcabcabc" "a" ">" ">" "1" "1" "0"
StrCmp $0 "abcabc" 0 strstradverror
${UnStrStrAdv} $0 "abcabcabc" "a" ">" ">" "1" "2" "0"
StrCmp $0 "abc" 0 strstradverror
${UnStrStrAdv} $0 "abcabcabc" "a" ">" ">" "1" "3" "0"
StrCmp $0 "" 0 strstradverror
${UnStrStrAdv} $0 "abcabcabc" "abc" ">" "<" "1" "1" "0"
StrCmp $0 "abcabc" 0 strstradverror
${UnStrStrAdv} $0 "abcabcabc" "abc" ">" "<" "0" "1" "0"
StrCmp $0 "abc" 0 strstradverror
${UnStrStrAdv} $0 "abcabcabc" "abc" "<" "<" "1" "0" "0"
StrCmp $0 "abcabcabc" 0 strstradverror
${UnStrStrAdv} $0 "abcabcabc" "abc" "<" "<" "0" "0" "0"
StrCmp $0 "abcabc" 0 strstradverror
${UnStrStrAdv} $0 "abcabcabc" "abc" "<" ">" "0" "0" "0"
StrCmp $0 "" 0 strstradverror
${UnStrStrAdv} $0 "abcabcabc" "abc" "<" ">" "0" "1" "0"
StrCmp $0 "abc" 0 strstradverror
${UnStrStrAdv} $0 "ABCabcabc" "a" ">" ">" "1" "0" "1"
StrCmp $0 "abcabc" 0 strstradverror
${UnStrStrAdv} $0 "ABCabcabc" "a" ">" ">" "1" "1" "1"
StrCmp $0 "abc" 0 strstradverror
${UnStrStrAdv} $0 "ABCabcabc" "a" ">" ">" "1" "2" "1"
StrCmp $0 "" 0 strstradverror
${UnStrStrAdv} $0 "ABCabcabc" "a" ">" ">" "1" "3" "1"
StrCmp $0 "" 0 strstradverror
${UnStrStrAdv} $0 "ABCabcabc" "abc" ">" "<" "1" "1" "1"
StrCmp $0 "ABCabcabc" 0 strstradverror
${UnStrStrAdv} $0 "ABCabcabc" "abc" ">" "<" "0" "1" "1"
StrCmp $0 "ABCabc" 0 strstradverror
${UnStrStrAdv} $0 "ABCabcabc" "abc" "<" "<" "1" "0" "1"
StrCmp $0 "ABCabcabc" 0 strstradverror
${UnStrStrAdv} $0 "ABCabcabc" "abc" "<" "<" "0" "0" "1"
StrCmp $0 "ABCabc" 0 strstradverror
${UnStrStrAdv} $0 "ABCabcabc" "abc" "<" ">" "0" "0" "1"
StrCmp $0 "" 0 strstradverror
${UnStrStrAdv} $0 "ABCabcabc" "abc" "<" ">" "0" "1" "1"
StrCmp $0 "abc" 0 strstradverror
!insertmacro StackVerificationEnd
!insertmacro EndStrFuncTest StrStrAdv
# Test tokenizer
!insertmacro StackVerificationStart
${UnStrTok} $0 "This is, or is not, just an example" " ," "4" "1"
StrCmp $0 "not" 0 strtokerror
${UnStrTok} $0 "This is, or is not, just an example" " ," "4" "0"
StrCmp $0 "is" 0 strtokerror
${UnStrTok} $0 "This is, or is not, just an example" " ," "152" "0"
StrCmp $0 "" 0 strtokerror
${UnStrTok} $0 "This is, or is not, just an example" " ," "" "0"
StrCmp $0 "example" 0 strtokerror
${UnStrTok} $0 "This is, or is not, just an example" " ," "L" "0"
StrCmp $0 "example" 0 strtokerror
${UnStrTok} $0 "This is, or is not, just an example" " ," "0" "0"
StrCmp $0 "This" 0 strtokerror
!insertmacro StackVerificationEnd
!insertmacro EndStrFuncTest StrTok
# Test trim new lines
!insertmacro StackVerificationStart
${UnStrTrimNewLines} $0 "$\r$\ntest$\r$\ntest$\r$\n"
StrCmp $0 "$\r$\ntest$\r$\ntest" 0 strtrimnewlineserror
!insertmacro StackVerificationEnd
!insertmacro EndStrFuncTest StrTrimNewLines
!insertmacro CompletedAllTests